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An Optimization of English E-Learning at Senior High School of Purworejo Satrio Prayogo; Juita Triana
Scripta : English Department Journal Vol. 7 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Department of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/scripta.v7i1.631


-This study aims to find the students’ problem during English e-learning as the base inproviding new variations for teachers in conducting e-learning. It belongs to a descriptive qualitativeresearch. The data is in the form of questionnaire answers taken from twenty students of some seniorhigh schools of Purworejo. The writers use the mean of score scale in analyzing the data. From theanalysis of data, it is found that in their e-learning, most of the students get bored since the learningprocess is monotonous, feel hard since there are too much assignment with lack of explanation, and feellost guided for the absence of a real teacher manifestation. Based on the gotten problems, the writersoffer the use of Edmodo application to provide new variation for teachers in conducting e-learningespecially in English teaching. In Edmodo, there are many complete and complex features. So it providesanother way for teachers and students to have better complement each other in e-learning. In conclusion,to solve the students’ problems in English e-learning, the teachers should be literate with the existingtechnology in the efforts of providing effective and interesting e-learning.
The Analysis on the Elements of Fitzgerald’s Novel the Great Gatsby and Its Application in Teaching Reading Juita Triana
Scripta : English Department Journal Vol. 6 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/scripta.v6i1.666


This writing is based on the research of analyzing the elements of fitzgerald’s novelthe great Gatsby. This research is included in descriptive qualitative research. Theresearcher chooses the novel since it is about American, the English nativespeaker, for its application to English educational interests, especially teachingreading. The findings tell us that the story takes place at some parts of America.Since its theme is about love, it will inspire everybody in his/her era. Through thefirst person point of view, the author conveys the plot nicely.
The Analysis of Word Formation in Movie "Wonder" and Its Application in Teaching Vocabulary Amelya Baiti Nur'aini; Juita Triana; Luana Fogli
Scripta : English Department Journal Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Department of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/scripta.v8i2.702


The aims of this research are to find out word formation in the movie entitled “Wonder” and to describe the application of word formation in movie “Wonder” to teach vocabulary. This research belongs to a descriptive qualitative research. The object is the movie entitled “Wonder”. The data of this study is word formation processes in the movie. To collect the data, the writers do some steps. Those are watching the movie, reading the movie script, and identifying the word formation processes. In analysing the data, the writers conduct some steps: identifying word formation processes in the utterances used by the main characters, classifying the data into types of word formation based on George Yule’s theory, and applying the finding to teach vocabulary. The result of this research shows that there are 148 word formations that are classified into ten types of word formation: 53 of compounding (36%), 5 of coinage (4%), 23 of borrowing (16%), 2 of blending (1%), 8 of clipping (5%), 3 of backformation (2%), 5 of conversion (4%), 2 of acronyms (1%), 45 of derivation (30%), and 2 of multiple processes (1%). The finding of this research can be applied in teaching vocabulary.
Segmental Features Contained in BBC Learning English Video: Word in the News Safira Nur Indriyani; Semi Sukarni; Juita Triana
Scripta : English Department Journal Vol. 8 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Department of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/scripta.v8i1.807


This research is concerned with the segmental features found in BBC Learning English word in the news. The aims of this research are to identify segmental features contained in the BBC Learning English video word in the news and to describe the application of pronunciation in the BBC Leaning English video word in the news in teaching speaking. This research belongs to descriptive qualitative research because the data of this research is collected by classifying the declarative sentences found in the BBC Leaning English video and the researcher as the key instrument. In collecting the data, the researcher opened website BBC Learning English word in the news, chose the video BBC Learning English word in the news, transcript the video, selected the word that contained segmental features, and categorizing the data of segmental features from those video BBC Learning English word in the news. In analyzing the data, the researcher identified the word which contained segmental features, categorizing, counted the number and percentage of the segmental features found, discussed the finding, applied the research finding in teaching speaking, and drew conclusion and suggestion. The result of this research showed that there were 93 segmental features found in video BBC learning English. Based on the types of segmental features, there are three types found, namely 43 vowels (46.24%), 21 diphthong (22.83%), and 28 consonants (30.43%). This result of the analysis can be applied in teaching speaking at vocational high school.
A Genre Analysis of the Texts in English Textbook “Pathway To English” Used by Tenth Grade Students Andrian Nuriza Johan; Gunawan Panji Krismono; Juita Triana
English Education and Literature Journal (E-Jou) Vol 2 No 01 (2022): English Education and Literature Journal (E-Jou)
Publisher : Universitas Ma'arif Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (393.262 KB) | DOI: 10.53863/ejou.v2i01.375


This study aims to find out the text genres, the generic structure and language features in English textbook Pathway to English used by tenth grade students. This study analyzed the genre of the text, generic structure, and language features. A descriptive qualitative method is used to analyze the genre in Pathway to English textbook. There were four genres found in collecting data, descriptive text, narrative text, recount text, and announcement text. Then the researcher analyzing the generic structure and language features used in the text. After analyzing the data, the researcher found that from 18 texts taken, 4 texts (22%) data were descriptive text, 5 texts (28%) data were narrative text, 5 texts (28%) data were recount text, and 4 texts (22%) data belonged to announcement text. Based on the theories, the generic structure and the language features of each genre found in Pathway to English textbook were correct in English. Keywords: genre, text, textbook
English Learning Assistance in the Era Pandemic COVID-19 for Students in Mendiro Semi Sukarni; Sudar Sudar; Junaedi Setiyono; Zulia Chasanah; Juita Triana
Surya Abdimas Vol. 5 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/abdimas.v5i3.1164


