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Analisis Perubahan Kinerja Lalu Lintas Selama Masa New Normal Akibat Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Kasus JL. R.A. Kartini) Resty Jenni Ultriyani; Rahayu Sulistyorini; Siti Anugrah Mulya Putri Ofrial
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 9, No 3 (2021): Edisi September 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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The Covid-19 virus causes a decrease in the activity of transportation movements on the R.A. Kartini. As a result of the decrease in transportation movement, it can have a positive effect, namely the reduction of traffic jams on Jalan RA Kartini. In connection with the above problems, it is necessary to study the road performance of R.A. Kartini during the new normal period which can then be compared with the road performance of R.A. Kartini during normal times, in order to find out how much changes in traffic performance on R.A. Kartini due to Covid-19. Thus, this study aims to determine the road performance of R.A. Kartini in new normal condition and normal condition. The results of this study indicate that there has been a change in the level of road services on Jalan R.A. Kartini with road service level during normal condition class D becomes class B road service level when new normal condition.Key words: Road Performance, Degree of Saturation, Traffic Volume, Capacity.
Analysis of the Effectivenesss of Bicycle Lanes in Metro City Muhammad Al Havis; Aleksander Purba; Dwi Herianto; Rahayu Sulistyorini
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 9, No 4 (2021): Edisi Desember 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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AbstractBicycles are an sustainable mode of transportation because they do not produce exhaust gas. Motor vehicle exhaust gas is one of the causes of global warming. The bicycle lane facilities in Metro City aim to get Metro City as an friendly city to cyclists. This study aims to find out the level of effectiveness of bicycle lanes in Metro City. The research methods used for the effectiveness of bicycle lanes are the BCI (Bicycle Compatibility Index) method which refers to the reference (Harkey et al., 1998), the BLOS (Bicycle Level Of Service) method which refers to the reference (Sprinkle Consulting Inc., 2007) and the Guttman method which refers to the reference (Guttman, 1944). The BCI and BLOS model methods result for bicycle lanes in metro city on average get a C rating which means the road conditions are quite suitable (quite safe and comfortable) for cyclists. The obtained of C rank is inseparable from the high volume of traffic and inadequate road body width in some roads. Guttman's method for bike lanes in Metro City resulted in a percentage of 55,55% which means it is suitable for use. Although it is appropriate, but there is still something that needs to be improved on the facilities and there needs to be a policy related to the use of bicycles and bicycle lanes.Keywords: effectiveness, bicycle lane, Metro City, Bicycle Compatibility Index, Bicycle Level of Service, Guttman
Model Emisi Gas Buangan Kendaraan Bermotor Akibat Aktivitas Transportasi (Studi Kasus: Terminal Pasar Bawah Ramayana Koita Bandar Devianti Muziansyah; Rahayu Sulistyorini; Syukur Sebayang
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 3, No 1 (2015): Edisi Maret 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Ramayana Underground Terminal of Bandar Lampung City is one of the largest contributorsexhaust emission levels, where the freight car transport activity is very high. Transportation is oneof the activities that contribute as a producer of motor vehicle exhaust emissions both gasolineand diesel.The aim of this study is to make model the relationship between vehicle exhaust emissions withtransport activity, to determine the factors that affect emissions, calculate emissions, and calculatethe emission losses in rupiah per year in Ramayana Underground Terminal of Bandar LampungCity.Relationship models obtained from the linear regression equation using SPSS 16 for dieselpassenger cars is Y = -19,401 + 0,684 X1 + 11,497 X2 +0,031 X3 and for gasoline passengercars is Y = 20,060 + 0,143 X1 + 0,421 X2 + 0,028 X3 and for motorcycles is Y = 9,049 + 0,082X1 + 0,921 X2 + 0,051 X3. Where the exhaust emissions value (Y), the age of the vehicle (X1),vehicle maintenance (X2) and the capacity of the machine (X3). Based on a survey and analysis ofthe emission load calculations and the cost of damages for Ramayana Underground Terminalworth Rp 63.492.632 / year.Keywords: Transportation, gasoline, diesel, exhaust emissions, SPSS 16
