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Stakeholder Collaboration Model for Ecotourism Development in Indonesia: Case Study from Batu City East Java Province I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu; Ardian Prabowo; Klara Kumalasari; Aulia Puspaning Galih; Rendra Eko Wismanu
Journal of Government and Civil Society Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Journal of Government and Civil Society (October)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31000/jgcs.v5i2.4420


This research aims at creating a concept of cooperation between stakeholders in developing eco-tourism in Batu City. Eco-tourism and the role of stakeholders are related to one another. It is due to the urge of stakeholders to work together in managing the potential of eco-tourism to achieve a development goal. This study applies the Penta-helix model and triple-bottom-line theories to investigate the contribution of stakeholders to sustainable development. The Penta-helix model is used to identify relevant stakeholders and conduct effective collaboration. At the same time, the triple-bottom-line is applied to observe the environmental and socio-economic aspects of the eco-tourism sector. This study employs a qualitative method with an interactive approach from Miles, Huberman, and Saldana by deepening literary understanding; and field interviews. The results of this study show that cooperation and interaction between stakeholders in developing eco-tourism are inferior. Thus, the researchers develop a stakeholder collaboration model through the Penta-helix model covering the government, private eco-tourism enterprises, communities, academics, and the media. They collaborate in determining the sustainability agendas covering environmental, economic, and social as a reflection of the triple bottom line element. Those designed agendas are to encourage the realization of eco-tourism development in Batu City, Indonesia. The research recommends further research to evaluate whether this eco-tourism development model can be effective if implemented. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan konsep kerjasama antar stakeholder dalam pengembangan ekowisata di Kota Batu. Karena ekowisata dan peran pemangku kepentingan berkaitan satu sama lain. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya dorongan dari para pemangku kepentingan untuk bekerja sama dalam mengelola potensi ekowisata untuk mencapai tujuan pembangunan. Studi ini menerapkan model penta helix dan teori triple bottom line untuk menyelidiki kontribusi pemangku kepentingan terhadap pembangunan berkelanjutan. Model Penta helix digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi pemangku kepentingan yang relevan dan untuk melakukan kolaborasi yang efektif, sedangkan triple bottom line diterapkan untuk mengamati aspek lingkungan dan sosial ekonomi dari sektor ekowisata. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan interaktif dari Miles, Huberman, dan Saldana dengan pendalaman pemahaman literatur; dan wawancara lapangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kerjasama dan interaksi antar pemangku kepentingan dalam pengembangan ekowisata masih rendah. Oleh karena itu, peneliti mengembangkan model kolaborasi pemangku kepentingan melalui model Penta helix yang mencakup pemerintah, swasta, komunitas, akademisi, dan media. Mereka berkolaborasi dalam menentukan agenda keberlanjutan yang meliputi lingkungan, ekonomi, dan sosial sebagai cerminan dari elemen triple bottom line. Agenda yang dirancang tersebut adalah untuk mendorong terwujudnya pembangunan ekowisata di Kota Batu, Indonesia. Peneliti merekomendasi pada penelitian selanjutnya untuk mengevaluasi apakah model pembangunan ekowisata ini dapat efektif jika diimplemetasikan.
Journal Publicuho Vol 5, No 1 (2022): February - April
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35817/jpu.v5i1.23714


The National Library Standard is the minimum criteria that used as a reference for the organization, management, and development of libraries. Therefore, every library, both public and school library, must have a service standard to maintain and improve their quality, especially improving the quality of education services for school libraries in SMAN 3 Malang. The research aims to describe and analyze the implementation of national library standards in improving the quality of education services at SMAN 3 Malang. The research method used is a qualitative method approach with observation, interviews and documentation data collection techniques. The data analysis used is developed by Robert K. Yin which includes several stages including: compiling, assembling, reassembling, data interpretation, and conclusion. The conclusion of this study shows that SMAN 3 Malang City has tried to manage the library in accordance with the Regulation of National Library of Indonesia Number 12 of 2017 concerning National Standards for high school Libraries which include: collection standards, facilities and infrastructure standards, service standards, library staff standards, and library management standards, although there are still some standards that have not been met due to inadequate quantity and qualification of library staff and budget constraints. In addition, the location of the school library at SMAN 3 Malang which is less strategic is one of the inhibiting factors in meeting these standards. So, the suggestion that can be formulated in this research is the need for collaboration with various stakeholders (private sector) to be able to access CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and universities that have library science study programs for collaborative internships and transfer of knowledge as well as assistance in library management in the SMAN 3 Malang library
MEDIA BINA ILMIAH Vol 14, No 4: Nopember 2019
Publisher : BINA PATRIA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (284.581 KB) | DOI: 10.33758/mbi.v14i4.345


