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Formulasi Tablet Effervescent Ekstrak Lidah Buaya (Aloe vera) Chabib, Lutfi; Indrati, Oktavia; Rizki, Muhammad Ikhwan

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Abstrak Lidah buaya (Aloe vera) mengandung komponen seperti acetylated mannans, polymannans, anthraquinone C-glycosides, anthrones, anthraquinones dan berbagai jenis lectins. Komponen dalam lidah buaya yang bermanfaat sebagai laksatif adalah anthraquinon glycoside. Salah satu sediaan farmasi yang menarik adalah tablet effervescent, dimana bentuk sediaan ini mempunyai beberapa keuntungan, diantaranya adalah mudah untuk dikonsumsi dan bisa dikembangkan variasi rasa, sehingga diharapkan masyarakat dapat tertarik untuk mengkonsumsi sediaan lidah buaya dalam bentuk tablet effervescent. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mendapat formulasi optimum dari tablet effervescent ekstrak lidah buaya. Lidah buaya dihaluskan lalu dimaserasi. Ekstrak lidah buaya diformulasi dalam empat bentuk formula yang berbeda dengan metode peleburan. Dilakukan pemeriksaan sifat fisik granul dan tablet yang terbentuk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lidah buaya (Aloe vera) dapat diformulasikan kedalam sediaan tablet effervescent. Dari data evaluasi formulasi sediaan tablet effervescent lidah buaya (Aloe vera) yang paling baik untuk dibuat tablet effervescent yaitu formula I yang berisi granul ekstrak 150 mg, laktosa 1890 mg, asam sitrat 100 mg, asam tartat 300 mg, natrium bikarbonat 400 mg, PEG 6000 60 mg, aspartame 100 mg, dan pengaroma secukupnya. Kata Kunci: Aloe vera, tablet effervescent, formulasi Abstract Aloe vera containing components such as acetylated mannans, polymannans, anthraquinone C-glycosides, anthrones, anthraquinones and various types of lectins. Components in aloe vera useful as laksatife is anthraquinon glycoside. One of the interesting pharmaceutical preparations is effervescent tablets, where has several advantages, is easy to take the variation flavors, so hopefully people can be interested to consume aloe vera preparations in the form of effervescent tablets. The purpose of this study was to get optimum formulation of Aloe vera effervescent tablets. Aloe vera is pulverized and then macerated. Aloe vera extract was formulated in six different formulas with fusion method. Then, physical properties of the granules and tablets were examinated. Results showed aloe (Aloe vera) could be formulated into effervescent tablets. The best formula for Aloe vera effervescent tablets was formula I which containing 150 mg of granule extract 150 mg, 1890 mg of lactose, 100 mg of citric acid, 300 mg of tartat acid, 400 mg of sodium bicarbonate, 60 mg of PEG 6000, 100 mg of aspartame, and flavor to taste. Keywords: Aloe vera, effervescent tablets, formulation
Application of Simplex Lattice Design on the Optimization of Andrographolide Self Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) Indrati, Oktavia; Martien, Ronny; Rohman, Abdul; Nugroho, Akhmad Kharis
Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy Vol 31 No 2, 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Skip Utara, 55281, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14499/indonesianjpharm31iss2pp124


Background: Optimization of self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS) formulation is an important step to obtain optimal formulation with desired characteristics.Objective: This present study was aimed to utilize simplex lattice design in optimizing andrographolide SNEDDS.Method: Simplex lattice design was employed to optimize andrographolide SNEDDS in which component of SNEDDS was selected as the independent factor while the charactheristics of SNEDDS was used as the responses. Capryol-90, Kolliphor RH 40, and propylene glycol were selected as the oil, surfactant, and co-surfactant, respectively. Optimization of andrographolide SNEDDS formulation was based on their characteristics including emulsification time, droplet size, and drug content. The optimized SNEDDS formulation was evaluated for emulsification time, droplet size, drug content, and zeta potensial.Results: The emulsification time, droplet size, drug content, and zeta potensial of the optimized andrographolide SNEDDS was found to be 1.21±0.03 min, 44.02±0.67 nm, 6.69±0.08 mg/g, and -40.63±0.76 mV, respectively.Conclusion: This result suggested that simplex lattice design is a suitable for efficiently optimizing the formulation of andrographolide SNEDDS.
Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

