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Journal : Jurnal Sains Natural

EFEKTIVITAS KONSENTRASI EKSTRAK BIJI SIRSAK GUNUNG (Annona montana Macf.) TERHADAP MORTALITAS RAYAP TANAH (Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren., Rhinotermitidae Agus Ismanto; Moerfiah Moerfiah; Achmad Supriadi; Muhamad Nizar Zulfikar
JURNAL SAINS NATURAL Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020): Sains Natural
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (444.985 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jsn.v10i1.279


One of the insects that cause a lot of damage are termites. Forms of damage that can be caused by termites include damage to building components that made of wood and the contents of the building in the form of furniture, books, cloth, and even securities. One example of a termite species that is dangerous as a pest is Coptotermes curvignathus. Mountain soursop seeds have bioactive compounds that are very cytotoxic, so they have potential as insecticides. This research Used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of controls and 5 treatments (P1) 20%, (P2) 40%, (P3) 60%, (P4) 80% (P5) 100% mountain soursop seed extract. The parameters observed were retention, termite mortality, and weight reduction in the test sample. Mountain soursop seed extract is effective as an insecticide against subterranean termites. The concentration of mountain soursop seed extract 40% (P2) causes termite mortality of 100% and a decrease in sample weight by 0.43%. Mountain soursop seed extract has the potential to be developed as an anti-termite species Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren. The retention value produced in the test sample based on SNI 03-5010.1-1999 shows that the mountain soursop seed extract with a concentration of 20% (P1) meets the standard retention of interior wood use, while extracts with a concentration of 40% (P2) meet the standard of retention of exterior wood use.Keywords: Mountain soursop seeds, Retention, mortality, weight decrease, Subterranean TermiteABSTRAKRayap banyak menimbulkan kerugian seperti rusaknya komponen bangunan yang terbuat dari kayu, beserta isi bangunannya seperti furnitur, kertas, bahan kain dan lain-lain. Salah satu contoh spesies rayap yang berbahaya sebagai hama adalah Coptotermes curvignathus. Biji sirsak gunung memiliki senyawa bioaktif bersifat sitotoksik yang sangat kuat, sehingga memiliki potensi sebagai insektisida. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), terdiri dari 6 perlakuan yaitu (P1) 20%, (P2) 40%, (P3) 60%, (P4) 80% (P5) 100% dan kontrol. Parameter yang diamati meliputi retensi, mortalitas rayap, dan penurunan berat sampel. Ekstrak biji sirsak gunung efektif sebagai insektisida terhadap rayap tanah. Konsentrasi ekstrak biji sirsak gunung 40% (P2) menyebabkan mortalitas rayap sebesar 100% dan penurunan berat contoh uji sebesar 0,43%. Ekstrak biji sirsak gunung berpotensi dikembangkan sebagai anti rayap tanah jenis Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak biji sirsak gunung dengan konsentrasi 20% (P1) memenuhi standar retensi penggunaan kayu interior, sementara ekstrak dengan konsentrasi 40% (P2) memenuhi standar retensi penggunaan kayu eksterior.
SERANGGA HAMA TERKINI YANG MENYERANG TANAMAN SENGON (Falcataria moluccana (Miq.) Berneby & J.W Grimes) DAN JABON (Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser) Illa Anggraeni; Neo Endra Lelana; Agus Ismanto
JURNAL SAINS NATURAL Vol. 9 No. 2 (2019): Sains Natural
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (681.088 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jsn.v9i2.223


The Latest Insect Pests which Attacks Sengon (Falcataria moluccana (Miq.) Berneby & J.W Grimes) and Jabon Trees (Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser)The current study of pest insect infestation on sengon (Falcataria moluccana (Miq.) Berneby & J.W Grimes)) and jabon (Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser) plants has been carried out. The aimed of the study was to identify the latest status of the pests that infested sengon and Jabon plants. The research method used were field survey and observation in the laboratory. The survey was carried out in plantations owned by the Unit II Perhutani Unit in East Java as well as the small scale forests in the Kediri (East Java), Ciamis and Garut (West Java) areas. While observations in the laboratory were conducted at the Pest Laboratory of the Center for Forest Research and Development, Bogor. The results showed that pests that infested sengon and Jabon plants were unknown name of sengon shoot borer, Echinothrips sp. (Tripidae; Thysanoptera), horn beetle Oryctes rhinoceros (Scarabaeidae; Coleoptera), wild silkworm Attacus atlas (Saturniidae; Lepidoptera), leaf-sucking pests Lawana sp./Samurus sp. (Flatidae; Homoptera).Keywords: pest insect, sengon plant, jabon plant, the latest.ABSTRAKPenelitian tentang serangga hama terkini yang menyerang tanaman sengon (Falcataria moluccana) dan jabon (Neolamarckia cadamba) di hutan tanaman, bertujuan untuk menginventarisir jenis-jenis hama yang menyerang tanaman sengon dan jabon saat kini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei dan pengamatan di laboratorium. Survei dilakukan di hutan tanaman milik Perum Perhutani maupun hutan milik rakyat di daerah Kediri, Ciamis dan Garut. Pengamatan di laboratorium dilakukan di Laboratorium Hama Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan, Bogor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hama yang menyerang tanaman sengon dan jabon adalah hama penggerek pucuk sengon (Pyralidae; Lepidoptera),hama Echinothrips sp. (Tripidae; Thysanoptera), kumbang tanduk Oryctes rhinoceros (Scarabaeidae; Coleoptera), ulat sutera liarAttacus atlas(Saturniidae; Lepidoptera), hama pengisap daun Lawana sp./Sanurus sp. (Flatidae; Homoptera).Kata kunci: serangga hama, tanaman sengon, tanaman jabon