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RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN KENAIKAN JABATAN PEGAWAI DENGAN METODE PROFILE MATCHING (Studi Kasus: Kementerian Agama Kantor Wilayah DKI Jakarta) Ernawati Ernawati; Nur Aeni Hidayah; Elvi Fetrina
STUDIA INFORMATIKA: JURNAL SISTEM INFORMASI Vol 10, No 2 (2017): Studia Informatika: Jurnal Sistem Informasi Vol. 10 No. 2 Oktober 2017
Publisher : UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (776.596 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/sijsi.v10i2.7760


Ministry of Religious Affairs Jakarta Regional Office does not have a decision support system that can help the process of echelon structural rise. The structural position of echelon at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of DKI Jakarta amounted to 41 people with details of 1 person occupying Echelon II, 10 people occupying the Echelon III, and 30 people occupying the Echelon IV. Basically the process undertaken for promotions begins with the announcement of vacancies, the selection of administrative and competence selection, until the results of the selection will be reported to the Chairman of the Baperjakat for trial. This raises the constraints in terms of time, the vacancy announced 2 weeks before the last limit of file collection is not enough considering not all employees read the information board. In addition to time, paper-based paperwork will cost 25 sheets of paper for each candidate that will eventually become a pile of paper by the end of the year and data searching becomes more difficult. The design of this decision support system uses the steps in SPK modeling which consists of feasibility study, designing, selecting, and making SPK. From this research, the result of the design of decision support system of employee promotion by using profile matching method at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Jakarta Regional Office is expected to facilitate the provision of vacant vacancy information to be viewed by employees at any time through the website and minimize the amount of paper usage. After the SPK, no files have to be collected because the files can already be uploaded in the system. And the time required for reduction approximately 20 minutes before the system can occur approximately 2 days, so the efficiency level to 50%.
STUDIA INFORMATIKA: JURNAL SISTEM INFORMASI Vol 10, No 2 (2017): Studia Informatika: Jurnal Sistem Informasi Vol. 10 No. 2 Oktober 2017
Publisher : UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (504.704 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/sijsi.v10i2.7754


UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is one of the highest educational institutions that actively participate inundergraduate, master and doctoral programs with large numbers from year to year. The number of students isvery much from year to year, spread to various faculties owned by UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Faculty ofScience and Technology (FST), which is from 2548 active students until 2014. With a large number of collegestudents, who owned by the FST program is too large to be able to produce effective services to the students soit is not surprising that the complaints given by students to the study program, which is considered less responsive in the students' view, as the students complained to the Faculty in 2016 ini.Hal very want to know how about working in this case the secretary of FST program, to serve students with FTE (Full Time Equivalent) method. This method can provide information about what is needed in the categorize into normal, overload or underloadnya work from the secretary prodi.
SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PENILAIAN KINERJA PEGAWAI (Studi Kasus : PT. PLN (Persero Distribusi Jakarta Raya Area Pondok Gede)) Ahmad Djunaedi; A’ang Subiyakto; Elvi Fetrina
STUDIA INFORMATIKA: JURNAL SISTEM INFORMASI Vol 10, No 1 (2017): Studia Informatika: Jurnal Sistem Informasi Vol. 10 No. 1 Februari 2017
Publisher : UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (660.338 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/sijsi.v10i1.7748


PT PLN (Persero) Pondok Gede Area is a service area and network that serves to manage company assets such as substations, cables, etc. Since 2005 until now the company is still doing employee recruitment because in the next few years many employees will retire, this will make it difficult for managers in promoting employees because the available employees have a working age and service not too far away. Not yet integrated system between Manager, Asman, and SDM so that the presentation of data for the needs of the promotion of employees who are still considered ineffective and efficient manual. Therefore the purpose of this research is to assist managers in determining the right employees to be promoted. The method of data collection using observation, interview, and literature study, system development method using RAD by using UML tools. The programming stage is done by using the programming language framework CI, MySQL, and Dreamweaver as supporting software in system development. The result of this research is a decision support system that can assist managers in making decisions to select the appropriate employees to be promoted in a certain position by using MFEP and MPE method.
Evaluasi Kesadaran dan Persepsi Generasi Milenial Terhadap Restoran Bersertifikasi Halal di Indonesia Muhammad Qomarul Huda; Nur Aeni Hidayah; Elvi Fetrina
Halal Research Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Volume 1 No 1 February 2021
Publisher : Halal Center ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.695 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j22759970.v1i1.54