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Losartan merupakan suatu antagonis reseptor angiotensin II yang digunakan pada tempi hipertensi leru!arna untuk pasien yanq mengalarni efek sam ping berupa batuk akibat pemberian inhibitor angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) serta untuk mengurangi resiko stroke pada pasien denganhipertropi pad aventrikel kiri. L.osartan memiliki karakteristik-karakteristik berupa waktu paruh pendek, bioavailabilitas rendah serta bobot molekul yang keci!. Rendahnya bioavailabilitas tentu saja kurang disukai. Seiring dengan habisnya masa paten losartan pada tahun 2009 maka berbagai penelitian telah dilakukan untuk menghasilkan suatu formula dan bentuk sediaan yang baru dari zat aktif losartall. Pada review illi didiskusikan mengenai penelitian-penelitian yang telah dilakukan dalam mngka mengembangan bentuk sediaan farmasi dengan zat aktif losartan. Kata kunci: bentuk secliaan, losartan, peneli!ian, perkembangan  
Formulasi dan Uji Sifat Fisik Sediaan Nanoemulsi Natrium Diklofenak dengan Kombinasi Tween 80 dan Transkutol Lailiana Garna Nurhidayati; Bambang Hernawan Nugroho; Oktavia Indrati
Sainteks Vol 17, No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/sainteks.v17i1.6896


Natrium diklofenak digunakan untuk nyeri dapat diberikan peroral, intramuskular dan suppositoria. Tetapi menyebabkan nyeri, iritasi lokal, dan kerusakan jaringan pada tempat injeksi. Nanoemulsi dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan bioavailabilitas obat dalam tubuh. Nanoemulsi dibuat dengan mengkombinasikan fase minyak, fase air, surfaktan dan kosurfaktan. Fase minyak virgin coconut oil (VCO) dan kombinasi Tween 80 dan Transkutol sebagai surfaktan dan kosurfaktan dapat meningkatkan absorpsi perkutan melewati barrier kulit dan mukosal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui formula terbaik untuk sediaan nanoemulsi natrium diklofenak dengan variasi konsentrasi Tween 80 dan Transkutol dan mengetahui pengaruh penambahan Transkutol sebagai kosurfaktan dalam sediaan nanoemulsi natrium diklofenak. Nanoemulsi dibuat dengan metode emulsifikasi spontan. Perbandingan surfaktan dengan kosurfaktan pada formula yang digunakan yaitu Formula 1 (5:1), Formula 2 (6:1), Formual 3 (7:1), dan Formula 4 (1:0). Hasil ukuran globul nanoemulsi Formula 1 10,9 nm; Formula 2 11,7 nm; Formula 3 7,1 nm; Formula 4 8,8 nm. Zeta potensial Formula 1 -57,3 mV, Formula 2 -63,0 mV, Formula 3 -50,1 mV, Formula 4 -27,6 mV. Hasil pH Formula 1 7,4 ± 0,032; Formula 2 7,4 ± 0,015; Formula 3 7,4 ± 0,021; Formula 4 7,7 ± 0,046. Hasil viskositas Formula 1 642,67±7,64 cP; Formula 2 662,67±7,64 cP; Formula 3 715,00±10,00 cP; Formula 4 864,33±7,09 cP. Hasil sentrifugasi pada semua formula tidak mengalami pemisahan fase. Hasil dari semua uji menunjukkan Formula 1 merupakan formula terbaik dalam penampilan dan sifat fisik yang diuji.
Formulation and Evaluation of Kaptopril Tablets Using Threaded Amylum Tubes and HPMC as Fillers and Binders of the Direct Method Ahmad Sastra Kelana; Aris Perdana Kusuma; Oktavia Indrati
EKSAKTA: Journal of Sciences and Data Analysis VOLUME 18, ISSUE 1, February 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/eksakta.vol18.iss1.art2


