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Jurnal Media Hukum Vol 22, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jmh.2015.0049.95-109


The Communal Right to Land (Hak Ulayat), both as the economic source and communal identity, should be empowered and be protected. This research studies the regulation of the utilization of Tanah Ulayat for the interest of investment and finds the root of its conflict in West Sumatera.  The result of the research concludes that there is no both horizontal and vertical synchronization in regulating of Tanah Ulayat. The regulations that have been enacted by DPRD and governor of West Sumatera are not in line with the Adat and Custom of Adat Community. Those regulations are also far from an ideal regulation and Syariah (Islamic Law), while the root of the conflict is the inconsistence between the regulation of Tanah Ulayat and its implementation which ignore the contract
Supporting 21st-Century Learning by Providing Educational Infrastructure in the Form of Land: Legal Perspective Zefrizal Nurdin
Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (421.551 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/tadris.v6i1.8638


Land as school infrastructure is often neglected in the certification process. This research emphasized that school land certification is essential and whether it automatically includes authority over everything on it, what land rights can be given to the school, and how it is carried out. This research used the normative juridical research method by leaning on empirical research. Secondary data taken from library research dominates this research. The data was obtained through document studies or library studies. Furthermore, some primary data was obtained through observations. Land certificates is a piece of solid evidence to ascertain the rights of the education provider as the subject of rights so that they can defend their rights from claims by other parties. However, it does not automatically cover all authority over what is on the land because it is a part of the horizontal separation principle. School land can have the status of State land and can also have four types of land rights owned by the education providers, namely Freehold Title, Building Right Title, Cultivation Right Title, and Mortmain (Waqf) right. The rights can be obtained through sporadic registration or complete systematic land registration. The availability and readiness of facilities and infrastructure are essential in 21st-century education and learning because they will significantly affect learning.
Legal Synchronization between Government Policy and Sharia Concepts on Lockdown Discourse during the Covid 19 Pandemic Zefrizal Nurdin
al-'adalah Vol 18, No 1 (2021): al-'Adalah
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (152.041 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/adalah.v18i1.8613


This article aims to analyze government policies related to Large-Scale Social Restriction Policy (PSBB), known as lockdown,  through the concept of Islamic law to find legal synchronization between the policy and the concept of sharia. The problem that will be answered in this study is how Islamic law regulates PSBB when an infectious disease occurs, and whether the PSBB policy has been intertwined with the provisions of the Shari'ah. This research is a normative-juridical that focuses on the problem of synchronization between the two legal systems; sharia and positive law. The results show that Shari'a provisions explicitly require that a lockdown be imposed for anyone and any interest (including collective worship activities) in an infectious area, except for medical personnel carrying out the mandate to provide health services to the community. Prohibition of going out or entering the disaster area can lead to the legal status of haram (strongly prohibited) or makruh (Lessly prohibited) depending on the level of emergency it causes based on information from medical experts. Thus there is a legal synchronization between the provisions of the Shari'a and government policies related to the lockdown, the policies that must be adhered to by citizens for the safety of the individuals and the people as well.Keywords: Covid-19, PSBB, synchronization of law. 
Jurnal Media Hukum Vol 22, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jmh.2015.0049.95-109


The Communal Right to Land (Hak Ulayat), both as the economic source and communal identity, should be empowered and be protected. This research studies the regulation of the utilization of Tanah Ulayat for the interest of investment and finds the root of its conflict in West Sumatera.  The result of the research concludes that there is no both horizontal and vertical synchronization in regulating of Tanah Ulayat. The regulations that have been enacted by DPRD and governor of West Sumatera are not in line with the Adat and Custom of Adat Community. Those regulations are also far from an ideal regulation and Syariah (Islamic Law), while the root of the conflict is the inconsistence between the regulation of Tanah Ulayat and its implementation which ignore the contract
Management and Supervision of Zakat at The National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) of Bengkulu Province in 2019-2020 Mardhatillah Suaka; Mardenis Mardenis; Zefrizal Nurdin
JURNAL ILMIAH MIZANI: Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi, dan Keagamaan Vol 8, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/mzn.v8i1.5343


This study aims to determine the zakat collection, distribution of zakat, and supervision of BAZNAS Bengkulu Province. The research method used is a juridical empirical type by interviewing directly to the BAZNAS Bengkulu Province and the Bengkulu Provincial Government; after the data has been collected through the interview process, the data is qualitatively processed to explain and expand objective management and oversight of zakat without using the statistical formula. The results of this study (1) The collection of zakat assets is carried out in 3 stages. The planning stage is not carried out with a particular strategy. It is not fixed on a specific schedule, the coordinating stage is carried out directly and indirectly, and the implementation stage is sourced from individual zakat and business entity zakat. (2) Distribution of zakat assets is carried out in 3 stages, namely the planning stage, by forming six work programs. The coordinating stage is carried out by holding a Regional Coordination Meeting (Rakorda). The implementation stage is divided into two: distribution in the form of consumptive zakat distribution and utilization in the form of distribution zakat is productive. (3) Supervision of the BAZNAS Bengkulu Province is carried out internally by the leadership to its staff. External supervision is carried out by the Ministry of Religion, Public Accountants, and the community.
JCH (Jurnal Cendekia Hukum) Vol 7, No 1 (2021): JCH (JURNAL CENDEKIA HUKUM)
Publisher : STIH Putri Maharaja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33760/jch.v7i1.416