Studi tentang sistem halal telah mendapatkan banyak perhatian dari kalangan peneliti maupun dari kalangan praktisi atau pelaku bisnis. Penerapan sertifikasi halal secara global tidak hanya berlaku secara eksklusif untuk produk makanan saja tetapi mencakup produk dan layanan jasa lainnya. Ini berarti penelitian tentang sistem halal mencakup area yang sangat luas yang memerlukan berbagai macam pendekatan penelitian (multi dimension approach) dan dalam konteks yang bervariasi. Meningkatnya kesadaran konsumen Muslim atas kewajiban agama mereka juga telah berkontribusi pada meningkatnya permintaan produk dan layanan halal. Akibatnya, permintaan terhadap produk makanan halal yang besar akan menyebabkan peningkatan pasokan untuk jaminan sertifikat dan logo Halal. Paper ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kesadaran dan persepsi generasi milenial khususnya di wilayah perkotaan terhadap restoran bersertifikasi halal di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan lima variabel ukur yaitu religious beliefs, self identity, religious commitment, attitude toward Halal Certified, dan social influences. Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa religious commitment dan self identity tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kesadaran dan persepsi generasi milenial pada Restoran Bersertifikat Halal. Hasil dan temuan penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu pemerintah khususnya kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia dalam menerapkan kebijakan pada sistem sertifikasi halal ke depannya.
Weighted Product dalam Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk Penentuan Mustahik Meinarini Utami; Raden Aulia Rahman; Elvi Fetrina
Applied Information System and Management (AISM) Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Applied Information System and Management (AISM)
Publisher : Depart. of Information Systems, FST, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (662.222 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/aism.v3i1.12135


Yayasan Qurrota Ayuni merupakan sebuah yayasan di mana di dalamnya terdapat badan zakat. Dana zakat yang ada harus diberikan kepada mereka yang memang membutuhkan dan tergolong ke dalam mustahik. Masalah yang sering dijumpai adalah cara dalam pemilihan mustahik yang masih menggunakan cara manual, sehingga sering menimbulkan masalah seperti lamanya proses pemilihan dan terjadinya salah hitung sehingga menimbulkan kurang akuratnya hasil seleksi mustahik. Untuk mendapatkan zakat tersebut maka harus sesuai dengan aturan-aturan dan kriteria-kriteria yang telah ditetapkan. Oleh sebab itu tidak semua yang mendaftar sebagai penerima zakat tersebut dapat diterima, hanya yang memenuhi kriteria atau yang diprioritaskan yang dapat menerima zakat. Karena banyaknya jumlah pendaftar untuk penerima zakat maka perlu dibangun suatu sistem pendukung keputusan yang dapat membantu menentukan siapa yang berhak dan diutamakan untuk dapat menerima zakat. Penggunaan metode Weighted Product dirasa mampu untuk menjadi alternatif penentu mustahik karena proses pemilihan dapat dilakukan dengan waktu lebih cepat dan dapat mengurangi kesalahan serta dapat memberikan alternatif terbaik dalam pengambilan keputusan. Hasil penelitian ini berupa sistem informasi pendukung keputusan penentu mustahik yang dapat membantu dalam penentuan mustahik siapa yang berhak dan diutamakan untuk dapat menerima zakat.
Model Satisfaction Users Measurement of Academic Information System Using End-User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) Method Nur Aeni Hidayah; Elvi fetrina; Alvali Zaqi Taufan
Applied Information System and Management (AISM) Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Applied Information System and Management (AISM)
Publisher : Depart. of Information Systems, FST, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/aism.v3i2.14516


