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Konsep Integrasi Micro-Services Menggunakan Enterprise Architecture (Studi Kasus: Perusahaan E-Commerce Indonesia) Andreas Putra Wijaya; Richardus Eko Indrajit; Erick Dazki
Jutisi : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi Vol 10, No 3: Desember 2021
Publisher : STMIK Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (419.523 KB) | DOI: 10.35889/jutisi.v10i3.727


Abstrak. Era digitalisasi setiap perusahaan berusaha melakukan yang terbaik untuk menyediakan layanan kepada pelanggan melalui berbagai inovasi yang dapat membuat pelanggan tertarik menggunakan jasa perusahaan. Micro-services memungkinkan tim developer perusahaan dapat mengembangkan secara optimal, setiap layanan yang diberikan dengan membagi layanan menjadi bagian–bagian kecil yang dapat dikembangkan secara bersamaan. Sehingga dalam tahap pengembangan maupun menerima feedback dari pengguna, dapat secara progresif diperbaiki dan dikembangkan. Terutama bagi pengusaha yang membuat bisnis startup dalam bidang jual/beli online (e-commerce) di Indonesia yang sedang berkembang pesat. Paper ini bertujuan, memaparkan hasil analisis penulis mengenai pengaruh dari penerapan micro-services pada perusahaan e-commerce di Indonesia. Salah satu faktor yang mendukung berkembangannya e-commerce di Indonesia adalah peningkatan sistem layanan yang menyeluruh, dengan melakukan development sistem dengan cepat.Kata Kunci: Microservices, e-commerce, Startup, Enterprise Architecture.Abstract. In the era of digitalization every company is trying to do their best to provide services to customers through any innovations that can make customers interested in using the company's services. Micro-services allow the company's development team to develop optimally, each service provided by dividing the service into small parts that can be developed simultaneously. So that in the development stage as well as receiving feedback from users, it can be progressively improved and developed. Especially for entrepreneurs who make startup businesses in the field of buying/selling online (e-commerce) in Indonesia, which is growing rapidly. This paper aims to describe the results of the author's analysis of the effect of implementing micro-services on e-commerce companies in Indonesia. Where one of the factors in the development of e-commerce in Indonesia is to improve the comprehensive service system, by developing the system quickly.Keywords: Microservices, e-commerce, startup, Enterprise Architecture.
Komparasi Performansi Algoritma Naive Bayes dan Logistic Regression pada Malware Android Andreas Putra Wijaya; Handri Santoso
INTEK : Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Informasi Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/intek.v4i2.1558


Currently, Indonesian people have used Internet technology for various needs. Starting from transportation, shopping to the world of education using the Internet. Equipment in accessing the Internet varies, ranging from computers, laptops to communication devices such as mobile devices. Currently, mobile devices that are quite widely used by the public are mobile devices based on the Android operating system. In this situation it encourages certain parties to take advantage of loopholes to seek profit, one of which is the creation of Malware. In addition, developments in the field of artificial intelligence are currently very advanced and encourage many researches in various fields to use it. This situation makes researchers focus on malware analysis by utilizing artificial intelligence technology. The purpose of this study is to analyze Android APK files by classifying the Malware family. Performance and accuracy measurements will also be presented in a comparison between the Naïve Bayes algorithm and the Logistic Regression algorithm. The method used is Supervised Learning classification, using Naïve Bayes algorithm and Logistic Regression. Everywhere both methods are Machine Learning algorithms and part of artificial intelligence.