Nurul Fachriyah
Department Of Accounting, Faculty Of Economics And Business, Universitas Brawijaya, East Java

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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FEB Vol 1, No 2: Semester Genap 2012/2013
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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Penelitian mengenai audit manajemen pada fungsi sumber daya manusia bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pencapaian efektivitas fungsi sumber daya manusia yang telah dilakukan di Hotel Pelangi Malang dan mengetahui kelemahan-kelemahan yang terjadi sehingga  menyebabkan tidak efektif. Penelitian mengenai fungsi sumber daya manusia yang dilakukan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang diperoleh dengan cara studi lapangan yaitu berupa wawancara, kuesioner, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Proses analisis data menggunakan  4 (empat) elemen penting dalam melakukan audit manajemen, yaitu kriteria, kondisi, penyebab, akibat. Proses ini mengetahui sejauhmana tingkat efektivitas fungsi sumber daya manusia dalam mengelola sumber daya manusia yang ada  di Hotel Pelangi. Ruang lingkup audit yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini ada sepuluh fungsi, yaitu perencanan sumber daya manusia, rekrutmen, seleksi sumber daya manusia, orientasi dan penempatan, pelatihan dan pengembangan, penilaian kinerja, perencanaan  dan pengembangan karir, kompensasi, perlindungan tenaga kerja, dan pemutusan hubungan kerja.  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dianalisis secara keseluruhan fungsi sumber daya manusia di Hotel Pelangi Malang telah berjalan efektif, sesuai dengan kebijakan dan peraturan yang berlaku. Meskipun ada salah satu fungsi yang dapat dinyatakan belum efektif yaitu pada seleksi sumber daya manusia. Berdasarkan temuan-temuan dalam penelitian, maka diajukan beberapa rekomendasi dan saran perbaikan dalam mengembangkan pengelolaan sumber daya manusia dimasa yang akan datang. Kata Kunci: Audit  manajemen, fungsi sumber daya manusia, efektivitas, kriteria, kondisi, penyebab, akibat, rekomendasi.
Audit Manajemen Untuk Menilai Efektivitas Fungsi Sumber Daya Manusia ( Studi Kasus pada PT X ) Anisa Rohmaningrum; Nurul Fachriyah
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FEB Vol 2, No 2: Semester Genap 2013/2014
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai efektifitas penyelenggaraan fungsisumber daya manusia di PT X. Proses penilaian efektivitas dilakukan denganmembandingkan kriteria, kondisi, penyebab, dan akibat berdasarkan temuan yangdiperoleh. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif menggunakanpendekatan studi kasus dengan metode deskriptif. Data – data diperoleh dariwawancara, dokumentasi, kuesioner, dan pengamatan. Penelitian difokuskan pada10 fungsi sumber daya manusia, yaitu : Perencanaan SDM, Rekrutmen SDM,Seleksi SDM, Orientasi dan Penempatan SDM, Pelatihan dan PengembanganSDM, Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Karir SDM, Penilaian Kinerja SDM,Perlindungan Karyawan, Kompensasi dan Balas Jasa serta Pemutusan HubunganKerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sembilan fungsi yang ada telahberjalan efektif, namun pada fungsi kompensasi dan balas jasa belum berjalanefektif. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, penulis memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan.Kata Kunci : Audit Manajemen, Sumber Daya Manusia, Efektivitas.
AUDIT MANAJEMEN UNTUK MENILAI EFEKTIVITAS FUNGSI SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA ( Studi Kasus Pada Kopwan SU “Setia Budi Wanita Jatim”) Fadia Bella Donna; Nurul Fachriyah
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FEB Vol 1, No 2: Semester Genap 2012/2013
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan menilai keefektifan penyelenggaraan fungsi sumber daya manusia pada Kopwan SU”Setia Budi Wanita Jatim” melalui audit manajemen. Audit manajemen dapat membantu menilai efektifitas dari pelaksanaan fungsi SDM yang ada di perusahaan dengan membandingkan kriteria efektifitas (efectivity criteria) yang ditetapkan berdasarkan pedoman dan kebijakan perusahaan dan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku dengan kondisi aktualnya (causes), dan akibat (effect) yang merupakan hasil dari perbandingan antara keduanya. Ruang lingkup penelitian adalah sembilan fungsi sumber daya manusia yang terdiri atas : fungsi perencanaan SDM, fungsi rekruitmen SDM, fungsi seleksi, Perencanaan dan pengembangan karir, pelatihan dan pengembangan, Penilaian kinerja, kompensasi, Perlindungan dan kesehatan serta fungsi pemutusan hubungan kerja. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Data-data yang digunakan diperoleh melalui wawancara langsung kepada sekretaris 1 selaku personalia, serta kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyelenggaraan fungsi SDM pada Kopwan SU”Setia Budi Wanita Jatim” telah berjalan cukup efektif dan sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku baik peraturan dalam perusahaan maupun peraturan perundangan seperti UU no.13/2003 tentang ketenagakerjaan.Kata Kunci: audit manajemen, sumber daya manusia, efektivitas.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FEB Vol 3, No 2: Semester Genap 2014/2015
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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This Research has purpose to know influence of the educational level, taxation of informations services, implementation of tax penalties, and the understanding of self assessment system on the level of owners of SMEs taxpayer compliance in paying income tax. Independent variables in this study is the level of education, taxation of informational services, implementation of tax penalties, and the understanding of self assessment system system while the dependent variable is the owners of SMEs taxpayer compliance. The data of this study were taken from primary data through questionnaires. Questionnaires distributed to as many as 270 pieces of owners of SMEs taxpayer in the Tax Office Primary Batu and questionnaires were processed as many as 86 pieces. The sample were taken by purposive sampling. This study used logistic regression analysis to analyze the variables. The result showed that the level of education, taxation of information services, and implementation of sanctions taxation do not affect the owners of SMEs taxpayer compliance, while the understanding of self assessment system affect the owners of SMEs taxpayer compliance.   Keywords: educational level, tax information service, implementation of sanctions taxation, understanding the self assessment system, owners of SMEs taxpayer compliance