As concrete steps in order to realize the vision and mission of an organization or educational institution is to implement the system of academic information. The one factor that influences the success of the academic information system is the satisfaction of users.  The problems in the user satisfaction are also issues that cannot be denied and continue to be studied. In consequently, having measurements related to user satisfaction is required. This research is done to see how the user satisfaction of the existing system has been implemented and to know what factorshas influenced the system. The method used in this study is a quantitative method using the End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) model whereas 255 respondents are chosen as the sample for the study. The purposive sampling technique is usedand the PLS-SEM approach with tools Smart PLS 3.0 is used for analyzing the data.  This research consists of 7 hypotheses and 8 variables, namely Content, Accuracy, Format, Timeliness, Ease of Use, System Reliability, System Speed and End-User Satisfaction. The research finds out that the current level of end-user satisfaction is in satisfied level. Inferentially, of the 7 hypotheses tested, 2 of them were rejected and the other 5; Accuracy, System Reliability, Timeliness, Content and System Spee;are accepted.Through this research, it is hoped that later it could be used as a practical consideration and theoretical study in thefuture.
Penerimaan Pengguna E-Wallet Menggunakan UTAUT 2 (Studi Kasus) Muhammad Taufik Hidayat; Qurrotul Aini; Elvi Fetrina
Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi Vol 9 No 3: Agustus 2020
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1662.148 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/.v9i3.227


Nowadays, e-wallet (electronic wallet) is used for non-cash transactions because of the ease and practicality of transactions offered by service providers in South Tangerang. However, the success of the server-based e-wallet that has been implemented is still unknown, and there are still problems in the form of loss of balance and failure to top up. One of determinants of the system to be successful is in terms of user acceptance perspective. The objective of this paper is to derive and investigate significant variables on the user acceptance of server-based e-wallets in South Tangerang with the UTAUT 2 model and the addition of two variables, namely perceived trust and perceived risk. The study is conducted with a quantitative approach, questionnaires online with 33 questions, and demographic data analysis using IBM SPSS 25, as well as PLS-SEM analysis using SmartPLS 3.2.8. The results show that out of twelve proposed hypotheses, three hypotheses are declared insignificant and rejected because the path coefficient value and t-test of these hypotheses (performance expectancy, hedonic motivation, and price value) are less than 0.1 and 1.96. In contrast, nine others are declared significant and accepted.
Perancangan Model dan Kuisoner Pengukuran Kinerja UMKM melalui Technology-Organization-Environment Winda Wulandari; Meinarini Catur Utami; Elvi Fetrina
IKRAITH-Teknologi Vol 6 No 1 (2022): IKRAITH-TEKNOLOGI Vol 6 No 1 Maret 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1160.231 KB)


MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) as one of the factors driving the economy inIndonesia are experiencing the Covid-19 pandemic crisis which has led to the activities of theIndonesian people. This will indirectly affect the activities of human life, including the buyingand selling process. Buying and selling activities that are usually carried out face-to-face can notbe carried out normally due to activities from the government so that it indirectly affects the salesresults of business actors, including MSME actors. During this pandemic, there was a verysignificant decline and caused deep anxiety for MSME actors such as payment of employeesalaries, daily operational costs, and others. The existence of this phenomenon or incident hasresulted in MSMEs having to rack their brains in order to survive in the midst of the ongoingcrisis. In order to continue to survive, MSMEs use social media to promote sales, or make salesonline with social media. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of social mediaadoption on the performance of MSMEs. This research method is carried out in several stageswhich include problems, literature review about the research model, research design, makinginstruments that produce questionnaires. The result of this study is produces a research modelrelated to the adoption of social media on the performance of MSMEs which is supported by the dependent variable of the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework, as well as aquestionnaire.
Analisis Niat Beli Wanita terhadap Kosmetik Halal Berdasarkan Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) Elvi Fetrina; Meinarini Catur Utami
Applied Information System and Management (AISM) Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Applied Information System and Management (AISM)
Publisher : Depart. of Information Systems, FST, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/aism.v5i2.24849


