Mahrup Mahrup
Program Studi Ilmu Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram

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Teknik Bedeng Permanen Alternatif Mengurangi Biaya Produksi Usahatani Pada Kondisi Pendemi Covid19 I Nyoman Soemeinaboedhy; Padusung Padusung; I Gusti Made Kusnarta; Mahrup Mahrup; Fahrudin Fahrudin
Jurnal Gema Ngabdi Vol. 3 No. 3 (2021): JURNAL GEMA NGABDI
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jgn.v3i3.153


Permanent raised-beds can be used in several soil seasons and aim to increase production through the application of sustainable and sustainable agriculture and can improve the welfare of farmers. The three basic principles of conservation agriculture are: i) applying minimal or no tillage ii) applying cover crops continuously throughout the year, and iii) applying crop diversification, either by intercropping, crop rotation, and consecutive cropping (relay cropping), especially between non-legume and legume crops. Service activities provide knowledge to farmers by demonstrating the application of permanent bed farming techniques to reduce farm production costs. This activity is expected to: 1) as an example of the application of permanent bed-based agriculture to prevent soil erosion by planting cover crops and mulch, 2) as an example of a permanent bed technique to maintain soil stability and save costs, 3) as an example of a natural way to restore physical, chemical and biological fertility of dry soil, and 4) as an example of how to increase soil productivity in dry paddy fields typology. To achieve this, several conservation methods will be introduced, as well as several types of vegetable crops and minimum tillage techniques will be introduced.  
Konsistensi Sistem Prakiraan Iklim Musiman Menggunakan Indikator ENSO di Daerah Tipe Iklim D3 dan D4 Kabupaten Lombok Tengah Lara Miga Wahyuni; Fahrudin Fahrudin; Mahrup Mahrup
Journal of Soil Quality and Management Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Soil Quality and Management
Publisher : Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jsqm.v2i1.16


The purpose of this study was to determine the consistency of seasonal climate forecasts using the ENSO phenomenon. The ENSO indicator categorized with El Nini, Neutral and La Nina were coorelated to rainfall categorized with Below Normal, normal and above normal. The research was carried out in the D3 dan D4 type of climate in ccentral Lombok regency.  The method used in this research is descriptive method, which is a method aimed at solving problems by collecting data, compiling, analyzing, interpreting data, and drawing conclusions. This research was conducted in Central Lombok in climate types D3 and D4 covering the areas of Kopang, Mantang, Praya, Puyung, Pringgarata, Penujak, Mujur, Pujut, and Janapria. Using monthly rainfall data for ± 50 years from 1970-2019. Rainfall data were taken at Kopang, Mantang, Praya, Puyung, Pringgarata stations for type D3 and Penujak, Mujur, Pujut, and Janapriafor type D4. SOI data can be accessed at The results showed that from 1970-2019 (50 years) there was a consistent value in all areas that were predicted, namely above 50% and inconsistency below 50%. Consistency describes how accurate the results of the forecast are. If the percentage of the consistency value is above 50%, it means that it is better to predict using the forecasting method by looking for consistency than using the average. Therefore, if you use a forecasting system, if an El Nino phenomenon occurs there will be a shortage of water, you can adjust the planting time, prepare irrigation water first, reduce the planting area, and delay the planting time first.Keywords: Climate Variations, SOI, Rainfall, Climate D3 and D4
Journal of Soil Quality and Management Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Soil Quality and Management
Publisher : Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jsqm.v2i1.44


Abstrak: Radiasi sinar matahari yang diterima permukaan bumi adalah penyebab terjadinya penguapan. Penelitian Deskriptif telah dilakkan, yang bertujuan untuk  melakukan estimasi evaporasi dan menentukan variasi spasialnya berbasis intensitas penyinaran matahari normal (Direct Normal Irradiation, DNI)  di Pulau Lombok. Data penelitian berupa data DNI diakses dari Global Solar Atlas dan dikonversi menjadi satuan mm/hari setara dengan potensi rerata evaporasi di pulau Lombok. Adapun nilai evapotranspirasi potensial (ETo), dihutng berdasarkan rumus Holdredge, berbasis suhu rata-rata udara setempat.   Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian, yaitu, intensitas DNI,  suhu udara dan rentang ketinggian tempat di atas permukaan laut. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, bahwa   intensitas penyinaran mathari di Pulau Lombok bevariasi secara spasial berdasarkan variasi faktor topografi; rerata intensitas DNI harian secara bertahap menurun, dari dataran rendah (0-200 mdpl) sebesar 4,75 kWh/m,  dataran medium (>200-700 mdpl)  3,6 kWh/m2 dan  dataran tinggi (>700 mdpl) 2,9 kWh/m2 DNI. Faktor. Nilai rerata evaporasi 5,3 mm/hari, dan ETo 3,5 mm/hari. Koefisien lapse, yaitu penurunan suhu udar sebagai fungsi ketinggian tempat 5,8oC/1000 m dpl.