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Virtual Education: A Brief Overview of Its Role in the Current Educational System José Miguel Orellana Parapi; Lilis Imas Maesaroh; Basuki Basuki; Edi Sunjayanto Masykuri
Scripta : English Department Journal Vol. 7 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Department of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/scripta.v7i1.632


Virtual education is a growing and evolving system that creates new opportunities for forming and upgrading people’s skills with a non-presential factor, which allows students from different regions and backgrounds to gain instant access to quality education and knowledge. In recent years, many online platforms have been joining to these new systems allowing to create a virtual environment, even professional institutions, such as colleges and universities, are offering their entire specialty in different online programs. Although, online education has evolved and improved since its apparition after the internet commercialization, many problems still remain unsolved and challenging its effectiveness; self-motivations and virtual drop-out are one of the common factor among virtual learners, besides the lack of required technology and resources in different places, especially in developing countries. Even there are problems, virtual education is changing the way how we consume educational content and it is helping to connect students and teachers all over the world in again-to-gain way, so in the coming years, its role is expected to be more critical in our education system.
Sistem Pembelajaran Luar Kelas (Outdoor Learning System) untuk Persiapan Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris di SMA Negeri 4 Purworejo Abdul Ngafif; Sri Widodo; Basuki Basuki; Ismawati Ike Nugraeni
Surya Abdimas Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/abdimas.v4i2.569


Tujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat di SMAN 4 Purworejo adalah untuk membantu dan mendampingi para siswa kelas 12 mengatasi permasalahan menjelang diselenggarakannya Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer (UNBK) yaitu stres yang tinggi, tingkat kejenuhan juga tinggi, serta mood belajar yang cenderung rendah sehingga mereka memerlukan suatu sistem pembelajaran yang menyenangkan sekaligus meningkatkan kesiapan menghadapi Ujian Nasional khususnya Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Solusi dari Tim Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Prodi PBI UMPurworejo adalah dengan sistem pembelajaran di luar kelas (Outdoor Learning System) yang dikemas dalam bentuk permainan ala outbound yang terdapat 4 (empat) pos yaitu vocabulary corner, reading power, listening, dan grammar knowledge. Setelah pelaksanaan pengabdian, poin penting yang bisa diperoleh yaitu tingkat stress cenderung turun, tingkat kebahagiaan siswa naik, mood siswa cenderung naik, serta tingkat pengetahuan Bahasa Inggris para siswa dilihat dari rata-ratanya juga naik dari 72 ke 84 sehingga penggunaan Outdoor Learning System ini cukup efektif.
Penguatan Literasi Digital dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi Guru PAUD Tusino Tusino; Titi Rokhayati; Basuki Basuki
Surya Abdimas Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/abdimas.v6i1.1469


Permasalahan penguasaan teknologi dan lemahnya kompetensi bahasa Inggris sering dialami oleh guru pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD). Hal ini dikarenakan sebagian besar guru PAUD bukan lulusan bahasa Inggris dan jarang menggunakan media digital dalam pembelajaran. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo menyelenggarakan pelatihan literasi digital untuk mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi. Kegiatan pelatihan dilaksanakan secara daring melalui aplikasi Zoom. Sebanyak 35 (tiga puluh lima) guru PAUD berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan ini. Untuk mengetahui ketercapaian program dan respon peserta, wawancara terstruktur dilakukan setelah sesi penyampaian materi dan diskusi. Hasil wawancara menunjukkan bahwa peserta senang dan antusias mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan. Program PKM ini mampu memperkuat literasi digital dan meningkatan kompetensi guru dalam mengajarkan bahasa Inggris di tingkat PAUD. Pelatihan literasi digital lanjutan perlu diselenggarakan dengan menambah jumlah peserta yang berasal dari guru PAUD dan sekolah dasar.
Fostering Junior High School Teachers’ Competence in Technology-Assisted Learning Media Development Tusino Tusino; Titi Rokhayati; Basuki Basuki; Intan Nasihah
Surya Abdimas Vol. 6 No. 4 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/abdimas.v6i4.2113


