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Pengaruh Self Efficacy Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kemandirian Usaha UKM Di Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan Nel Arianty; Julita Julita; Rahmad Bahagia
Ekonomikawan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan Vol 20, No 2 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/ekonomikawan.v20i2.5697


Apart from being a source of personal income, entrepreneurship can also open up jobs which will certainly contribute to reducing unemployment. Entrepreneurs must be brave in taking risks, good at taking advantage of opportunities, creative and innovative. Entrepreneurial interest in Indonesia is still very low. The number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is only 0.18 percent of the total population, still far below other countries, namely Malaysia, which is 2 percent, America 4 percent, and Singapore 7 percent. This study aims to find problems faced by business actors to increase business independence through the development of a self-efficacy model. Self-efficacy or self-efficacy is a person's confidence to face problems. An entrepreneur must have the confidence to be able to manage his business. An effort will be successful if it is managed properly. Based on the pre-survey results, there are still many students who are not interested in becoming entrepreneurs because they lack confidence to manage their business.
Ekonomikawan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan Vol 13, No 1 (2013): ILMU EKONOMI DAN STUDI PEMBANGUNAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (106.622 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/ekonomikawan.v13i1.234


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor budaya terhadap keputusan konsumen dalam pembelian Kartu Mentari. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor pribadi terhadap keputusan konsumen dalam pembelian Kartu Mentari, untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor sosial terhadap keputusan konsumen dalam pembelian Kartu Mentari dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor psikologis terhadap keputusan konsumen dalam pembelian Kartu Mentari.Tehnik analisis data yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif yaitu suatu proses penganalisaan serta pengelompokan, kemudian diinterpretasikan sehingga akan diperoleh gambaran yang sebenarnya tentang masalah yang diteliti. Selanjutnya dalam menganalisis data hasil jawaban responden digunakan statistik deskriptif. Selanjutnya dilakukan Analisis Faktor. Analisis Faktor bertujuan untuk menemukan suatu cara meringkas informasi yang ada dalam variabel asli (awal) menjadi satu set dimensi baru atau variate (faktor).Dari hasil analisis terlihat bahwa nilai KMO MSA (Keiser Meyer Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy) pada tabel adalah 0,525. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa instrumen valid karena nilai KMO MSA (Keiser Meyer Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy) melebihi batas signifikansi 0,50. Selain itu, Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity menunjukkan nilai 443,762 dengan signifikansi 0,000 sehingga dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa instrumen cukup valid.
Jurnal Riset AKuntansi dan Bisnis Vol 14, No 1 (2014): JURNAL RISET AKUNTANSI DAN BISNIS
Publisher : Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/jrab.v14i1.158


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penjualan pribadi (personal selling) dan promosi penjualan (sales promotion) terhadap peningkatan volume penjualan Yamaha Mio Soul pada PT. Alfa Scorpii Sentral Yamaha Medan secara parsial maupun simultan. Hasil yang ditemukan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh personal selling dan sales promotion terhadap peningkatan volume penjualan baik secara parsial maupun simultan walaupun demikian dari persamaan regresi hubungan yang terungkap adalah hubungan positif.
JURNAL ILMIAH MANAJEMEN & BISNIS Vol 16, No 2 (2015): Oktober - Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (391.091 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/jimb.v16i2.958


The approach used in this research is associative which is one type of explanation which is a research study that aims to determine the relationship between two or more variables. This research was conducted at the University of North Sumatra Muhammadiyah location at Jl. Muchtar Captain Basri Medan. In this case the study population are all consumers of Android-based Samsung mobile phone users with no measurable amount. The sample in this study 100 consumer Samsung Android-based mobile phone users. Based on the research results it can be concluded service quality affects customer satisfaction samsung mobile phones. Product quality to customer satisfaction samsung mobile phones. From the calculation, that the quality of product and service quality affects customer satisfaction. The most dominant variable effect on customer satisfaction is the variable quality of service.Keywords: Service Quality, Product Quality and Customer Satisfaction. 
Meningkatkan Keaktifan Dan Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa Melalui Metode Diskusi Kelompok Berbasis Pembelajaran Kooperatif Model Learning Together Pada Matakuliah Konsentrasi Pemasaran Di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara Dewi Andriany; Nel Arianty
JURNAL ILMIAH MANAJEMEN & BISNIS Vol 18, No 1 (2017): April - September

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (428.949 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/jimb.v18i1.1102


