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Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 9, No 2 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.999 KB) | DOI: 10.33846/9207


Uji kompetensi kebidanan adalah uji untuk mengetes sejauh mana pengetahuan calon penyandang gelar bidan sebelum mereka diluluskan. Bidan adalah tenaga kesehatan iasssional dalam pelayanan kesehatan ibu dan anak khususnya kesehatan reproduksi perempuan, bayi dan balita, yang saat ini masih memiliki permasalahan kompleks dan mendasar seperti tingginya angka kematian ibu dan anak. Untuk menghadapi uji kompetensi pratik ini, maka mahasiswa kebidanan harus dipersiapkan dengan baik dalam pembelajarannya dimana perlu untuk diberikan coaching pada mata kuliah praktinya. Coaching ini telah diterapkan pada pembelajaran kedokteran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu mahasiswa kebidanan dalam menghadapi uji kompetensi praktik, terutama dengan adanya metode coaching ini mahasiswa ias melakukan praktik kebidanan dengan maksimal. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa metode coaching efektif dalam menigkatkan hasil ujian praktik pada mata kuliah praktik asuhan kebidanan yaitu p value 0,0001 yang artinya < 0,05 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode coaching efektif dalam menigkatkan hasil ujian praktik pada mata kuliah praktik asuhan kebidanan. Kata Kunci: Coaching, praktik, Mata Kuliah Praktik
Analysis of Factors that Correlated with Anemia Incidence in Pregnant Women at Working Area of the Sidomulyo Health Center Outpatient UPTD Pekanbaru City Dince Safrina; Oktavia Dewi; Nurlisis; Mitra; Ika Putri Damayanti
Britain International of Humanities and Social Sciences (BIoHS) Journal Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Britain International of Humanities and Social Sciences, February
Publisher : Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/biohs.v3i1.378


Anemia in pregnant women is a condition of mothers with hemoglobin (Hb) less than 11gr / dl which can effect to risk of hemorrhage, stunted fetal growth (CHD), prematurity, low birth weight (LBW), and stunting and even death in pregnant women. The research aimed to analyze the factors that correlated with anemia incidence in pregnant women at working area of the Sidomulyo Health Center UPTD Outpatient Pekanbaru City. The type of research method was quantitative with cross sectional design. The population of pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters based on secondary data from medical records for January 2019 - March 2020 were 2036 people with sample of 325 people. The sampling technique was systematic random sampling used secondary data from medical records. Data analysis ware univariate, bivariate and multivariate with regresi logistik ganda application. The results showed that 192 pregnant women with anemia (59.1%), the variables related with significantly to anemia in pregnant women at working area of the Sidomulyo Health Center UPTD Outpatient Pekanbaru City with nutrition status (POR = 40.647, parity (POR = 3.473), mother’s age (POR = 1,993). That can be concluded the dominant variable related to anemia in pregnant women at working area of the Sidomulyo Health Center UPTD Outpatient Pekanbaru City was nutrition status (POR = 40,647). It is recommended to Sidomulyo Health Center UPTD Outpatient to increase the implementation of service standard program the ANC 10 T, when the Covid pandemic nowadays increasing online promotion and prevention by using available technology.
Relationship Between Knowledge and Attitudes of Adolescents with Personal Hygiene during Menstruation Ika Putri Damayanti
Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Health Science
Publisher : Institute Of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Female reproductive organs are very sensitive and require special care, especially during menstruation, so that if you don't change sanitary napkins often it can cause allergies and infections. Maintaining cleanliness during menstruation can avoid several reproductive organ problems. The initial survey conducted by researchers from 25 students found only 20% who already knew how to protect their reproductive organs during menstruation, the rest did not know about it. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of adolescents with personal hygiene measures during menstruation. Junior high school. This study used a type of analytic study with a cross sectional design using primary data and distributing questionnaires as a measuring tool to 84 respondents. The population in this study were all adolescents who had menstruation. The sampling technique used in sampling is total sampling. The results of the study, most of the respondents had low knowledge as many as 55 people (65.5%), and most respondents also had low attitudes as many as 54 people (64.3%), and some respondents who did not perform hygienic actions during menstruation were 55 people ( 65.5%). The results of the chi square test of adolescent knowledge and attitudes with hygienin action during menstruation with p value 0.03 and 0.04. The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant relationship between knowledge and hygienic action during menstruation with OR 3.13 (95% CI: 1.21- 8.09) and there is a significant relationship between attitude and hygienic action during menstruation with OR 2.85. (95% CI: 1, 11- 7,31). This research suggestion is expected for the next researcher to conduct research on all adolescents in the school with different types of research and add variables.
Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (Journal of Midwivery Science) Vol 1, No 3: Desember 2013
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan AKBIDYO

