Yussy Afriani Dewi
Department of Otorhinolaringology-Head and Neck Surgery Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran/Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung,

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Profile of Head and Neck Cancer Patients at Department of Otorhinolaringology-Head and Neck Surgery Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung Rakhmawulan, Inez Aulia; Dewi, Yussy Afriani; Nasution, Nursiah
Althea Medical Journal Vol 2, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Althea Medical Journal

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Background: Head and neck cancer is a health problem with a high mortality rate. Head and neck cancer are increasing and effect many individuals from diverse backgrounds. Usually patients come with advanced stages, therefore these conditions could lead to decrease their quality of life. Aim of this study was to describe the profile of head and neck cancer patients at the Otorhinolaringology-Head and Neck Surgery Department, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung.Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional method was used from medical records of head neck cancer patients at Department of Otorhinolaringology-Head and Neck Surgery, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung from 2008 to 2012 that used the total sampling method.Results: There were 665 patients included in this study, which men who participated were 388 and women were 277. Most of them were elementary educated (44.96%), housewives (32.03%), and those aged 46–55 years old (28.33%). There were nasopharyngeal (38.20%), sinonasal (17.29%), larnyx (13.08%), oropharnyx (6.32%), thyroid gland (6.17%), oral cavity (3.91%), hypopharynx (2.41%), and parotid gland (2.26%) cancer. The major histopathological findings were undifferentiated carcinoma (45.41%) and squamous cell carcinoma (22.26%), those were presented with stage I (7.4%), II (13.5%), III (24.4%), and IV (54.7%).Conclusions: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma was the most predominant cases which majority were presented in advanced stage and major histopathology features was undifferentiated carcinoma, while demografic characteristic mostly were in middle aged and older, men with low education background. [AMJ.2015;2(4):474–9] DOI: 10.15850/amj.v2n4.630
Karakteristik Penderita Presbiakusis Di Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan THT-KL RSUP DR. Hasan Sadikin Bandung Periode Januari 2012 - Desember 2014 fatmawati, rikha; Dewi, Yussy Afriani
Jurnal Sistem Kesehatan Vol 1, No 4 (2016): Volume 1 Nomor 4 Juni 2016
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (220.36 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jsk.v1i4.10381


Presbiakusis adalah gangguan pendengaran sensorineural pada usia lanjut akibat proses degenerasi organ pendengaran yang terjadi secara perlahan dan simetris pada kedua sisi telinga. Di seluruh dunia diperkirakan sekitar 30-45% masyarakat di atas umur 65 tahun didiagnosis menderita presbiakusis terutama pria. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik prebiakusis berdasarkan audiometri, usia, dan jenis kelamin. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah  deskriptif retrospektif. Subyek penelitian adalah data rekam medis penderita presbiakusis yang dilakukan pemeriksaan audiometri selama periode Januari 2012–Desember 2014 di Klinik Gangguan Dengar dan Bicara Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan THT-KL FK UNPAD/RS Umum Pusat dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Didapatkan sebanyak 429 penderita presbiakusis terdiri dari 62,7% adalah laki-laki karena laki-laki umumnya sering terpapar bising ditempat kerja dibandingkan perempuan. Penderita presbiakusis terbanyak yaitu tipe neural 35,7%, pada tipe neural terjadi atrofi sel rambut pada kohlea yang dapat disebabkan oleh mikroangiopati pada kohlea. Berdasarkan usia, yang terbanyak yaitu usia >65 tahun sebanyak  60,4%, ini berhubungan dengan proses Reactiveoxygen Species (ROS) yang sering terjadi pada usia lanjut. Penderita presbiakusis yang datang ke Klinik Gangguan Dengar dan Bicara Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan THT-KL RS Hasan Sadikin, Bandung yang terbanyak adalah usia >65 tahun dan tipe neural.Kata kunci : Gangguan pendengaran, Neural, Presbiakusis
Penyakit Kimura Parotis Harsarapama, Pandu Putra; Dewi, Yussy Afriani; Purwanto, Bambang; Permana, Agung Dinasti
Jurnal Sistem Kesehatan Vol 2, No 2 (2016): Volume 2 Nomor 2 Desember 2016
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (314.085 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jsk.v2i2.11263


