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Pembuatan Buku Ajar Hadis Tarbawi Sebagai Usaha Peningkatan Pemahaman Hadis-Hadis Pendidikan Bagi Mahasiswa Ahmad Zaenuri
Dimas: Jurnal Pemikiran Agama untuk Pemberdayaan Vol 20, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : LP2M of Institute for Research and Community Services - UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (547.414 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/dms.2020.202.5418


The main problem faced by many Islamic higher education students in Tarbawi hadith courses is the lack of understanding of references in Arabic classical books (al-Turats al-Islamiyyah). Meanwhile, in the course, the knowledge of the intended knowledge is needed. In hindsight, until now there has been no textbook that specifically uses the easiest method of understanding Tarbawi Hadith. This service aims to make textbooks and student assistance in understanding the educational traditions of the classical books. The method used in this assistance is participatory action research with the use of lidwa library software or the book of nine priests. The results of this service show that there are significant changes in knowledge before and after using Tarbawi hadith textbooks. Masalah utama yang banyak dihadapi mahasiswa perguruan tinggi agama Islam, pada mata kuliah hadis tarbawi yaitu kurangnya pemahaman akan referensi kitab-kitab klasik berbahasa arab (al-Turats al-Islamiyyah). Sementara itu, pada mata kuliah tersebut pengetahuan ilmu dimaksud sangat dibutuhkan. Jika dilihat kebelakang, hingga saat ini belum terdapat buku ajar yang secara khusus menggunakan metode termudah dalam memahami hadis tarbawi. Pengabdian ini bertujuan melakukan pembuatan buku ajar dan pendampingan mahasiswa dalam memahami hadis-hadis pendidikan dari kitab-kitab klasik. Metode yang digunakan dalam pendampingan ini yaitu participatory action research dengan pemanfaatan software lidwa pustaka atau kitab sembilan imam. Hasil dari pengabdian ini menunjukkan terdapat perubahan pengetahuan yang signifikan sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan buku ajar hadis tarbawi. 
Conciencia Vol 19 No 2 (2019): Conciencia
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (277.296 KB) | DOI: 10.19109/conciencia.v19i2.4284


This article aims to reveal the role of Nahdlatul Ulama culture boarding schools in instilling plurality and multicultural values in their education system. The focus of his research was conducted on two pesantren. Pesantren Salafiyah Syafiiyah and Pesantren Sirojut Tholibin Gorontalo. The research method used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The data collection is done by interviewing the leaders of the pesantren and related parties. The information obtained is then reviewed and adjusted to data from observations and documentation. In this study the authors use educational theories about in, at and beyond the wall. Through the concept of education in the wall, the pesantren emphasizes lessons only on the religion it adheres to tafaqquh fi al-din without conducting dialogue on other religions. Meanwhile, through the concept at the wall, the pesantren does not only try to understand the religion it adopts, but also other religions. Meanwhile, the concept of beyond the wall pesantren requires not only understanding, but also living together in communities of different religions. Based on the results of the study concluded thatthe Pesantren Salafiyah-Syafiiyah and the Pesantren Sirojut Tholibin have been shown to have a significant role in establishing multicultural-pluralist values in accordance with the basic principles of the Nahdlatul Ulama-an. Basic principles such as Ukhuwah Wathaniyah (Brotherhood on the basis of equality of nationality / nationalism), Ukhuwah Insaniyyah (Brotherhood on the basis of humanity), to the attitudes of al-Ikhlas (sincerity), al-Adalah (justice), al-Tawassut (moderation), al-Tawazzun (balance), al-Tasamuh (tolerance) manifested in pesantrenan activities.
Salafi’s Da’wah and the Phenomenon of Religious Piety among Hijrah Artists Ahmad Zaenuri; Habibie Yusuf
Millati: Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities Vol 4, No 2 (2019): Islam Indonesia yang Damai dan Bermartabat
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/mlt.v4i2.228-249


In the last decade, along with the huge social media, religious piety among national celebrities has increased dramatically. This trend is characterized by the emergence of a number of artists with traditional Islamic-Salafi fashion community. Trousers above the ankle, bushy beards, thin mustaches, women's veils and the common term of akhi and ukhti, as well as many other anomalies. Salafi da’wa is, on the one hand, a condensed way of da’wa (not much by fiqh logic). His opinions concentrated more on the actual understanding of the Quran and the Sunnah. But, on the other hand, a lot of artists who are typically middle-class, educated and rationalist suit the community. This article seeks to address the question of why the phenomenon of religious piety of artists is more in line with the trend of the Salafi communities? Phenomenological descriptive methodology is the analysis tool used. To address the above question, the author presents the paradigm of Benford and Snow da’wa. The results of this study reveal that the Salaf da’wa was able to frame its da'wah concepts in accordance with reason, Islamic, modern standards, and to respond to the demands of the Ummah in such a way that many artists followed.
Pesantren Al-Khairaat of Gorontalo; Hadrāmī Tradition and Habāib Domination Ahmad Zaenuri; Habibie Yusuf
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 18 Nomor 1 2021
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v18i1.3492


