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Analisis Sistem Perawatan Boiler di PT. Dewa Rencana Perangin-Angin Yudi Daeng Polewangi
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jime.v2i1.2428


Boilers are closed vessels made of steel that use to produce steam and be used for heating, turbine driving and so on. Good maintenance for boiler will make the efficiency of boiler higher and save general operational cost. Boiler condition in PT. Dewa Rencana Perangin-angin experiences a decrease in performance and if left constantly will suffer damage which will ultimately lead to downtime. Problems arising from this downtime include production delays, loss of effective time to produce, thus affecting the productivity of the company. The results show the lowest availability ratio value occurred in September 2017, this is because the total downtime is high during 4610 minutes due to trouble and waiting time during 1920 minutes for recovery. Performance efficiency ratio of the amount of fuel used is high at 35 Kg /cm3due to recovery from the beginning. Rate of quality machine shows good results, this is because no reject is happening.
Analisa Usabilitas Website Sistem Informasi Akademik Universitas X Menggunakan Nielsen Attributes of Usability (NAU) Questionnaire Yuana Delvika; Chalis Fajri Hasibuan; Yudi Daeng Polewangi; Muhammad Habibullah
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jime.v5i2.6113


Usabilitas merupakan aspek yang mengukur seberapa mudah pengguna dapat mempelajari dan menggunakan produk untuk mencapai tujuannya serta tingkat kepuasan pengguna terhadap produk tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil dari studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner google form secara online terhadap website Sistem Informsi Akademik Universitas X. Dengan alamat. kepada 20 orang sampel, Mahasiswa dalam hal memahami alur navigasi mengalami kesulitan karena menu yang ditampilkan cukup banyak dan memakan banyak langkah. Sehingga menyebabkan keluhan dan jarangnya tingkat pemakaian pada mahasiswa Universitas X.  Analisa pada penelitian ini menggunakan  NAU kuesioner. Pengujian ini dilakukan dengan cara memberikan beberapa butir pertanyaan dalam 5 kategori usability menurut standar Nielsen’s Model. hasil uji korelasi untuk kategori learnability memorability effciency Errors dan satisfaction terhadap usability 0,000 < 0,05 maka berkorelasi. Untuk angka koefisien korelasi kategori satisfication, error, learnability,memorability dan efficiency terhadap usability memiliki nilai korelasi sangat kuat (0.76 - 0.99 korelasi sangat kuat), Untuk angka koefisien korelasi kategori apa saja terhadap usability memiliki nilai korelasi kuat (0.51 - 0.75 korelasi kuat), Untuk angka koefisien korelasi kategori apa saja terhadap usability memiliki nilai korelasi cukup (0.26 - 0.50 korelasi cukup).
Penerapan Sistem Antrian Pada Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum (SPBU) 14.203.1165 PT. Kawasan Industri Medan II Yudi Daeng Polewangi
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jime.v2i2.2439


Sistem antrian adalah suatu himpunan pelanggan, pelayan dan aturan yang mengatur kedatangan para pelanggan. SPBU 14.203.1165 PT. Kawasan Industri Medan II (Persero) merupakan salah satu stasiun pengisian bahan bakar umum Kota Medan yang memiliki 5 jalur pengisian bahan bakar untuk pengendara motor, mobil, truck dll dengan jenis bahan bakar Pertamax, Premium, Pertalite dan Solar. Setiap jalur terdapat bahan bakar solar. Permasalahan yang terjadi di SPBU tersebut yaitu banyaknya jumlah pelanggan (container) yang melakukan pengisian bahan bakar yang mempengaruhi sistem antrian yang ada dan menyebabkan antrian yang panjang. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di SPBU 14.203.1165 yaitu tingkat kedatangan pelanggan di SPBU 14.203.1165 selama 10 hari adalah 2.129 kendaraan. Tingkat pelayanan fasilitas di SPBU ini adalah 266 kendaraan per jam. Tingkat kemampuan pelayanan per jalur adalah 53 kendaraan. Model antrian yang paling tepat diterapkan di SPBU 14.203.1165 adalah Multi Channel- Single Phase. Karakteristik dari sistem antriannya adalah populasi tak terbatas, disiplin antrian, pola kedatangan dan panjang antrian tidak terbatas.
Penerapan Marketing Berbasis Online dalam Meningkatkan Omset Usaha pada UKM Karya Cipta Lestari di Desa Wonosari Kabupaten Deli Serdang Zulfikar Sembiring; Susilawati Susilawati; Yudi Daeng Polewangi
Pelita Masyarakat Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Pelita Masyarakat, September
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/pelitamasyarakat.v3i1.5819