Penyakit kimura adalah kelainan inflamasi kronis, ditandai adanya limfadenopati atau massa jaringan lunak subkutan, tanpa nyeri, sering mengenai daerah kepala dan leher. Pertama kali dilaporkan di Cina pada 1937, disebut limfogranuloma hiperplastik eosinofilik. Tahun 1948, ditemukan keterlibatan komponen vaskular oleh Kimura, sehingga disebut Penyakit Kimura. Rasio perbandingan laki-laki dibandingkan wanita adalah 3.5-9 : 1. Insidensi usia adalah 20-30 tahun. Kasus Remaja laki-laki berusia 17 tahun datang ke Poliklinik THT-KL RSHS Bandung dengan keluhan benjolan leher sebelah kiri, daerah parotis, kelenjar getah bening level Ib dan II. Keluhan dirasakan sejak 2 bulan sebelumnya. Awalnya benjolan berukuran diameter 5 mm, membesar sampai sebesar 90 mm, mudah bergerak dan tidak nyeri pada perabaan. Metode Pemeriksaan laboratorium darah menunjukkan nilai eosinofil 22%, protein 9.4 gr/dL, dan serum IgE 3,8 mg/dL. Ultrasonografi leher menunjukkan massa solid yang dominan dengan bagian kistik di dalamnya yang mengobliterasi sebagian kelenjar parotis kiri. Pemeriksaan biospi jarum halus menunjukkan karsinoma parotis kemungkinan suatu mukoepidermoid. CT-Scan menunjukkan gambaran massa solid di daerah pre-parotis kiri dan lesi hipodens multipel bulat di daerah pre-parotis dan pre-aurikula kiri. Hasil Pemeriksaan histopatologis pasca operasi menunjukkan gambaran penyakit kimura parotis. Diskusi Pasca operasi, diberikan radioterapi dengan dosis 30 Gy, dilakukan kontrol selama satu tahun, tanpa terapi farmakologis, tidak ditemukan angka kekambuhan penyakit.Kata Kunci : Kimura, Parotis, Radioterapi
POTENCY OF VINEGAR THERAPY IN OTOMYCOSIS PATIENTS Sulaiman, Eman; Purwanto, Bambang; Lasminingrum, Lina; Dewi, Yussy Afriani; Mahdiani, Sally
Journal of Medicine and Health Vol 1, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

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Otomycosis is an outer ear canal infection caused by fungi. Clinicians are trying to find out the most effective antifungal drug for treating otomycosis. Traditionally Apple cider vinegar has been used for the treatment of various diseases, including antifungal.The high cost in otomycosis treatment effort, long duration of treatment, high recurrence rate, and the difficulty in the application of drugs in the otomycosis treatment have encouraged the researcher to do this study. Having evaluated  the improvement of clinical symptoms, otoscopy view and examination of KOH 10% in patients receiving apple cider vinegar therap, this study uses descriptive study design of four otomycosis patients in the ORL HNS outpatient clinic of Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung from July to August 2014. Having evaluated a clinical symptoms improvement, it is found out that there is an increase of otoscopy view and examination of KOH 10% in patients receiving apple cider vinegar. In other words, there is an Improvement of clinical symptoms, otoscopy view, and examination of KOH 10% in patients receiving apple cider vinegar therapy. Topical apple cider vinegar therapy gives a good result in the improvement of clinical symptom,otoscopy view, and examination of KOH 10% in otomycosis  patients. Keywords: otomikosis, sign and symptoms improvement, apple cider vinegar.
Characteristics of Patient with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung from 2009‒2013 Kirana, Intan Datya; Dewi, Yussy Afriani; Nurhayati, Titing
Althea Medical Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Althea Medical Journal

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Background: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is a vestibular disorder marked by episodes of vertigo and triggered by a change in the head position. It is characterized by short yet severe episodes of vertigo and possibly accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The BPPV is usually idiopathic and foundamong people aged 46‒50 years old. There are pharmacological and non pharmacological treatment used for BPPV. Non-pharmacological treatment includes Epley, Semont, Lempert, Forced Prolonged Position, andBrandt-Daroff maneuvers and pharmacological onebenzodiazepine and antihistamines. This study aimed to examine the characteristics of patient with BPPV based on their complaint and prescribed treatment.Methods: This was a descriptive-retrospective study conducted on April–June 2014 using secondary data from medical records of patient with BPPV in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung from 2009‒2013. The variables include gender, age, occupation, accompanying disease, complaints, supporting examinations, and treatment.Results: There were 74 subjects; 66.22% were female and 33.78% were male. Most of patients with BPPV aged around 41‒50 years old (39.19%). Furthermore, 93.24% had a major complaint of headache and spinning sensation, and >60% nausea and vomiting. The most prescribed therapy was Betahistine (86.49%). Meanwhile, a maneuver of non-pharmacological treatment was rarely done (8.11%).Conclusions: The BPPV occurs more in older women. The major complaint is headache and spinning sensation affected by the head position and accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Lastly, non-pharmacological treatment is rarely performed in handling patient with BPPV. [AMJ.2016;3(2):275–9]DOI: 10.15850/amj.v3n2.800
Tracheal Stenosis due to Trachesotomy Attaufany, Fahmi; Dewi, Yussy Afriani; Samiadi, Dindi; Permana, Agung Dinasti; Aroeman, Nurakbar
Majalah Anestesia dan Critical Care Vol 33 No 1 (2015): Februari
Publisher : Perdatin Pusat