Al-Khairaat is an Islamic Boarding School founded by a charismatic cleric of Hadramaut descent, Sayyid Idrus bin Sālim Al-Jufrie in Palu, Central Sulawesi. Since its establishment in 1930, more than 500 branches of Al-Khairaat schools have spread in the central, northern, southeast, and western parts of Sulawesi Island to Gorontalo area. The development of Al-Khairaat became interesting because the school curriculum represents a pattern of Hadrāmī tradition offered in society (ahwal). Besides, the charismatic dominance of Sayyid Idrus bin Sālim Al-Jufrie as a descendant of the Prophet became an appeal in gaining public trust in Al-Khairaat. This research aimed to analyze the extent of how the Hadrāmī tradition applied and the influence of Sayyid Idrus Bin Sālim Al-Jufrie as a descendant of the Prophet to develop Al-Khairaat boarding school. The field research was carried out using an ethnographic method. The research results showed that the tradition of Hadrāmī in the form of wirid, dhikr, and shalawat had become an appeal. It conforms to the social conditions of Gorontalo people, who appear to be traditionalists in the practice of religion and some of their people are similar to the rituals of urban sufism. In addition, people who want their children to become proficient in religion often claim that Al-Khairaat can deliver these values. As for the dominance of habāib, it is more noticeable in culture, social, and symbol in the context of a high appreciation of it in society's social stratification and even things considered non-scientific.
Al Ghazali Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : STAINU Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Bahasan ini berusaha mengungkap metode-metode pendidikan yang terdapat dalam al-Qur’an. Metode tersebut kemudian disinergikan dengan tema-tema kekinian. Dengan menggunaan penelitian literatur (library research), dan pendekatan tafsir, diharapkan akan diperoleh pengetahuan tentang metode pembelajaran yang sejalan dengan semangat al-Qur’an. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, sedikitnya terdapat lima bentuk metode pembelajaran yang diajarkan oleh al-Qur’an. Metode-metode tersebut antara lain; Metode cerita atau ceramah. Metode ini sejalan dengan al-Qur’an surat al-Kahfi ayat 66-67. Metode diskusi, tanya jawab dan dialog. Metode ini sejalan dengan al-Qur’an surat al-Anbiya ayat 52-61. Metode penyadaran, metode ini sejalan dengan al-Qur’an surat Luqman ayat 13. Metode pemberian hukuman. Metode ini sejalan dengan al-Qur’an surat al-Nisa ayat 34. Selanjutnya, metode yang terakhir yaitu metode keteladanan. Metode ini sejalan dengan al-Qur’an surat al-Ahzab ayat 21.
Madani: Jurnal Pengabdian Ilmiah Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): MADANI Jurnal Pengabdian Ilmiah
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (617.916 KB) | DOI: 10.30603/md.v1i1.714


Terdapat perbedaan pandangan dalam menerima konsep demokrasi pada gerakan kemahasiswaan. Sebagian menerima konsep tersebut dan sebagian lagi menolaknya. Penerimaan dan penolakan terjadi, umumnya dikarenakan perbedaan dalam memaknai konsep “syura” dalam al-Qur’an. Penelitian ini membahas pandangan Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia dalam memaknai konsep syura dalam al-Qur’an dengan menggunakan teori kritik nalar Arab Muhammad Abid al-Jabiri. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia memaknai syura identik dengan demokrasi saat ini. Dengan demikian, metode penelaahan yang digunakan Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia lebih mendekati pendekatan burhani yang disebut al-Jabiri.
Islamic Spirituality (ROHIS) and Its Effect on Establishment of Character and Religious Attitude of Students: Study Of SMA Negeri 1 Kotamobagu , North Sulawesi Moh Rafit Massi; Ahmad Zaenuri
PEKERTI Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): PEKERTI Journal Pendidikan Agama Islam & Budi Pekerti
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo

