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Rancang Bangun Smart Alert Dedi Mulyono; Gilang M Rahmadi; Riko Saputra; Yuvani Oksarianti; Ahmad Arif
AEEJ : Journal of Automotive Engineering and Vocational Education Vol 2 No 2 (2021): AEEJ : Journal of Automotive Engineering and Vocational Education
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/aeej.v2i2.78


Abstract Motorcycles are the biggest contributor to driving accidents in Indonesia. Some of the accidents that occurred were caused by the negligence of passengers who did not pay attention to the clothes worn when riding a motorcycle. Smart Alert is an innovation designed as an effort to prevent the passenger's skirt or hijab from being wrapped around a motorcycle chain or spokes. This tool utilizes several simple electronic components such as batteries, sensor, microcontroller, buzzer and LED as a circuit. This distance detecting device is fully controlled by a microcontroller with an ultrasonic sensor to detect the distance on one side and its supporting components. With the Smart Alert, the potential for accidents can be avoided and minimized thereby reducing the number of driving accidents in Indonesia. Keywords Buzzer, Crash, LED, Microcontroller, Smart Alert Abstrak Sepeda motor merupakan penyumbang kecelakaan berkendara terbesar di Indonesia. Beberapa kecelakaan yang terjadi tersebut diakibatkan oleh kelalaian dari penumpang yang tidak memerhatikan pakaian yang dikenakan ketika akan menaiki sepeda motor. Smart Alert merupakan inovasi yang dirancang sebagai upaya pencegahan terlilitnya rok atau hijab penumpang pada rantai atau jari-jari sepeda motor. Alat ini memanfaatkan beberapa komponen elektronik sederhana seperti baterai, sensor, microcontroller, buzzer serta LED sebagai rangakaiannya. Alat yang mendeteksi jarak ini dikendalikan sepenuhnya oleh sebuah microcontroller dengan sebuah sensor ultrasonik untuk mendeteksi jarak pada suatu sisi beserta komponen-komponen penunjangnya. Dengan adanya Smart Alert maka potensi kecelakaan dapat dihindari dan diminimalisir sehingga menurunkan angka kecelakaan berkendara di Indonesia. Kata Kunci Buzzer, Kecelakaan, LED, Microcontroller, Smart Alert
Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Musik di SMA PGRI 2 Padang Riko Saputra; Tulus Handra Kadir; Yos Sudarman
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Seri B
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (160.074 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v2i2.3332


Abstract   This research was aimed at describing the extracurricular activities of music at SMA PGRI 2 Padang. This was descriptive research whuch used qualitative approach. The result of the research indicated that the extracurricular activities of music were designed based on the goals to be achieved. Encouranging the students to be creative and have skills in music by teaching the basic technique of playing music were the preliminary efforts done by the teacher. In this phase the teacher also trained the students to play particular music individually. The activities started from teaching the students to play rhythm guitar. Melodic guitar, bass, drum, vocal and the basic technique of playing traditional music instuments such as talempong, gendang tambua and sarunai.   Kata kunci : Kegiatan, Ekstrakurikuler, Musik
The Effect of Granules of Spring Onions Extract (Allium fistulosum L.) to the Mortality of Anopheles aconitus Larvae Riko Saputra; Sri Haryati; Bagus Wicaksono
Nexus Biomedika Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Nexus Biomedika
Publisher : Nexus Biomedika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (13.862 KB)


