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najemen sarana dan prasarana dalam pengembangan pembelajaran keterampilan beternak sapi di SLB Darma Putra Semin, Gunungkidul tahun ajaran 2013/2014 Sri Purwanti; Samidjo Samidjo
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 3 No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (305.667 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v3i3.2188


The purposes of this research are: 1) to know the plan of infrastructure management in developing skill learning, 2) to get factual description of infrastructure management in developing skill learning breeding cow, 3) information monitoring and evaluate the infrastructure management implementation in developing skill learning cow breed in Special School (SLB) Darma Putra Semin Gunungkidul Regency, D I Yogyakarta. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach. The location of the research is Special School (SLB) Darma Putra Semin Gunungkidul Regency, D I Yogyakarta. The subject of the research is the principal, vice principal in curriculum and teaching department, the infrastructure department, students care department, experts, and teachers. The technique of data collection uses observation technique, interview, and documentation. The data analysis technique uses three ways. They are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. This results of the research reference are: 1) the infrastructure management planning in developing skill learning breeding cow of Darma Putra Special School (SLB) Semin Gunungkidul Regency, D I Yogyakarta is arranged in an annual coordination meeting. The meeting is held at the beginning of the school year which is followed by the teachers and employees, experts team, and school committee led by the principal,The investigation calculation plan,  the expense donation, the expense commodity and  distribution  commodity  2  )  the  infrastructure  management  in  developing  skill  learning  breed cow of Darma Putra Special school (SLB) Semin Gunungkidul Regency, D I Yogyakarta, the responsibility of the principal and assisted by all the teachers. Development of skill breeding cow can be implemented optimal supported with adequate facilities and infrastructure. 3) The Infrastructure management in developing learning skills play a role in its easier for teachers who deliver learning materials, facilitate students in developing skills, providing sustenance skills so that children can self in the midst of the society. 4)The result of infrastructure management evaluation is up to normal subnormal children with their weaknesses are actually able to be developed by giving life skill in order to prepare the children early in entering their new world of working in the future.
Pengaruh kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, keaktifan komite sekolah, dan iklim sekolah terhadap kinerja guru SMP negeri di Kecamatan Magelang Utara Kota Magelang Budi Wardoyo; Samidjo Samidjo
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 3 No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (360.231 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v3i3.2195


The aim of this research is to determine how far the principal’s leadership, school committee’s activity, and school’s climate influence teachers’ performance of Public Junior High School in North Magelang Subdistrict Magelang City, simultaneously and partially. Furthermore, this research also analyzes the moderating role of Department of Education on the influence of these three variables on the teachers’ performance. The population of this research was 260 teachers. Sample size determined using Isaac and Michael’s method amounting to 149 teachers.  The sample was determined by Proportionate Random Sampling technique. Research data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using multiple regression statistical formulas and partial correlation. To determine the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable was done by using the F-test at a significance level of 5%. The statistical analysis showed that the variables of principal’s leadership, the school committee’s activity, and school’s climate have a positive influence on the teachers’ performance with effective contribution 62,5%. This figure shows that 62.5% of teachers’ performance is determined by the three variables, while the remaining 37.5% is determined by other variables outside of the model. Partially the principal’s leadership variables contribute effectively (SE) of 14.92%, the school committee’s activity is 14.42%, and the school’s climate is 33.16% in determining the teachers’ performance. Furthermore, based on the Chow-Test results, it is concluded that the role of the Education Department of Magelang moderates the influence of these three factors on the teachers’ performance.
Kinerja pengawas dalam pelaksanaan supervisi pendidikan pada sekolah dasar negeri gugus III Kotagede UPT wilayah timur Kota Yogyakarta Sukarno Sukarno; Samidjo Samidjo
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 3 No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (317.141 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v3i3.2248


