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Aplikasi Perencana Keuangan Pada Platform Berbasis Smartphone Multiplatform Dengan Framework Phonegap Sholahuddin Alisyahbana; Nurul Faizah Rozy
JURNAL TEKNIK INFORMATIKA Vol 10, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Teknik Informatika
Publisher : Department of Informatics, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (588.075 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/jti.v10i1.6818


ABSTRAK Pengelolaan keuangan diperlukan guna mengatur keuangan secara baik. Sebelas alasan mengapa perencanaan keuangan perlu dilakukan , yaitu karena melalui proses perencanaan keuangan kita lebih bisa untuk: Melindungi diri dan keluarga dari dampak keuangan risiko kecelakaan, penyakit, kematian, dan tuntutan hukum; Mengurangi utang pribadi / keluarga; Membiayai Keuangan bila hidup ini tidak lagi dalam rentang usia produktif – terkait dengan tingkat yang lebih tinggi harapan hidup rata rata di suatu di negara; Membayar biaya-biaya untuk membesarkan anak; Memberikan alokasi pendidikan bagi anak-anak ke ke perguruan tinggi; Membiayai pernikahan anak perempuan kita; Untuk membeli kendaraan; Untuk membeli rumah; Mampu menentukan gaya hidup yang kita inginkan saat pensiun; Membayar biaya biaya perawatan jangka panjang; dan Mewariskan kesejahteraan ke generasi selanjutnya (anak, cucu, dan lain-lain). Dalam perkembangan teknologi saat ini penggunaan smartphone berkembang pesat sehingga dibutuhkan aplikasi perencana keuangan berbasis smartphone. Untuk itu dibangunlah sebuah aplikasi perencana keuangan berbasis smartphone dengan menggunakan framework Phonegap sehingga aplikasi yang dihasilkan dapat dijalankan pada smartphone dengan berbagai platform. Metode pengembangan sistem ini menggunakan Rapid Application Development (RAD) dengan tiga fase yaitu, perencanaan kebutuhan, fase workshop design, dan fase implementasi. Phonegap adalah sebuah framework open source untuk membangun aplikasi di perangkat mobile. Phonegap menggunakan metode cross-platform Application Development sehingga pengembang hanya membuat sekali basis kode dan Phonegap yang mentransformasikan hasil keluaran aplikasi untuk beberapa smartphone seperti Android, Blackberry OS, dan Windows Phone. Dengan menggunakan framework phonegap, aplikasi dapat dibangun dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman HTML5, CSS, Javascript, dan SQLite sebagai database.  ABSTRACT Financial management is needed to manage finances well. Eleven reasons why financial planning needs to be done, that is because through the financial planning process we are more able to: Protect yourself and your family from the financial impact of accident risk, illness, death, and lawsuits; Reduce personal / family debt; Finance Finance if life is no longer within the productive age range - related to higher levels of average life expectancy in a country; Paying expenses to raise children; Providing education allocation for children to universities; Finance our daughters' marriage; To buy a vehicle; To buy a house; Be able to determine the lifestyle we want to retire; Pay the cost of long-term care costs; And Passing the welfare to the next generation (children, grandchildren, etc.). In the current technological development of smartphone use is growing rapidly so that required smartphone-based smartphone planner app. For that built a smartphone-based financial planning apps using Phonegap framework so that the resulting application can run on a smartphone with various platforms. This system development method uses Rapid Application Development (RAD) with three phases namely, needs planning, workshop design phase, and implementation phase. Phonegap is an open source framework for building applications on mobile devices. Phonegap uses the cross-platform Application Development method so developers only create once a code base and Phonegap that transforms the application output to multiple smartphones like Android, Blackberry OS, and Windows Phone. By using the phonegap framework, applications can be built using HTML5, CSS, Javascript, and SQLite programming languages as databases. How to Cite : Alisyahbana, S. Rozy, N.F. (2017). Aplikasi Perencana Keuangan Pada Platform Berbasis Smartphone Multiplatform Dengan Framework Phonegap. Jurnal Teknik Informatika, 10(1), 67-72. doi:10.15408/jti.v10i1.6818Permalink/DOI:
Pengembangan Aplikasi Web Perancangan Agenda Perjalanan Wisata Menggunakan Metode User Experience Lifecycle Ariq Cahya Wardhana; Nenny Anggraini; Nurul Faizah Rozy
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 8 No 2: April 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2021822548