Indonesia is a tropical country which has many potential plants as excipients, likestarches and tubers. Amylum of taro tuber (Colocasia esculenta) has the potential to be developed into excipient but its use is limited. The purpose of this study was to optimize the formulation and to evaluate the characteristics of captopril tablets by using amylum of taro tuber and HPMC modified as filler and binder on direct compression method. Amylum of taro tuber was obtained by extraction process, then combined with HPMC by partial pregelatination and co-process method. Variation of the starch was divided into five formulation. The main test included friability test, hardness test, dissolution test, and assay. The data analysis was done by theoretical approach between the evaluation result and the literature to observe the result of the modification formulation. It indicated that the combination of equal amount of taro amylum and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) pH 102 (50% : 50%) has the best result among others. Friability percentage was 0.17 ± 0.07%, disintegration time was 12.09 ± 0.52 minutes, assay was 97.88 ± 1.71% and dissolution test results was 90.65 ± 4.81%.
Effervescent Tablet Formulation Melinjo Seed Extract (Gnetum gnemon L.) Using PEG 6000 As Lubricant and Citric Acid - Tartaric Acids As Acid Sources Puput Andi Apsari; Dewi Nur Eka Sari; Aris Perdana Kusuma; Oktavia Indrati
EKSAKTA: Journal of Sciences and Data Analysis VOLUME 18, ISSUE 1, February 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/Eksakta.vol18.iss1.art4


Melinjo seeds (Gnetum gnemon L.) have antioxidant properties one of which is from phenol compounds. However, there is no pharmaceutical dosage form of melinjo seeds especially effervescent tablet. The purpose of this research was to determine the best variation of citric-tartaric acid and PEG 6000 from effervescent tablet of melinjo seed extract. The effervescent tablet of melinjo seed extract were formulated with variation of citric-tartaric acid 25%:75%, 65%:35%, 50%:50%, 20%:80% and PEG 6000 0%, 2%, 3%, up to 5%. The effervescent tablet were made by melting parts of acids and bases, added with extract and other ingredients. The evaluation included flow and powder tapping, tablet hardness, weight variation, friability, and tablet solubility test. The data were analyzed by comparing approaches based on the requirements of Pharmacopeia Indonesia V andUnited States of Pharmacopeia 36.Variations of equal amount of citric-tartaric acid produced hard effervescent tablets with small friability. The unbalanced acid concentration resulted in higher friability. The greater the concentration of citric acid resulted in the longer solubility of the tablet. The addition of PEG 6000 made the flow time of granules quicker, while higher concentrations would increase the hardness of tablets and accelerate the soluble time. Excessively high concentrations resulted in a high degree of friability. Variation of citric-tartaric acid and PEG 6000 influenced physical properties of granule and effervescent tablet extract of melinjo seeds, such as flowability, hardness, friability, and solubility of the tablet.
Validasi Metode Analisis Matriks Patch Domperidon Maleat dengan Perbedaan Polimer Menggunakan Spektorfotometri UV-Vis Shesanthi Citrariana; Oktavia Indrati; Puspa Dwi Pratiwi; Ita Nurma Sari; Ari Wibowo
Pharmacon: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 18, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/pharmacon.v18i2.14576