Small and Medium Enterprises have a big enough role for the welfare of society. This sector is able to absorb a large enough workforce and provide opportunities for SMEs to develop and compete with companies that tend to use large capital (capital intensive). The purpose of this activity is to improve aspects of marketing management that have an impact on increasing sales. The object of this activity is the clay pottery ceramics business in Wonosari Village, Tanjung Morawa District, Deli Serdang Regency. The main problem for partners is that partners do not focus too much on marketing management, relying more on conventional marketing systems such as ordering goods, safekeeping at the nearest store, and selling in their own stores whose position is not too strategic, causing stagnant product sales. The proposed solution is to apply management and marketing techniques for partner products using internet media such as websites and social media. The output targets of this partnership program are: 1) increasing understanding of the importance of technology to business; 2) capacity building in internet technology management; 3) increase in market absorption; 4) Improved communication skills for partners in managing websites and Social Media Marketing, namely the ability of partners to communicate products and product brands so that they have a list of regular customers on the website who have the potential to purchase products on an ongoing basis; 5) increase in partner sales turnover.
Penentuan Komoditi Unggulan Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai dengan Aplikasi Metode Location Quotient (LQ) Leni Harianti; Yudi Daeng Polewangi; Nukhe Andri Silviana
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jime.v6i2.7766


Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai yang terdiri dari 17 kecamatan menghasilkan berbagai komoditi pertanian dan perkebunan. Kedua komoditi ini merupakan penyumbang terbesar PDRB kabupaten Serdang Bedagai. Kontribusi sektor pertanian dan perkebunan terhadap PDRB Kabupaten serdang Bedagai tahun 2016-2020 menunjukkan nilai rata – rata sebesar 40%. Komoditi pertanian meliputi padi, jagung, ubi kayu, ubi jalar, kacang tanah, kedelai dan kacang hijau dan komoditi perkebunan yang meliputi kakao, kelapa, karet dan kelapa sawit. Pemerintah Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai belum menentukan komoditi mana yang akan menjadi prioritas unggulan tiap kecamatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan komoditi pertanian dan perkebunan unggulan tiap kecamatan di Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai yang dikembangkan menjadi sumber perekonomian masyarakat di tiap kecamatan di Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai. Metode penelitian  yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan sumber data sekunder berasal dari instansi terkait dan BPS Serdang Bedagai. Penentuan komoditi unggulan menggunakan metode pendekatan Location Quotient (LQ). Hasil yang diperoleh masing-masing kecamatan memiliki komoditi pertanian dan perkebunan unggulan yang dapat dikembangkan dan berpeluang menjadi penopang ekonomi masyarakat di masing-masing kecamatan. Komoditi yang memiliki keunggulan komperatif tertinggi adalah padi di kec.  Sei Bamban, jagung di kec. Sipispis, ubi kayu di kec. Dolok Merawan, ubi jalar di kec. Silinda, kacang tanah di kec. Kotarih, kedelai di kec. Perbaungan, kacang hijau di kec. Serbajadi, kakao di kec. Pantai Cermin, kelapa di kec. Pantai Cermin, karet di kec. Sipispis dan kelapa sawit di kec.Bandar Khalipah. Komoditi unggulan di setiap kecamatan diharapkan mampu meningkatkan PDRB kab. Serdang Bedagai dengan tingkat kenaikan pertahunnya sebesar 2 %.
Perancangan Balanced Scorecard Untuk Mengukur Kinerja Karyawan Pada Bagian Produksi di PT. X Yudi Daeng Polewangi; Sirmas Munte; Mahendra Nainggolan
Publisher : LPPM-ITEBA