Ulayat rights are the rights that owned by a legal alliance, where the citizens of the community have the right to control the land. The Regional Regulation of West Sumatra Province, Article 2 paragraph (1) Number 6 of 2008 concerning Communal Land and Its Utilization states that the main principle of customary land is permanent based on the Minangkabau traditional philosophy “jua ndak makan bali, gadai ndak makan sando” (shall not bargaining; may not be pawned). The provisions of the regulation state that ulayat land may not be traded and may not be pawned, its ownership status may not change, except for importunate situation and condition, namely maik tabujua dalam rumah (for the death of family member), gadih gadang ndak balaki (wedding), rumah gadang katirisan (misfortune), mambangkik Batang tarandam (efforts to enforce). Land acquisition for the construction of subsidized housing is not a land acquisition according to Law Number 2 of 2012 concerning Land Procurement for Public Interest. The formulation of the problems discussed are first, the process of acquiring communal land for the construction of subsidized housing in Harau District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency, secondly the land registration process after the acquisition of customary land occurs, thirdly the legal consequences of acquiring customary land used for the construction of subsidized housing in Harau District, Lima Regency. Dozens of Cities againts customary law communities. This study uses an empirical juridical approach with the aim of finding out whether the law in the book is in accordance with the law in action. The results of the research study indicate that the process of acquiring communal land for the construction of subsidized housing is carried out by buying and selling. The construction of subsidized housing is managed by a legal entity in the form of a Limited Liability Company. The status of land ownership is just as the user of the facility that called with Hak Guna Bangunan
JUSTITIA : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum dan Humaniora Vol 9, No 3 (2022): JUSTITIA : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum dan Humaniora
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (143.786 KB) | DOI: 10.31604/justitia.v9i3.1600-1604


Dasar hukum perkawinan yaitu undang-undang nomor 1 Tahun 1974 poin c, mewajibkan seorang mantan suami untuk memberikan nafkah muth’ah, nafkah iddah, dan nafkah madhiyah kepada mantan istrinya. Hal tersebut berguna untuk menentukan besarnya pemberian nafkah yang akan diberikan kepada mantan istri sebelum sidang talak diucapkan. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, dapat dirumuskan permasalahan yang diteliti yaitu pertimbangan hakim sebagai dasar pertimbangan didalam pemberian nafkah akibat cerai talak. Dalam penelitian penulis melakukan pendekatan yuridis empiris dan bersifat deskriptif analitis, yaitu dengan cara mengumpulkan hasil wawancara maupun studi dokumen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang penulis temui, didalam memerintahkan pemberian nafkah, hakim memiliki dasar pertimbangan dengan melihat dari kesanggupan dan kemampuan suami. Apabila mantan istri (penggugat rekonvensi atau termohon) meminta nafkah pasca cerai serta nafkah anak tidak sesuai dengan kesanggupan mantan suami, maka hakim memiliki pertimbangan tersendiri untuk hal tersebut. Tujuan dari kebijakan tersebut untuk memberikan perlindungan hak dan keadilan bagi istri yang ditalak suaminya.
TRANSFER OF RIGHTS TO COLLECT (CESSIE) AND LEGAL CONSEQUENCES ON DEBITOR COLLATERAL ITEMS IN RESOLVING NON-PERFORMING CREDIT (Case study on Pekanbaru District Court Decision No. 129/Pdt.G/2016/PN.Pbr) Hamler; Yulia Mirwati; Yulfasni; Zefrizal Nurdin
PENA LAW: International Journal of Law Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): May
Publisher : Yayasan Pusat Cendekiawan Intelektual Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56107/penalaw.v2i1.100


Banks can deal with negative credit by purchasing, selling, and transferring the rights to receivables (cessie). According to the District Court's ruling in case No. 129/Pdt.G/2016/ PN.Pbr, the lawsuit was filed by a cessionary who had acquired receivables from the troubled PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. The Receivables Sale Purchase Agreement and Transfer of Cessie are the two (two) Notarial Deeds that include the terms of the transfer of receivables. According to the ruling, the Pekanbaru District Court approved the transfer of Land Ownership Certificates that had been pledged as security for the debtor (cessionaris). The problem is stated as follows: 1. Can the sale and purchase of receivables and the transfer of claim rights (cessie) give buyers of cessie legal certainty? 2. What are the legal ramifications of the debtor's assurance in light of Pekanbaru District Court Decision Number 129/Pdt.G/2016/PN.Pbr? and the purpose of this study is to comprehend the problem's genesis and offer solutions. The research method used in this study is known as normative legal research (doctrinaire), and it entails research on legal principles, legal aspects, and law as it is conceptualized as norms or rules that apply in society. It also includes an analysis of both written and unwritten legal rules that exist and develop in society, and it makes use of secondary data derived from primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. It is clear from this study that the sale and purchase of receivables and the transfer of cessie do not terminate the credit agreement between the cedent and cessus; rather, it is a transfer and delivery of receivables from the cedent to the cessionaris, and the transfer of cessus collateral must be based on a ruling made through litigation at the local District Court. And in this case, the transfer of Cessie and the sale and purchase of receivables are legal and do not violate the terms of the agreement. The judges' panel also believes that since the Cessus guarantee is not secured by a mortgage, the Cessus collateral object may be used to repay the debt by reclaiming the cessionaris name. Neither of these situations violates the rights to the bedding described in Article 1154 of the Civil Code.
Penyelesaian Sengketa Uang Kompensasi atas Tanah Ulayat Nagari melalui Lembaga Adat di Nagari Talu Kabupaten Pasaman Barat Novi Alvionita; Kurnia Warman; Zefrizal Nurdin
UNES Law Review Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): UNES LAW REVIEW (September 2023)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ekasakti Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/unesrev.v6i1.819