Uv-Vis spectrophotometry is an analytical method that can be used to determine the levels of domperidon maleate contained in transdermal patches with different polymers. The analysis method needs to be validated to prove that it can provide measurement results that match its designation. The purpose of this study is to prove that uv-vis spectrophotometry methods can provide the specificity, linearity, thoroughness, and precision that meet the requirements. In this study, linearity was known by calculating the r value on the curve of the relationship between levels and absorbance. Precision is obtained based on rsd value. Accuracy is calculated based on the return value. Selectiveity is known by means of identity confirmation that calculates the absorbance ratio at different wavelengths. The results showed that the method meets the requirements with a value of r=0.999; RSD precision results at a level of 10 ppm obtained RSD 0.236%. The accuracy values of 80%, 100%, and 120% in the matrix of transdermal domperidon maleate patches with PVA and PVP polymers respectively recovery was 99.50%, 101.15%, and 99.13%.. In the matrix of transdermal patches domperidon maleate with polymers HPMC and Na-CMC respectively recovery was 100.91%, 100.31%, and 100.67%. In the matrix of transdermal domperidon patches with HPMC and EC polymers respectively recovery was 98.00%, 98.00%, and 99.00%. The identity confirmation results on the transdermal domperidon patch matrix with PVA and PVP polymers, HPMC and Na-CMC, as well as HPMC and EC respectively have ratio value close to the standard solution with an average value of 0.800; 0,806; and 0.808. It can be concluded that the method of analyzing the levels of domperidone maleate in matrix of transdermal patches has qualified for good validity.
Formulasi Tablet Effervescent Ekstrak Lidah Buaya (Aloe vera) Lutfi Chabib; Oktavia Indrati; Muhammad Ikhwan Rizki
Jurnal Pharmascience Vol 2, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Pharmascience
Publisher : Program Studi Farmasi FMIPA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jps.v2i1.5816


Abstrak            Lidah buaya (Aloe vera) mengandung komponen seperti  acetylated mannans, polymannans, anthraquinone C-glycosides, anthrones, anthraquinones dan  berbagai jenis lectins. Komponen dalam lidah buaya yang bermanfaat sebagai laksatif adalah anthraquinon glycoside. Salah satu sediaan farmasi yang menarik adalah tablet effervescent, dimana bentuk sediaan ini mempunyai beberapa keuntungan, diantaranya adalah mudah untuk dikonsumsi dan bisa dikembangkan variasi rasa, sehingga diharapkan masyarakat dapat tertarik untuk mengkonsumsi sediaan lidah buaya dalam bentuk tablet effervescent. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mendapat formulasi optimum dari  tablet effervescent ekstrak lidah buaya. Lidah buaya dihaluskan lalu dimaserasi. Ekstrak lidah buaya diformulasi dalam empat bentuk formula yang berbeda dengan metode peleburan. Dilakukan pemeriksaan sifat fisik granul dan tablet yang terbentuk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lidah buaya (Aloe vera) dapat diformulasikan kedalam sediaan tablet  effervescent. Dari data evaluasi formulasi sediaan tablet effervescent lidah buaya (Aloe vera) yang paling baik untuk dibuat tablet effervescent yaitu formula I yang berisi granul ekstrak 150 mg, laktosa 1890 mg, asam sitrat 100 mg, asam tartat 300 mg, natrium bikarbonat 400 mg, PEG 6000 60 mg, aspartame 100 mg, dan pengaroma secukupnya. Kata Kunci: Aloe vera, tablet effervescent, formulasi AbstractAloe vera containing components such as acetylated mannans, polymannans, anthraquinone C-glycosides, anthrones, anthraquinones and various types of lectins. Components in aloe vera useful as laksatife is anthraquinon glycoside. One of the interesting pharmaceutical preparations is effervescent tablets, where has several advantages, is easy to take the variation flavors, so hopefully people can be interested to consume aloe vera preparations in the form of effervescent tablets. The purpose of this study was to get optimum formulation of Aloe vera effervescent tablets. Aloe vera is pulverized and then macerated. Aloe vera extract was formulated in six different formulas with fusion method. Then, physical properties of the granules and tablets were examinated. Results showed aloe (Aloe vera) could be formulated into effervescent tablets. The best formula for Aloe vera effervescent tablets was formula I which containing 150 mg of granule extract 150 mg, 1890 mg of lactose, 100 mg of citric acid, 300 mg of tartat acid, 400 mg of sodium bicarbonate, 60 mg of PEG 6000, 100 mg of aspartame, and flavor to taste. Keywords: Aloe vera, effervescent tablets, formulation