This study aims to determine the extent to which students can be actively involved in the classroom by using group discussion methods based on cooperative learning model learning together, and also to know the extent to which students can express opinions and give responses to the opinions of his classmates communicatively by using the method of discussion group learning cooperative learning model together. The approach used is through classroom action research (Classroom Action Research), through cooperative learning methods. Steps taken with stages: (1) plan, (2) action, (3) observation, (4) reflection. The results showed that: (1) During the learning process using the method of group discussion based on cooperative learning method of learning together student learning activity can increase because students are empowered and given trust and actively involved in learning activities. The average percentage achievement of students' learning activity continues to increase which in pre cycle stage is only 34,1%, then reaching 65,8% percentage in cycle 1 and increasing again to 92% in cycle 2. (2) Positive impact from increasing activeness learning is on student learning outcomes which also experienced an increase wherein the precycle cycle the average value of students only 61.3 and increased in the cycle 1 to 75.7 and increased again to 83.09 on cycle 2.
Mediation of Buying Interest on the Relationship of Green Products to Purchase Decisions During the New Normal: Evidence from MSME Consumers in East Binjai Regency Nel Arianty; Rini Astuti; Sri Endang  Rahayu; Edisah Putra Nainggolan; Arif Pratama Marpaung
Enrichment : Journal of Management Vol. 12 No. 5 (2022): December: Management Science And Field
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (325.605 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/enrichment.v12i5.799


The author's purpose is to research to determine the effect of Green Products on Buying Decisions, determine the effect of Green Products Buying Interest, determine the effect of Buying Decisions on Buying Interest, determine the effect of Green Products on Buying Decisions mediated by Buying Interest in the New Normal Period Case Study on MSME Consumers East Binjai District. The approach used in this study is associative. The population in this study is the Consumers of SMEs in the District of Medan Timur. While the sample that meets the criteria for sampling the withdrawal of observations made is 100 people using non-probability sampling. The data collection technique in this study uses a questionnaire technique. The data analysis technique in this study uses Path Analysis, Partial Least Square (PLS). Data processing in this study using the SmartsPLS 3.0 software program. the results of testing the first and second hypotheses show that the Green Product on Buying Decision and Green Product on Buying Interest in the New Normal Period Case Study on MSME Consumers in East Binjai District is accepted. In the third and fourth hypotheses, Buying Decisions on Buying Interest and Green Products on Buying Decisions are mediated by Buying Interest in the New Normal Period.
Perkembangan Produksi Subsektor Perikanan di Sumatera Utara Sri Endang Rahayu; Nel Arianty; Fajar Kurniawan
Ekonomikawan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan Vol 22, No 2 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/ekonomikawan.v22i2.12167


The potential of the marine and fisheries sector in North Sumatra is very abundant but the production of fishery products is still not optimal. This is due to the low level of education and the technology used by fishermen which is still relatively simple so that their production results are less than optimal and the high costs of capture fisheries production. Then there are many problems faced by fishermen in increasing their capture fisheries production and the basic needs of fishermen with a value that fishermen must pay which is higher than the value received by fishermen. The purpose of this study was to analyze descriptively how the production of the fisheries sub-sector in North Sumatra is developing. The research approach used is a quantitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques are documentation by taking secondary data. Data sources are from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. In 2020, Central Tapanuli Regency is the largest capture fisheries producer in North Sumatra Province. The ups and downs of capture fisheries production in each district occur because of the unfavorable weather resulting in low fishing activity. This unfavorable weather occurs due to large sea waves and strong currents.
Pemberdayaan Keterampilan Usaha Bagi UMKM dalam Upaya Peningkatan Pendapatan Masyarakat Desa Tanjung Mulia Nel Arianty
Prosiding Seminar Nasional USM Vol 3, No 1 (2022): SEMNAS MULTIDISIPLIN ILMU
Publisher : Universitas Serambi Mekkah

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Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) memiliki peranan yang sangat penting di dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Sektor UMKM ini juga memberikan peluang kerja bagi masyarakat sekitarnya. Melalui kegiatan ini penulis bersinergi bersama aparat desa untuk melakukan pengembangan UMKM sebagai potensi ekonomi desa di Desa Tanjung Mulia. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan observasi, UMKM pada desa ini masih memiliki banyak problematika yang mengiringi terutama dalam hal product branding dan social media marketing. Adapun tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk melakukan pemberdayaan serta melakukan strategi yang berfokus pada pembuatan brand produk agar konsumen dapat mengetahui identitas produk. Selain itu untuk mempeluas pangsa pasar dengan cara memperkenalkan social media marketing pada pelaku UMKM di Desa Tanjung Mulia. Dengan melakukan strategi ini diharapkan dapat memberdayakan produk UMKM. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pemberdayaan ini adalah menciptakan spirit kepada para pelaku UMKM untuk terus berinovasi dan melakukan konsistensi dalam mengembangkan usahanya. Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan; UMKM; Product Branding; Social Media Marketing