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Balanced Scorecard adalah salah satu alat ukur kinerja yang dapat digunakan untuk melaksanakan pengukuran kinerja dalam sebuah organisasi perusahaan. PT. X merupakan salah satu perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak dalam bidang proses produksi pembuatan periuk. Perusahaan ini memiliki 30 karyawan pada bagian produksi dan 16 konsumen yang ikut berpartisipasi dalam pengisian kuesioner ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana perancangan Balanced Scorecard terhadap kinerja karyawan bagian produksi. Hasil dari penelitian tentang Balanced Scorecard bahwa dilihat dari rasio keuangan yang digunakan, menunjukkan secara umum juga terjadi peningkatan. Pada perspektif pelanggan, konsumen merasa cukup puas dengan pelayanan selama ini dalam hal atribut kepuasan pelanggan, minat perubahan inovasi dan citra perusahaan. Secara keseluruhan kinerja PT. X dari perspektif proses internal bisnis pada sisi inovasi adalah sangat buruk dengan tidak ada inovasi produk yang dilakukan mulai 2000-sekarang. Sedangkan dari sisi proses operasi, perusahaan telah menerapkan efesiensi waktu proses dengan baik. Dari perspektif pelatihan dan Pengembangan berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan pimpinan perusahaan bahwa perusahaan belum pernah sama sekali melakukan pelatihan dan pengembangan terhadap karyawan. Dilihat dari indikator kepuasan kerja pada perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan menghasilkan rata-rata keseluruhan jawaban karyawan berada pada angka 3,71, ini artinya bahwa karyawan PT. X merasa cukup puas selama bekerja pada PT. X.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan pada UD. Kripik Singkong Riziby Berbasis Website (Web) Deka Andaresta; Sutrisno Sutrisno; Yudi Daeng Polewangi
INCODING: Journal of Informatics and Computer Science Engineering Vol 3, No 1 (2023): INCODING APRIL
Publisher : Mahesa Research Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34007/incoding.v3i1.367


UD. Kripik Singkong Riziby is a business in various variants of cassava chips sale. The variants are Balado, Sweet Spicy, Original, and Tela-tela cassava chips that the system used by UD. Kripik Singkong Riziby is still using marketing facilities from facebook because they don’t have e-commerce yet, so it’s a problem in the Trading Business sales system. By using the facebook facility as a sales tool, the scope of sales and promotion is still tiny because only people who are affiliated with UD. Kripik Singkong Riziby’s Facebook account only. The study aimed to know how to create and apply a website-based sales system to assist marketing and income at UD. Kripik Singkong Riziby. For this reason, it was necessary to design a sales system, namely e-commerce. Developing an e-commerce web-based marketing system is beneficial to expand the scope of marketin, promoting, and facilitating users in transactions as well as increasing revenu. The author designed a sales information system for UD. Kripik Singkong Riziby was web-based e-commerce and implemented this information system at UD. Kripik Singkong Riziby. The website design produced in this study is at
Analisis Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Proyek Bendungan Sibiru Biru dengan Metode CPM (Critical Path Method) di PT. PP Andesmont KSO Yuda Wiratama; Sutrisno Sutrisno; Yudi Daeng Polewangi
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin & Industri (JITMI) Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin & Industri (JITMI)
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jitmi.v2i2.3418


