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Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Muhammadiyah Aceh Vol 10, No 2 (2020): Edisi Juli - Desember 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37598/jimma.v10i2.896


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan proses manajemen dalam aktivitas komunikasi dan implementasi manajemen komunikasi dalam organisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode studi kepustakaan. Berdasarkan metode tersebut, penulis mengumpulkan data dengan teknik  simak catat untuk mengkaji dokumentasi berupa buku, literatur dan bahan pustaka lain yang relevan. Penelitian ini mengguakan teori hubungan manusia dari Elton Mayo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses manajemen dalam aktivitas komunikasi adalah menjadikan aktivitas komunikasi dilakukan secara terstruktur dan sistematis. Karena, eksistensi suatu organisasi ditentukan oleh interaksi dari seluruh anggotanya, yang disebut dengan komunikasi organisasi. Maka, interaksi tersebut harus dikelola dengan menerapkan manajemen komunikasi. Sedangkan, implementasi manajemen dalam komunikasi organisasi adalah dengan  menyelaraskan fungsi manajemen yaitu fungsi  merencanakan, mengorganisasi, mengarahkan dan melakukan pengawasan dengan komunikasi dalam organisasi (baik itu dalam posisi sebagai atasan maupun bawahan), antara lain forward communication yang mengalir secara downward (dari atas ke bawah, dalam bentuk tugas, perintah, pendelegasian dan lain-lain), sehingga menghasilkan suatu bentuk komunikasi yang efektif dan mencapai tujuan organisasi.
The Pattern of Disaster Communication and Media to Improve Community Alertness in North Aceh Regency nfn Fauzi; Marhamah Rusdy
Jurnal Pekommas Vol 5, No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30818/jpkm.2020.2050203


This study aims to analyze the forms of communication carried out and the media used by the North Aceh District Disaster Management Agency in improving community alertness. This research uses descriptive research type, and qualitative research approaches.  Research data obtained through interviews, observations, and documentation studies. Research informants, namely the Local Government, the Head of the North Aceh District Disaster Management Agency, the District Head of Langkahan, the Head of North Aceh SAR, the Head of RRI Lhokseumawe. The results showed that the communication carried out by the North Aceh District Disaster Management Agency was interpersonal communication and mass communication through socialization and simulation about disasters. While the communication media used, namely the mass media both print media and radio media to inform disaster management policies. It also used traditional media as local wisdom namely kentongan. Kentongan media are considered effective when communication tools that use technology do not function. 
The Pattern of Disaster Communication and Media to Improve Community Alertness in North Aceh Regency nfn Fauzi; Marhamah Rusdy
Jurnal Pekommas Vol 5 No 2 (2020): October 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Multi Media “MMTC” Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30818/jpkm.2020.2050203


This study aims to analyze the forms of communication carried out and the media used by the North Aceh District Disaster Management Agency in improving community alertness. This research uses descriptive research type, and qualitative research approaches.  Research data obtained through interviews, observations, and documentation studies. Research informants, namely the Local Government, the Head of the North Aceh District Disaster Management Agency, the District Head of Langkahan, the Head of North Aceh SAR, the Head of RRI Lhokseumawe. The results showed that the communication carried out by the North Aceh District Disaster Management Agency was interpersonal communication and mass communication through socialization and simulation about disasters. While the communication media used, namely the mass media both print media and radio media to inform disaster management policies. It also used traditional media as local wisdom namely kentongan. Kentongan media are considered effective when communication tools that use technology do not function. 
IndOmera Vol 3 No 6 (2022): indOmera, September 2022
Publisher : LPPM-UNIKI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55178/idm.v3i6.301


This study aims to explore further and provide empirical information about the effect of workload, work stress and work discipline on teacher work performance at SMAN West Region Bireuen Regency. The results of the path analysis show, 1) There is a direct and indirect effect of workload on the work performance of the teachers of the West Region State Senior High School, Bireuen Regency, which is 19.54%. 2) There is a direct and indirect effect of work stress on the work performance of the teachers of the West Region State Senior High School, Bireuen Regency, which is 18.39%. 3) There is a direct and indirect effect of work discipline on the work performance of the teachers of the West Region State Senior High School, Bireuen Regency, which is 19.34%. 4) Simultaneously, the variables of workload, work stress and work discipline have an effect on the work performance of the teachers of the West Region Senior High School, Bireuen Regency. This result is evidenced by the results of the F test obtained that Fcount is 46.928 while the Ftable value for the number of respondents is 170 people at a significance level (α) = 5%, which is 2.27. This shows that Fcount > Ftable with a significance level of 0.05. 5) The value of the coefficient of determination of 0.434 explains that the contribution of workload, work stress and work discipline to the work performance of the teachers of the West Region Public High School, Bireuen Regency is 43.4%. While the rest (residual value) of the role of the variables that were not studied was 56.6%. The residual value shows that there are other factors that can affect the teacher's performance variables, organizational culture, work environment, facilities and infrastructure and others.
The Islamic Dialectics and Local Culture in The Petawaren Tradition in Gayo Community Marhamah Rusdy; Fauzi Fauzi
el Harakah: Jurnal Budaya Islam Vol 22, No 2 (2020): EL HARAKAH
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/eh.v22i2.9205


