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Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri Vol. 18, No. 2, Desember 2019
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jiti.v18i2.8486


This study aims to present a fuzzy logic approach in the modeling of optimal order quantities of chicken eggs to suppliers. Determination of the number of egg orders using fuzzy logic by considering the condition of supply and demand so that the number of eggs ordered by Agent eggs is optimal so that the amount of stock in the warehouse is reduced. The variables used in developing the fuzzy set model are the price of eggs/crates, the composition of the weight of eggs in the crates, and the amount of stock of eggs in the warehouse at the time of ordering. The membership set for egg ordering uses the Triangular and Trapezoidal membership functions. The fuzzy set model produced in this study can be used as a tool for decision making in determining the optimal number of egg orders to suppliers.
FUZZY LOGIC APPROACH TO DETERMINE THE OPTIMUM NUGGET PRODUCTION CAPACITY Santosa, Sesar Husen; Sulaeman, Suhendar; Hidayat, Agung Prayudha; Ardani, Ilham
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri Vol. 19, No. 1, June 2020
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jiti.v19i1.10295


This research aimed to present the Fuzzy approach in determining the optimal production capacity of the Nugget Production. The Fuzzy Model was developed by using two membership sets; i.e. the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) variable membership set of the production machine and Nugget Demand Forecasting. Nugget demand forecasting uses an exponential smoothing method due to its time-series type of query history data. OEE values were calculated using Availability, Performance and Quality Yield. In the Fuzzy approach, the Forecasting Membership Set uses the Triangular Membership Function type, and the OEE Membership Set uses the Trapezoidal Membership Function type. The fuzzy set model produced can be used as a tool for the company in determining the value of the Optimal Capacity production so that demands can be fulfilled and the product stocks decrease.
SAFEA application design on determining the optimal order quantity of chicken eggs based on fuzzy logic Sesar Husen Santosa; Agung Prayudha Hidayat; Ridwan Siskandar
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Vol 10, No 4: December 2021
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijai.v10.i4.pp858-871


The availability of stock in the chicken egg supply chain is influenced by the ability of egg Agents to determine the optimal orders to suppliers. The optimal number of orders is very important to manage for the Bogor City Egg Agent Indonesia because the stock capacity reaches 340 crates. The optimal number of orders for eggs at the Egg Agent is influenced by input variables, namely final stock (crate), selling price (crate), and consumer demand (crate) so that the inventory is under control. The three input variables have fuzzy values that must be processed using fuzzy logic to get the optimal number of orders to suppliers so that the egg stock in the warehouse is well maintained. The optimal order model for eggs in the smart application for egg agent (SAFEA) was developed using a fuzzy logic approach with the triangular and trapezoidal membership function. Based on the optimal order model in the SAFEA application, the optimal order to the supplier is 100-104 crates per day.
Evaluation of Chicken Eggs Supply With Fuzzy AHP Approach Through Development of Safea Software Agung Prayudha Hidayat; Sesar Husen Santosa; Ridwan Siskandar; Ringga Gilang Baskoro
Jurnal Logistik Indonesia Vol 5, No 2: Oktober 2021
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen Stiami

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31334/logistik.v5i2.1881


This study aims to evaluate the supply aspect of chicken eggs. The Variables used in this research were egg stock, egg demand, and selling prices with alternatives are adding suppliers, adding customers, reducing supplier. The method of this research using Fuzzy AHp where The membership sets of fuzzy model are Triangular and Trapezodial membership function. The results of the research indicate that the main priority as a decision support for the supply of chicken egss is the selling price to customer (0,67), so that the alternative priority option is the addition of suppliers (0,75) to anticipate imbalances between the number of eggs sold and stock availability in the warehouse.
Control and Automation: Insmoaf (Integrated Smart Modern Agriculture and Fisheries) on The Greenhouse Model Ridwan Siskandar; Sesar Husen Santosa; Wiyoto Wiyoto; Billi Rifa Kusumah; Agung Prayudha Hidayat
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 27 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18343/jipi.27.1.141


A greenhouse is an agricultural management system that has shown the efficiency of food production. This system is an effective alternative to ensure maximum production results. Agriculture with greenhouse technology can create the desired environmental/climatic conditions. The rapid development of technology and science has led to the birth of communication between devices using IoT and AI. This technology can be applied to greenhouses in agriculture and fisheries. Research on greenhouse and microcontroller-based automation systems has been carried out, and it is interesting to be developed. Researchers make a more efficient system and can increase the quality and quantity of production. The measurement data of both modes are monitored using the web. The greenhouse prototype is supported by DHT22, DS18B20, a fan to control the greenhouse cooler, RFID as the key access to the greenhouse. DHT22 & DS18B20 sensor readings in the prototype greenhouse use an AI system with the fuzzy method. IoT and AI have been successfully implemented in models of rice fields, hydroponic farming, and fisheries using automatic modes of RTC devices and sensors. The fuzzy approach method is used to find the optimum temperature and humidity values. The fuzzy approach was successfully carried out until the temperature and humidity conditions were "ideal," "high," and "very high." This condition provides information to the microcontroller to activate which fan should turn on. In manual mode, the smartphone application controls the system properly. Keywords: artificial intelegent, control and automation, fuzzy logic, greenhouse, IoT
Determination of Overall Equipment Efectiveness Superflex Machine Using Fuzzy Approach Sesar Husen Santosa; Suhendi Irawan; Ilham Ardani
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research Vol 4, No 2 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : STMIK Dharma Wacana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (483.319 KB) | DOI: 10.29099/ijair.v4i2.142


