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Journal : JURNAL ILMIAH OBSGIN : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Kebidanan

Pengaruh Konseling Asi Eksklusif Terhadap Motivasi Ibu Menyusui Di Ruang Nifas RSUD S.K Lerik Kota Kupang Herliana Monika Azi Djogo; Tri Muharni Wuladari; Yulia M.K Letor
JURNAL ILMIAH OBSGIN : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Kebidanan & Kandungan P-ISSN : 1979-3340 e-ISSN : 2685-7987 Vol 14 No 2 (2022): EDISI SPESIAL
Publisher : NHM PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36089/job.v14i2.706


Breast milk is considered an ideal nutritional intake for infants because it is safe and contains antibodies that can prevent disease in infants and children. However, until now, two out of three babies in the world do not get breast milk exclusively for six months; this has been the case for two decades. This study aims to determine the effect of exclusive breastfeeding counselling on the motivation of breastfeeding mothers in the postpartum ward of S.K. Lerik Hospital in Kupang City. This type of research is qualitative with a pre-experimental design with a One Group Pretest Posttest design. The sampling technique used was consecutive sampling. The sample size in this study was 32 respondents. Motivation questionnaires were used to measure motivation, while the counselling was given using the Operational standard for Breastfeeding Counseling Procedures based on the exclusive breastfeeding program. Most mothers' motivation before counselling was the negative motivation of 56.3%, and a small proportion of respondents had the positive motivation of 43.8%. Most mothers' motivation after being given counselling was the positive motivation of 84.4%, and only a small proportion of respondents had the negative motivation of 15.6%. The results of the Wilcoxon statistical test in this study showed a change in posttest motivation of 16.50 with a significant p-value of .000. It can be said that there is an effect before and after exclusive breastfeeding counselling on the motivation of breastfeeding mothers in the postpartum room. Health workers, namely nurses and midwives, are expected to improve education for primiparous mothers through counselling.
JURNAL ILMIAH OBSGIN : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Kebidanan & Kandungan P-ISSN : 1979-3340 e-ISSN : 2685-7987 Vol 13 No 4 (2021): September (Spesial Edition)
Publisher : NHM PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36089/job.v13i4.562


Anemia merupakan salah satu permasalahan global yang menyerang populasi wanita dan anak-anak di dunia. Anemia dapat memberikan dampak pada produktifitas dari suatu negara ditinjau dari aspek kesehatan, social dan ekonomi. COVID -19 menjadi permasalahan global yang juga saat ini mempengaruhi produktifitas suatu negara.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prevalensi anemia pada remaja putrid selama masa pandemik COVID-19 di Kota Kupang. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian descriptive dengan total responden 256 remaja putri dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Peneltian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni hingga Agustus 2021. Kusioner digunakan sebagai instrument untuk mengidentifikasi data demografik dari responden dan pemeriksaa hemoglobin menggunakan alat hemoglobin meter digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kejadian anemia pada remaja putri. Hasil yang ditemukan, mayoritas remaja putri termasuk dalam kategori remaja akhir yaitu berusia 17-19 tahun 59.8% dan 40.2% termasuk dalam kategori dewasa awal. Mayoritas remaja putri 65.6% mengalami anemia selama masa pandemic COVID-19. Tingginya kejadian anemia pada remaja putri dapat menjadi bahan evaluasi bagi petugas kesehatan dalam meningkatkan strategi promotif dan preventif pada masyarakat tentang dampak anemia.