Efek Pengaruh  Temperatur Pemadatan Pada Campuran Untuk Perkerasan Lapis Aus Ponco Sugiarto; Priyo Pratomo; Rahayu Sulistyorini
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 4, No 3 (2016): Edisi September 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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AbstractThe development of globalization in various sectors such as the economy, education, tourism and technology so fast up to now and will continue to grow, it must be supported by the rapid and safe transportation for the community. Happens a lot of road damage caused by compaction at a temperature that does not fit. This study was conducted to determine the effect of temperature on the value of the parameter marshall compaction. This recent research conducted in the Highway Laboratory, Civil Engineering, Lampung University. The study began by testing the quality of the material is asphalt and aggregate. After doing research the quality of asphalt followed by the manufacture of test specimens for value Optimum Asphalt Content. KAO value for the lower limit is 6.8% and for middle limit is 5.7%, after the obtained value KAO followed by the manufacture of the specimen at a solidification temperature variations. Variations in temperature used is 100oC, 115oC, 130oC, 145oC and 160oC. Based on these results it can be concluded that the solidification temperature greatly affects the value of the parameter marshall marshall The value parameter will affect the quality of the road, so the quality of the roads can be said to be safe and comfortable or not.Keywords: Temperature Effect, Compaction, KAO, Marshall Parameter  AbstrakPerkembangan era globalisasi di berbagai sektor , misalnya sektor ekonomi, pendidikan, pariwisata dan teknologi yang begitu pesat hingga sekarang dan akan terus berkembang, hal ini mesti didukung oleh transportasi yang cepat dan aman bagi masyarakat. Terjadi banyak kerusakan jalan yang disebabkan oleh pemadatan pada suhu yang tidak sesuai. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu pemadatan terhadap nilai parameter marshall ..Penelian ini dilakukan di laboratorium jalan raya teknik sipil universitas lampung. Penelitian dimulai dengan pengujian kualitas bahan yaitu aspal dan agregat. Setelah dilakukan penelitian kualitas aspal dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan benda uji untuk mencari nilai Kadar Aspal Optimum. Nilai KAO untuk batas bawah adalah 6,8% dan untuk batas tengah adalah 5,7%, setelah didapat nilai KAO dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan benda uji dengan variasi suhu pemadatan. Variasi suhu yang digunakan adalah 100oC ,115oC,130oC,145oC,dan 160oC. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa suhu pemadatan sangat mempengaruhi nilai parameter marshall .nilai parameter marshall akan berpengaruh terhadap kualitas jalan ,sehingga kualitas jalan dapat dikatakan aman dan nyaman atau tidak. Kata kunci : pengaruh suhu, pemadatan, KAO, parameter marshall
Pengaruh Bangkitan Pergerakan Simpur Center Terhadap Kinerja Jalan Disekitarnya Desna Anida; Rahayu Sulistyorini; Sasana Putra
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 6, No 4 (2018): Edisi Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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AbstractLampung capital of Bandar Lampung and its shopping place is growing rapidly. One of theshopping places is the Simpur Center. The number of vehicles entering or leaving the SimpurCenter influences the performance of Jalan Katamso right in front of it, and Jalan Raden Intan onthe left of the Simpur Center building and can lead to potential accidents and potential congestionbetween vehicles. The purpose of this study is to find out the conflict of the delay that occurredand estimate the effect of the generation of the Simpur Center movement related to theperformance of the surrounding road. The road performance analyzed is the delay, degree ofsaturation, capacity, queue length, speed, and vehicle volume using the 1997 Indonesian RoadCapacity Manual (MKJI) method. The result of this research shows that for road segment androad network of Raden Intan segang intersection of Pemuda Street up to Katamso Streetintersection on the working day after Simpur Center opened total delay happened 133,84 secondcaused by road road conflict 52,780 second, delay 3 due to movement Center symmetry of 28.281seconds and the delay segment of 52.780 seconds with the degree of boredom saturation path1.3246. Then for Brigjend Katamso segment Katamso intersection segment up to Letjend Supraptointersection on the working day after the Simpur Center opened a total delay of 10,62 secondscaused by conflict intersection 1 Simpur Center movement movement of 7,56 seconds and delayssegment