Pepen Irpan Fauzan
STAI Persatuan Islam Garut

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MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 45, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v45i2.848


Abstract: This present study discusses the boarding school-based regeneration in Persatuan Islam (PERSIS) organization formulated by KH. Endang Abdurrahman during the period of 1954-1983. Historical approach is employed in this study with qualitative descriptive model. It reveals that cadre management is culturally performed, where direct and personal relationship between teacher and students are formed. In its development, PERSIS regeneration is more organized through educational institution: Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) owned by PERSIS and courses for Muballigh or preacher. Historically, this reinforcement gained its momentum when PERSIS was led by KH. E. Abdurrahman from 1962 to1983.The system developed by Abdulrahman was yet exclusive and unintegrated with the national education system. Through such system, PERSIS was able to produce many religious scholars (muballigh and ustadz).Abstrak: Kajian ini membahas regenerasi berbasis pondok pesantren dalam organisasi Persatuan Islam (PERSIS) yang dirumuskan oleh KH. Endang Abdurrahman selama periode 1954-1983. Pendekatan historis digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan model deskriptif kualitatif. Ini mengungkapkan bahwa manajemen kader dilakukan secara budaya, di mana hubungan langsung dan pribadi antara guru dan murid terbentuk. Dalam perkembangannya, regenerasi PERSIS lebih diselenggarakan melalui lembaga pendidikan: Pesantren PERSIS dan kursus untuk Muballigh. Secara historis, penguatan ini ketika PERSIS dipimpin oleh KH. E. Abdurrahman dari tahun 1962 hingga 1983, di mana sistem pendidikan eksklusif dan tidak terintegrasi dengan sistem pendidikan nasional. Melalui sistem itu, PERSIS menghasilkan banyak ulama (mubaligh dan ustaz).Keywords: PERSIS, cadres management, PERSIS Pesantren, K.H.E. Abdurrahman
Journal of Contemporary Islam and Muslim Societies Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : UIN Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/jcims.v5i1.8889


Abstract: This article discusses the thesis written by Howard M. Federspiel on the conflict between Persatuan Islam (PERSIS) and Permoefakatan Islam. This present study employed the historical methods of heuristic, historical critic, interpretation, historiography to examine Federspiel’s thesis by pointing out the new facts related to the initial history of PERSIS and its relationship with Permoefakatan Islam. It reveals that Permoefakatan Islam was not part of PERSIS. It was an entirely separate organization established in 1924 to accommodate the aspirations of the old and young generations. It was not a reaction due to presence of A. Hassan in PERSIS. PERSIS’s reformist character had always been there since its establishment as an organization, and A. Hassan’s presence emphasized this character.Keywords: Federspiel, PERSIS, Permoefakatan Islam, A. Hassan
Journal of Contemporary Islam and Muslim Societies Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : UIN Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (179.81 KB) | DOI: 10.30821/jcims.v3i2.5589


Abstrak: Memotret Polarisasi Politik Persatuan Islam dalam Kasus Mohamad Natsir vs Isa Anshary. Meski sama-sama berasal dari Persis (Persatuan Islam) dan berafiliasi pada Masyumi, Mohamad Natsir dan Isa Anshary memiliki perbedaan pandangan politik yang cukup tajam, yang terpenting di antaranya tentang dasar negara, antara Islam dan Pancasila. Memang, keduanya sama-sama menginginkan negara Indonesia berdasarkan Islam. Namun Natsir memiliki sikap yang lebih lentur daripada Isa Anshary. Tak pelak perbedaan sikap kedua tokoh itu berimbas pada organisasi mereka, Persis. Tulisan ini mencoba mengkaji pemikiran keduanya terkait posisi Islam dan Pancasila sebagai dasar negara, latar belakang dan implikasinya terhadap Persatuan Islam. Dari kajian yang dilakukan ditemukan bahwa perbedaan pandangan politik mereka didasari oleh latar belakang sosio-historis dan pengalaman politik yang berbeda. Sikap Natsir yang moderat disebabkan oleh pengalaman terlibat dalam pemerintahan. Sementara Isa Anshary lebih kaku karena pengalaman hidupnya selama Revolusi Fisik dan pengalaman politiknya di luar pemerintahan. Kajian ini mengimplikasikan bahwa sikap politik elite Persis sangat beragam dan tidak monolitik.Kata Kunci: PERSIS, Masyumi, negara, Pancasila, Natsir, Isa Anshary Abstract: Despite having similar background Persatuan Islam and affiliated to Masyumi Party, Mohammad Natsir and Isa Anshary have quite different political view. One of the most significant differences is their view on the foundation of the country, between Islam and Pancasila. Both of these figures had actually proposed Indonesia to base on Islam. However, Natsir’s attitude on this issue is more flexible than that of Isa Anshary’s, which ultimately have impact on their organization. This article examines the differences of these two figures related to their position on Islam and Pancasila as the basis of the country, the background and implication of their differences on PERSIS. This study concludes that their political differences stemmed from their socio-historic and political experience differences. Natsir’s moderate atttidue is due to his experience of being involved in government practices. Meanwhile, Isa Anshary’s is more uncompromising due to his experience during Physical Revolution and his political experience outside the government system. Keywords: PERSIS, Masyumi, state, Pancasila, Natsir, Isa Anshary
Pola Kaderisasi Gerakan Islam Puritan: Studi Kritis Atas Persatuan Islam Pepen Irpan Fauzan; Ahmad Khoirul Fata; Gun Gun Abdul Basit
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies Vol. 19, No. 2, Februari 2020 Dinamika Pemikiran Moderasi Islam
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Agama Islam Program Magister, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/millah.vol19.iss2.art4