Currently, in the province of West Sumatra, disputes over customary land often occur, including in Nagari Talu, West Pasaman Regency. The background to this dispute was compensation money provided by PLN for the construction of an Extra High Voltage Line (SUTET) on ulayat nagari land which is managed by the community. Meanwhile, the community wants to control all the compensation money. Based on this background, it is necessary to investigate the settlement of ulayat nagari land disputes in Nagari Talu, West Pasaman Regency with the formulation of the problem: What is the process for resolving ulayat nagari land disputes in Nagari Talu, West Pasaman Regency, what obstacles are encountered in resolving ulayat nagari land disputes in Nagari Talu, West Pasaman Regency, how is the control over customary rights of the nagari in Nagari Talu, West Pasaman Regency, after the settlement of the dispute.The research method used through an empirical juridical approach is based on primary legal materials and secondary legal materials as well as field studies through interview observations, as well as data analysis techniques carried out qualitatively. Based on research on the settlement of ulayat nagari land disputes in Nagari Talu West Pasaman Regency, where in this settlement it was first resolved through deliberation by both parties, but in this deliberation no peace was reached, then both parties used a mediator as an intermediary because peace was not achieved, which appointed as a mediator, namely the Nagari Traditional Density Institution (KAN). Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN) succeeded in reconciling the two parties and both parties accepted the results of the decision issued by Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN). Obstacles faced in resolving ulayat nagari land disputes are caused by several factors, namely internal factors originating from the disputing parties and the object in dispute and external factors originating from other parties. Post-dispute settlement control of ulayat nagari land, based on the decision of the Talu Nagari customary meeting, Ninik Mamak who currently controls ulayat nagari land.
Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Tanah untuk Kepentingan Umum oleh PT. PLN (Persero) di Riak Danau Tapan Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan Fahlevi Fahlevi; Kurnia Warman; Zefrizal Nurdin
UNES Law Review Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): UNES LAW REVIEW (September 2023)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ekasakti Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/unesrev.v6i1.1117


Procurement for the construction of a 150 KV substation by PT. PLN (Persero) UIP Sumbagteng, which is in Nagari Riak Danau Tapan, Basa Ampek Balai Tapan District, Pesisir Selatan Regency. that the stipulation of land acquisition for the construction of the 150 KV substation took place in 2017 with a total area of ​​1.8 hectares with the holder of the communal land rights being a legitimate member of their clan but the attempt to relinquish their rights was a mistake because it was directed at a person who is not the owner of the rights over the land. The type of research in the preparation of this thesis is sociological juridical research. The results of this study are 1) Land Acquisition Process for the Construction of a 150 KV Substation in Nagari Siak Danau Tapan, Pesisir Selatan Regency, which consists of several stages, namely (a) The planning stage which contains the aims and objectives of the development plan, Compliance with the Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) ), and National and Regional Development Plans, Land layout includes administrative areas such as name of village, kelurahan, sub-district, province, Required land area, General description of land status, Estimated time for land acquisition implementation, Estimated timeframe for construction implementation, Estimated land value, (b) the Preparation Stage which includes notification of Development Planning, Dissemination in the form of face-to-face meetings, Letters of notification, Initial data collection of development plan locations, Determination of Development Locations, and (c) Implementation Phase which includes Inventory and Identification, Determination of Appraisers. Deliberation on determining compensation, granting compensation. In carrying out land acquisition for the purposes of building a 150 KVA substation in Nagari Riak Danau Tapan by PT. PLN (Persero) in the process of land acquisition and payment of compensation has made a mistake, which is a personal error (error in persona) because the person conducting the negotiations and dealings is the person who is only cultivating the land and is not the real owner of the rights. 2) Legal Consequences Arising from the Land Acquisition Process for Public Interests that Does Not Use the Deed of Relinquishment of Rights, namely: legal defects due to the statement of Relinquishment of Rights made before a Notary is more accountable both formally and materially even though the law allows for other ways other than the existence notary deed regarding the release of rights. Thus the fulfilment of the Theory of Responsibility that the researcher uses in this thesis is not fulfilled, because apart from not being able to account for the authenticity of the statement of waiver of rights from the owner of the right, in the process of completing documents the statement made underhand is also vulnerable to falsification and this is a crime.