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Procuratio : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Procuratio : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen
Publisher : Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Pelita Indonesia

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This study aims to determine the impact of social media marketing and word of mouth on brand awareness at Brownies Vannisa. The method used in this research is survey method by taking samples of 100 respondents. These respondents are taken by using non-probability sampling method with purposive sampling technique. The type of the study used in this research is descriptive and verificative survey with multiple regression analysis. The results of the study are the level of social media marketing is good enough, while the level of word of mouth and brand awareness are good enough. The hypothesis testing shows that social media marketing partially has a positif and significant effect on brand awareness, and word of mouth partially has a positive and significant effect on brand awareness. Whereas social media marketing and word of mouth effect on brand awareness simultaneously. The variable that most influences brand awareness is word of mouth. This study concludes that social media marketing and word of mouth are two important predictors in order to build brand awareness of Brownies Vannisa. This is useful for company in building brand awareness by increasing social media marketing and word of mouth. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemasaran media sosial dan word of mouth terhadap brand awareness pada Brownies Vannisa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey dengan mengambil objek penelitian 100 responden. Penentuan responden diambil menggunakan metode non probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu penelitian deskriptif verifikatif dengan menggunakan analisis linier berganda. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pemasaran media sosial cukup baik, begitu juga dengan tingkat word of mouth dan brand awareness berada pada tingkat cukup baik. Pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa pemasaran media sosial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap brand awareness secara parsial dan word of mouth juga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap brand awareness secara parsial. Sedangkan secara simultan pemasaran media sosial dan word of mouth berpengaruh signifikan terhadap brand awareness. Antara variabel pemasaran media sosial dan word of mouth, variabel yang paling dominan mempengaruhi brand awareness yaitu word of mouth. Kesimpulan penelitian didapat bahwa pemasaran media sosial dan word of mouth merupakan prediktor penting dalam membangun brand awareness Brownies Vannisa. Penelitian ini dapat bermanfaat bagi perusahaan dalam membangun brand awareness dengan meningkatkan pemasaran media sosial dan word of mouth yang baik.
Jurnal Abdimas BSI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Februari 2019
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.119 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jabdimas.v2i1.4607


Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini, merupakan kegiatan lanjutan dalam upaya meningkatkan pangsa pasar penjualan produk industri usaha kreatif yang bergerak dalam bidang pembuatan produk interior rumah. Memperkenalkan produk kepada khalayak merupakan bagian dari strategi komunikasi pemasaran terpadu. Pemanfaatan media online, brosur, banner dalam promosi jenis produk, model produk hingga diskon penjualan, seringkali menjadi sarana media pemasaran yang efisien bagi UMKM dengan marketing low budget. CALIEF sebagai salah satu UMKM yang mengkhususkan dalam produksi produk rumah tangga, khususnya pembuatan dan penjualan karpet, bantal, kasur, lemari, sofa dan kitchen set. Selama ini, pemasaran produk CALIEF hanya dilakukan berdasarkan pemesanan dari konsumen perorangan, designer interior atau toko yang telah mengenal pemilik UMKM. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dalam dua bentuk bentuk yaitu pelatihan pembuatan brosur dan banner, termasuk pemanfaatan media online sebagai sarana pemasaran produk. Serta penyuluhan tujuannya agar pengusaha lebih memahami konsep dan pengaplikasian komunikasi pemasaran dalam kegiatan usaha. Selanjutnya, pendampingan diberikan agar penyerapan dan perubahan sikap menjadi lebih optimal.Kata Kunci: Komunikasi, Pemasaran, Terpadu.
Telaah Hubungan Kepuasan Kerja Dan Komitmen Organisasional Terhadap Turnover Intention Ali Amran; Acep Rohendi
Jurnal Ecodemica : Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Ecodemica: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Bisnis
Publisher : LPPM Universitas BSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (404.062 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jeco.v1i1.1424


