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Menuntut Tanggung Jawab Hukum IMF Nandang Sutrisno
Unisia No 50/XXVI/IV/2003
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unisia.vol26.iss50.art4


The article below discusses the background that the failure of IMF role in overcoming economy crisis of Indonesia. Departing from the failure of IMF program implies other crisis, for instances social and political crisis. According to writer to solve the above problems, alternative solution needs to be solved and the steps that constitutes main way is should be conducted amendment toward IMF Agreement particularly article IX Section 2 (Hi). Section 3 and Section 8 (I) and Guidelines on Conditionality The amendment that makes the government of Indonesia sues IMF based on statutory obligation. Besides, it also needs to be refolmulated a new contract based on contractual obligation, and new international institution to solve debt of developing countries. 
Liberalisation of Banking Services Under the Framework of Asean Economic Community: an Indonesian Perspective Nandang Sutrisno; Nur Gemilang Mahardhika
Hang Tuah Law Journal VOLUME 6 ISSUE 1, APRIL 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Hang Tuah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/htlj.v6i1.65


Among the ASEAN members, compared to other members, Indonesia is relatively more liberal in opening up international trade in financial services, especially in banking sector. Through its submission of CIO to the WTO in 2005, Indonesia to some degree offered certain liberalization of banking sector, together with some other services governed under the GATS. On the other hand, other members of ASEAN show their carefulness in liberalizing their banking sectors. As consequence, on one hand foreign banks have occupied nearly 50% of the Indonesian banking industry, and there are only a few units from Indonesia’s domestic banks that present in its ASEAN neighbours, on the other hand. Using normative method, this research elaborates on how Indonesia should strike a balanced stand between its over-liberalized banking sector and the reluctance of other members, while maintaining the GATS principle of “progressive development.” The authors concludes that one of the ways for Indonesia to flip the odds to be in its favour is by urging the implementation of the reciprocity principle in banking services in ASEAN, which additionally, will also stimulate the liberalisation schedule of the latter.
The Regulation of Defendant’s Religious Identity in Court Decisions Nandang Sutrisno; Despan Heryansyah; Sahid Hadi; Christopher M. Cason
BESTUUR Vol 10, No 2 (2022): Bestuur
Publisher : Administrative Law Departement Faculty of Law Universitas Sebelas Mare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/bestuur.v10i2.61409


This study focuses on using religious attributes in the trial process of corruption cases in Indonesia, the judge’s consideration of the decency of a defendant, and the regulation of a defendant’s religious identity in the court decision. By identifying the judge’s perspective on a defendant's religious attributes and aspects of decency as an interpretative scheme and constructing their significance on it, this study also presents an analysis of the application of the principle of impartiality of judges and courts based on the Bangalore Principles. Impartiality itself is positioned as the bedrock of judicial integrity. With a field-based research method, this study reveals that religious identity has influenced judges and court decisions, especially considering mitigating factors in criminal sentencing. These findings indicate that the Bangalore Principles fall short of clear guidelines to counter such bias and a clear framework in Indonesia’s judiciary to restore its integrity.
Ratifikasi Perjanjian Penyesuaian Wilayah Informasi Penerbangan antara Indonesia dan Singapura: Pilihan Rasional atau Status Quo? Nandang Sutrisno; Rafi Nasrullah Muhammad Romdoni
Undang: Jurnal Hukum Vol 5 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/ujh.5.2.393-417


The ratification of the Agreement on Realignment of Flight Information Region (FIR) between Indonesia and Singapore by Presidential Regulation Number 109 of 2022 produced controversies. Such controversies occurred between the Indonesian government on one side, and the academicians and practitioners on another. The former claims that the ratification indicates the hard work of the Indonesian government to take over the FIR that has been delegated to Singapore. However, the latter questions the status of Indonesia as a sovereign state and its security that would potentially be arose from the ratification. It is because Singapore still takes control over Indonesia’s airspace from 0-37.000 feets. This article studies and analyzes whether the ratification was the best choice taken by Indonesia. The discussion shows that it was not the best yet rational and realistic. It was not, because the possibility of harm and threat to Indonesia’s national security are bigger than the advantages arising from the agreement. It was rational and realistic because it was not ratified, the control of FIR would be status quo and return fully to Singapore without limitation of time. Abstrak Pengesahan Perjanjian Penyesuaian Wilayah Informasi Penerbangan (Flight Information Region/FIR) antara Pemerintah Indonesia dan Pemerintah Singapura melalui Peraturan Presiden Nomor 109 Tahun 2022 menuai polemik. Hal tersebut terjadi antara pihak pemerintah dengan pihak akademisi serta praktisi. Pada satu sisi, pihak pemerintah mengklaim bahwa pengesahan tersebut mengindikasikan kerja keras pemerintah dalam mengambil alih FIR yang didelegasikan kepada Singapura. Oleh karena itu, kini kedaulatan ruang udara dikontrol penuh Indonesia. Namun di sisi lain, para akademisi dan praktisi mempersoalkan status kedaulatan dan juga keamanan yang berpotensi timbul dari pengesahan ini. Hal tersebut dikarenakan Singapura sebenarnya masih memiliki kontrol di ruang udara Indonesia pada ketinggian 0-37.000 kaki. Artikel ini akan mempelajari dan menganalsis apakah pengesahan perjanjian tersebut merupakan langkah yang tepat. Hasil dari kajian artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa pengesahan perjanjian tersebut bukan merupakan langkah terbaik, namun rasional dan realistis. Ia bukan langkah terbaik, disebabkan peluang kerugian dan ancaman terhadap keamanan negara tampak lebih besar dibandingkan keuntungan yang diperoleh dari persetujuan tersebut. Meski demikian, pengesahan ini juga rasional dan realistis, dikarenakan jika tidak disahkan, status FIR akan status quo, tetap sepenuhnya kembali ke Singapura tanpa batas waktu.