Background: Nowadays the prevalence of malaria in Indonesia is still high. Anopheles aconitus is one of the vector of malaria. Insecticide is a way which government uses to kill the Anopheles aconitus mosquitoes, but it can cause the resistence of the mosquitoes, because of that we need an alternative way to kill them, and we can use larvacide to kill the Anopheles aconitus larvae. Spring Onion contains substances that can be larvacide, so the researcher wanted to prove that granules of Spring Onions extract had effects to kill the Anopheles aconitus larvae. Methods:This research used laboratory experimental design with post test only control group design. The subject of this research was Anopheles aconitus larvae that were divided into 7 groups, each group contained 25 larvae and the research was repeated in 4 times. For the negative control group we used 100 ml water. The other six groups contained a different number of granules of Spring Onions extract; they were 850 mg, 1000 mg, 1150 mg, 1300 mg, 1450 mg, and 1600 mg. The observation was held after 24 hours, then, the number of dead larvae was counted. The data were analyzed using Linear Regression and Probit test. Results:Linear Regression test showed that the R correlation score was 0.984 and R2 score was 0.969, this meant that the effect of the number of granules of the Spring Onions extract to kill larvaes was 96.9% and the rest 3.1% was effected by the others variables. Probit test showed LC50 (Lethal Concentration) was 820.573 mg and LC99 was 1671.886 mg. Conclusion:There is effect of granules of Spring Onions extract to the mortality of Anopheles aconitus larvae. The LC50 is 820.573 mg and the LC99 is 1671.886 mg, while the effect of the number of granules to influence is R2: 96.9% and the correlation between the number of granules and mortality is R: 0.984. Keyword: granules, Spring Onions extract, Anopheles aconitus larvae, mortality
Jurnalisme Infotainment Dalam Perspektif Etika Komunikasi Islam (Study Analisis Pada Tayangan Brownis Trans Tv Riko Saputra
Tabayyun: Journal of Journalism Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Tabayyun: Journal of Journalism
Publisher : Program Studi Jurnalistik, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30009/tabayyun.v4i1.17804


Abstrak This thesis is entitled “Infotainment Journalism in the Perspective of Islamic Communication Ethics (Study Analysis on Brownis Trans TV Shows). The problem raised from this research is how Infotainment Journalism in Trans TV Street Brownis Shows, how Infotainment Journalism in Trans TV Street Brownis Shows according to Islamic Communication Ethics. This type of research is qualitative, the main or primary sources are YouTube channels, live broadcasts and websites. Data collection techniques through observation and documentation and use the theory of content analysis. Data collection of most television shows The rapid digitalization in recent years has made television (TV) in Indonesia increasingly abandoned. In this research, the Brownis Jalan-Jalan infotainment provides various types of segment content ranging from social, cultural, economic, and entertainment, even with comedy nuances, adding an impression of interest to the audience who watches to entertain and educate at the same time the life experienced by people in his daily life is depicted in the Brownis Jalan Jalan (BJJ) segment. Islamic communication agrees with Jalaluddin Rakhmat who said that there are six forms of discourse (Qawlan), qawlan is someone's speech or words when communicating between humans which is understood in the Qur'an. The researcher placed qawlan in his research in the form of Qawlan Sadidan, Qawlan Baligha, Qawlan Karima, Qawlan Ma'rufan, Qawlan Layyina, and Qawlan Maysura. Keywords : Journalism, Infotainment, Analysis
Pengaruh Intelegence Quotient, Minat, komunikasi orang tua, dan teman sebaya terhadap keputusan siswa di SMA N 1 sungai rumbai riko Saputra
Horizon Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (583.017 KB) | DOI: 10.22202/horizon.v1i2.4827


ABSTRACTThe study found that: First, intelligence (IQ) (X1) has a significant effect on students' decisions to choose majors with a regression coefficient of 0.496. This coefficient value is significant because the value of t count 5.792 ≥ t table 1.65622 means that intelligence (IQ) increases by one unit. then the student's decision to choose a major also increased by 0.496. Both interests (X2) have a significant effect on students' decisions to choose majors with a regression coefficient of 0.367. This coefficient value is significant because the value of t count 10,533 ≥ t table 1.66571 means that if the interest increases by one unit. then the student's decision to choose a major also increased by 0.367. The third parent communication (X3) has a significant effect on student learning outcomes at SMAN 1 Sungai Rumbai with a regression coefficient of 0.309. This coefficient value is significant because the t value is 5.446 ≥ t table 1.65622, meaning that parental communication increases by one unit. it will increase the student's decision to choose a major by 1.073. The four peers (X4) have a significant effect on the student's decision to choose a major with a regression coefficient of 0.309. This coefficient value is significant because the t value is 4.300 ≥ t table 1.65622, it means that if peers increase by one unit. it will increase the student's decision to choose a major by 0.309. The five Intelligence (IQ), Interests, Parents Communication, and Peers simultaneously have a significant influence on students' decisions to choose majors at SMAN 1 Sungai Rumbai with Fcount 51.641 ≥ Ftable 2.28 and significant 0.000 <0.05. It is recommended that teachers, schools and parents pay more attention to or control student learning activities at school and at home so that students do not make the wrong decision to continue the educational process Keywords: Intelegence, Interest, Communication, Schoolmate, Decision