Kajian ini membahas tentang pola kaderisasi pada organisasi Persatuan Islam (PERSIS), baik dalam konteks sejarah maupun sistem perkaderan kontemporer. Dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif, kajian ini menemukan fakta bahwa pada sejarah awal pergerakan kaderisasi PERSIS dilakukan secara kultural. Di tahap ini kaderisasi berlangsung secara alami dengan pola hubungan guru-murid. Dalam perkembangannya, kaderisasi PERSIS berjalan lebih terstruktur melalui media pendidikan, baik formal (Pesantren PERSIS) maupun non formal (kursus muballigh/juru dakwah). Pelembagaan kaderisasi PERSIS ditetapkan dalam Qanun (anggaran dasar) PERSIS serta Pedoman Jam’iyyah PP PERSIS. Namun demikian, kajian ini juga menunjukkan fakta bahwa sistem kaderisasi pada PERSIS belum menyeluruh dan terpadu. Oleh karena itu, kajian ini merekomendasikan agar PERSIS menyusun sistem perkaderan secara integral pada seluruh stakeholdernya.
Serat Cabolek, Sufism Book or Ideology Documents of Javanese Priyayi? Pepen Irpan Fauzan; Ahmad Khoirul Fata
el Harakah: Jurnal Budaya Islam Vol 20, No 1 (2018): EL HARAKAH
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (238.899 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/el.v20i1.4674


Many researches concern with the dialectic between Islam and tradition of Java. One of them is Soebardi studying Serat Cabolek, a manuscript that illustrated the dialectic between Islam and Javanese tradition in 18/19th century. Through philological studies Soebardi has produced a PhD thesis at The Australia National University (1967), and published in 1975 under title “The Book of Cabolek”. This book should be appreciated for having presented an important study on Islam and Java. Yet, it also needs to be studied more deeply through historical studies in order to obtain clearer information about the context. This article attempts to give a short review about the content of the book, and gives a critical explanation based on its socio-historical perspective. The result is that the story in Serat Cabolek is a construction of Javanese Priyayi on their history. It is an upscale historical document, to strengthen the king’s position as Panatagama.Dialektika Islam dan tradisi Jawa menarik perhatian banyak peneliti. Salah satunya adalah Soebardi yang mengkaji Serat Cebolek, sebuah naskah yang dianggap menjadi gambaran dialektika Islam-Jawa abad 18/19 M. Melalui kajian filologis Soebardi menghasilkan karya disertasi di Australia National University tahun 1967, dan diterbitkan dengan judul “The Book of Cabolek” pada 1975. Buku ini patut diapresiasi karena telah menyajikan satu teks yang penting bagi studi Islam dan Jawa. Namun juga perlu ditelaah melalui penelusuran sejarah untuk memahami konteksnya agar informasi yang didapat lebih lengkap. Tulisan ini berusaha memberikan ikhtisar tehadap isi buku tersebut dengan disertai penjelasan kritis berdasarkan perspektif sosio-historisnya. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa kisah yang terdapat dalam Serat Cebolek merupakan konstruksi priyayi mengenai realitas sejarah. Serat ini adalah dokumen sejarah sosial kelas atas, sebagai simbol peneguhan kepentingan raja sebagai panatagama.
Jaringan Pesantren di Jawa Barat Tahun 1800-1945: Critical Review atas Disertasi “Jaringan Pesantren di Priangan 1800-1945” Karya Ading Kusdiana Pepen Irpan Fauzan; Ahmad Khoirul Fata
Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan Vol 17 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage, Agency for Research and Development and Training, Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (392.026 KB) | DOI: 10.31291/jlk.v17i1.602