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36307/jik.v1i3.10


Latar Belakang: Perdarahan post partum adalah perdarahan yang terjadi melebihi 500 cc dalam 24 jam set-elah persalinan berlangsung. Perdarahan post partum dibagi atas dua yaitu perdarahan post partum primer dan sekunder. Perdarahan post partum primer terjadi melebihi 500 cc dalam 24 jam pertama setelah anak lahir, dan per-darahan post partum sekunder terjadi setelah 24 jam biasanya antar hari ke 5 sampai 15 post partum. Perdarahan post partum dapat menyebabkan kematian ibu jika tidak dilakukan pencegahan terhadap faktor resikonya. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya perdarahan post partum di RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau Tahun 2012. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan analitik kuantitatif dengan desain case-control. Jumlah subjek 180 ter-diri dari 90 kasus dan 90 kontrol. Alat ukur yang digunakan ada tabel chek-list. Analisa data univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi-square. Hasil: Ibu bersalin umur 35 tahun 2,9 kali lebih beresiko dibandingkan ibu bersalin umur 20-35 tahun dengan nilai OR=2,991 (CI 95% 1,630-5,489), paritas >4 anak 2 kali lebih beresiko dibandingkan paritas
Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Kanker Serviks di RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru Tahun 2008-2010 Ika Putri Damayanti
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 2 No 2 (2013): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (194.412 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol2.Iss2.51


Cervical cancer is a primary malignant tumor derived from epithelial cells of cervical squamous or cervix. The most common cause of cervical cancer is infection with HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), several factors are thought to increase the incidence of cervical cancer is sosiodemografis factors which include age, socioeconomic status, and sexual activity of factors that include age at first intercourse, partner change sex -replace, parity, lack of genital hygiene, smoking, history of venereal disease, chronic trauma to the cervix, as well as the use of hormonal contraceptives. The purpose of this study are known risk factors associated with cervical cancer incidence in Arifin Achmad Riau Province Year 2008-2010. This type of study is a case-control (case control study). The case of women with cervical cancer who were treated at the Arifin Achmad Riau Province, and control of cervical cancer Women are not treated at the Arifin Achmad Riau Province. The results of this study showed women with heavy work more at risk for developing cervical cancer 9 times compared with women who have jobs lightweight (OR 9,184), low-educated women four times more likely to suffer from cervical cancer compared with women who are highly educated (OR 3,698), female age at first intercourse less than 20 years 3 times higher risk of cervical cancer compared to women with age at first sexual intercourse (OR 2,792)and women above 20 years who had parity> 3 children dibandingakn 7 times greater risk to women with a parity <3 children (OR 3,396). As Conclusions, occupation, education, age of first sexual intercourse and parity have based on the results of multivariate analysis of independent variables that have a causal relationship with the incidence of cervical cancer is work, education, age at first sexual intercourse and parity. Independent variables that have no causal relationship with the incidence of cervical cancer is are sexual partners. And independent of confounding variables by are kejadaian incidence of cervical cancer is the use of hormonal contraception, sexually transmitted diseases and age. Advice intended for Riau provincial health office of Riau Province, Arifin Achmad Riau provinceGeneral Hospital, society community and further research.
Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Penyembuhan Luka Post Sectio Caesarea di RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau Tahun 2013 Ika Putri Damayanti
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 2 No 5 (2014): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (173.482 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol2.Iss5.75