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FEB Vol 2, No 2: Semester Genap 2013/2014
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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Management audit of human  resource at PT. Pura Barutama aims  to  knowhow effective of human resources at PT. Pura Barutama and identify weaknessesand give recommendation for these weaknesses. Research method used isdescriptive method with a case study approach. The method used for collect dataare interview, documentation, questionnaire and observation. Data analyzingprocess use qualitative analysis method which is grouping the findings into 4(four) categories, that are criteria, condition, cause, effect. This procces is carriedout  to know how succeed  the company develop  the human resource. Audit scopediscussed in this research cover 11 (eleven) functions, which are (1) humanresource planning, (2) recruitment, (3) selection and orientation, (4) training anddevelopment, (5) career planning and development, (6) perfomance assesment, (7)compensation, (8) protection and occupational health, (9) job satisfaction, (10)company and employee relationship, (11) work termination.Based on  this  research  result, most of  the human  resource  function at PT. PuraBarutama are effective in accordance with applicable policy and regulation.There are 8 (eight) functions that already effective, which are human resourceplanning, recruitment, selection and orientation, career planning anddevelopment, perfomance assesment, job satisfaction, company and employeerelationship, and work termination. Three functions that may not be effective aretraining and development, compensation, and protection and occupational health.Based on the weaknesses found, the author gives some recommendations andimprovements to be used by PT. Pura Barutama as consideration in humanresources management.Keywords: Management audit, human resources function, effectiveness,criteria, cause, effect, recommendation
Is it possible to achieve a "fit" of management control practices and strategies in Indonesia's reformed public hospitals? Nurkholis Nurkholis; Endang Mardiati; Nurul Fachriyah; Made Aristia Prayudi; Nanda Widaninggar
Journal of Accounting and Investment Vol 24, No 2: May 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (634.76 KB) | DOI: 10.18196/jai.v24i2.16949


Research aims: This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of implementing management control practices (MPCs) and examine whether MPC is possible and how MPCs as a package "fit” with the strategic choices of Local Community Service Agency (BLUD) public hospitals (PHs) in Indonesia.Design/Methodology/Approach: This study applied mixed-method research with a sequential explanatory strategy. Quantitative data were collected through self-administered questionnaires distributed to 29 top management team members of eight BLUD PHs in East Java and Bali, Indonesia. Meanwhile, qualitative data were generated by conducting a semi-structured interview with four selected top management team members of BLUD PHs. The data were then analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively by implementing profile deviation analysis, cluster analysis, ordinal regression analysis, and content analysis.Research findings: Quantitatively, the researchers found a negative correlation, yet insignificant, between the “misfit” of MCPs and strategy and management control effectiveness. Thus, the “fit” hypothesis was not supported. Qualitatively, the researchers revealed that BLUD PHs extensively used MCPs and employed them in various ways, including cultural, administrative, and dominantly cybernetic controls. Finally, it can be concluded that using cybernetic controls as a dominant practice is unsuitable for the strategy chosen by BLUD PHs in Indonesia.Practical and Theoretical contribution/Originality: This study expands upon what has already been explored in the management control literature concerning how MCPs might be configured to align with organizational strategy, especially in the context of public healthcare organizations. Practically, the reformed PHs in Indonesia are expected to understand better the structure and characteristics of the BLUD-based financial management environment. It is essential for organizations, as it helps them figure out exactly how their management control practices and organizational strategies fit together.Research limitation: Due to the low questionnaire and interview participation, mixed-methods research was underutilized in this study.
PENGARUH FINANCIAL DISTRESS, PROFITABILITAS, SOLVABILITAS, UKURAN PERUSAHAAN, DAN REPUTASI AUDITOR TERHADAP AUDIT REPORT LAG (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Industri Pariwisata dan Rekreasi Yang Terdaftar di BEI Tahun 2020-2021) Tiara Paramitalynia Rosali; Nurul Fachriyah
Reviu Akuntansi, Keuangan, dan Sistem Informasi Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Reviu Akuntansi, Keuangan, dan Sistem Informasi (REAKSI) In Press
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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This study aims to examine the effect of financial distress, profitability, solvability, firm size, and auditor reputation on the audit report lag of Tourism and Recreation industry companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the 2020-2021 observation period. The samples include 60 data according to the criteria from 30 companies, selected through purposive sampling. The data of financial statements are analyzed quantitatively by multiple linear regression utilizing SPSS 25 software. The results of this study exhibit that financial distress has a positive effect on audit report lag; profitability has a negative effect on audit report lag; and solvability, firm size, and auditor reputation have no effect on audit report lag.