of 3,06 seconds with the degree of saturation of the segment is 0,4026.Keywords: Degree of Saturation, Speed, Delay, Queue Length, Simpur Center.AbstrakIbukota Lampung yaitu Bandar Lampung dan tempat perbelanjaannya sangat berkembang pesat .Satu dari tempat perbelanjaannya yaitu Simpur Center. Banyaknya kendaraan yang masukmaupun keluar Simpur Center berpengaruh terkait kinerja Jalan Katamso tepat di depannya, danJalan Raden Intan di sebelah kiri bangunan Simpur Center dan dapat menimbulkan potensikecelakaan maupun potensi kemacetan antar kendaraan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah dapatmengetahui konflik tundaan yang terjadi dan memperkirakan pengaruh bangkitan pergerakanSimpur Center terkait kinerja jalan disekitarnya. Kinerja jalan yang dianalisis yaitu tundaan,derajat kejenuhan, kapasitas, panjang antrian, kecepatan, dan volume kendaraan menggunakanmetode Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwauntuk ruas dan jalinan jalan Raden Intan segmen simpang jalan Pemuda sampai dengan simpangjalan Katamso pada hari kerja setelah Simpur Center dibuka tundaan total terjadi sebesar 133,84detik diakibatkan oleh konflik jalinan jalan sebesar 52,780 detik, tundaan simpang 3 akibatbangkitan pergerakan Simpur Center sebesar 28,281 detik dan tundaan ruas sebesar 52,780 detikdengan derajat kejenuhan jalinan jalan 1,3246. Lalu untuk ruas jalan Brigjend Katamso segmensimpang jalan Katamso sampai dengan simpang jalan Letjend Suprapto pada hari kerja setelahSimpur Center dibuka tundaan total terjadi sebesar 10,62 detik diakibatkan oleh konflik simpang 1bangkitan pergerakan Simpur Center sebesar 7,56 detik dan tundaan ruas sebesar 3,06 detikdengan derajat kejenuhan ruas adalah sebesar 0,4026.Kata Kunci: Derajat Kejenuhan, Kecepatan, Tundaan, Panjang Antrian, Simpur Center.
Analisa dan Solusi Kemacetan Lalu Lintas di Ruas Jalan Kota (Studi Kasus Jalan Imam Bonjol - Jalan Sisingamangaraja) Cindy Novalia; Rahayu Sulistyorini; Sasana Putra
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Edisi Maret 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Bandar Lampung is a city which plays important role in good distribution from Java to SumatraIsland and so forth. In Bandar Lampung, there is a main street named Imam Bonjol Street. Thisstreet has high range of travelling, especially in traffic hour at the evening where people do highmobility at the same time. This massive mobility will make traffic jam in high intensity. The aim ofthe research are to determine the intensity of traffic jam, to identify the traffic jam by determiningits free flow velocity, side friction, capacity, level of road service, traffic jam of intersection, andalso to find the solution to solve those problems. The role of Ministry of Transportation is neededto decide the traffic regulation for the sake of traffic safety. An effort which can be implemented istraffic arrangement which can overcome traffic jam problem.Keywords: free flow velocity, side friction, capacity, level of road service, traffic jam ofintersection
Pengukuran Aktivitas Subgrade Jalan Terhadap Nilai Daya Dukung Yang Disubtitusi Material Pasir Dani Aprizal; Iswan Iswan; Rahayu Sulistyorini
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 8, No 4 (2020): Edisi Desember 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Umumnya kerusakan pada perkerasan jalan disebabkan tanah dasar pada perkerasan jalan memiliki daya dukung tanah yang buruk, hal ini dikarenakan sifat tanah yang berpotensi mengalami pengembangan tanah akibat dari faktor cuaca dan lingkungan. Oleh sebab itu, perlu dilakukannya perkuatan pada tanah tersebut, salah satunya menggunakan materialpasir. Pada penelitian ini sampel tanah yang digunakan berasal dari Ruas Jalan R.A.Basyid, Kecamatan Jati Agung, Lampung Selatan pada STA 3+100 dan variasi pasir yang digunakan yaitu 0, 5, 10, & 15 % dari berat tanah. Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah pengujian CBR dari efek pegembangan tanah, lalu berdasarkan hasil pengujian tersebut, dilakukan perhitungan tebal perkerasan dengan metode analisa komponen SKBI Tanah pada penelitian ini termasuk kelompok A-7 atau jenis tanah yang buruk. Nilai aktivitas tanah pada setiap penambahan pasir 0%, 5%, 10%, dan 15% berturut-turut yaitu 0,5920; 0,4612; 0,2961; dan 0,2177. Nilai aktivitas tanah menurun seiring dengan menurunnya fraksi lempung.Hubungan nilai aktivitas tanah dan sifat-sifat fisik tanah terganggu (disturbed) pada tiap persentase penambahan pasir dengan kadar 0%, 5%, 10%, dan 15% memengaruhi tebal perkerasan jalan yang direncanakan. Dan Hasil perhitungan tebal perkerasan yang paling efisien didapatkan pada sampel tanah dengan persentase +15% pasir dan nilai aktivitas tanah yang rendah yaitu 0,2177.