This study aims to reveal the planning, implementation and supervision results conducted by the superintendent of schools in order to improve the performance of principals and teachers in primary schools. This research is a descriptive study subjects research supervisors, principals and teachers throughout the cluster III timur. While   Kotagede the city of Yogyakarta region in the object of this study is the performance of schools in the district area superintendent Kotagede yogyakarta.Data city schools superintendent drawn about the performance of several schools in the cluster III Kotagede namely: SDN Kotagede I ,  SDN Kotagede IV, SDN  Kotagede V, SDN Dalem , and SDN baluwarti. Taking schools as research sites that have variations: their location, number of students, school conditions and school achievement. The results of this descriptive analysis shows that in terms of planning, monitoring public primary school education offices throughout the cluster III Kota Gede Yogyakarta, before carrying out supervision has drawn up an action plan that includes schedule supervision, academic supervision and supervision instrument managerial. Preparation of schedule implemented at the beginning of the semester by the supervisor. As for the schools under its assistance is determined by monitoring the implementation of the terms of the task letter .Refer to   supervision activities, school superintendent has been carrying out supervision activities, but there are some activities to supervise the implementation of the existing school which was aborted by the supervisor, it is because: (1) lack of time activities in conjunction with the education department to schedule a visit to the school supervision. (2) the sudden task of agencies and in conjunction with a scheduled visit to the school so that the supervisor must complete the first task of the department. The results that have been obtained as a form of performance that improved performance supervisory principal, which is indicated by an increase  school quality  in the form of school management. While improving the performance of teachers in the form of teachers’ ability to design programs of learning, use of learning strategies, conducting evaluations, carrying out the analysis of the evaluation results and implement improvements as well as enrichment lessons for students, thus increasing learning achievement.
Pengaruh manajemen kepala sekolah, profesionalisme guru, dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap efektivitas kerja guru sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Kledung Kabupaten Temanggung Winardi Suyanto; Samidjo Samidjo
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 4 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (488.974 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v4i1.2259


This research aims: 1) to find out how much influence the management of the principal, teacher professionalism, and achievement motivation on the work effectiveness of primary school teachers in Subdistrict Kledung, Temanggung Regency. 2) to find out how much influence the principal management, the work efficiency of a primary school teacher in Subdistrict Kledung, Temanggung Regency. 3) to find out how much influence the professionalism of teachers on the work effectiveness of primary school teachers in the Subdistrict Kledung, Temanggung Regency. 4) to find out how much influence the achievement motivation on the work efficiency of the primary school teachers in the Subdistrict Kledung, Temanggung Regency. This research use method a quantitative approach which conducted in the subdistrict Kledung, Temanggung Regency, with a population of a number of 157 teachers in 14 primary schools in the subdistrict  Kledung, which is then taken a sample of a number of 114 teachers. Techniques a data collection conducted through the submission of a questionnaire which contains statements about the management of the principal, teacher professionalism, achievement motivation and the work effectiveness. The analysis technique used is a technique of descriptive statistics, of multiple regression techniques, the partial correlation coefficient analysis, and assess the goodness of fit by the F test, T-test, and the coefficient of determination. Analysis result showed the variable contribution of principals management, teacher professionalism, and achievement motivation simultaneously influence positive which significant against the variable effectiveness of work teachers. From the analysis and the discussion of can pulled conclusion 1) the principal's management, teacher professionalism, and achievement motivation, simultaneously or partially the influential positive which significant against the effectiveness of the primary school teachers in the subdistrict Kledung, Temanggung Regency. 2) The Principal Management influential positive which significant against the effectiveness of the work, so management which done well will directly affect the work efficiency of the teacher. 3) The professionalism of teachers influential positive significant against the effectiveness of the work, so that teachers are which professionals in their duties will demonstrate the effectiveness of the better so as to provide better working results and quality. 4) Achievement motivation influential positive which significant on the effectiveness of the work, so that teachers who have high achievement motivation will affect the effectiveness of its work.
Pengaruh kompensasi kerja, disiplin kerja, dan sarana prasarana terhadap kinerja guru di Yayasan Persatuan Perguruan Tamansiswa cabang Kebumen Suwarko Suwarko; Samidjo Samidjo
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 4 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (487.827 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v4i1.2261