Technology literacy and poor teaching competences are common weaknesses experienced by junior high school teachers. This is because most junior high school teachers rarely use technology-based media in developing learning materials. Lecturers of English Education Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo held training on technology-assisted learning media to overcome the problems faced. The method used was covered four steps namely problem analysis, preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The training activities were carried out face to face at SMP N 22 Purworejo. A total of 36 (thirty six) teachers participated in this activity. To evaluate the training program's achievements and participant responses, close-response questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were conducted after the presentation and discussion sessions finished. The results of the interviews showed that the participants were happy and enthusiastic about participating in the training activities. This community service program is able to increase teacher competence in developing technology-based learning media. The output of this program was an article published in a national-accredited journal. Further training needs to be held by increasing the number of participants from junior and senior high school teachers.
The Analysis of Communication Strategies in Lady Gaga Talk Show Ratna Kumalasari; Basuki Basuki; Zulia Chasanah
Scripta : English Department Journal Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Department of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/scripta.v9i1.1476


The purpose of this study was to examine the different sorts of communication methods used in Lady Gaga's talk show and to discuss how these strategies are used in teaching speaking. The descriptive qualitative method was used in the study. The researcher conducts research on communication strategy theory, focusing on the Dornyei et al theory (1995). The information is gathered from the participant's discussions on the talk program. The researcher performed some steps when it came to data analysis. The first step is to download a video from YouTube. The second step is to download the transcription. Third, double-checking both the video and the transcription to ensure accuracy. Identifying the many types of communication methods used in Lady Gaga's talk show is the fourth step. The findings of this study revealed that there were 23 communication methods, including 1 avoidance strategies (4%), 2 achievement or compensatory strategies (9%), 17 stalling or time gaining strategies (74%), 2 self-monitoring strategies (9%), and 1 interactional strategies (4% ). Based on the results of each strategy, it can be stated that the majority of communication strategies involve stalling or time gaining . The researcher hopes that this thesis will contribute to the advancement of communication knowledge, particularly communication strategies for teachers, students, and other researchers involved in teaching speaking.
Students’ Perception on Using Blended Learning Method During Covid-19 Pandemic in Public Listening Subject Dewi Chintia Kolbuniah; Abdul Ngafif; Basuki Basuki
Scripta : English Department Journal Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Department of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/scripta.v9i1.1484


This research aims to know how the students’ perception of blended learning toward Public Listening subject during Covid-19 pandemic. The researchers collected the data through a questionnaires. There were 38 students from the 4th semester of English Language Education participated in this research. This research used descriptive qualitative research. From the data analisis, it is found that the students gave positive perceptions in following Public Listening subject by using Blended Learning method. From the computation, the highest average was 4.37 and the lowest average was 2.68. Moreover, there were 18 of 38 students felt excited during learning process. Furthermore, the students agreed with Blended Learning Method (combining online and offline) in Public Listening subject because it can improve their communication better than using offline or online method only with the procentage of satisfaction level 44.5% in which belongs to medium level. This study also found that the Blended Learning method benefited them and piqued their interest in learning. It also encourages student to be more active and responsible.
Students' Difficulties in Online Learning of English Subject during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case at SMPN 3 Satu Atap Karangsambung Kisi Pangestuti; Basuki Basuki; Juita Triana
Scripta : English Department Journal Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Department of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/scripta.v9i2.1485


The purpose of this study is to find out the difficulties faced by students when studying English in an online school and the solutions they use to overcome those difficulties. The objective of this descriptive qualitative research is to explain the real situation of eighth grade students' learning problems at SMPN 3 Satu Atap Karangsambung, with the researcher as the key instrument. Researchers used the WhatsApp application to disseminate a questionnaire and conduct interviews with respondents in order to collect data. In analyzing the data, the researcher detects and categorizes learning difficulties, displays and calculates the percentage of data using the original text in the form of an essay, and provides findings and recommendations after evaluating the data. The study's findings revealed five challenges that students face when studying English in an online education setting. The most common issue students have is increasing English vocabulary, which has an impact on the appearance of the other four obstacles. In addition, the majority of students utilized the same approach to overcome their learning difficulties, according to the findings. The findings of this study aid teachers in assessing the learning process in order to better meet the needs of students.