Berwisata memiliki beberapa kebutuhan sebelum melakukan perjalanan, salah satunya merancang itinerary. Itinerary merupakan rancangan jadwal perjalanan wisata yang membantu wisatawan agar lebih terarah dan teratur. Kurang lengkapnya informasi itinerary perjalanan wisata di Indonesia seperti informasi cara menuju destinasi, transportasi, beserta biayanya menyebabkan wisatawan lebih memilih keluar negeri. Selain itu, kemudahan penyusunan itinerary sangat berpengaruh pada keinginan menuju destinasi wisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan aplikasi berbagi pengalaman perjalanan wisata dalam bentuk itinerary berbasis web. Metode User Experience (UX) Lifecycle berhasil diterapkan pada proses pengembangan aplikasi yang dimulai dari tahap analisis untuk memahami kebutuhan pengguna melalui wawancara dan kuisioner online dengan 136 responden. Tahap desain dilakukan pembuatan persona, sketsa, storyboard, skenario dan wireframe. Hasil desain diimplementasikan dalam bentuk prototipe high fidelity berbasis web. Selanjutnya dilakukan evaluasi prototipe yang menunjukan secara keseluruhan aplikasi berhasil membantu wisatawan dalam merencanakan perjalannnya. AbstractTraveling has several needs before traveling, one of which is designing an itinerary. The itinerary is an itinerary travel design that helps tourists to be more directed and organized. The lack of complete itinerary information on tourist trips in Indonesia, such as information on how to get to destinations, transportation, and their costs, causes tourists to prefer going abroad. Also, the ease of preparation of the itinerary is very influential in the desire to travel destinations. This study aims to develop applications for sharing travel experiences in the form of a web-based itinerary. The User Experience (UX) Lifecycle method was successfully applied to the application development process, starting from the analysis phase to understand user needs through online interviews and questionnaires with 136 respondents. The design phase is carried out, making persona, sketches, storyboards, scenarios, and wireframes — the next step to implement it in the form of a web-based high-fidelity prototype. The prototype evaluation results show that overall, the application succeeded in helping travelers planning their journey. 
An Evaluation Of Helpdesk With Gamification Using Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat (IKM) Achmad Muhtadibillah; Husni Teja Sukmana; Nurul Faizah Rozy
IAIC Transactions on Sustainable Digital Innovation (ITSDI) Vol 1 No 1 (2019): October
Publisher : Pandawan Sejahtera Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34306/itsdi.v1i1.8


Gamification is a concept of game element that is applied to non-game contexts, Helpdesk is an IT (Information Technology) section. It is first contacted by a user when someone has questions or problems related to IT services. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as a tertiary institution also has a help desk facilities as the tools to solve problems related to IT service. Based on study, the problem that common occurs is, the user is aware of the helpdesk service facilities on campus, but they prefer to make complaints directly to the relevant division. The concept of gamification with elements of points, badges, levels, leaderboard, and rewards is applied to the helpdesk system through the RAD (Rapid Application Development) development method. The method of evaluating the helpdesk system is done in two stages, first pre-test and second post-test. It through two application which is game based helpdesk and non-game based help desk applications. Using Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat (IKM) as the calculation method of gamification helpdesk and End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) as an indicator service of the IKM that will be tested.
Cyber Security dan Forensik Digital Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): Edisi November 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/csecurity.2021.4.2.3355


Transformasi teknologi saat ini telah berdampak pada banyak aspek termasuk pada dunia pendidikan. Kampus sebagai penyelenggara pendidikan tinggi dituntut dapat bertransformasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dengan pendekatan teknologi. Smart campus merupakan teknologi yang dapat mengintegrasikan proses bisnis organisasi seperti pembelajaran, manajemen perpustakaan, dan manajemen kampus lainnya. Smart campus dapat diintegrasikan dengan smart home. Perangkat-perangkat smart home seperti gadget, laptop, speaker yang dapat dikontrol secara otomatis dapat menunjang kegiatan akademik. Namun keamanan menjadi hal yang krusial. Kampus sebagai penyedia layanan akademik harus menjamin keamanan informasi demi keberlangsungan kegiatan akademik. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu uji kerentanan pada smarthome untuk mendukung smart campus untuk menjamin keamanan proses bisnis organisasi. Penelitian ini kami melakukan pengujian kerentanan pada smarthome menggunakan metode SQUARE. Pengujian menargetkan pada teknologi teleconference dan e-learning. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa usulan-usulan persayaratan keamanan sebagai mitigasi risiko serangan jaringan pada smarthome. The current technological transformation has had an impact on many aspects, including the world of education. Campuses as providers of higher education are required to be able to transform to improve the quality of education with a technological approach. Smart campus is a technology that can integrate organizational business processes such as learning, library management, and other campus management. Smart campus can be integrated with smarthome. Smart home devices such as gadgets, laptops, speakers that can be controlled automatically can support academic activities. But security is crucial. Campuses as academic service providers must ensure information security for the continuity of academic activities. For that we need a vulnerability assessment on smarthomes to support smart campuses to ensure the security of the organization's business processes. In this study, we conducted vulnerability testing on smarthomes using the SQUARE method. testing targets teleconferencing and e-learning technologies. The results of this study are in the form of proposals for security requirements to mitigate the risk of network attacks on smarthomes.