Indonesia merupakan salah satu pasar kosmetik yang cukup besar potensinya. Kosmetik dapat dikatakan halal jika produk kosmetik tersebut sudah memenuhi syarat kehalalan sesuai syariat Islam dan sudah disertifikasi MUI. Penelitian ini bertujuan menginvestigasi sejauh mana wanita Indonesia khususnya para mahasiswi tertarik untuk membeli produk kosmetik halal. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswi baik yang muslim dan non-muslim di perguruan tinggi negeri maupun swasta di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan model dari framework Theory of Planned Behaviour yang sudah dikembangkan, dengan teknik analisis data menggunakan PLS-SEM dengan bantuan tools SMARTPLS untuk perhitungan data. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan survey dengan melakukan penyebaran kuesioner secara tidak langsung kepada responden dengan bantuan googleform. Didapat hanya satu saja hipotesis dari delapan hipotesis yang dibuat ditolak karena terbukti tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan. Hipotesis yang ditolak tersebut yaitu variabel Subjective Norms terhadap Intention, karena didapat nilai koefisien regresi sebesar -0.079 dengan p-value sebesar 1.429. Sementara tujuh varibel lainnya yang terbukti berpengaruh signifikan dan diterima diantaranya adalah Attitude, Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC), Perceived Value terhadap Intention dan Social Influence, Knowledge, Religiousity terhadap Attitude, serta Brand Value terhadap Perceived Value. 
Pengukuran Penerimaan Pengguna Pada Aplikasi Kesehatan Halodoc dengan Menggunakan Model Unified Theory Of Acceptance And Use Of Technology 2 Nahdlah Nurul Murhum; Yusuf Durachman; Elvi Fetrina
Jurnal Sains, Nalar, dan Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Informatics Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/snati.v1i2.12


Teknologi baru menawarkan peluang besar bagi pengguna dan penyedia layanan kesehatan. Hal ini dimanfaatkan oleh para pelaku bisnis yang memberikan layanan kesehatan untuk mengembangkan usahanya, atau yang saat ini biasa dikenal dengan aplikasi kesehatan online. Aplikasi kesehatan mobile berpotensi mengubah kerja sistem kesehatan dan cara pasien berinteraksi dengannya. Hal ini dikarenakan populasi kaum muda yang besar di Indonesia semakin mencari solusi digital untuk mengakses barang dan jasa. Bisnis, pemerintah, dan organisasi non-pemerintah mencari teknologi kesehatan digital untuk meningkatkan efisiensi perawatan kesehatan dan meningkatkan hasil kesehatan pasien. Halodoc merupakan salah satu aplikasi kesehatan mobile yang memfasilitasi masyarakat untuk mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan secara online. Untuk bersaing dengan penyedia layanan kesehatan online lainnya, pelaku bisnis harus selalu mengukur seberapa baik dan dapat diterimanya aplikasi tersebut bagi pengguna mereka.Penelitian ini menguji metode Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) yang terdiri dari faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaan aplikasi kesehatan mobile Halodoc dengan menambahkan variabel Trust. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan teknik analisis PLS-SEM dengan survei menggunakan kuesioner terhadap 304 pengguna aplikasi Halodoc yang berada di wilayah Jakarta. Hasilnya penenlitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari 11 hipotesis yang diuji, terdapat 6 hipotesis yang diterima dan 5 hipotesis ditolak. Variabel Habit (HT) merupakan faktor dengan perngaruh. Penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk pengembangan aplikasi kesehatan Halodoc kedepannya.