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Aplikasi E-Marketing Panglong Kayu Menggunakan Metode Colaborative Filtering Erlangga, Erlangga; Anggraini, Mar Hidayati; Ariani, Fenty; Aprilinda, Yuthsi
Explore:Jurnal Sistem informasi dan telematika(Telekomunikasi, Multimedia dan Informatika) Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1658.028 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jsit.v11i1.1460


Usaha pengolahan kayu semakin makin berkembang, dan menjadi salah satu peluang bisnis yang berpotensial di zaman sekarang. Industri pengolahan kayu seperti pengolahan kayu jati, kayu konstruksi bangunan, industri kreatif juga banyak yang menggunakan bahan kayu. Namun, Banyak usaha-usaha yang terpaksa terhenti karena tertinggal dengan kemajuan teknologi termasuk usaha pengolahan kayu. Permasalahan yang dihadapi, kebanyakan pengusaha panglong masih sepenuhnya berharap pada pemasaran yang dikelola secara tradisional saja. Proses pemasaran produk tersebut dilakukan secara manual hanya melalui interaksi langsung dengan konsumen. Selain itu, pemasaran produk hanya terfokus pada tempat-tempat tertentu seperti datang langsung ke tempat pengrajin atau ketika ada pameran. Untuk alasan ini, desain dan pengembangan aplikasi e-marketing panglong kayu diperlukan untuk menemukan informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam waktu yang cepat dan akurat. Aplikasi dibangun menggunakan pendekatan Collaborative Filtering. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dengan menerapkan aplikasi e-marketing panglong kayu di Kota Bandar Lampung dapat memperluas pangsa pasar, memberikan kemudahan dalam pemberian informasi kepada konsumen, dan memudahkan pengguna dalam memberikan rekomendasi panglong kayu berdasarkan rating yang telah diberikan oleh para pengguna lainya
Implement of M-Government to Improve Public Services Ahmad Cucus; Yuthsi Aprilinda
International Conference On Law, Business and Governance (ICon-LBG) Vol 1 (2013): 1st ICon-LBG
Publisher : UBL

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The Indonesianpopulationis one of themobilephone usersin theworldwithlarge numbers,the use ofmobilephonesdoesn’t useasa toolof communicationbut itcanbe improvedas a liaison betweengovernmentandcitizen, the use ofmobile technologyis a one ofmediastoimprovegovernmentservicesthat has been conductedinvariousplacesin theworld, as an exampleforIndonesianto participate in developingmobile-based governance.The use ofmobile technologythat is easyandinexpensiveto be one ofthe advantagesobtainedifweapply them-government, the line betweengovernmentandcitizento bemore openwiththetwo-way communicationwith amobile-based service conceptcan be done anywhereand anytime. Expectedwiththe implementation ofm-government governancemore transparentandmore effective servicescan be realized. 
Distance Learning Implementation Strategies Forhigh School In Indonesia Ahmad Cucus; Yuthsi Aprilinda
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 2 (2013): 1st ICEL 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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Distance learning or e-learning to be one of the world's most popular method of learning, this is because e-learning allows a student to learn anywhere and at any time, but the application of e-learning can’t be implemented well in Indonesia, this is because the policy of  face-to-face in classroom and obstacles to the facilities and high cost.From some of the constraints faced  emerging a prototype of the concept of learning that combines face-to-face and distance learning, known as blended learning, combined with mobile learning  facilities intended for distance learning more accessible for students and teachers, just use mobile phones or smartphones students and teachers can make learning easier, cheaper, and is not limited to space and time.
Implementation of Workflow Management System on E-Learning Platform for The Effectiveness of Distance Learning Yuthsi Aprilinda; Agus Sukoco; Ahmad Cucus
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2014: 3rd ICETD 2014
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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This sresearch aims to develop an e-learning as a kind of learning systems using Internet media, e-learning using information technology as a tool that can be available wherever it is needed. One of the e-learning development techniques to become more efficient is by applying workflow management system (WFMS) in developing e-learning. Because WFMS focuses on business processes, it is concerned with the automation of procedures so that the information and tasks assigned to run a more efficient and coordinatedapplication-based e-Learning open source workflow can be applied in all educational institutions, because e-learning can follow the learning procedures that exist in the educational institutions.
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2017: 4rd ICETD 2017
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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This research is motivated by the importance of Information Technology Governance (IT Governance). It is necessary to know the absolute value of a company based on maturity level, it is necessary to know how to improve maturity model level, and control the performance of Human Resources (HR). The purpose of this research is to give the achievement level of maturity level of Domain Planning and Organization (PO) and Acquire and Implement (AI) as well as to provide solution from each level of maturity based on Cobit 4.1 framework using governance application information technology using the Cobit 4.1 framework. This study does not address the domains of Deliver and Support and Monitor and Evaluate. This research uses a qualitative approach. The application created in this writing is desktop-based application. In the manufacturing process required initial design of the application that is presented through the interface design. By using this application, it is expected to assist the management in controlling the existing technology and human resources infrastructure and the management can evaluate the current organizational maturity level position (as-is) and the future expectation (to-be).
Application of Complaint Handling by Approach Model of ISO 10002 : 2004 to Increase Complaint Services Agus Sukoco; Yuthsi Aprilinda
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2013: 2nd ICETD 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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This study describes the components of available forage in Vahregan watershed, Central Iran and highlight issues relating to forage endowment and environmental dynamics. In this study, proper use factor and palatability models and their components use to develop the model of available forage and measure it. The components climatic, topography, land systems, vegetation, land use and grass and shrub species composition changes were analyzed using GIS. In this study source of information are herders, land and livestock owners, research institution and personal field inspections. Responses to the questionnaires were obtained from local government offices and research on rangelands and analyzed in parallel with the results of detailed interviews with pastoralists. The results of the completed overall model of available forage showed that of the 18346.2 hectares in the range area only 8.36% of the rangeland is in good condition and the rest are in fair (13.8%), poor and very poor (77.82%). About 16812.85 ha (91.64%) of the rangeland area shows a downward trend, only 1533.35 ha (8.36%) upward trend. About half of the rangeland is not favorable for domestic livestock grazing. The range condition situation and its trend in consideration of soil and slope properties in this study indicates that the rangeland in Vahregan is a fragile production system, sensitive to soil erosion and rangeland degradation, so for a long time sustainable exploitation should be goes to minimize land degradation in the future, proper management and sustainable exploitation should be implemented in the future
The Course Management System Workflow-Oriented to Control Admission and Academic Process Usman Rizal; Yuthsi Aprilinda
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2012: 1st ICETD 2012
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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Course Management System (CMS) is a secure web based management system which is specifically designed for controlling student’s admission and academic process. This system is designed to detail the activities streamline of student’s admission and academic process, such as how and when the application should be started, and how to coordinate the resources amongst other stakeholders. This system is designed based on the ISO 9001:2008 Management Quality System General Requirement Clause 4.1(b) and Clause 4.1(c).
Implementasi Augmented Reality untuk Media Pembelajaran Biologi di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Yuthsi Aprilinda; Robby Yuli Endra; Freddy Nur Afandi; Fenty Ariani; Ahmad Cucus; Dewi Setya Lusi
Explore: Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Telematika (Telekomunikasi, Multimedia dan Informatika) Vol 11, No 2 (2020): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/jsit.v11i2.1591


