Awan Setya Dewanta
Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta

Published : 11 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Analisis Distribusi Ayam Broiler di Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Unggul Priyadi; Indah Susantun; Awan Setya Dewanta
Economic Journal of Emerging Markets Vol. 9 No. 2 (2004)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ejem.v9i2.620


Production of broiler chicken at Yogyakarta Province exceeds its consumption so that Yogyakarta province becomes one of suppliers of chicken for other regions, especially Jakarta. The objective of this research is to formulate distribution channel of broiler chicken, to determine transmission price elasticity and to estimate margin among distribution chan¬nels. The results show that pattern of production system consists of non-cooperative sys¬tem and cooperative (nucleus-core) system. Distribution channel of the non-cooperative system is more various than of that nucleus-core system. The margin of former system is also more efficient but more risky. Finally, producers are less responsive to price changes than distributors.Keywords: broiler chickens, distribusion channels, nucleus core system.
Economic Journal of Emerging Markets Volume 2 Issue 1, 2010
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ejem.v2i1.2386


This study estimates recreational value of Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi (TNGM – Mount MerapiNational Park) in Kaliurang, Yogyakarta with a travel cost method. Since the visitors are not the frequentones, the paper estimates the visitor’s utility using a categorical regression technique. Applyingin-depth interview on visitors from August 1st until August 15th 2009, the results suggest that the utilityfunction for recreation at volcano national park is better estimated using the negative binomialdistribution model. It also finds that the economic value of recreation at volcano national park is Rp222,000, and that the total consumer surplus for recreation national park is Rp 31.2 billion.Keywords: Travel cost valuation, binomial regression model, recreation national park valuationJEL classification numbers: D12, L83
Kebijakan Pertanian dan Tanaman Pangan Awan Setya Dewanta; Edy Suandi Hamid; Unggul Priyadi; Diana Wijayanti
Economic Journal of Emerging Markets Vol. 2 No. 1 (1997)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ejem.v2i1.4274


Kebijakan pertanian pangan belum mengalami perubahan sejak masa orde lama hingga sekarang. Kebijakan pertanian pangan masih diprioritaskan pada swasembada pangan (beras). Akibatnya adalah keswasembadaan tersebut memiliki arti politis karena dilakukan dalam rangka penghematan devisa, pengadaan pangan yang murah, dan mengendalikan inflasi. Kondisi ini memberikan dampak yang kurang menguntungkan bagi petani padi yang menganggap padi merupakan komoditi ekonomi sebagaimana komoditi pertanian lainnya.Untuk tetap mengembangkan pertanian pangan, kebijakan pertanian pangan tidak dapat terlepas dari kebijakan pertanian secara keseluruhan dan kebijakan makro-ekonomi. Kebijakan makro di negara-negara berkembang terbukti mengurangi net protection yang diperoleh dari kebijakan pertanian (kebijakan langsung), dan terjadi diskriminasi kebijakan terhadap pertanian.
Elasticity and competitiveness of Indonesia’s palm oil export in India market Awan Setya Dewanta; Riza Noer Arfani; Erfita Erfita
Economic Journal of Emerging Markets Volume 8 Issue 2, 2016
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ejem.vol8.iss2.art7


This study examines the elasticity and competitiveness of Indonsia’s palm oil export in the India market, 1990 -2014. The methods used are Error Correction Model (ECM) and Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) approach. The results shows that the price is inelastic in short-term but it is elastic in long-term. The income and exchange rate are elastic in the long-term. There is also a decline in competitiveness in the market India. These findings also demonstrate that palm oil is normal goods and can be easily substituted with the same products of other countries or other vegetable oils. It threatens the Indonesian palm oil competitiveness in the Indian market.
Perdagangan Indonesia menghadapi era informasi Awan Setya Dewanta
Economic Journal of Emerging Markets Volume 8, 1996
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ejem.v8i2.6756


Perkembangan yang pesat dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi telah merubah sendi-sendi kehidupan antar bangsa. Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi yang telah meningkatkan arus informasi, juga memberikan dampak kepada peningkatan mobilitas kapital. Penguasaan terhadap informasi tersebut menjadikan kemampuan kapital berlipat ganda.
Teknologi produksi non-pertanian sebagai motor penggerak pembangunan perdesaan: Sebuah studi pustaka Awan Setya Dewanta
Economic Journal of Emerging Markets Vol. 2 No. 2 (1997)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ejem.v2i2.6799


Economic development centered in the urban areas has increased migration from rural areas to urban areas dramatically. As a consequence, labor force and farmland became scarce. Although this circumstance has risen productivity of the farmer, the fact is that the prosperity of the farmer is still not fulfilled sustainable yet. It is evoked by the price inelasticity of the crops. Therefore, wehave to develop non-agricultural and non-rural technologies. Some research in several countries based on both the evolutionary development theory and Haymer and Resnick's development models (1969) that has been developed, at least showed that indeed the change of non-agricultural production technology could increased prosperity rather than agricultural production technology. It means that the change ofnon agricultural technology can be used as an activator motor in agricultural development. The realization of it will at once return rural areas as an economic areas again.
Demand for Indonesian cocoa beans in a dilemma: Case study Malaysian market Awan Setya Dewanta
Economic Journal of Emerging Markets Volume 11 Issue 1, 2019
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ejem.vol11.iss1.art6