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Tracheal stenosis is a condition where there is a narrowing of the diameter of the trachea. This condition can occurin congenital or acquired. Approximately 90% due to trauma: internal (prolonged intubation, tracheostomy, etc)with remaining due to external trauma (blunt trauma or penetrating trauma).The incidence of tracheal stenosisapproximately 4%–13% in adults and 1%–8% in neonates. The incidence of tracheal stenosis in Dept ORL-HNSDr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung from January 2012–August 2013 as much as ive cases. We presenteda a man, 27 years old, suffer with complain of dyspnea. We found tracheal stenosis grade II (Myer-Cotton) afterlexible bronchoscopic examination due to previous tracheostomy.Tracheostomy was perform followed byinstallation tracheal tube and observation. Two years later the tracheal tube removed and continued with stomalclosure.
Terapi necrobiotic xanthogranuloma dengan siklofosfamid-metilprednisolon Lesmono, Bayu; Dewi, Yussy Afriani; Ratunanda, Sinta Sari; Aroeman, Nur Akbar
Oto Rhino Laryngologica Indonesiana Vol 46, No 2 (2016): Volume 46, No. 2 July - December 2016
Publisher : PERHATI-KL

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1439.852 KB) | DOI: 10.32637/orli.v46i2.168


Latar belakang: Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma (NXG) merupakan suatu penyakit yang langka, kronis, dan progresif. NXG ditandai dengan lesi kulit ulseratif pada daerah indurasi, dan berwarna kuning, atau berupa nodul yang mengenai sel histiosit non Langerhans. Daerah predileksi tersering ialah pada wajah, orbita, dan ekstremitas. Etiologi belum diketahui, tetapi sering dikaitkan dengan monoclonal gammopathy. Gambaran histopatologi NXG yaitu ditemukan makrofag dan terdapat sel busa pada dermis, jaringan subkutan, nekrobiosis luas, sel datia Touton, dan folikel limfoid. Penderita memiliki lesi yang bersifat asimtomatik, parestesi, rasa terbakar, dan terkadang timbul rasa nyeri. Tata laksana NXG sampai saat ini masih sangat bervariasi. Tujuan: Memaparkan hasil penatalaksanaan dua pasien NXG. Laporan kasus: Dilaporkan pasien pertama, laki-laki 44 tahun dengan lesi pada kedua pipi dan dahi sejak 5 bulan sebelumnya. Terapi diberikan metilprednisolon dengan dosis 0,8 mg/kgBB tappering off selama 1 bulan dengan hasil perbaikan. Pasien kedua, wanita 29 tahun dengan lesi pada kedua pipi dan telinga sejak 5 bulan sebelumnya. Terapi diberikan siklofosfamid 750 mg/m2 per 3 minggu dengan hasil membaik. Metode: Pencarian dilakukan melalui PubMed dan Dermatol. Setelah menyaring judul dan abstrak yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, didapatkan lima artikel utuh. Kemudian, tiga artikel terpilih untuk ditelaah secara konsensus, meliputi kesahihan (validity), kepentingan (importancy), dan aplikabilitas (applicability) pada pasien necrobiotic xanthogranuloma. Hasil: Telaah artikel-artikel tersebut menunjukkan bahwa semua artikel memiliki karakteristik yang serupa dalam hal kesahihan (validity), hasil atau kesimpulannya. Walau demikian, ada beberapa kekuatan dan kelemahan pada masing-masing artikel. Kesimpulan: Penatalaksanaan NXG masih diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan jumlah sampel yang banyak untuk mengetahui keefektifitasan penatalaksanaan NXG.Kata kunci: Siklofosfamid, metilprednisolon, necrobiotic xanthogranulomaABSTRACT Background: Necrobiotic Xanthogranuloma (NXG) is a rare, chronic, and progressive disease that provokes skin lesions, such as damage of the histiocytes of non-Langerhans cell, skin lesions (yellowish or noduled ulcerative lesions) in the induration skin. The most common predilection areas of this are on the face, orbital, and extremities. The etiology is still unknown, but sometimes associates with monoclonal gammopathy. NXG histopathologic contained macrophages and foam cells in the dermis, subcutaneous tissue, extensive necrobiosis, touton giant cells, and lymphoid follicles. Some patients who had lesions are asymptomatic, sometimes they will feel paresthesias, burning pain. Nowadays, this management is still vary widely. Objective: Sets forth the results of two patients NXG. Case: There were two patients. Patient number one, a 44-years-old man, with some lesions on both cheeks and forehead since 5 months ago. He was treated with methylprednisolon 0.8 mg/kg body weight, and tappered off for a month with improved results. Patient number two, a 29-years-old woman, with some lesions on both cheeks and ears since 5 months ago. She was treated with Cyclosphosphamide 750 mg/m2 with improved results within three weeks. Method: Searching for literature was conducted in PubMed and Dermatol. After screening titles and abstracts with inclusion and exclusion criteria, five articles were available as full texts. Three articles were selected to be reviewed for their validity, importancy and applicability in patient with necrobiotic xanthogranuloma. Results: The review showed that all those articles had a similar characteristic in validity, result, and conclusion. Nevertheless, each articles had its own strong points and weaknesses. Conclusion: NXG treatment still required further research by the number of samples that much to find out the efficiency management NXG.Keywords: Cyclophosphamide, methylprednisolon, necrobiotic xanthogranuloma
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung Vol 46, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

