Maria Shusanti Febrianti
Universitas Bandar Lampung

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Indonesian Puslit (Centre Of IT Solution) Website Analysis Using Webqual For Measuring Website Quality . Nurhayati; Maria Shusanti Febrianti
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2013: 2nd ICETD 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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Media websites are all available information on the Internet. Needs also use websites in need in an enterprise, companies can more easily promote their products using the website penjualan.Kualitas services in disseminating information on the sales website has become a very important requirement, as this may impact the level of subscriber satisfaction and community wide that will access the company's website. INDONESIA CV.PUSLIT website. INDONESIA Research Center or the IT Solution Center Indonesia is one of the companies engaged in the sale of which is highly dependent to the Internet. It is important for a website to be able to make the Research Center INDONESIA assessment of the quality of the website using the WebQual is one method or technique of measuring the quality of the website is based on the perception of the end user. This is because the Research Center is a company focused to serve the development of the product - software products (software or system) based Information Technology is marketed only through the website. This method is an extension of the widely used SERVQUAL prior to the measurement of service quality
Implementing CBR on The College Rankings Based on Webometrics with EPSBED’s Data and Webometrics Knowledge Marzuki Marzuki; Maria Shusanti Febrianti; Ahmad Cucus; Agus Sukoco
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2012: 1st ICETD 2012
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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inclusion of the name of a university in a ranking system, especially at the top level according to a specific community is important and worth doing. The consideration, including the entry of a university in the list of top universities, is an excellent starting point for the world to recognize the existence of higher education, to boost the image of the university, will also improve promotion, especially in student acquisition and external support.   Webometrics is one of the world university ranking system that can be enjoyed by universities in Indonesia. Of the publication in July 2009 a total of 39 universities and the publication in January 2010 as many as 57 universities ranked 6000 Indonesia succeeded in the world. This ranking technique to calculate the accessibility of university websites and publications on google schoolar as the ranking parameter. However, Webometrics do not Rank  its based on a study program of higher education. Indonesia has more than 3000 universities which have an operating permit and each university has a study program. Objectivity in the performance of a university can be controlled through the data formulated academic activities through program Evaluation Based Self-Evaluation Study (EPSBED). EPSBED Data published to the public through the website http: \ \ whereas until now Indonesia has not had a rating system.   Case-Based Approach Computing Reasoning (CBR), combined with machine learning algorithms its Nearest Neighbor (NN) as the ranking methodology that uses data EPSBED, then the ranking of a university system may be based on their individual study program.
The E-internal audit iso 9001:2008 based on accreditation form assessment matrix in study program for effectiveness of monitoring accreditation Marzuki Marzuki; Maria Shusanti Febrianti
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2013: 2nd ICETD 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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Accreditation is one of the form external quality guarantee system, it is a process that used in authorized institution in giving formal recognition that an institution has an ability to do certain activity. On the pepare processing there is some things that should be done by study program by using internal audit in periodic time. Internal audit is an independence activity, objectivity, and consultative which is designed to increase the organization’s operation This scientific Writing will specifically focus on internal process audits in preparation for accreditation of Information Engineering Study Program at Bandar Lampung University  with doing  monitoring directly that can be accessed by some units in a management system based on guidelines and standards for internal audit issued by one of several organizations ISO, the quality management system ISO 9001: 2008,  one of the requirements that must be fulfilled conduct periodic internal audits. This standard is very good when applied in the preparation of the accreditation process, accreditation assessment matrix as a guide in conducting internal audits.
Analysis of Web-Education Based on ISO/IEC 9126-4 for the Measurement of Quality of Use Marzuki Marzuki; Agus Sukoco; Ahmad Cucus; Maria Shusanti Febrianti; Lisa Devilia
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2012: 1st ICETD 2012
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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FIK UBL Website is the website of the Faculty of Computer Science education at the University of Bandar Lampung.Domain name from FIK website UBL is website is a subdomain of the UBL website website uses as Country Code Top level domains, domain primarily UBL, and Third-level domain is the FIK.UBL has FIK Website Hosting Server at Nusanet provider.In terms of design websites using CMS jg FIK UBL, the CMS Lokomedia.Scientific Writing will specifically focus on the analysis of UBL-based FIK website ISO / IEC 9126-4 for the use of quality measurement.In this regard, in ISO / IEC 9126-4, there are 4 metrics used to measure, among other effectiveness metrics, productivity metrics, security metrics, and Satisfaction Metrics.More specific explanation will describe in Chapter IV the author of scientific writing is about the quality of the use of UBL FIK website.
The Analysis of Video Conference With ITU Standarization (International Telecommunication Union) That Joining in Inherent At Bandar Lampung University Happy Reksa; Maria Shusanti Febrianti
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2013: 2nd ICETD 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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Video conference is an interactive communication device that allows two or more persons can be different in the location can interact through two-way transmission of audio and visio. For doing this video video conference must be standarded  with ITU(international Telecommunication Union) so that communication car run as what we want. Video conference has been widely used in life. For example bussiness, education, military, and other purposes in long distance. In education, video conferencing can be done for long distance education, video conferencing can be used for meetings with other universities in another town. That’s why Bandar Lampung University joining in Inherent (Indonesia Higher Education Network) to attend conference video. Inherent network is a closed communication network between universities in Indonesia. To be able to conference, it is a facility obtained from inherent grant in 2007 by the directorate of  higher education. This study was conducted to measure the suitability of polycom VSX 7000 video conference with standard ITU (international telecommunication union).