A construction project is a form of activity that lasts for a limited period of time, with certain resources, where the process requires a technique to be used, namely management, planning, scheduling to control. It is not uncommon for construction projects to experience delays in completing the completion time, so that many losses occur, especially in time and costs. With this fierce competition, timely completion of projects is a top priority for construction companies. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the time of scheduling for project completion using the CPM method on the grounds that the shape of the network or network planning can be identified along with the activities that are on the critical path, and can also be known for a more efficient time in carrying out this project. Based on network planning analysis using the CPM method, a series of work activities were obtained that were included in the critical path and the evaluation results showed that the project could be completed in 668 days and then accelerated using the CPM method again, so the project could be accelerated to 545 days, so that the percentage of time efficiency after crashing is 18.42%, with a total cost of IDR 176,557,549,469.00 with a percentage of cost efficiency after crashing is 0.03%.
Analisa Perancangan Desain Kemasan Minuman Di Ukm Panggon Ngombe Dengan Metode Kansei Engineering M. Affandi Ratmojo; Chalis Fajri Hasibuan; Yudi Daeng Polewangi
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin & Industri (JITMI) Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin & Industri (JITMI)
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jitmi.v1i1.1221


UKM (Small-Medium Business) Panggon Ngombe is one of the Small-Medium Businesses in Medan that produces Beverages. The processed product from UKM Panggon Ngombe is Boba Drink. UKM Panggon Ngombe has problems in marketing their products; one of the reasons is the unattractive product packaging and still not following customer needs. This study aimed to produce Kansei words that were priorities for beverage packaging improvements, to determine the importance of items affected consumer tastes, and to produce packaging category specifications and beverage packaging designs by using the Kansei Engineering method. Kansei Engineering is defined as a methodology to translate human psychological processes towards the expected product design, by defining consumers' expectations identified through Kansei words into product design. The sample used in the study used a survey method, it was a way of taking a sample with a questionnaire as a research tool in a population, and only 100 respondents were studied, so the conclusions showed were limited to objects. The results of the study produced Kansei words luxury, informative, aesthetic appearance, durable, practical, attractive, and hygienic. The importance level of the items obtained 7 Kansei words for bottle packaging, 6 Kansei words for plastic packaging materials, 7 Kansei words for brown and black packaging colors, 6 Kansei words for 600 ml packaging size, 7 Kansei words for packaging information, 7 Kansei words for circle logo shape, 7 Kansei words for comic san MS writing type, 7 Kansei words for yellow and white packaging writing colors, and 6 Kansei words for boba images on packaging. Specifications for beverage packaging in the bottles form with plastic packaging materials, brown and black packaging colors, packaging sizes 600 ml, yellow and white writing colors, circle logo shape, product information, and boba picture.
Penerapan Lean Manufacturing Untuk Meminimasi Pemborosan Pada Bahan Baku Kerangka Sofa di UD. Sofa Bandar Tinggi Ricky Prayuda Damanik; Ninny Asnidar Siregar; Yudi Daeng Polewangi
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin & Industri (JITMI) Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin & Industri (JITMI)
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jitmi.v2i2.2792


UD. Sofa Bandar Tinggi is an UMKM in the manufacturing sector with sofa production. In producing sofas in the production process there is still waste. The wastage that occurred in the last year was as much as 17 sets of overproduction, 17 sets of unnecessary inventory, 22 sets of defects and 45 minutes of waiting time. Therefore, it is necessary to identify waste and analyze the causes of this waste to increase productivity by implementing lean manufacturing in the sofa production process using value stream mapping to determine product flow and information flow that support other activities and also to eliminate waste and find the causes of this waste by fishbone diagrams. Based on the current value stream mapping results, the lead time is 109.63 minutes, the value added is 94.21 minutes. After the process activity mapping was carried out, the current stream mapping future state results showed that the lead time decreased to 98.26 minutes. And also the translation of a problem from the fishbone diagram, namely the man factor (lack of discipline, low skill of workers), measurement (repeated wood cutting), method (uneven wood pieces), material (inappropriate wood thickness). The recommendations for improvement to minimize waste are in the form of Standard Operation Procedures and implementing 5S.