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Auditory brainstem response (ABR) adalah pemeriksaan pendengaran yang reliabel, bertujuan untuk menilai singkronisasi saraf pendengaran perifer. Masalah pendengaran pada saat balita akan memberikan efek pada perkembangan, khususnya  bicara dan bahasa. Deteksi dini merupakan hal yang penting sementara referensi nilai ABR untuk Indonesia saat ini masih belum ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai ABR pada anak usia di bawah 5 tahun dengan pendengaran normal. Telah dilakukan penelitian deskriptif potong lintang pada 198 balita, terdiri atas 119 laki-laki dan 79 perempuan berusia antara 3 bulan hingga 5 tahun di Poliklinik Dengar dan Bicara Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung, pada bulan Desember 2008 hingga Juni 2011, pada semua subjek dilakukan pemeriksaan ABR kemudian dihitung rerata setiap gelombang. Balita perempuan memiliki masa laten absolut gelombang I, III dan V,  serta masa laten antara gelombang I?III, III?V dan I?V lebih pendek secara bermakna dibandingkan dengan balita laki-laki. Masa laten rata-rata gelombang V pada balita laki-laki 6,07 msec±0,39 dan perempuan 5,90 msec±0,34. Kelompok usia 0?1 tahun memiliki masa laten absolut yang paling panjang. Tidak terdapat perbedaan masa laten absolut dan antara gelombang di kedua telinga pada laki-laki maupun perempuan pada usia di bawah lima tahun. Simpulan, masa latent absolut rata-rata gelombang V pada anak perempuan di bawah lima tahun adalah 5,90±0,34 msec, sedangkan pada anak laki-laki 6,07±0,39 msec.Kata kunci: Gelombang ABR, masa laten ablosut, masa laten antar gelombangAuditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Waveforms in The First Five YearsAuditory brainstem response (ABR) is a reliable hearing examination. It reflects the integrity of synchronous neurons firing within the periphery auditory pathways.  Hearing impairment on the first five years will cause speech and language delays; therefore, early detection of hearing loss is very important. Nowadays, there is still no ABR value reference in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to establish the ABR values in toddlers with normal hearing.  This was a descriptive cross-sectional study on 198 subjects between the ages of 3 month and 5 years in the period of December 2008 to June 2011 at the Hearing and Speech Clinic, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung. The hearing level were diagnosed by ABR examination in all subjects and the mean of ABR wave was calculated. Girls displayed shorter absolute latency of wave I, III and V, and  interwave latency of I-III, III-V, and I-V compared to boys. The wave V latency in boys was 6.07 msec ±0.39 and 5.90 msec ±0.34 in girls. The 0?1 years old group have the longest absolute and interwave latencies.  There was no significant differences in absolute and interwave latency between both ears in boys and girls. The conclusion of this study is the average wave V latencies in boys and girls are 6.07±0.39 msec and 5.90 ±0.34, respectively.Key words: ABR wave, absolute latency, interwave latency DOI: 10.15395/mkb.v46n3.311
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung Vol 44, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