Trouble Ticketing System Based Standard ISO10002: 2004 To Improve Handling of Complaints Responsibility Ahmad Cucus; Marzuki Marzuki; Agus Sukoco; Maria Shusanti Febrianti; Huda Budi Pamungkas
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2012: 1st ICETD 2012
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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Trouble Ticketing System (TTS) is a mechanism that madean organization as a form of awareness of the partner organization, the TTS is a real form of Customer Relationship Management or CRM. TTS is the development of a complaints handling system that had been shaped by the conventional paper media, electronic switch in the form of an Internet-based media website.ISO10002:2004deals withthe complaintshandlingsystem, has two main objectives, namely tohandlecomplaintsproperlyso thatit givessatisfactionboth internallyand externally, the complaintis handledcanmakeaperformance improvementservices.With theimplementation of theISO10002: 2004onTTSwillincrease the level ofresponsibilityinthe handling ofcomplaints, becausetheISO10002: 2004allmechanismsanddevices inhandlingcomplaintsproperly managed.
The E-internal audit iso 9001:2008 based on accreditation form assessment matrix in study program for effectiveness of monitoring accreditation Marzuki Marzuki; Maria Shusanti Febrianti
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2013: 2nd ICETD 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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Accreditation is one of the form external quality guarantee system, it is a process that used in authorized institution in giving formal recognition that an institution has an ability to do certain activity. On the pepare processing there is some things that should be done by study program by using internal audit in periodic time. Internal audit is an independence activity, objectivity, and consultative which is designed to increase the organization’s operation This scientific Writing will specifically focus on internal process audits in preparation for accreditation of Information Engineering Study Program at Bandar Lampung University  with doing  monitoring directly that can be accessed by some units in a management system based on guidelines and standards for internal audit issued by one of several organizations ISO, the quality management system ISO 9001: 2008,  one of the requirements that must be fulfilled conduct periodic internal audits. This standard is very good when applied in the preparation of the accreditation process, accreditation assessment matrix as a guide in conducting internal audits.
M-Government as Solutions forE-Government problems in Indonesia Ahmad Cucus; Marzuki Marzuki; Agus Sukoco; Maria Shusanti Febrianti
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2012: 1st ICETD 2012
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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e-Government implementation has not been fully e-government in our country, its scale is still in its most basic level is the level of information, while the second level was already in. (interaction) have not been able to function properly. so that the goals expected by the government has not yet reached maximum.Some of the factors that lead to less maximal application of e-Government can be enhanced by m-Government, one of the things that makes the implementation of m-Government can develop the infrastructure that is better able to reach by the public both in terms of cost and knowledge 
Prototype Model Classification System Level Internal Audit Findings Based on Case-Based Reasoning in Education Quality Management Marzuki Marzuki; Maria Shusanti Febrianti
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2014: 3rd ICETD 2014
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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This research aims to assure and improve the quality of education in educational institutions in the process of implementing the internal audit continuity with the classification based on audit findings CBR (Case Base Reasoning). Because there are times when the auditor is less precise in determining the appropriate classification level in giving findings on the findings resulting from the audit process itself. Levels of these findings consists of Major and Minor deficiency findings deficiency findings. Major deficiency findings that internal control weaknesses in the company which resulted in barriers to an organization on a unit within the organization to achieve the goals set. While Minor deficiency findings of internal control weaknesses in the company, which, although not to obstruct the achievement of the objectives of an organizational unit but need to be reported to management because if not corrected could hurt the company. In classifying the audit findings, the auditor should be given a long experience (case) in order to solve or make predictions about what might happen in a new situation or a problem with comparing the old and adjusting   to the situation to see where   the  new situation is most    suitable, it    requires    Case-Based     reasoning   means reasoning based on remembering  previous   experiences, a new problem is     solved by   considering    the solution     of old  problems  and  then  adapt  the  solutionto  find the  requirement softoday's problems.
Perencanaan Persediaan Bahan Material Percetakan Dengan Metode MRP (Material Requirements Planning) Studi Kasus CV. Krakatau di Bandar Lampung Maria Shusanti Febrianti; . Marzuki
Explore: Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Telematika (Telekomunikasi, Multimedia dan Informatika) Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1533.219 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jsit.v2i2.341


CV krakatau merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang percetakan yang menerima berbagai jenis cetakan yang dibutuhkan oleh bermacam-macam jenis bidang usaha di Bandar Lampung ini. CV krakatau hadir untuk memenuhi  kebutuhan jasa percetakan  untuk membantu kelancaran dan efektifitas dari perusahaan-perusahaan yang membutuhkannya.Selama ini perencanaan dalam pemenuhan persediaan bahan material untuk memenuhi kebutuan CV krakatau masih belum terkomputerisasi . Sehingga masih sering ditemukan masalah-masalah dalam penyediaan bahan materialnya. Untuk itu penulis berkeinginan untuk membuat perencanaan yang baik dan terkomputerisasi dengan metode MRP (Material Requirement Planning) dalam hal penyediaan bahan materialnya agar berjalan dengan efektif dan efisien