This study aimed to determine: (1) the Influence of compensation, discipline and infrastructure work on the performance of teacher of Tamansiawa Foundation. Kebumen, (2) the Influence of compensation on the performance of teachers working at Tamansiawa Foundation Kebumen, (3) the influence of discipline on the performance of Teacher of Tamansiawa Foundation Kebumen, (4) the influence of Infrastructure on the performance of Teacher of Tamansiawa Foundation Kebumen. The population in this study was all teachers at Tamansiawa Foundation. Kebumen. Determination of the number of the subject of the sample in this study using a nomogram Harry King and the number of sample in this study was 148 teachers. The sampling method used was proportionate random sampling. Data obtained by distributing questionnaires to 148 respondents and then the data were analyzed and by using the software Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16 with multiple regression and partial analysis. The research results, conclude that: (1) There is a positive and significant Influence of compensation, work discipline, and infrastructure simultaneously on teacher performance, meaning an increase in compensation, discipline, and infrastructure influence the performance of teachers. (2) There is a positive and significant influence partially compensation work on teacher performance, meaning that the higher compensation that is given will make the higher the performance. (3) There is a positive and significant influence of discipline partially on teacher performance, meaning that the higher the level of work discipline that is applied to make the higher the performance of the teacher. (4) There is a positive and significant influence of infrastructure partially on teacher performance, this indicates a good infrastructure will create a comfortable and healthy so it can work better, as well as infrastructure that supports the complete facility will be able to improve the performance of the teacher.
Manajemen pembelajaran mata pelajaran produktif dalam rangka peningkatan relevansi kebutuhan industri pada SMK Negeri 2 Wonosari Gunungkidul program studi teknik otomotif Ardi Mintono; Samidjo Samidjo
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 4 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (512.588 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v4i2.2275


The research is aimed to get an illustration about the learning management including (1) Planning, (2) Organizing, (3) Implementing, (4) Evaluation, (5) Identifying the obstacles faced, (6) Identifying the supporting power (7) knowing anything that has been done, is doing and will be done by school in order to improve the industrial need relevance in SMK N 2 Wonosari Automotive technology department, especially in industrial work practice. This research used a qualitative approach, the location of research was SMK Negeri 2 Wonosari as a school that has achieved in Gunungkidul Regency. The data collecting methods used in this research were observations, interview, and documentation. The source of data includes the headmaster, vice headmaster of curriculum, teacher, student, school committee, supervisor and automotive industry. The data analysis being used was qualitative analysis from Miles and Huberman. The result of this research shows that the illustration of learning management on automotive productive subject is not relevance with industrial need yet, is caused by the following reasons, they are: (1) composing the administration lesson is not considering the conten, planning the learning media is not fulfilled with the need of up date technology (2) organizing learning material is based on the structure of developed school curriculum program is not involving the industrial world (3) the implementation in learning is not the same with the qualification demanded by industrial world (4) in the learning evaluation, there are competences that have not been taught to the students before doing practices on industrial work (5) the obstacles faced in improving the industrial need relevance there is no industrial involvement in arranging the curriculum (6) supporting powers that is owned by school can not be used in the appropriate lab work implementation (7) the efforts that has been done, is doing and will be done by school to increase the relevance of learning to industrial need are (a) the effort has been done: being responsive toward the evaluation of industrial work practice (b) the effort is doing capturing information from industrial world (e) the effort that will be done that is inviting automotive industries to involve in composing the curriculum in school.
Jurnal Taman Vokasi Vol 1 No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (590.023 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/jtv.v1i2.96


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh prestasi belajar mata pelajaran kejuruan dan informasi dunia kerja terhadap minat bekerja siswa kelas XI program Studi Mekanik Otomotif Smk Patriot Purworejo. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menemukan adanya pengaruh antara prestasi belajar mata pelajaran kejuruan (X1) dan informasi dunia kerja (X2) secara bersama-sama terhadap minat bekerja (Y) ditemukan harga Fhitung = 10,479 dengan derajat kebebasan (df) 2 pada taraf kepercayaan 5 %. Ada pengaruh signifikan bernilai positif masing-masing predictor X1 dan X2 adalah 0,074 dan 0,025 dengan sumbangan efektif sebesar 17,8 %. Prestasi belajar mata pelajaran kejuruan (X1) terhadap minat bekerja (Y) memiliki koefisien rhitung = 0,361. Sementara harga rtabel pada taraf kesalahan 5% adalah 0,165. Karena harga rhitung > rtabel, hal ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara prediktor X1 dengan kriterium Y dengan sumbangan efektif sebesar 12,282 %. Kemudian pengaruh antara Informasi dunia kerja (X2) terhadap minat bekerja (Y) memiliki koefisien korelasi rhitung = 0,309, sementara harga rtabel pada taraf kepercayaan 5 % adalah 0,165. Karena harga rhitung > rtabel, hal ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara prediktor X2 dengan kriterium Y dengan efektif sebesar 5,518%.
Pengaruh Kelengkapan Fasilitas Praktik dan Kedisiplinan Siswa Terhadap Hasil Evaluasi Belajar Akhir Semester Mata Pelajaran Kerja Bangku Siswa Kelas I Jurusan Teknik Permesinan SMK Pembangunan Kutowinangun Kebumen Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013. Bimo Yudi Nugroho; Samidjo Samidjo
Jurnal Taman Vokasi Vol 1 No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (539.177 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/jtv.v1i2.97


