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Analitika: Jurnal Magister Psikologi UMA Vol 6, No 2 (2014): ANALITIKA DESEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/analitika.v6i2.851


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpinan transformasional dan budaya organisasi terhadap organizational citizenship behavior. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah karyawan Politeknik LP3i Medan dengan masa kerja lebih dari dua tahun yang kemudian diketahui berjumlah 53 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah total sampling dikarenakan jumlah populasi yang tidak terlalu banyak. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan skala persepsi kepemimpinan transformasional, skala budaya organisasi, observasi dan dokumentasi untuk menilai budaya organisasi, dan skala organizational citizenship behavior. Analisis regresi linier berganda digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis penelitian.Analisa data menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara persepsi kepemimpinan transformasional dan budaya organisasi terhadap organizational citizenship behavior, adanya pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara persepsi kepemimpinan transformasional terhadap organizational citizenship behavior, sertaadanya pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan dari budaya organisasi terhadap organizational citizenship behavior.
Pola Asuh Permisif dengan Perilaku Seksual Pada Remaja Dinda Eva Thania; Endang Haryati
Publisher : Granada El-Fath

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (129.398 KB) | DOI: 10.51849/sl.v1i1.25


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan pola asuh yang lalai dengan perilaku seksual remaja Dusun di Desa Kuta Pinang. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 32 remaja yang tinggal di Dusun III Desa Kuta Pinang. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah ada hubungan antara pola asuh permisif dengan perilaku seksual remaja. Dengan asumsi bahwa semakin tinggi pola asuh permisif yang diterapkan oleh orang tua, maka semakin tinggi pula perilaku seksualnya. Sebaliknya, semakin rendah pola asuh permisif yang diterapkan oleh orang tua, maka semakin rendah pula perilaku seksualnya. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode pola asuh permisif berdasarkan karakteristik pola asuh permisif menurut Tridhonanto (2014) dan skala perilaku seksual berdasarkan indeks perilaku seksual menurut Sarwono (2016). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan pengumpulan data menggunakan skala likert. Dalam penelitian ini juga digunakan metode parenting screening berdasarkan aspek parenting menurut Baumrind (dalam Dariyo, 2004). Teknik korelasi Product Moment digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis yang diajukan. Dari hasil analisis data ditemukan adanya hubungan positif antara pola asuh yang lalai dengan perilaku seksual remaja.
Upaya Peningkatan Minat Belajar Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 di Desa Kutomulyo Endang Haryati; Arif Fachrian; Fahmi Sulaiman
ABDIKAN: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Mei 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (306.681 KB) | DOI: 10.55123/abdikan.v1i2.297


Shaping and redeveloping a sense of interest in learning in every child during the covid-19 pandemic which is one of the main problems. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, learning hours have also reduced so that children are lazy to study and prefer to play. This causes laziness in children and does not provide enthusiasm for learning. The purpose of implementing community service is intended for children to realize the importance of learning for their education, not only children but also parents to monitor their children's learning more and Community Service is intended to provide more lessons in their free time. The target achieved in this community service is to increase children's interest in learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and increase their language knowledge. The method used is to provide an explanation of how to read and count and speak English correctly, a socialization session in the form of questions and answers about the material presented, and evaluating the ability of village children by holding a competition at the end of the meeting. Kutomulyo Dusun 1, Sibiru-biru District, is to see how far the children in Kotamulyo village understand the lessons that have been conveyed by their teachers through online learning, and we can also improve the learning abilities of children in Kutomulyo village.
Hubungan Kebermaknaan Hidup dengan Resiliensi pada Remaja di Panti Asuhan Bani Adam-As Medan Fitri Adeinsani Effendi; Endang Haryati
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS) Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS), August
Publisher : Mahesa Research Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1020.792 KB) | DOI: 10.34007/jehss.v5i1.1287


This study aims to find the correlation between the meaning of life and resilience in adolescents at the Bani Adam-As orphanage. This study uses a quantitative approach. The subjects in this study were orphanage adolescents aged 16-18 years. This study used purposive sampling as the sampling technique, which technique is based on specific considerations, so the sample amount to 52 adolescents. The hypothesis in this study is that there is a positive correlation between the meaning of life and resilience. The data collection technique used the Likert scale. Data analysis using product moment analysis. Based on the analysis that has been done, there is a coefficient value (Rxy) of 0.693 with p = 0.000 <0.050. The result shows that the hypothesis in this study is "accepted", means that there is a positive and significant correlation between the meaningfulness of life and resilience in adolescents, which shows that the higher the meaningfulness of life, the higher the resilience, and vice versa, the lower the meaningfulness of life, the lower the resilience. The coefficient of determination of the correlation is r₂ = 0.480, which means that the meaningfulness of life contributes to resilience by 48 percent, while the rest is determined by other aspects not examined in this study. The meaning of life in this study is high because (hypothetical mean = 60 < empirical mean = 71.63), whereas resilience in this study is high because (hypothetical mean = 57.5 < empirical mean = 68, 25).
Studi Identifikasi Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Prokrastinasi Akademik pada Siswa di SMP Negeri 1 Pasaributobing Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah Olmade Putri Bondar; Endang Haryati
Jouska: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Jouska: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Februari
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jsa.v2i1.1703


This article aims to determine how much the factors that influence academic procrastination in students at SMP Negeri 1 Pasaributobing, Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah. The method used in this research is a descriptive quantitative approach. The sample in this study was class VIII Students in the 2021/2022 academic year, with a total sample of 60 students. The sampling technique used was total sampling technique. With the research scale using the Likert scale method. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis (F % or percentage of factors). Based on the results of data analysis, it is known that the percentage of factors that contribute to influencing academic procrastination in students at SMP Negeri 1 Pasaributobing, which includes internal factors consisting of physical condition factor by 26%, and psychological condition factor by 24%. While external factors consist of parenting style factor by 25%, and environmental condition factor by 25%. So with that is concluded that the highest factors that contributes to influence academic procrastination in students is an internal factor with an indicator of physical condition factor that is 26%, anda the lowest factor is also in internal factors, with indicator psychological condition factor by 24%. Meanwhile, external factors which consist of parenting style factor and environmental condition have the same percentage.
The Effect Of Permissive Parenting on Adolescent Sexual Behavior Pasar 7 Beringin Tembung Ira Kesuma Dewi; Endang Haryati
International Journal of Economics and Management Vol. 1 No. 02 (2023): IEM : International Journal of Economics and Management
Publisher : Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54209/iem.v1i02.24


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of permissive parenting on premarital sexual behavior in adolescents. This research method uses quantitative methods. The population in this study amounted to 350 people and the sample in this study amounted to 65 people. The sampling technique in this study used a purposive sampling technique. The data collection method in this study used the permissive parenting scale and the premarital sexual behavior scale. The data analysis technique uses simple linear regression analysis. The significance value obtained is 0.054 > 0.05, which means The regression equation based on research data is not significant, meaning that the linear regression model does not meet the linearity criteria. While the coefficient of determination obtained is (R2) 0.057. This means that permissive parenting style influences premarital sexual behavior by 5.7%.