This study aimed to present a Fuzzy logic approach in determining the value of OEE Superflex machine for producing nuggets. The effectiveness value of Superflex machine in producing nugget raw materials was determined by calculating the Availability, Performance and Quality Yield values. Fuzzy approach in determining the value of OEE can be used because this approach is able to describe the value of the effectiveness of thr machines based on the condition of the company's actual capacities. The Fuzzy OEE approach uses the Trapezoidal Membership Association because the maximum value of the membership degree has more than one value in each parameter. The Fuzzy OEE value shows that Superflex machine had an OEE value with bad parameters so that the company has to improve its machine performance
Karakteristik dan Tingkat Kecukupan Energi Pasien Penyakit Infeksi dan Degeneratif yang Dirawat Inap di Rumah Sakit Annisa Rizkiriani; Rina Martini; Sesar Husen Santosa; Ridwan Siskandar
Jurnal Sains Indonesia Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Volume 2, Nomor 2, 2021 (Juli)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59897/jsi.v2i2.46


The patient's energy adequacy level can reduce morbidity and mortality, as well as accelerate the healing process and reduce the length of time hospitalized for patients. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics and level of energy adequacy of patients with infectious and degenerative diseases who were hospitalized at the hospital. The design of this study was coss sectional. The number of samples was 30 hospitalized patients whose consumption was observed for 3 days. samples were selected purposively in hospitals in Bogor and Jakarta. Statistical analysis using Mann Whitney test, pearson correlation regression, and stepwise regression using Microsoft Excel and Minitab. The results showed that there was a relationship between age, nutritional status, blood pressure, and body temperature with the type of disease. More than one-third of the patient's energy adequacy level was in the severe deficit category. The determinant factors for the type of disease are age and the level of energy adequacy.
Pengaruh Harga Jual Terhadap Permintaan Telur Ayam Menggunakan Pendekatan Regresi Studi Kasus: Agen Telur ABC Sesar Husen Santosa; Agung Prayudha Hidayat; Ridwan Siskandar; Annisa Rizkiriani
Jurnal Sains Indonesia Vol 2 No 3 (2021): Volume 2, Nomor 3, 2021 (November)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59897/jsi.v2i3.60


ABC Egg Agents ability to develop its business activities cannot be separated from the purchasing power of consumers to buy eggs of the appropriate quality and quantity. In the business of selling chicken eggs, the factors that can increase profit are eggs' selling price. One of the reasons for fluctuating sales conditions at egg agents is the selling price is too high, resulting in a decline in sales. The results of hypothesis testing show the acceptance of Hypothesis one, which offers a relationship between the selling price and the demand for eggs. Increasing selling prices can affect the market because the value of determination (R2) is above 80%, which is 91.7% which describes a solid negative relationship. This condition shows that if the price increases, the demand will decrease. This condition indicates that the Egg Agent must manage the selling price properly to increase the demand.
Jurnal Sains Indonesia Vol 2 No 3 (2021): Volume 2, Nomor 3, 2021 (November)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59897/jsi.v2i3.61


Distribusi barang pada suatu kendaraan memiliki peranan penting terhadap layanan pada aktivitas logistik. Kombinasi set rute kendaraan terhadap jalur distribusi menjadi hal prioritas. Metode saving matrix dapat menyelesaikan perosalan terhadap penentuan rute yang optimal terhadap kapasitas suatu kendaraan. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 2 rute optimal yang digunakan untuk 2 jenis kendaraan terhadap proses distribusi. Rute pertama mengahasilkan jarak optimal sebesar 9,3 km dan rute kedua menghasilkan jarak optimal sebsesar 13,1 km.
Analisis Permintaan Telur Ayam Menggunakan Metode Peramalan Kuantitaif, Studi Kasus : Agen Telur ABC Sesar Husen Santosa Santosa; Agung Prayudha Hidayat; Ridwan Siskandar
Jurnal Sains Indonesia Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Volume 3, Nomor 1, 2022 (Maret)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59897/jsi.v3i1.76


Chicken eggs are a source of food with animal protein content consumed by the people of Indonesia. The availability of chicken eggs in the city of Bogor is inseparable from the ability of ABC Egg Agents to distribute products to end consumers. One of the main factors in managing the chicken egg business is the ability to identify the number of consumer requests by ABC Egg Agents. One of the demand management is done with the right forecasting technique. Based on the results of data trend analysis, it is found that the type of demand data is time series so that the method can be used to forecast demand. Based on the comparison of the value of the level of accuracy (error), the Moving Average method with N = 3 has Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) = 552,74 and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) = 0,14. The results of the analysis of the level of accuracy, the method chosen is the Moving Average with the results of forecasting the demand for January 2021 of 3640 crates.