ABSTRAKKaryawan merupakan elemen yang sangat penting bagi perusahaan. Karyawan sebagai sumber daya manusia adalah penggerak utama berjalannya roda perusahaan sehingga perusahaan harus menjaga kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasional agar karyawan tidak berkeinginan untuk berpindah ke perusahaan lain (turnover intention). Hal ini perlu dikaji pengaruh kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasional terhadap turnover intention sehingga dapat bermanfaat untuk mengetahui nilai penting dari kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasional yang dimiliki karyawan. Metode penelitian deskriptif survey dan verifikatif survey digunakan untuk mengkaji variabel terikat yaitu kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasional dan variabel bebas yaitu turnover intention dengan melakukan observasi kepada karyawan PT. Alexindo Bekasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu adanya pengaruh kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasional terhadap turnover intention. Penelitian ini bersifat improvement dari penelitian yang telah ada, dan model penelitian ini bisa digunakan oleh perusahaan di Bekasi khususnya dan Indonesia pada umumnya terkait dengan sumber daya manusia dalam dunia kerja khususnya yang berhubungan dengan perilaku-perilaku tenaga kerja.Kata kunci: Kepuasan Kerja, Komitmen Organisasional, Turnover Intention ABSTRACT      Employees are the most important resources of company. They are human resources to do and move all of the activities of company. Therefore, company needs to keep and maintain their job satisfaction and organizational commitment in order to reduce the intention to leave the company (turnover intention). It is necessary to study the relationship among job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention. This will give benefit to determine the important values of employees’ job satisfaction and organizational commitment and its influences on turnover intention. The research methods are descriptive survey and verificative survey that is used to assess the performance of independent variables: those are job satisfaction and organizational commitment,  and dependent variable: that is turnover intention with doing observation to employees of PT. Alexindo Bekasi. The result of this research is there is influence of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on turnover intention. This research is the improvement of existing researches which can be applied in the other companies specially for the human resource or employee behavior field.  Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intention
The Importance of Perceived Organizational Support and Work From Home to increase Work-Life Balance During The Covid-19 Pandemic Amanda Putri; Ali Amran; Adi Suparwo; Adang Kurniawan; Yayu Sri Rahayu; Suryana Suryana
Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education(APJME) Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education (APJME)
Publisher : AIBPM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32535/apjme.v4i3.1262


This research’s purpose is to determine the impact of perceived organizational support and work from home on the work-life balance of employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used was the survey method. It took 30 respondents as samples from Gramedia TSM – Bandung by using a non-probability sampling method with a saturated sampling technique. A descriptive and verificative survey was the research type used in this study. The data were processed with multiple regression analyses. The research result showed that perceived organizational support, work from home, and work-life balance are on a good level. The hypothesis testing showed that work from home has a positive and significant effect on work-life balance partially. Perceived organizational support has also a significant and positive effect on work-life balance. Both of them, work from home and perceived organizational support affect work-life balance simultaneously. This study concluded that perceived organizational support and work from home were two significant predictors to construct work-life balance. This information is useful for the company in evaluating the work-life balance of employees through the implementation of work from home and perceived organizational support.
Service Excellence dan Servicescape: Faktor Dominan Dalam Menciptakan Kepuasan Tamu Hotel Ali Amran; Yani Restiani Widjaja; Siti Nuryanti
Jurnal Kajian Pariwisata Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Kajian Pariwisata
Publisher : LPPM STP ARS Internasional