Pesantren as subcultures are indeed interesting to be studied. Several studies have been carried out such as Zamakhsary Dhofier on the network of pesantren in Java and Martin van Bruinessen on the pesantren and tarekat. Continuing it, Ading Kusdiana through her dissertation at Padjadjaran University conducted a research on the network of Pesantren in the Priangan region (West Java), focusing on the existence and conti­nuity of Pesantren through five inter-Islamic networks: scientific networks, marriage, genealogical, congregational religious views, and the similarity of the vision of opposition to the invaders. Kusdiana's research confirmed Zamakhshari Dhofier's theory and did not refute it at all. So that this feels like a new work with a sense of "old work". The study of this theme will be even more interesting if Kusdiana uses the new genealogical theory as Yudi Latif did. This will also portray changes and continuity in the network of Pesantren. However, Kusdiana’s work deserves to be appre­ciated because it presents a lot of new data-information regarding the traces and spreads of Pesantren in Priangan. Through thiswork, we can get a relatively completed picture of the world of Pesantren in Priangan in the 1800-1945 period.Keywords: Network of Pesantren, Genealogy Theory, Pesantren in Priangan Pesantren sebagai subkultur memang menarik dikaji. Beberapa kajian telah dilakukan seperti Zamakhsary Dhofier tentang jaringan pesantren di Jawa dan Martin van Bruinessen tentang pesantren dan tarekat. Melanjut­kan keduanya, Ading Kusdiana melalui disertasinya di Universitas Padjadjaran melakukan penelitian jaringan pesantren di wilayah Priangan (Jawa Barat), dengan titik-fokus pada proses eksistensi dan kesinam­bungan pesantren melalui lima bentuk jaringan antarpesantren: jaringan keilmuan, perkawinan, genealogis, kesamaan pandangan keagamaan tare­kat, serta kesamaan visi penentangan terhadap penjajah. Namun penelitian Kusdiana ini meneguhkan teori Zamakhsyari Dhofier dan sama sekali tidak melakukan penyanggahan terhadapnya. Sehingga ini terasa sebagai karya baru dengan rasa “karya lama”. Kajian terhadap tema ini akan semakin menarik jika Kusdiana menggunakan teori genealogis baru seperti yang dilakukan Yudi Latif. Ini sekaligus akan memotret perubahan dan kontinuitas dalam jaringan pesantren yang dikajinya. Namun demikian, karya Kusdiana ini layak diapresiasi karena menyajikan banyak data-informasi baru terkait jejak dan sebaran-pertumbuhan pesantren di Priangan. Melalui karya Kusdiana ini, kita bisa mendapatkan gambaran relatif utuh terkait dunia pesantren di Priangan pada periode 1800-1945.Kata Kunci: Jaringan Pesantren, Teori Genealogi, Pesantren di Priangan
Religious Harmony, Godly Nationalism, and the Limits of State-sponsored Interreligious Dialogue Agenda in Indonesia Imam Sopyan; Pepen Irpan Fauzan; Ahmad Khoirul Fata
Islamika Inside: Jurnal Keislaman dan Humaniora Vol 6 No 2 (2020): DESEMBER
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Humaniora (FUAH) UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (501.183 KB) | DOI: 10.35719/islamikainside.v6i2.113


Abstract: This paper discus the discourse of religious harmony in Indonesia by looking into the role played by PKUB/FKUB, a state-sponsored body focused on maintaining religious harmony, in the context of interreligious dialogue agenda in Indonesia. By looking into its trajectory and legal standing, this paper hypothesizes that there are some limits within the PKUB/FKUB in addressing the spirit and practice of interreligious dialogue to the Indonesian public due to the preference of religious harmony rather than interreligious dialogue. This paper then wants to explore the preference of religious harmony by employing Godly-Nationalism/Productive Intolerance concept. The data of this paper is collected by library research methodology. Finally, this paper suggests that despite the discourse of religious harmony requires the religious community to engage in the dialogue, there is a different direction and objective to which the dialogue would lead. While the dialogue in the context of religious harmony would be directed to maintaining harmony itself, the interreligious dialogue as suggested by several scholars requires religious people to learn from others to change and grow together. Keywords: Interreligious Dialogue, Religious Harmony, PKUB, FKUB, Godly- Nationalism.