This research aims to analyze the rituals or practices as well as traditional objects used in the Petawaren tradition of the Gayo community in Central Aceh District. This research is descriptive research using a qualitative approach. The data needed are the ritual or implementation of Petawaren tradition and the traditional objects used, especially at a wedding or Ngerje ceremony. Primary data are obtained from research informants, namely traditional leaders, cultural figures, and community leaders, while secondary data are obtained from the relevant literature, documents, results of previous studies, and references. The techniques of collecting data are done by interviewing, observing, and documenting. This research also employs a relational dialectical theory. The results conclude that Petawaren tradition is purely Gayo culture, whereas the dialectics of Islam and Petawaren tradition in the Gayo community is more like accommodation of Islamic values. Therefore, the interpretation of the customary symbols, practices, and objects is eventually based on the Islamic teachings which replace the animistic beliefs existing before the arrival of Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis ritual (amalan) serta benda-benda adat yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan tradisi Petawaren masyarakat Gayo di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang menerapkan pendekatan kualitatif. Data yang diperlukan berupa tata cara pelaksanaan serta benda-benda yang digunakan dalam tradisi Petawaren pada upacara perkawinan Ngerje. Data utama bersumber dari informan penelitian, yaitu sesepuh (petue), tokoh adat, dan tokoh masyarakat. Sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari literatur, dokumen, hasil penelitian terdahulu, dan referensi yang relevan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, pengamatan, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan teori dialektika relasional. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa tradisi Petawaren adalah murni budaya Gayo, sedangkan dialektika Islam dan tradisi Petawaren pada masyarakat Gayo lebih kepada akomodasi nilai-nilai Islam. Oleh karena itu, pemaknaan terhadap simbol-simbol, ritual (amalan), dan benda-benda adat pada akhirnya didasarkan pada ajaran Islam, menggantikan kepercayaan animisme yang ada sebelum Islam datang.
Family Communication Patterns in Gender Relations in Coastal and Mountain Communities in Aceh Marhamah; Irwanto; Fauzi; Shafira Ulfa Rahmani; Sufri Eka Bhakti
Muwazah Vol 14 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/muwazah.v14i2.6061


This research examines gender relations and family communication patterns to maintain harmony in coastal and mountain communities in Aceh. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Data collected by means of interviews, observation, FGD and documentation, informants 10 families in North Aceh District and 10 families in Central Aceh District. The validity of the data was obtained using source triangulation techniques and data analysis using the Miles and Huberman model analysis starting from data reduction, display and data verification. The results of the study show gender relations in mountain communities in the division of roles in implementing gender partnerships. Coastal communities differentiate the roles of women in the domestic sphere and men in the public sphere, and are adaptive to certain conditions. In the aspect of decision making, there are similarities, namely it is in the hands of the man (head of the family), although other family members are included in the deliberations. Family communication patterns in coastal communities are patterns of equality and separate unbalanced patterns. The pattern of communication in mountain communities applies a separate balanced pattern which is internalized in the manganese iyo tradition. This communication pattern creates an attitude of mutual understanding, openness and mutual trust which has an impact on the realization of harmony in the family so as to reduce the divorce rate.
IndOmera Vol 2 No 4 (2021): indOmera, September 2021
Publisher : LPPM-UNIKI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55178/idm.v2i4.223


This study aims to analyze the effect of 1). The work ability of employees in the financial sector on job satisfaction, 2). Career development of employees in the financial sector on job satisfaction, 3). Communication between employees and leaders in the financial sector on job satisfaction, 4). Employee work ability, career development and communication of employees in the financial sector on job satisfaction at the Office of Education, Youth and Sports, Bireuen Regency. The research was conducted quantitatively with a descriptive study and verification using path analysis. The results of the study concluded that simultaneously the factors of employee work ability, career development, and employee communication in the Finance Department of the Education, Youth and Sports Office of Bireuen Regency had an effect on employee job satisfaction. Partially, it is obtained that a). It is statistically proven that the work ability of employees has an effect on job satisfaction. With a large influence of 10.61 percent. b) It is statistically proven that career development factors affect job satisfaction of the employees of the Education, Youth and Sports Office of Bireuen Regency. The magnitude of the effect is 11.21 percent, and c). It is statistically proven that career development factors affect employee job satisfaction, the magnitude of the effect is 40.39 percent. The contribution of work ability, career development and communication factors to employee job satisfaction, amounted to 62.10%. This is evidenced by the following path fit model: Y = 0.188 X1 + 0.203 X2 + 0.547 X3