This paper aims to provide information about English learning assistance in the era pandemic Covid-19 for students in Mendiro through the community service. This activity was done to respond the community’s need to minimize the problems of learning English which were appeared during Covid-19 pandemic. The participants of the activity were 25 students which consisted of primary schools, Junior High School and Senior High School. The main problem of the students were difficulties in understanding English lessons as they were lack of interaction with their teachers since they were study from home (BDR). They have limited strategies to do self study at home. To overcome the problems, a team of lecturers of English Language Education conducted a community service in Mendiro village, Ngombol subdistric of Purworejo. Through sharing of knowledge and strategies to learn English skills through internet media, the participants could get knowledge and took opportunity to practice their English. By adopting the strategies given by team of lecturers, the participants are expected to be able to learn English easier with more enjoyable and enjoy simple literary works such as short films, short stories, short stories videos and songs. Finally, they can obtain better English skills in the future
The Analysis of Difficulties in Pronouncing English Vowels (Monophthongs) in Singing English Song Billy Fernanda Kurniawan Billy; Juita Triana; Andrian Nuriza Johan
Scripta : English Department Journal Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Department of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/scripta.v9i1.1455


The aims of this study are to find out the English Vowel (Monopthongs) in Singing English Song which is difficult to pronounce, and to find out the problem that causes the difficulties faced by the students of UKM Surya Sagitta Choir Purworejo Muhammadiyah University. This research is descriptive qualitative research. Then, the researchers take 15 students as a sample of this research, they used pronunciation tests and questionnaires to collect the data. The students’ pronunciations are recorded then analyzed by transcribing the students’ pronunciation into phonetic transcription. Based on the finding and data analysis the researchers find 401 mispronounced English vowels, including 279 mispronounced of English short vowel monophthongs [ɪ], [ɛ], [æ], [ɒ], [ʌ], [ʊ], [ə], and 122 English long vowel monophthongs [i:], [ɑː], [u:], [ɔ:], [ɜ:]. The most vowels that are difficult to pronounce by students are (1) Short vowels [ɪ] which are 143 times (79,4 %) of 12 words analyzed. (2) long vowel [ɜ:] 19 times (63%) of 2 words analyzed. (3) long vowel [ɔ:] 33 times (55%) of 4 words analyzes. Therefore, students have difficulty pronouncing English vowels [ɪ], [ɜ:] and [ɔ:].The factors that cause students’ difficulties in pronouncing English vowels in singing English songs are they rarely listen to English songs, confuse about pronounces, and don’t understand the meaning and lyrics of the song.
The Analysis of Parallelism in Joe Biden’s Speech and Its Application in Teaching Speaking Sasti Febianti; Sri Widodo; Juita Triana
Scripta : English Department Journal Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Department of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/scripta.v9i1.1473


This research aims to find out the type of parallelism Joe Biden speech in the national democratic convention and to describe the application in teaching speaking. The research methods are descriptive qualitative. The data source is Joe Biden’s speech transcript. The research subject is parallelism in the form of words, phrases and utterances. The research instrument is the researcher herself. The result shows that there are 10 types of parallelism; in detail, lexical parallelism: 2 data of epanalepsis (4%), 29 data of anaphora (55%), 3 data of medial (5%), 3 data of epistrophe (5%), and 1 data of anadiplosis (2%); syntactic parallelism: 5 data of sentence parallelism (9%), 1 data of phrase parallelism (2%), and 7 data of word parallelism (13%); semantic parallelism: 2 data of antithesis (4%); and phonological parallelism: 1 data of assonance (2%). The application of the parallelism found from the script in teaching speaking can be applied in grade XII of senior high school.
Students' Difficulties in Online Learning of English Subject during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case at SMPN 3 Satu Atap Karangsambung Kisi Pangestuti; Basuki Basuki; Juita Triana
Scripta : English Department Journal Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Department of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/scripta.v9i2.1485


The purpose of this study is to find out the difficulties faced by students when studying English in an online school and the solutions they use to overcome those difficulties. The objective of this descriptive qualitative research is to explain the real situation of eighth grade students' learning problems at SMPN 3 Satu Atap Karangsambung, with the researcher as the key instrument. Researchers used the WhatsApp application to disseminate a questionnaire and conduct interviews with respondents in order to collect data. In analyzing the data, the researcher detects and categorizes learning difficulties, displays and calculates the percentage of data using the original text in the form of an essay, and provides findings and recommendations after evaluating the data. The study's findings revealed five challenges that students face when studying English in an online education setting. The most common issue students have is increasing English vocabulary, which has an impact on the appearance of the other four obstacles. In addition, the majority of students utilized the same approach to overcome their learning difficulties, according to the findings. The findings of this study aid teachers in assessing the learning process in order to better meet the needs of students.