Augmented Reality (AR) merupakan salah satu teknologi yang menggabungkan objek virtual dengan objek nyata. Salah satu bidang yang mengunakan teknologi AR ini adalah bidang pendidikan, digunakan sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran untuk membuat pelajar lebih memahami materi yang diberikan. Pada penelitian ini, menjelaskan penggunaan teknologi AR dalam pembelajaran tentang sistem ekskresi manusia menggunakan teknologi AR. Dalam pembuatan aplikasi pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode AR, penulis menggunakan metode Marker Based Tracking AR. Adapun tujuan  dari penelitian ini agar memberikan kemudahan bagi siswa dalam belajar dan memahami materi, belajar menjadi lebih menarik dan tidak membosankan. Pada aplikasi ini setiap objek  di tampilkan dengan  gambar secara visual secara 3D menggunakan animasi, suara dan warna yang menarik, Metode penelitian yang ada dalam penelitian ini adalah studi literatur, studi lapangan, dan perhitungan sampel. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu aplikasi mobile yang digunakan sebagai alat pendukung untuk membantu proses pembelajaran.
Audit Tata Kelola Sistem Informasi Layanan Asuransi pada Prudential Bandar Lampung Menggunakan COBIT Framework 5DOMAIN DSS dan MEA Fenty Ariani; M. Alkautsar; Yuthsi Aprilinda
Explore: Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Telematika (Telekomunikasi, Multimedia dan Informatika) Vol 8, No 2 (2017): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1138.941 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jsit.v8i2.953


Prudential adalah perusahaan asuransi jiwa yang memiliki jaringan bisnis tersebar di Cina, Hongkong, India, Indonesia, Jepang, Korea, Malaysia, Filipina, Singapura, Taiwan, Thailand, dan Vietnam. Dengan menggabungkan pengalaman internasional Prudential di bidang asuransi jiwa dengan pengetahuan tata cara bisnis lokal, Prudential Indonesia memiliki komitmen untuk mengembangkan bisnisnya di Indonesia. Prudential Indonesia menyediakan berbagai produk yang dirancang untuk memenuhi dan melengkapi setiap kebutuhan para nasabahnya di Indonesia yang meliputi asuransi kesehatan, asuransi jiwa berjangka, asuransi jiwa tradisional, asuransi kecelakaan, asuransi dwi guna, asuransi pendidikan, dan asuransi income yang datanya terintegrasi pada sistem informasi perusahaan.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner, wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi secara langsung. Hasil pengumpulan data digunakan untuk mengevaluasi sistem Pruacces. Evaluasi ini menggunakan framework COBIT 5. Dengan domain Deliver Service and Support (DSS), dan Monitor Evaluate and Assure (MEA). Diperlukan pengukuran maturity level menggunakan Framework COBIT 5 pada sistem informasi perusahaan untuk dapat mempertemukan kebutuhan bisnis dengan layanan asuransi nasabah agar sistem informasi perusahaan dapat efektif mendukung kegiatan layanan asuransi.
Explore: Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Telematika (Telekomunikasi, Multimedia dan Informatika) Vol 9, No 2 (2018): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1198.524 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jsit.v9i2.1083


Informasi tentang jumlah penumpang bus sangat berguna bagi para calon penumpang sehingga masyarakat tidak merasa resah karena jumlah penumpang yang belum pasti. Implementasi Intelegent Transport System (ITS) merupakan suatu media yang dibutuhkan di tengah meningkatnya masalah transportasi yang dihadapi di Indonesia. Informasi waktu yang dibutuhkan nantinya dapat diinformasikan melalui aplikasi sehingga dapat memberikan informasi tentang estimasi waktu perjalanan. Informasi jumlah penumpang bus yang dibutuhkan nantinya dapat diinformasikan melalui aplikasi sehingga dapat memberikan informasi tentang jumlah penumpang. Dalam penelitian ini di lakukan penerapan perhitungan formula haversine yang bertujuan untuk melakukan perhitungan seberapa jarak kita terhadap suatu objek berdasarkan latitude dan longitude keberadaanya, menggunakan GPS sebagai alat input data koordinat yang akan dikirim kedatabase dan di tampilkan ke dalam aplikasi android.