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ABSTRAK Service excellence dan servicescape merupakan dua hal penting yang dapat mempengaruhi kepuasan tamu hotel. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh service excellence dan servicescape terhadap customer satisfaction tamu hotel. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey dengan mengambil objek penelitian 96 tamu yang menginap di hotel Villa Lemon Lembang Jawa Barat. Penentuan responden diambil menggunakan metode non probability sampling dengan teknik Accidental sampling. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu penelitian deskriptif verifikatif menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil bahwa tingkat service excellence sangat tinggi, sedangkan tingkat servicescape dan customer satisfaction tinggi. Pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa service excellence berpengaruh signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction secara parsial dan servicescape berpengaruh signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction secara parsial. Sedangkan secara simultan service excellence dan servicescape berpengaruh terhadap customer satisfaction. Antara variabel service excellence dan servicescape, variabel yang paling dominan mempengaruhi customer satisfaction yaitu service excellence. Manfaat penelitian ini bagi pelaku wisata hotel yaitu dengan menyadari bahwa service excellence dan servicescape sangat penting dalam meningkatkan kepuasan tamu hotel. Kata kunci: service excellence, servicescape dan customer satisfaction
Implementasi Pemanfaatan Media Sosial dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan di Lembaga Belajar SMART CLUB BANDUNG Rofily Putriyandari; Ali Amran; Riris Roisah; Yunika Komalasari; Wulan Yuliyana
Jurnal Abdimas BSI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (442.189 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jabdimas.v1i1.3057


AbstrakTujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan pertumbuhan pemasaran produk Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) di Indonesia melalui strategi pemasaran yang tepat agar mampu berselancar di pasar kompetitif. Meningkatkan pengembangan produk layanan jasa dalam merebut peluang pasar melalui peningkatan kualitas produk dan pemasaran UKM Smart Club Bandung. Metode yang digunakan adalah Bintek (Bimbingan Teknologi), pendampingan serta penguatan dalam proses peningkatan produk layanan yang ditawarkan oleh Smart Club Bandung. Melalui metode tersebut produk layanan jasa yang ditawarkan Smart Club Bandung menjadi lebih variatif dan inovatif, sehingga menarik konsumen sebagai penggunan layanan jasa Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) Smart Club Bandung. Hasil dari serangkaian proses Bintek (Bimbingan Teknologi) yaitu peningkatan nilai aset dan pendapatan Usaha Kecil dan Mengah (UKM) Smart Club Bandung, peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas layanan jasa Smart Club Bandung yang dipasarkan, peningkatan pemasaran produk layanan semakin berkualitas.Kata Kunci : Sosial Media dan Strategi Pemasaran AbstractThe purpose of this activity is to increase the growth of marketing of Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) products in Indonesia through appropriate marketing strategies to be able to surf in competitive markets. Improving the development of service products in seizing market opportunities through product quality improvement and marketing UKM Smart Club Bandung. The method used is Bintek (Technology Guidance), assistance and strengthening in the process of product improvement services offered by Smart Club Bandung. Through the method of products offered services Smart Club Bandung become more varied and innovative, so as to attract consumers as a service provider of Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) Smart Club Bandung. The result of a series of Bintek (Technology Guidance) process is the increasing of Smart Club Bandung Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) assets, increasing the quantity and quality of Smart Club Bandung's marketed services, increasing the quality of service product quality.Key word: Social Media and Marketing Strategy
Instagram Sebagai Alat Promosi UKM Jersey Futsal Bandung Ali Amran; Srie Wijaya Kesuma Dewi; Susilawati Susilawati; Abdurrahman Fauzi
Jurnal Abdimas BSI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (473.51 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jabdimas.v1i2.3918


