Hendrik Hendrik
Department Of Physiotherapy, Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar (Corresponding Author)

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The Effect of Straight Leg Raise Exercise with Static Bicycles on Increasing Quadriceps Muscle Strength in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients Endang Mien Mas’ud; Hasbiah Hasbiah; Hendrik Hendrik
Health Notions Vol 5, No 4 (2021): April
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (HNST)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/hn50404


Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease characterized by pain and limited motion of the joints resulting in muscle weakness. Late consequences can lead to limited motion and shortening of intra and extra joint components. This study aimed to analyze the effect of straight leg raise and static bicycles on the increase in quadriceps muscle strength in patients with knee osteoarthritis. This study was an experimental study with a two-group pretest-posttest design. The research was conducted at the Salewangan Maros Hospital. The population was knee joint osteoarthritis patients aged 40-60 years and experienced quadriceps muscle weakness. The sample met the inclusion criteria obtained by simple random sampling technique so that sample size was 28 subjects, then randomized into two treatment groups, each of 14 subjects. The research data was the strength of the quadriceps muscles using manual muscle testing which was done twice, namely before and after the straight leg raise exercise with a static bicycle. Because the data distribution were not normal, the nonparametric analysis was used. The results of the Wilcoxon test analysis showed that there was a significant effect of giving straight leg raise (p = 0.002) and static bicycles (p = 0.005) training on increasing quadriceps muscle strength. The results of the Mann-Whitney test showed no significant differences between groups on the increase in quadriceps muscle strength (p = 0.481). The results showed that straight leg raises and static bicycles increased muscle strength and there was no difference between the two exercises. Keywords: knee osteoarthritis; exercise; muscle strength, static bicycle; straight leg raise
Trunk Control Inhibition and Balance Training Have an Effect on Balance Control in Children with Cerebral Palsy Yenri Lisna; Anshar Anshar; Tiar Erawan; Hendrik Hendrik
Health Notions Vol 5, No 07 (2021): July
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (HNST)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/hn50705


Cerebral palsy is a major cause of movement and posture disorders in children. This condition is a non-progressive motor disorder caused by lesions or brain anomalies that arise in the early stages of a child's development but can change over time due to the growth and plasticity of the development and maturation of the child's central nervous system. The overall prevalence of data collected until 2013 the incidence of Cerebral Palsy was 2.11 per 1000 live births. This study aims to determine the effect of providing balance training intervention and trunk control inhibition on changes in trunk balance control in Cerebral Palsy children. This research is an experimental study with a pre-test – post-test two control group design. The research was conducted at Dr. Hospital. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar, with a sample size of 30 people who were randomly divided into 2 groups, namely 15 people in the group given the balance training intervention and 15 people in the group given the trunk control inhibitor. Balance control capability data was measured using the Trunk Control Measurement Scale (TCMS). The results of the Wilcoxon test analysis showed that there was a significant effect on the provision of balance training (p=0.002) and trunk control inhibition (p=0.007) to improve balance control in children with cerebral palsy. Based on the Mann-Whitney test analysis, it was found that there was no significant difference (p= 0.683) between balance training and trunk control inhibition on changes in balance control. Keywords: balance training; inhibition trunk control; trunk control measurement scale; balance control; cerebral palsy

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Osteoarthritis adalah gangguan sendi yang dapat menyebabkan keterbatasan gerak sendi yanng dapat diatasi dengan pemberian latihan yang aktif dan pasif. Penelitian ini merupakan quasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian Pre Test-Post Test two group desain Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas antara hold relax dan contract relax terhadap penambahan range of motion (ROM) sendi lutut akibat Osteoarthtritis.. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Poli Klinik Fisioterapi RS Bhayangkara dengan populasi adalah semua pasien Osteoarthtritis yang berkunjung ke RS. Bhayangkara Makassar selama penelitian berlangsung, dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling sehingga diperoleh jumlah sampel sebanyak 10 orang berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dengan usia 45-65 tahun. Hasil Uji t pairedpada kelompok hold relax diperoleh nilai p = 0,025< 0,05dan pada kelompok contract relax diperoleh nilai p = 0,099 > 0,05 sedangkan berdasarkan hasil uji independent test antar kelompok hold relax dan kelompok contract relax menunjukkan bahwa tidak signifikan dimana nilai p=0,305 > 0,05. Kesimpulan Hold relax dan Contract relax memberikan efek yang sama terhadap peningkatan nilai ROM sendi lutut pasien Osteoarthtritis, tidak ada pemberian yang signifikan pada penambahan ROM sendi lutut pasien Osteoarthtritis antara kelompok perlakuan. Kata Kunci: Hold relax, Contract relax, ROM sendi lutut, OA
Effect of Combination of Electrotherapy and Exercise Therapy on Functional Activities of Low Back Pain Patients Nana Aulia Massakuta; Hendrik Hendrik; Yonathan Ramba
Health Notions Vol 6, No 6 (2022): June
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (HNST)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/hn60603


Low back pain is one of the main health problems experienced by humans. Microwave diathermy, bugnet exercise, and William flexion exercise are physiotherapy modalities that can be used to treat lower back pain, but their scientific effectiveness is uncertain. This study aims to evaluate the effect of pain reduction and degree of disability after being given a combination therapy of microwave diathermy, bugnet exercise, and William flexion exercise in patients with low back pain. This research was a pre-experimental study with a one-group pretest-posttest design which was carried out at dr. Tadjuddin Chalid Makassar with a population of 30 subjects who met the inclusion requirements. The sample was obtained by 26 subjects obtained using the Lemesow formula. Sampling was done by simple random sampling technique into one treatment group to measure the degree of disability using the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) before and after the intervention. The results of data analysis with the Wilcoxon test obtained a pretest value of 39.80 + 4.64 and a posttest of 20.80 + 2.90 with a p-value of 0.005. Thus it can be concluded that the provision of Microwave diathermy, bugnet exercise, and william flexion exercise can have an effect on the functional activities of low back pain patients. Keywords: electrotherapy; exercise therapy; oswestry disability index; physiotherapy; low back pain
Combination of Tapping with Eccentric Exercise and Passive Stretching on Handgrip Ability of Elbow Tennis Patients Maya Triyanita; Hendrik Hendrik
Health Notions Vol 6, No 6 (2022): June
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (HNST)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/hn60604