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) pengaruh fasilitas praktik terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar akhir semester Mata Pelajaran Kerja Bangku, (2) pengaruh kedisplinan terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar akhir semester Mata Pelajaran Kerja Bangku, dan (3) pengaruh fasilitas praktik dan kedisplinan terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar akhir semester Mata Pelajaran Kerja Bangku siswa kelas I Jurusan Teknik Permesinan SMK Pembangunan Kutowinangun, Kebumen tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil uji korelasi parsial antara kelengkapan fasilitas praktik (X1) terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar (Y) dengan mengendalikan X2 diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi rx1-y = 0,446 dan korelasi parsial antara kedisplinan belajar (X2) terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar (Y) dengan mengendalikan X1 diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi rx2-y = 0,699. Nilai koefisien determinan (R²) antara X1, X2 dengan Y sebesar 0,249, artinya besarnya pengaruh antara X1 dan X2 dengan Y adalah sebesar 24,9%. Kelengkapan fasilitas praktik memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 5,48% terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar dan kedisplinan belajar memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 19,5% terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar dengan total 24,9%. Kelengkapan fasilitas praktik memberikan sumbangan relatif sebesar 21,7% terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar dan kedisplinan belajar memberikan sumbangan relatif sebesar 78,3% terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar. Dengan demikian, fasilitas praktik dan kedisplinan berpengaruh terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar akhir semester Mata Pelajaran Kerja Bangku.
Jurnal Taman Vokasi Vol 4 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (278.612 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/jtv.v4i1.343


The study aimed to describe (1) correlation between theory knowledge with interest to continue the study; (2) correlation between practice competence of electrical system subject with interest to continue the study; and (3) correlation between theory knowledge and practice competence of electrical system subject with interest to continue the study among the eleventh grade students of vocational school Piri Sleman in academic year 2014/2015. This study was ex-post facto research. Data collecting methods were questionnaires and documentation. Data analyzing methods used descriptive analysis, first and second hypothesis testing used partial correlation and third hypothesis testing used double regression. This study shows that (1) there was a positive and significant correlation between theory knowledge with learning achievement of among the eleventh grade students of vocational school Piri Slemanin academic year 2015/2016 with the significant score 0.000 < 0.05; (2) there was a positive and significant correlation between practice competence of electrical system subject with interest to continue the study among the eleventh grade students of vocational school Piri Slemanin academic year 2015/2016 with the significant score 0.000 < 0.05; and (3) there was a positive and significant correlation between theory knowledge and practice competence of electrical system subject with interest to continue the study among the eleventh grade students of vocational school Piri Sleman in academic year 2015/2016 with the significant score 0.000 < 0.05. The score of determinant coefficient (R2) 0.323, it means that theory knowledge and practice competence of electrical system subject gave a positive contribution 32.3% toward interest to continue the study, while 67.7% was influenced by other factors that were not discussed in this study
Jurnal Taman Vokasi Vol 4 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (344.777 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/jtv.v4i2.500


This research aims to know the correlation between mastery of productive training subjek and the score of industry practice with student’s skill competency result, the correlation between industry practice with student’s skill competency result, the correlation between mastery productive training subjek with skill competency result of XII class student’s of light vehicle engineering SMK Negeri 1 Gantiwarno 2014/2015.This research is an ex-post facto study. The subject was class XII student of light vehicle engineering SMK Negeri 1Gantiwarno Klaten 2014/2015 consisting 65 student. This research was population research from 65 respondent. Data collection technike of this research was documentation. Partial correlation analysis was taken to know the correlation of independent variable with dependent variable, while to know the correlation both of independent variables together to dependent variable was using multiple correlation analysis. Before analysing data, there was prerequisite test such as normality test, linierity test and multikolinearity test.The result of this research showed that there is a positive and significant correlation between mastery productive training subject with student’s skill competency result. It is proved by the score of correlation is 0,410. There is a positive and significant correlation between the score of industry pratice with student’s skill competency result. It is proved by the score of correlation is 0,199. There is a positive and significant correlation between mastery productive training subject and the score industry practice with student’s skill competency result. It is proved by the score of correlation is 0,424.