Indonesian cocoa industry has been transforming into a processed cocoa exporter by imposing export taxes. The policy has managed to increase exports of processed cocoa and decreased cocoa bean exports. However, overall export value of cocoa commodities (cacao bean and processed cocoa) has a declining trend, where an increase in the export value of processed cocoa has not been able to offset the decline in the export value of cocoa beans. This study evaluates the impact of the cocoa bean export-tax policy on demand for Indonesian cocoa in the Malaysian market using elasticity and ARDL model. Findings/Originality: This study finds that the demand for Indonesian cocoa is short-term in nature, and the volume of Malaysian demand for Indonesian cocoa is rapidly decreasing because cocoa beans is a complement for other cocoa suppliers. These conditions indicate that the quality of Indonesian cocoa does not meet the standard. That is also indicated by the increase in imports of cocoa beans to meet the processing needs of cocoa in Indonesia
E-Jurnal Medika Udayana Vol 8 No 12 (2019): Vol 8 No 12 (2019): E-Jurnal Medika Udayana
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (242.263 KB)


Preeklampsia merupakan penyakit sistemik yang ditandai oleh adanya hipertensi dan dapat disertai oleh adanya peningkatan resistensi pembuluh darah, disfungsi endotel yang difus, proteinuria, dan koagulopati. Pemeriksaan protein urine yang dapat dilakukan pada ibu hamil merupakan salah satu jenis pemeriksaan laboratorium untuk mengidentifikasikan adanya preeklampsia baik ringan maupun berat yang dapat mengarah pada keadaan eklampsia. Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kadar protein urine pada ibu hamil preeklampsia dan eklampsia pada tahun 2017 di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Sanglah Denpasar. Penelitian jenis deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang ini dilakukan dengan metode total sampling dimana diperoleh 61 sampel. Data yang digunakan merupakan data sekunder hasil ekstrasi rekam medis yang telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Sebanyak 61 orang (100%) semuanya didiagnosis mengalami preeklampsia berat dengan kadar protein urine (+3) sebanyak 22 orang (36,1%). Pasien berusia 20-35 tahun yang menderita preeklampsia berat sebanyak 38 orang (62,3%), dengan gambaran kadar protein urine (+3) yakni sebanyak 14 orang (36,8%). Pasien dengan status paritas nullipara sebanyak 27 orang (44,3%) dimana 9 orang (33,3%) diantaranya mempunyai kadar protein urine (+3). Pasien dengan kategori tekanan darah hipertensi derajat I sebanyak 29 orang (47,5%) didapatkan gambaran kadar protein urine (+3) sebanyak 7 orang (24,1%), jumlah yang sama ditunjukan pada pasien dengan kategori tekanan darah hipertensi derajat II dengan jumlah penderita sebanyak 29 orang (47,5%) dan 13 orang (44,8%) diantaranya memiliki gambaran kadar protein urine (+3). Kata kunci : Preeklampsia, eklampsia, protein urine, usia, status paritas, tekanan darah.
Asian Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Vol 4 No 03 (2015): September 2015
Publisher : UII

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ajie.vol4.iss3.art1


Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui adakah pengaruh dan seberapa  pengaruh dari pendapatan wisatawan, biaya perjalanan, pesona alam, dan fasilitas rekreasi terhadap permintaan rekreasi di Gili Trawangan. Peningkatan jumlah wisatawan akan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi dan peningkatan pembangunan daerah. Data penelitian merupakan data primer dengan teknik pengambilan sampel acak sederhana (simple random sampling). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode travel cost dengan alat analisis Regresi Poisson. Pengujian model dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji rasio likelihood dan uji Wald. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) semua variabel independen dalam penelitian ini berpengaruh signifikan terhadap permintaan rekreasi di Gili Trawangan, (2) permintaan rekreasi di Gili Trawangan dapat dijelaskan oleh semua variabel independen sebesar 46 persen dan 54 persen dijelaskan oleh variabel independen di luar model. Kata kunci: biaya perjalanan, regresi Poisson
Production Shifts and Upgrading in ASEAN Automotive Production Network: Case on Toyota-led Regional Value Chains Riza Noer Arfani; Awan Setya Dewanta
IKAT: The Indonesian Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Vol 1, No 2 (2018): January
Publisher : Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies (CESASS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (660.808 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ikat.v1i2.32356


The study aims at exploring the phenomenon of regional production network in ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) automotive sector/industry by employing a firm as well as macro-level analysis of data gathered through combining techniques between desk-study and a series of fieldwork. It examines patterns of production and manufacturing activities of leading Japanese automotive firms and their upgrading strategies as showcased by Toyota in an endeavor to cast the much-aspired ASEAN regional value chains (RVCs). Production shifts have been apparent as indicated in the trade patterns and trends in value added of key automotive products traded between Japan and its ASEAN partners during the past 25 years. The shifts have resulted in deepened localization of production and manufacturing activities of Japanese automotive lead firms in ASEAN countries. Such dynamic shifts, as shown especially in passenger cars and automotive parts and accessories, have further prompted upgrading efforts by the lead firms (along with their suppliers, subsidiaries, and local partners) which suggest the functioning RVCs. The upgrading embraces areas of upstream (on research, development, and design or RD&D), midstream (on production, manufacturing, and assembly) as well as downstream (on sales, marketing, and after-market) activities. Future policy outlook lays on the ability of firms and other related stakeholders in the region’s automotive sector/industry to team up in the upgrading activities and hence capture the value-added. ASEAN-Japan long and strong historical relations facilitate the enhanced collaborative automotive industrial development, particularly in the areas of technical capacity formation and supporting industries.