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This study aims to determine the effect of active participation in Islamic Spirituality extracurricular activities (ROHIS) on the formation of students' character. Furthermore, the shape of the character will be included in the typology of religious attitudes and the direction of the trend will be seen. By using the type of Field Research and a mix method approach between the Qualitative Method and the Quantitative Method, the authors suspect that there is a significant influence between the activity of participating in extra-curricular activities of Islamic Spirituality on the formation of the character of students. Furthermore, if grouped in the typology of religious attitudes, students who actively participate in Islamic Spirituality extra-curricular activities have a tendency to Inclusive-Formalistic diversity attitudes. In social attitudes towards each other they tend to be inclusive, but in religious practice they tend to emphasize formalistic religious rites and have not emphasized the substance aspect
Islamic Spirituality (ROHIS) and Its Effect on Establishment of Character and Religious Attitude of Students: Study Of SMA Negeri 1 Kotamobagu , North Sulawesi Moh Rafit Massi; Ahmad Zaenuri
Pekerti: Journal Pendidikan Islam dan Budi Pekerti Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): PEKERTI Journal Pendidikan Agama Islam & Budi Pekerti
Publisher : IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (333.233 KB)


This study aims to determine the effect of active participation in Islamic Spirituality extracurricular activities (ROHIS) on the formation of students' character. Furthermore, the shape of the character will be included in the typology of religious attitudes and the direction of the trend will be seen. By using the type of Field Research and a mix method approach between the Qualitative Method and the Quantitative Method, the authors suspect that there is a significant influence between the activity of participating in extra-curricular activities of Islamic Spirituality on the formation of the character of students. Furthermore, if grouped in the typology of religious attitudes, students who actively participate in Islamic Spirituality extra-curricular activities have a tendency to Inclusive-Formalistic diversity attitudes. In social attitudes towards each other they tend to be inclusive, but in religious practice they tend to emphasize formalistic religious rites and have not emphasized the substance aspect
Pekerti: Journal Pendidikan Islam dan Budi Pekerti Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): PEKERTI Journal Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti
Publisher : IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam berbasis kesetaraan gender di SMP Negeri 1 Bolaang Uki. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan lokasi penelitian di SMP Negeri 1 Bolaang Uki, jenis penelitian yang digunakan peneliti adalah kualitatif. Adapun pendekatan penelitian yang dilakukan ialah pendekatan fenomenologis. Waktu pelaksanaan penelitian selama 2 bulan. Subjek      dalam penelitian adalah guru pendidikan agama Islam dan peserta didik sebagai subjek. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah proses implementasi nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam berbasis kesetaraan gender di SMP Negeri 1 Bolaang Uki. Hasil peneltian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi nilai-nilai pendidikan agama Islam berbasis kesetaraan gender sudah diterapkan pada kegiatan-kegiatan di sekolah. Kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut masih sederhana karena hanya sebatas kegiatan tambahan yang dilakukan oleh sekolah. Faktor-faktor Pendukung Implementasi Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Kesetaraan Gender terdiri dari faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Faktor Internal yakni kepala sekolah, guru, kurikulum dan materi pelajaran khusus nilai-nilai Kesetraan gender. Faktor Eskternal yakni  Orang Tua dan Lingkungan. Solusi yang dilakukan oleh sekolah terhadap kesulitan implementasi nilai-nilai  pendidikan Islam berbasis kesetaraan gender yaitu penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam tentang gender, memberikan pelatihan dan pendalaman materi pendidikan dalam Islam dalam memahami gender serta pembentukan lembaga khusus dalam mengawasi perilaku guru ketika melakukan diskriminasi terhadap kaum perempuan.
Pesantren Al-Khairaat of Gorontalo; Hadrāmī Tradition and Habāib Domination Ahmad Zaenuri; Habibie Yusuf
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 18 Nomor 1 2021
Publisher : LPPM UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (699.914 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v18i1.3492


Al-Khairaat is an Islamic Boarding School founded by a charismatic cleric of Hadramaut descent, Sayyid Idrus bin Sālim Al-Jufrie in Palu, Central Sulawesi. Since its establishment in 1930, more than 500 branches of Al-Khairaat schools have spread in the central, northern, southeast, and western parts of Sulawesi Island to Gorontalo area. The development of Al-Khairaat became interesting because the school curriculum represents a pattern of Hadrāmī tradition offered in society (ahwal). Besides, the charismatic dominance of Sayyid Idrus bin Sālim Al-Jufrie as a descendant of the Prophet became an appeal in gaining public trust in Al-Khairaat. This research aimed to analyze the extent of how the Hadrāmī tradition applied and the influence of Sayyid Idrus Bin Sālim Al-Jufrie as a descendant of the Prophet to develop Al-Khairaat boarding school. The field research was carried out using an ethnographic method. The research results showed that the tradition of Hadrāmī in the form of wirid, dhikr, and shalawat had become an appeal. It conforms to the social conditions of Gorontalo people, who appear to be traditionalists in the practice of religion and some of their people are similar to the rituals of urban sufism. In addition, people who want their children to become proficient in religion often claim that Al-Khairaat can deliver these values. As for the dominance of habāib, it is more noticeable in culture, social, and symbol in the context of a high appreciation of it in society's social stratification and even things considered non-scientific.