Pembekalan pengetahuan dan pelatihan digital marketing tentang penggunaan media sosial Instagram yang tepat dan efektif sangat diperlukan UKM dalam menghadapi era pemasaran digital. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui apakah pemilihan media sosial Instagram sebagai topik pelatihan sudah tepat sesuai dengan pilihan pelanggan Jersey Futsal Bandung; media digital mana yang paling mempengaruhi pelanggan untuk membeli produk; apakah keberadaan media digital mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen dalam membeli produk; dan apakah konsumen mendapatkan kepuasan dalam membeli produk melalui media digital yang ada. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode survey dengan menyebarkan kuisoner kepada 20 responden. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu media sosial Instagram sudah tepat dijadikan sebagai topik pelatihan di UKM Jersey Futsal Bandung karena sesuai dengan pilihan responden yang memilih Instagram sebagai pilihan tertinggi. Instagram juga menjadi media yang paling mempengaruhi pelanggan untuk membeli produk. Keberadaan media digital sangat mempengaruhi keputusan pelanggan dalam pembelian produk. Konsumen mendapatkan kepuasan dengan membeli produk melalui media digital. Kata Kunci: Pemasaran Digital, Media Sosial, Keputusan Pembelian
Employees Work-Life Balance Reviewed From Work From Home Aspect During COVID-19 Pandemic Amanda Putri; Ali Amran
International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): January - June 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Otonom Lembaga Informasi dan Riset Indonesia (KITA INFO dan RISET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (424.44 KB) | DOI: 10.35870/ijmsit.v1i1.231


The COVID-19 pandemic suddenly made the company inevitably has to run its operational activities in a way of work from home. The sudden change in the operational activity system can have an impact on the work-life balance of employees. In this study, the researchers wanted to know the work-life balance of the employees during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of work from home. The research method used is a survey method with descriptive verification research type. The data used are primary data obtained from distributing the questionnaire. The results showed that work from home respectively has a positive and significant effect on the work-life balance on the employees. There are dimensions and indicators that are the highest and lowest in constructing each variable and the results of this study are expected to be used by the company to minimize and anticipate the occurrence of negative effects on work-life balance in terms of the aspects of work from home.
The Importance of Perceived Organizational Support and Work From Home to increase Work-Life Balance During The Covid-19 Pandemic Amanda Putri; Ali Amran; Adi Suparwo; Adang Kurniawan; Yayu Sri Rahayu; Suryana Suryana
Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education (APJME) Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education (APJME)
Publisher : AIBPM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (262.758 KB) | DOI: 10.32535/apjme.v4i3.1262


This research’s purpose is to determine the impact of perceived organizational support and work from home on the work-life balance of employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used was the survey method. It took 30 respondents as samples from Gramedia TSM – Bandung by using a non-probability sampling method with a saturated sampling technique. A descriptive and verificative survey was the research type used in this study. The data were processed with multiple regression analyses. The research result showed that perceived organizational support, work from home, and work-life balance are on a good level. The hypothesis testing showed that work from home has a positive and significant effect on work-life balance partially. Perceived organizational support has also a significant and positive effect on work-life balance. Both of them, work from home and perceived organizational support affect work-life balance simultaneously. This study concluded that perceived organizational support and work from home were two significant predictors to construct work-life balance. This information is useful for the company in evaluating the work-life balance of employees through the implementation of work from home and perceived organizational support.
The Role of Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Building Employee Performance Ali Amran; Egi Achmad Faizal; Yunika Komalasari; Yayu Sri Rahayu; Devi Yuniati Drajat; Rofily Putriyandari
Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol 5, No 3 (2022): 2022 BICAB International Conference Proceeding
Publisher : AIBPM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32535/jicp.v5i3.1817


The study aims to determine the impact of perceived organizational support and organizational citizenship behavior on performance employees. The method used in this research is a survey method by taking samples of 70. These respondents are taken by using non-probability sampling method with saturated sampling technique. The type of study used in this research is descriptive and verificative survey with multiple regression analysis. The results of the study are the level of perceived organizational support is good, as well as the level of organizational citizenship behavior and performance are good. The hypothesis testing shows that perceived organizational support partially has a positive and significant effect on performance, and organizational citizenship behavior partially has a positive and significant effect on performance. Whereas perceived organizational support and organizational citizenship behavior affect performance simultaneously. The variable that most influences performance is perceived organizational support. The study concludes that perceived organizational support and organizational citizenship behavior are two important predictors to build employee performance. This is useful for the company in building performance by increasing perceived organizational support and good organizational citizenship behavior. Keywords: Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Perceived Organizational Support, Performance.