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Wanita Dan Kepemimpinan (Studi kasus terpilihnya kepala desa wanita di desa jangrana, Kecamatan Kesugihan, Kabupaten Cilacap) Martomo, Yitno Puguh
Responsibilitas Vol 2, No 2 (2010): Responsibilitas 2010
Publisher : Universitas Surakarta

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This research is to describe the emergence of women leaders and more emphasis on research prototype descriptive as well as qualitative research as well as field research. So this study will not test hypotheses but simply presents the results of research in the field. This research also to conculded that the village head jangrana is a leader who emerged from genetic factors and social factors can thus be said that ecological factors are factors that are owned by the emergence of leaders of the village head. Conclusion is jangrana mayor also has the ability to influence and persuade people jangrana Village, District Kesugihan, Cilacap regency. Keywords: Pemimpin, Kepemimpinan, Wanita.
Kontribusi Komunikasi Politik Dalam Membangun Jejaring Koalisi Formulasi Kebijakan Minuman Keras Kota Surakarta Yitno Puguh Martomo
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi PROGRESSIO Volume 1 No. 1 Maret 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi PROGRESSIO

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The alcohol problem has a legal product at the top level on Presidential Regulation No. 74 of 2013, there are the control and supervision of alcohol. The regulatory authority or prohibition is given to the regional government. Therefore public policies in the form of regional regulations on liquor must be formulated in order to accommodate all interests.The method used is a qualitative descriptive approach, more emphasis on the expression of meaning and process of various factors under study, also intended to understand the phenomena about what is experienced by research subjects holistically.The formulation of policies regarding the handling of liquor in the city of Surakarta by using political communication in building a network model of an advocacy coalition was formed by actors who formed a coalition based on a system of values and beliefs that did not conflict. The strength of the core beliefs of each actor raises the conflict supported by a set of triggers, strengthening the development and position of the advocacy coalition. The actors in the policy advocacy coalition each work to formulate their own policies for the same goal of handling liquor in the city of Surakarta.
Model Pemberdayaan Pengelolaan Wisata Telaga Madirda untuk Meningkatkan Jumlah Pengunjung di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Yitno Puguh Martomo; Samsi Samsi; Erwinda Sam Anafih; Liem Gai Sin
Society Vol 10 No 2 (2022): Society
Publisher : Laboratorium Rekayasa Sosial FISIP Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/society.v10i2.498


Telaga Madirda, a village tourism destination managed by the Berjo Village-Owned Enterprise in Ngargoyoso Sub-District, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java, boasts an exotic natural charm ripe for development. This study investigates the empowerment model of Berjo Village-Owned Enterprise and explores innovative approaches to managing this potential tourism hotspot. Employing a qualitative descriptive method, the study utilizes an empowerment model approach across three stages: awareness, capacity building, and empowerment. Findings reveal that village leaders’ commitment bolsters Berjo Village-Owned Enterprise’s empowering process, enabling innovative event models to attract more visitors. The introduction of spiritual tourism and night camping has notably drawn individuals to Telaga Madirda, offering a retreat for relaxation and therapeutic purposes during the COVID-19 pandemic.