Tennis elbow is a complaint of pain in the forearm which usually radiates to the dorsum of the hand due to inflammation or non-specific degeneration of the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) muscle in the lateral epicondyle of the humerus as a result of repetitive hand activities. This study aims to determine the differences in the effects of tapping and eccentric exercise with tapping and passive stretching on increasing grip strength in tennis elbow patients. This research was an experimental study with a randomized control group pretest-posttest design. This research was conducted on the campus of the Department of Physiotherapy, Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar, Indonesia. The population was 45 patients who have tennis elbow, aged between 30-45 years, and do not have other neuromusculoskeletal disorders. The sample was obtained using the Lemesow formula so that a sample size of 40 subjects was taken using a simple random sampling technique, then divided into two groups randomly, namely the group given tapping and eccentric exercise and the group being given taping and passive stretching. Both groups were given the intervention three times a week for four weeks. The results of the Wilcoxon test analysis showed that tapping and eccentric exercise interventions significantly increased gripping ability with p-value = 0.000 (<0.05) while tapping and passive stretching interventions showed a significant increase in gripping ability with p = 0.003 (<0.05). The results of the Mann-Whitney test analysis showed that there was a significant difference between groups in the ability to grip with a p-value = 0.006 (<0.05). Thus it can be concluded that the intervention with a combination of tapping affects the gripping ability of tennis elbow patients. Keywords: tennis elbow; eccentric exercise; passive stretching; tapping; grip strength
PENATALAKSANAAN FISIOTERAPI PADA GANGGUAN FUNGSIONAL LENGAN DAN TUNGKAI AKIBAT HEMIPARESE POST STROKE NON HEMORAGIK DI INGGIT MEDICAL CENTRE: Physiotherapy Management of Arm And Leg Functional Disorders Due to Non-Hemorrhagic Hemiparese Post Stroke at Inggit Medical Center Hasbiah Hasbiah; Hendrik Hendrik; Moureen Moureen; Fahrul Islam; Hasnia Ahmad; Yonathan Ramba
Media Fisioterapi Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Media Fisioterapi Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar
Publisher : Jurusan Fisioterapi Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32382/fis.v14i2.45


Hemiparase adalah sindrom klinis yang timbulnya mendadak, progresifnya secara cepat, dan berupa defisit neurologis fokal yang berlangsung selama 24 jam atau langsung menimbulkan kematian, disebabkan gangguan pada peredaran darah di otak non-traumatic (Halim, 2016). Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan fisioterapi terhadap gangguan fungsional lengan dan tungkai akibat Hemiparese Non Hemoragik dan meningkatkan fungsi aktivitas sehari-hari dengan menggunakan intervensi Passive dan Aktif Exercise,Bridging Exercise dan Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation atau PNF. Hasil setelah melakukan penanganan selama 8 kali terapi didapatkan hasil meningkatan nilai aktivitas sehari-hari atau ADL pada pasien Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian Passive dan Aktif Exercise,Bridging Exercise dan Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation atau PNF dapat meningkatkan aktivas sehari hari atau ADL pada kasus Hemipare Non Hemoragik Post Stroke. Kata Kunci : Hemiparese Non Hemoragik , Passive dan Aktif Exercise, Bridging Exercise dan Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)ata Kunci :
PENATALAKSANAAN FISIOTERAPI PADA NYERI AKIBAT SPRAIN ANKLE DI PUSAT PENDIDIKAN DAN LATIHAN PELAJAR SULAWESI SELATAN: Physiotherapy Management Of Pain Caused By Ankle Sprain In South Sulawesi Student Education And Training Center Nurzakia Mahdi; Darwis Durahim; Hendrik Hendrik; Aco Tang; Yonathan Ramba
Media Fisioterapi Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar Vol 15 No 1 (2023): Media Fisioterapi Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar
Publisher : Jurusan Fisioterapi Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32382/fis.v15i1.56


Latar Belakang : Sprain ankle adalah cedera pada ligamen kompleks lateral dikarenakan overstretch dengan posisi inversi dan plantar fleksi yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba saat kaki tidak menumpu dengan sempurna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi pada Nyeri akibat Sprain Ankle di Pusat Pendidikan dan Latihan Pelajar Sulawesi Selatan. Metode Penelitian : Jenis penelitian ini adalah studi kasus dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 2 orang. Problematik fisioterapi sesuai hasil pemeriksaan adalah terdapat nyeri pada Ankle yang dapat diukur menggunakan VAS (Visual Analog Scale) dan MMT (Manual Muscle Testing). Hasil Penelitian : Setelah dilakukan tindakan fisioterapi selama 8 kali, didapatkan hasil yaitu terjadinya penurunan nyeri pada kedua sampel. Kesimpulan : Dengan demikian dapatkan disimpulkan bahwa pemberian Infraphil dan Theraband Theraphy dapat memberikan efek terhadap penurunan nyeri dan peningkatan kekuatan otot pada penderita Sprain Anke. Kata Kunci : Sprain Ankle, Infraphil, Theraband Therapy