Post Sectio Caesarea wound is a wound that made an impression and is caused by cesarean when a woman can not give birth main normal. Prinsip in wound care is the control of infection because infection can inhibit wound healing, causing morbidity and mortality increase. This study aims to determine the factors associated with wound healing post sectio caesareadi Arifin Achmad Riau Province in 2013. This research is quantitative research using cross sectional study design. The location of research is Arifin Achmad Riau Province, the research was conducted in October-May 2014. The population in this study is the status of the mother's Medical Record sectio caesarea in 2013 amounted to 910 people with a sample of 154 people. Systematic sampling technique is random sampling. The data used in this research is secondary data is data mothers delivered in SC, age, mother of data with infection and disease history data. Data analysis for bivariate with Chi-Square test. The results show for the factors associated with wound healing post sectio caesarea is variable risk age 79 (51.3%), OR = 2.91 (95% CI: 1.50 to 5.65), maternal variables 83 infections (53.9%), OR = 6.59 (95% CI: 3.24 to 13.41), and a mother who suffered variables Diabetes 80 (51.90%), OR = 3.06 ( 95% CI: 1.57 to 5.94). The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship of age, infection and diabetes mellitus with wound healing post sectio caesarea. Expected to health professionals in order to further improve the education and information about wound care operations, and better monitor the healing of wounds with age and history of diabetes mellitus yan suffered by the patient.
Hubungan Teknik Pernafasan dengan Kemajuan Persalinan Ika Putri Damayanti
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 3 No 1 (2015): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (165.216 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol3.Iss1.96


Breathing techniques is a technique that can be useful to overcome the pain of childbirth. So that, mother was not overwhelmed when having contractions, besides that technical breathing also help the process of childbirth to run normally. Based on preliminary studies on BPM Deliana S. of 218 peoples be found 16 peoples (18%) maternal have difficulty in breathing techniques set properly when straining causing the second time is obstructed. The purpose of this research is to know the corelations between breathing technique with the progress of childbirth. The kind of research is all of maternal in 2015, with a maternal sampling from January to March 2015 that amount 63 peoples. And using bivariate analysis by using chi square test. Results of this research is that of the 39 respondents who uses correct breathing techniques majority of the progress of labor by 32 respondents (82.1%), with a p-value of 0.004 (p <0.05), means that there is a relationship between breathing techniques with progress childbirth. The conclusion is any correlation between breathing techniques with the progress of childbirth, so that the breathing techniques was important to applied in the childbirth process to be able to help the process of childirth.
Senam Kegel Sebagai Upaya Mengurangi Keluhan Sering BAK di Trimester III Kehamilan Helda Ziya; Ika Putri Damayanti
Jurnal Kebidanan Terkini (Current Midwifery Journal) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Kebidanan Terkini
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (105.777 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/jkt/Vol1.Iss2.603


