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Pengkajian Status Keberlanjutan Budidaya Ternak Kerbau (B. Bubalis bubalis) Berbasis Masyarakat Di Kecamatan Sekernan Kabupaten Muaro Jambi Provinsi Jambi Hutwan Syarifuddin; Dodi Devitriano; A Rahman Sy
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 22, No 1 (2022): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v22i1.2106


This research has been conducted in The Sekernan District of Muaro Jambi Regency against the people who raise buffalo traditionally. The purpose of the study is to find out the status of the sustainability index and the attributes that affect in the cultivation of buffalo cattle traditionally by the community in Sekernan Subdistrict. The research uses Rapker's method through surveys and interviews on buffalo farmers relating to ecological dimensions, economic dimensions and socio-cultural dimensions. The results showed that the ecological dimension was 42.81% with sensitive attributes of buffalo animal feed types (3.89) and land availability for animal feed (3.11). Economic dimension 46.67% with sensitive attributes of the number of livestock labor (5.16) and the feasibility of agroindustry business (2.41). The socio-cultural dimension is 42.56% with sensitive attributes of extension and training frequency (3.58) and employment rate of livestock labor (3.31). This indicates that the traditional cultivation of buffalo in Sekernan Subdistrict is less sustainable.
Penggunaan Air Kelapa Muda Sebagai Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Terhadap Daya Kecambah, Vigoritas, Berat Kering Biji Tanaman Kelor (Moringa oleifera) Dodi Devitriano; Hutwan Syarifuddin
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 21, No 3 (2021): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v21i3.1678


The more common methode for planting moringa plant is using seed, because this plant produces a lot of seeds. However, the resulting seeds have a hard enaugh seed coat so that. These conditions can affect and even thwart germination, vigor and growth of the plant. This Study aims to determine the proper dosage of young coconut water to be used in growing moringa seeds, so that later it become a recommendation for formers in the development of moringa plants. This research was conducted using a green house and laboratory scale method with the media that had been prepared for germination obsevations were carried out for two weeks to obtain data according to the observed parameters which included capacity, Vigority and dryweight of moringa plants. The result of the analysis of variety showed that the concentration of young coconut water had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the germination, vigor and dryweight of moringa plants. Likewise, the interaction between immersion time and coconut water concentration had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the observed variables. This situation is due to the fact that not all moringa seeds undergo the imbibition process properly so that they effect the observed variables.
Pelatihan Teknik Budidaya Lele Organik Dengan Metode BRL di Desa Lopak Aur Hutwan Syarifuddin; Dodi Devitriano
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 3 (2021): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v5i3.6452


The service has been carried out in the Yatim Mandiri Farmer Group, which consists of orphans in Lopak Aur Village, Pemayung District, Batanghari Regency. The implementation of the community service for 4 months from May to September 2020. The objective is to increase the knowledge and skills of farmer group members for catfish cultivation using the Eco-friendly Biofloc (BRL) method. The results of the dedication show that the orphan group has a high interest in cultivating catfish using the BRL technique. This is because catfish farming can be done without disturbing the school schedule of group members and the implementation is easy to do and provides economic value to meet the needs of orphans. The initial stage of catfish farming using the BRL technique has increased the knowledge and insight of orphans in trying to be independent. The prospect of catfish farming using the BRL technique can build an entrepreneurial spirit for orphans so that they can support the family economy.
Pelatihan Sistem Budidaya Cacing Sutra (Tubifex Sp.) Ramah Lingkungan Di Desa Pudak Hutwan Syarifuddin Syarifuddin; Dodi Devitriano; Fauzan Ramadan; A Yani
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v6i1.9310


Cacing sutra (Casut) merupakan pakan alami mengandung nutrisi yang baik untuk pertumbuhan benih ikan (burayak). Pengembangan budidaya casut telah dilakukan oleh kelompok tani Sinar Harapan tetapi belum menunjukkan hasil yang memuaskan, sedangkan permintaan casut terus meningkat. Casut yang dihasilkan belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan karena keterbatasan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan pembenih casut sehingga kegagalam budidaya casut masih cukup tinggi. Untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut maka dilakukan pengabdian dengan tujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan anggota kelompok tani dalam budidaya casut dan meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas casut yang dihasilkan. Metode budidaya casut yang diberikan kepada anggota kelompok tani adalah sistem budidaya menggunakan apartemen dan resirkulasi air. Kegiatan pelatihan meliputi pembuatan pakan casut, proses karantina casut, cara pemeliharaan dan pemanenan casut. Hasil pelatihan sistem budidaya casut mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan anggota kelompok berdasarkan respon sebesar 80% dan budidaya casut sistem apartemen bisa meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas casut ramah lingkungan.
Proportion of Sawdust as Carbon Sources in Rabbit Manure Compost for Increasing the Growth of Pennisetum purpureum cv Mott Rahmi Dianita; Wiranto Wiranto; Muhammad Koyum; Ubaidillah Ubaidillah; Dodi Devitriano
Buletin Peternakan Vol 46, No 2 (2022): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 46 (2) MAY 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v46i2.71993