Pengembangan sektor pariwisata telah menjadi prioritas pembangunan ekonomi yang berbasis pada potensi daerah. Potensi daerah dibidang pariwisata yang menjadi perhatian bagi pemerintah saat ini yaitu lebih pada potensi kekayaan alam, kekayaan ragam kuliner, pertumbuhan wisata buatan, penguatan wisata budaya dan kearifan lokal. Potensi wisata unggulan tersebut masih memiliki bentuk lain jenis pariwisata yang dapat dikembangkan. Bentuk dan jenis potensi wisata yang beranekaragam ini dapat dikembangkan dan dikelola dengan baik, melalui kolaborasi atau kerjasama oleh semua pihak atau dengan kata lain melalui Collaborative Governance. Kolaborasi yang dilakukan oleh pemeritah pusat, pemerintah daerah, masyarakat, komunitas, pelaku swasta, pihak akademis, Non Governmental Organization (NGO) dan lain sebagainya, merupakan kekuatan dalam mengembangkan potensi pariwisata yang ada. Pada saat ini banyak negara telah berupaya mengemas pariwisata yang dapat memberikan perbedaan dan daya saing yang kuat terhadap negara-negara lain, yaitu melalui dasar pola pengembangan pada sektor budaya dan kearifan lokal. Pengembangan pariwisata berbasis pada budaya dan kearifan lokal ini dengan kata lain dapat disebut dengan pengembangan pariwisata berbasis Indigenous Tourism. Pengembangan potensi pariwisata daerah yang berbasis pada indgenous tourism merupakan pilihan baik dalam meningkatkan daya saing disisi dimensi nilai pada konsep governance, hal ini yang menjadi dasar mengenai model collaborative governance dalam analisis pengembangan potensi pariwisata berbasis indigenous tourism
Model of The Determinants of School Participation Rates in Banyuwangi Regency: An Application of System Dynamic Analysis Suhartono Winoto; Mohammad Said; Erlita Cahyasari; Nurjati Widodo; Rendra Eko Wismanu
Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research Vol 3, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Yayasan Keluarga Guru Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (349.144 KB) | DOI: 10.46843/jiecr.v3i4.308


Education is one of the priority basic services for human resource development. There are two indicators to measure the success in education, known as the accessibility of education and the quality of education. Efforts to determine the level of success of the Government in opening access to education services can be identified from several indicators. These indicators are a benchmark for the success of the Government in opening access to education for the entire community, especially those related to the School Participation Rate. This study aims to determine the existing conditions and analyze the forecasting of determinant factors that affect the achievement of school participation rates in Banyuwangi Regency. This study used a qualitative method with a dynamic system approach. The results showed that the school participation rate in Banyuwangi Regency was influenced by several determinant factors that were interrelated with each other. Based on the existing conditions, there was a need to improve all of the determinant factors. However, an increase in poverty factor as an impact of COVID-19 has encouraged government to provide an alternative policies to avoid the decrease in school participation rates. The results of the forecasting simulation for the next 20 years showed that the behaviour of time from the school participation rate will be in line with the increase in determinant factors in education system, while the results of forecasting education quality showed that within next 20 years, there will be a significant increase in the first two years of the simulation, then there will be an increase in slopes in the opposite direction from the school participation rate and accompanied by an increase in other elements that run in the education system in Banyuwangi Regency.