Sering BAK fisiologis yang biasa terjadi pada ibu hamil yang disebabkan karena frekuensi BAK meningkat karena penurunan kepala ke PAP (Pintu Atas Panggul), BAB sering obstipasi (Sembelit) karena hormone progesterone meningkat. Terapi senam kegel merupakan salah satu terapi non farmakologi yang dapat menguatkan otot panggul, membantu mengendalikan keluarnya urin saat berhubungan intim, dapat meningkatkan kepuasan saat berhubungan intim karena meningkatkan daya cengkram vagina, meningkatkan kepekaan terhadap rangsangan seksual, mencegah “ngompol kecil” yang timbul saat batuk atau tertawa, dan melancarkan proses kelahiran tanpa harus merobek jalan lahir serta mempercepat penyembuhan pasca persalinan (Mulyani, 2013). Tujuan penulis ini adalah untuk membantu mengurangi ketidaknyamanan pada ibu hamil dengan sering BAK dengan menggunakan metode senam kegel. Metode kasus ini dilakukan pada ibu hamil trimester III dengan ketidaknyamanan sering BAK di BPM Hasna Dewi kota pekanbaru. Asuhan pada kasus ini dilakukan selama 3 kali kunjungan. Mulai dari tanggal 26 juni sampai 2 Juli 2021. Dari hasil kunjungan Asuhan kebidanan pada ibu hamil trimester III dengan terapi senam kegel untuk mengatasi sering BAK pada malam hari ibu hamil di BPM Hasna Dewi dilaksanakan menggunakan pendekatan dengan pendokumentasian SOAP (Subjektif, Objektif, Assesment dan Plan). Setelah mengumpulkan data secara keseluruhan dapat dibuat kesimpulan.bahwa setelah dilakukan asuhan kepada Ny.M di Klinik Hasna Dewi selama 3 hari dengan 3 kali kunjugan dengan melakukan terapi senam kegel, maka diperoleh hasil bahwa frekuensi BAK Ny.M dapat teratasi.
Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (Journal of Midwivery Science) Vol 1, No 3: Desember 2013
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan AKBIDYO

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (404.236 KB) | DOI: 10.36307/jik.v1i3.10


Latar Belakang: Perdarahan post partum adalah perdarahan yang terjadi melebihi 500 cc dalam 24 jam set-elah persalinan berlangsung. Perdarahan post partum dibagi atas dua yaitu perdarahan post partum primer dan sekunder. Perdarahan post partum primer terjadi melebihi 500 cc dalam 24 jam pertama setelah anak lahir, dan per-darahan post partum sekunder terjadi setelah 24 jam biasanya antar hari ke 5 sampai 15 post partum. Perdarahan post partum dapat menyebabkan kematian ibu jika tidak dilakukan pencegahan terhadap faktor resikonya. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya perdarahan post partum di RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau Tahun 2012. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan analitik kuantitatif dengan desain case-control. Jumlah subjek 180 ter-diri dari 90 kasus dan 90 kontrol. Alat ukur yang digunakan ada tabel chek-list. Analisa data univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi-square. Hasil: Ibu bersalin umur 35 tahun 2,9 kali lebih beresiko dibandingkan ibu bersalin umur 20-35 tahun dengan nilai OR=2,991 (CI 95% 1,630-5,489), paritas >4 anak 2 kali lebih beresiko dibandingkan paritas
Ensiklopedia of Journal Vol 2, No 3 (2020): Vol 2 No 3 Edisi 1 April 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerbitan Hasil Penelitian Ensiklopedia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (87.332 KB) | DOI: 10.33559/eoj.v2i3.474


Emesis gravidarum is discomfort in pregnant women with nausea and vomiting that occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. Nausea usually occurs in the morning, but can also occur at any time and night. Factors that cause emesis gravidarum include hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy, namely increased estrogen and HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin). HCG is a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy in the body of pregnant women, in addition to psychological factors such as anxiety, guilt, including support given by the husband to the mother, social environmental factors, cultural and economic conditions. Emesis gravidarum is a natural symptom or is often found in trimester pregnancy I. This study aims to determine the success of midwifery care given to pregnant women Trimester I with emesis gravidarum they experienced. Care was provided in 2 second visits using the SOAP documentation approach. The case was taken by visiting Pratama Karya Bakti Clinic located on Jl. Sail, Kelurahan Rejosari, Tenayan Raya District, Pekanbaru City. Midwifery care for first trimester pregnant women with nausea and vomiting by providing health education and vitamin B6 therapy. From midwifery care in trimester I pregnant women with emesis gravidarum for 2 times the mother's condition improves, namely nausea and vomiting experienced can be reduced.