Pengaruh Pergerakan Candra Superstore Terhadap Kinerja Jaringan Jalan Disekitarnya Novri Yanti Purba Tanjung; Rahayu Sulistyorini; Sasana Putra
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 4, No 2 (2016): Edisi Juni 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Bandar Lampung as a central economic city in Lampung. In terms of urban development, the mostprominent and rapidly is a shopping center, one of which is a shopping center Candra Superstore.The purpose of this research is to measure the traffic performance on the road and intersectionsthat being affected by Candra Superstore, as well as measuring the impact from the Candra's latemovement which is in this case is about the long queue and delays of vehicles that line up in frontof the entrance of the store that cause the traffic issues around the store, so that this problem couldbe solved.From the research that has been done, Candra Superstore traffic flow affected by the vehicle thatline up in front of the store and resulted in high traffic jam especially at the peak hours around ,because the vehicle is out of Candra lead to delays and long queues resulting congestion is quitehigh traffic jam in front of the line up Candra, especially at peak hours at 16:00 -17.00.Keywords: free flow speed, degree of saturation, capacity, long queues, delays at intersections
Studi Kebutuhan Hotmix di Provinsi Lampung Frans Hasiholan Tanjung; Rahayu Sulistyorini; Dwi Herianto
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 4, No 3 (2016): Edisi September 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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This study was conducted to assess about the increase of hotmix requirement that is required for National and Provincial highway projects in Lampung Province in the year of 2014 and 2015 as well as the estimated requirement for the next three years. From the analysis and graphs show that the need for a hot mix road projects of national and provincial roads in the province of Lampung is still to be fulfilled by the availability of hot mix in AMP . For 2015 showed an increasing demand hotmix maximum time span exceeding 5 months AMP production capacity on average per month. The results of the analysis predicted increase hotmix in 2018 experienced a considerable difference between the need and availability of hot mix and amounted to 2 times as much and AMP provided feared not being able to meet the demand of maximum hotmix. Keywords: Hotmix, Asphalt Mixing Plant (AMP), National Road Projects, Provincial Road Projects
Analysis of Traffic Accident Factors on The Road of Tarahan Lampung Selatan Megalensi Kholbuniah; Rahayu Sulistyorini; Aleksander Purba; Dwi Herianto
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 8, No 1 (2020): Edisi Maret 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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 The purposes of this study were to analyze the factors causing of the traffic accident using correlation analysis with SPSS program and  analyze the relationship between the characteristics of accidents and road safety facilities such as road signs, road markings, and lighting lights the road of Tarahan. The secondary data were obtained from the Ditlantas Polda Lampung in the form of accident data per month from 2014-2018. Then from National Road Planning and Supervision were obtained form of geometric data for the Tarahan Road in 2019. The results showed that there were still inadeguate road safety facilities on the Tarahan road, such as lighting, road markings and rescue path. In terms of the geometric conditions of the Tarahan Road it has a maximum slope exceeding the Bina Marga standard of 10,83%, it affects traffic accidents. The characteristics of accidents based on the factors that cause the accidents were vechicle factors (46,7%) with the result of correlation analysis of ,943* significance ,016. The types of accidents were are single accidents (35,5%) with the result of correlation analysis of ,934* significance ,020. Keywords: Accident Characteristics, Correlation, Road Safety Facilities