The right proportion of carbon in high N organic matter source in composting process will result good decomposition process. In this study, rabbit manure was composted with different portion of sawdust, and then the chemical properties were evaluated. The compost then applied to determine the growth response of dwarf elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott) in terms of plant height, number of leaves, root and shoot dry matter, shoot and shoot ratio, and N content in shoot. The results showed that compost consisted of rabbit manure + sawdust with the ratio of 3:1 and 1:1 had good chemical properties (pH around 7.56 - 7.94, C/N ratio 17 – 19, C- organic 19 – 24%, Nitrogen 0.84 – 1.31%, Phosphor 0.43 – 0.82%, and Potassium 0.27– 0.37%) as well as sole rabbit manure compost. Applying compost to Mott grass resulted a good growth response which reflected in plant height (78.29 - 83.46 cm/plant), leaves number (53.50 - 57.92 blades), shoot dry matter (39.69 – 54.56 g DM/plant), root dry matter (16.50 – 18.16 g DM/plant), shoot : root ratios (2.52 - 3.20), and shoot N content (37.14 - 48.55 g DM/plant). The study concluded that compost rabbit manure + sawdust with ratio of 3:1 resulted the same growth response with sole rabbit manure compost.
Optimasi Pupuk Kompos terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Rumput Kumpai (Hymenachne amplexicaulis (Rudge) Nees.) W. Nopriani; H. Syafria; D. Devitriano; R. S. Dwijayanti
Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) Vol 24, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jpi.24.2.143-149.2022


Jurnal Peternakan (Jurnal of Animal Science) Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Peternakan ( Jurnal Of Animal Science )
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/jac.v6i2.7305


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan pupuk kompos dan mendapatkan dosis terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil bahan kering rumput kumpai (hymenachne amplexicaulis (rudge) Nees) di tanah ultisol. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dilahan Laboratorium Budidaya Ternak dan Hijauan  serta Laboratorium Analisis Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Jambi. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan adalah dosis pupuk kompos K0= 0 Kg/petak, K1= 4 Kg/petak, K2= 8 Kg/petak, K3= 12 Kg/petak. Peubah yang diamati pada penelitian ini meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan, hasil bahan kering hijauan, dan berat bahan kering akar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk kompos berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap panjang tanaman dan jumlah anakan serta berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap hasil bahan kering hijauan, dan berat kering akar.  Hasil terbaik yaitu pada perlakuan K3 dengan dosis pemberian pupuk kompos (30 Ton/ha atau setara dengan  12   Kg kompos/petak) mampu menghasilkan panjang tanaman 84,77 cm/petak,  kemudian jumlah anakan sebanyak 236,80 anakan/petak, lalu , hasil komulatif bahan kering hijauan sebesar 5,678 kg/petak, dan bahan kering akar sebesar 214 g/rumpun.
Inventarisasi Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (CH4 dan N2O) Dari Sektor Peternakan Sapi Dengan Metode Tier-1 IPCC di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi: Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (CH4 and N2O) From the Livestock Sector Using IPCC Tier-1 Method in Muaro Jambi Regency Hutwan Syarifuddin; A Rahman Sy; Dodi Devitriano
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan Vol. 22 No. 2 (2019): Nopember 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (330.661 KB) | DOI: 10.22437/jiiip.v22i2.8351


Gas rumah kaca (GRK) dalam bentuk CH4 dan N2O memberikan kontribusi terhadap pemanasan global. Sektor pertanian menyumbang 10-12% dari total GRK antropogenik dari gas CH4 dan N2O. Sedangkan sektor peternakan menyumbang sekitar 18-51% GRK antropogenik. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis beban emisi gas CH4 dan N2O bersumber dari Peternakan terhadap GRK Di Kabupaten Muara Jambi yang diestimasi dengan menggunakan metode Tier-1 IPCC. Pada metode ini data yang diperlukan adalah populasi ternak dalam satu tahun 2018 dan nilai faktor emisi (FE) setiap gas GRK menurut buku panduan IPCC (2006). Data populasi ternak sapi diambil dari buku statistic peternakan, sedangkan nilai FE diambil dari buku IPCC (2006). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beban emisi gas CH4 dari fermentasi enterik 1,1227 Gg CH4/tahun, Emisi CH4 dari Pengelolaan kotoran 0,0239 Gg CH4/tahun, emisi N2O langsung dari pengelolaan kotoran 465,85 Kg N2O/tahun dan emisi N2O tidak langsung dari pengelolaan kotoran ternak 69,88 Kg N2O/tahun. Sektor peternakan telah berkontribusi terhadap pemanasan global yang bersumber dari gas CH4 dan NO2 baik dari fermentasi enterik maupun dari pengolaan kotoran ternak sapi.
Inventories of Methane Emission for Enteric and Decomposition Gasses from Cattle Manure and Its Mitigation Strategies Dodi Devitriano; Hutwan Syarifuddin; Jalius Jalius; Yudha Gusti Wibowo
Jurnal Presipitasi : Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan Vol 20, No 1 (2023): March 2023
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/presipitasi.v20i1.196-207


Livestock is a significant contributor to global methane (CH4) emissions, accounting for 18% to 51% of total emissions worldwide. The purpose of this study is to estimate the CH4 emissions from livestock in Jambi Province, using the Tier-1 method recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The results show that CH4 emissions range from 7,464,728 to 7,833,349 tons per year, with feces management contributing 160,261 to 166,667 tons per year, and buffalo enteric emissions contributing 2,511,135 to 2,616,185 tons per year. These findings highlight the significant impact of the livestock sector in Jambi Province on global warming. Moreover, this study presents a brief overview of mitigation strategies that can be implemented to reduce CH4 emissions from the livestock sector.