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Pabrik tekstil di Indonesia merupakan sumber devisa yang penting untuk negara karena jumlahnya yang cukup banyak. Para pekerja pabrik mempunyai risiko tinggi untuk terjadinya gangguan dengar. Bunyi dengan intensitas yang cukup kuat (>85 dB) dalam waktu yang cukup lama dapat menyebabkan hilangnya pendengaran, baik sementara maupun tetap. Bila hal ini tidak mendapatkan perhatian yang serius maka dapat mengakibatkan dampak yang tidak diinginkan. Hal ini tidak sesuai dengan tujuan pembangunan kesehatan bangsa Indonesia, Garis-garis Besar Haluan Negara 1998 dalam Pelita IV yang mengarahkan untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat dan kualitas sumber daya manusia serta usia harapan hidup. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui prevalensi gangguan dengar yang terjadi serta jenis dan derajat ketulian pada pekerja di salah satu pabrik tekstil di Majalaya kabupaten Bandung Jawa Barat. Subjek berjumlah 109 orang pekerja terdiri atas 47 orang laki-laki dan 62 orang perempuan yang dipilih secara total sampling, mulai tanggal 26 Agustus sampai 9 September 2004 dengan penelitian bersifat deskriptif potong lintang. Dilakukan anamnesis dengan pengisian kuesioner, pemeriksaan fisis telinga, dan pemeriksaan audiometri nada murni. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prevalensi gangguan dengar pada laki-laki 68,1% lebih banyak bila dibandingkan dengan perempuan 37,2%. Jenis gangguan dengar terbanyak akibat bising 41% kemudian gangguan dengar tipe sensori-neural 32%, tipe konduktif 23%, dan tipe campuran 4%. Prevalensi derajat gangguan dengar ringan 46,8%; sedang 3,7%; dan berat 0,9%. Simpulan, gangguan dengar yang sering ditemukan pada pekerja pabrik yaitu gangguan dengar yang diakibatkan oleh bising. [MKB. 2012;44(2):96?100].Kata kunci: Gangguan dengar, pekerja pabrik tekstil Hearing Test Screening at One of the Textile Factory Workers in BandungTextile factory in Indonesia is an important source of foreign exchange for the country because the numbers were quite a lot. The factory workers have a high risk for the occurrence of hearing disorders. Sound intensity more than 85 dB in a long time could cause hearing loss, both temporary or permanent. If this does not get serious attention, it can results in adverse effects. It is not in accordance with the objective of the development of Health of Indonesia, Outlines of State Policy 1998 to improve community health status and quality of human resources and life expectancy. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence, degree and type of hearing loss in one of textile factory workers in Majalaya Bandung West-Java. Subjects were 109 workers, consisted of  47 males and 62 females, chosen by total sampling. Sampling was due in August 26 until September 9, 2004. The study design was descriptive cross-sectional. Data was obtained from anamnesis with questionnaire, otologic examination and pure tone audiometry evaluation. The results showed  that hearing loss was more common in male subjects 68.1% compared to female subjects 37.2%. The most common hearing loss was noise induced 41%, followed by sensorineural 32%, conductive 23%, mixed type hearing loss 4%. The prevalence of mild hearing loss was 46.8%, moderate 3.7% and severe 0.9%. In conclusion, hearing disorder which is frequently found in the factory workers is noise-induced hearing loss. [MKB. 2012;44(2):96?100].Key words: Hearing loss, textile factory workers  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15395/mkb.v44n2.82 
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NASOPHARYNGEAL CARCINOMA Vol. 2 No. 02 (2020): International Journal of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/ijnpc.v2i02.3898


Abstract Introduction: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is the most found head and neck cancer, which originated from a nasopharyngeal epithelial cell, and predilection site commonly at rosen muller fossa. S100 protein inflammatory mediators are involved in the regulation of cellular processes including inflammation and malignancy. S100 protein plays a central role in the proliferation, regulation of cell apoptosis and metastasis causing continuing growth of cancer cells through activation of STAT3 by IL-6, NF-κB, ROS. Objective: This study aimed to determine the correlation between S100 protein expression levels to the clinical stage of NPC WHO type III. Method: This research is a cross-sectional analytic study. This study was held in the Anatomical Pathology Department of Hasan Sadikin Hospital from August until October 2015. The study was conducted using 29 pieces of secondary data, medical records and paraffin blocks anatomical pathology of NPC patients were examined S100 protein immunohistochemistry. Result: This study was performed from 29 subjects (18 males and 9 females). There was a strong positive correlation between histoscore S100 protein expression with clinical staging p<0.05. There is a significant correlation between S100 protein expression with the clinical stage of NPC WHO type III using double regression analysis (F=15.676, p=0.000). Conclusion: There were significant correlation S100 protein expression levels to clinical stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma WHO type III.