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Kecemburuan pada Laki-laki dan Perempuan dalam Menghadapi Perselingkuhan Pasangan Melalui Media Internet Asriana, Widya; Ratnasari, Yudiana
Jurnal Psikologi: PITUTUR Vol 1, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Psikologi PITUTUR
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (243.745 KB)


Research  on  the  type  of  infidelity  that  causes  jealousy  in  men  and women show consistent results, namely that men are more jealous of sexual infidelity  in  the  face  of  a  partner  than  women,  whereas  women  are  more jealous  in  the  face  of  emotional  infidelity  than  male  partners.  Infidelity through the internet a threat to the relationship to the individual in modern times now. Therefore, this study find out about the differences of men and women  in  the  face  of  emotional  infidelity  and  sexual  partner  through internet media. This hypothesis was tested using a forced-choice dilemmas in which participants (N = 168) were asked to choose the type of infidelityis more cause of jealousy: emotional or sexual. The results show that in the face of a partner´s infidelity via the Internet media, both men and women were  significantly  more  jealous  in  dealing  with  emotional  infidelity  than sexual infidelity. Women, when compared with men, more jealous partner in  dealing  with  emotional  infidelity,  but  there  were  no  significant differences between male and female partner´s sexual infidelity in the face.The results of this study will be discussed in the context of the theory ofevolutionary psychology. This important study carried out in order to arise the awareness that the relationship over the Internet can provide a serious effect on relationships in the real world.
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) dan Psychological Capital Intervention (PCI) untuk Mengurangi Burnout pada Perawat Lansia Josephine Indah Setyawati; Yudiana Ratnasari
Jurnal Online Psikogenesis Vol 8, No 2 (2020): Desember
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24854/jps.v8i2.1498


Perawat lansia yang bekerja di panti werdha sangat rentan mengalami burnout dan dapat memengaruhi penurunan performa kerja. Salah satu intervensi yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu mengatasi stress, menurunkan tingkat burnout dan mengantisipasi terjadinya burnout yaitu Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) menggunakan pendekatan mindfulness, peserta diajak untuk menyadari situasi diri sini dan kini. Untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya burnout, penting juga untuk mengembangkan psychological capital (PsyCap), karakteristik positif yang dapat melindungi diri saat menghadapi situasi sulit, terutama aspek harapan dan optimisme. Peserta yang mengikuti intervensi ini yaitu delapan perawat lansia di Panti Werdha M di Jakarta Utara yang sudah bekerja selama minimal 1 tahun. Pemilihan peserta didasari dari skor burnout yang lebih dari rata-rata populasi perawat di panti tersebut dengan menggunakan instrumen Caregiver Burnout yang didasari teori burnout dari Maslach dan Leiter (2016) dan mengalami penurunan performa kerja berdasarkan evaluasi kinerja. Intervensi yang dilakukan terdiri dari tiga sesi MBSR dan satu sesi PsyCap dengan durasi sekitar 120 menit setiap sesi. Sesi follow-up dilakukan dua minggu setelah intervensi. Data kuantitatif dan kualitatif menunjukkan adanya penurunan tingkat burnout, meski dimensi personal accomplishment tidak menunjukkan perubahan signifikan. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan MBSR dan PCI sebagai intervensi yang cukup efektif untuk menurunkan tingkat burnout bagi perawat lansia.
Teknik CBT dalam Menurunkan Frekuensi Masturbasi Pada Laki-Laki : Studi Kasus Muhammad Syibbli; Yudiana Ratnasari
Jurnal Online Psikogenesis Vol 8, No 2 (2020): Desember
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24854/jps.v8i2.1061


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu bagaimana efektivitas teknik Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) dalam menurunkan frekuensi masturbasi pada klien. Klien merasa bahwa frekuensi masturbasinya sudah tidak normal dan kebiasaannya tersebut telah mengganggu kegiatan sehariharinya. Ia merasa masturbasi merupakan perilaku yang memalukan dan tidak sepantasnya dilakukan. Namun, sikapnya terhadap masturbasi tidak membuatnya menurunkan frekuensi masturbasinya. Penelitian kali ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan satu partisipan untuk mendalami permasalahan yang dimiliki klien tersebut. Terdapat 8 sesi pertemuan yang dilakukan termasuk follow up. Setiap sesi menghabiskan waktu sekitar 60 – 120 menit. Pengukuran efektivitas teknik CBT diukur dengan melihat frekuensi masturbasi yang dilaporkan klien setiap minggunya. Hasilnya, klien melaporkan penurunan frekuensi masturbasi dari 12 kali dalam seminggu menjadi tiga kali dalam seminggu. Selain itu, klien melaporkan bahwa dirinya lebih mampu berterterus terang dalam interaksi sosial serta mampu untuk meregulasi stress dengan baik. Hal tersebut dinilai menjadi faktor yang membantu klien mengatasi masalah masturbasinya.
Kecemburuan pada Laki-laki dan Perempuan dalam Menghadapi Perselingkuhan Pasangan Melalui Media Internet Widya Asriana; Yudiana Ratnasari
Jurnal Psikologi: PITUTUR Vol 1, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Psikologi PITUTUR
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (243.745 KB)


Research on the type of infidelity that causes jealousy in men and women show consistent results, namely that men are more jealous of sexual infidelity in the face of a partner than women, whereas women are more jealous in the face of emotional infidelity than male partners. Infidelity through the internet a threat to the relationship to the individual in modern times now. Therefore, this study find out about the differences of men and women in the face of emotional infidelity and sexual partner through internet media. This hypothesis was tested using a forced-choice dilemmas in which participants (N = 168) were asked to choose the type of infidelityis more cause of jealousy: emotional or sexual. The results show that in the face of a partner's infidelity via the Internet media, both men and women were significantly more jealous in dealing with emotional infidelity than sexual infidelity. Women, when compared with men, more jealous partner in dealing with emotional infidelity, but there were no significant differences between male and female partner's sexual infidelity in the face.The results of this study will be discussed in the context of the theory ofevolutionary psychology. This important study carried out in order to arise the awareness that the relationship over the Internet can provide a serious effect on relationships in the real world.
Comparison of marital satisfaction by couples types in arranged (ta'aruf) married couples Shahnaz Safitri; Yudiana Ratnasari
HUMANITAS: Indonesian Psychological Journal Vol 16, Number 2: August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (524.126 KB) | DOI: 10.26555/humanitas.v16i2.12136


One form of marital arrangements in Indonesian Muslim society is to get married through arranged marriages, popularly called as ta'aruf. Ta'aruf is related to the individual's religiosity, which may be associated with high marital satisfaction. This study aimed to explore the comparison of marital satisfaction by couple types in the context of marriage through ta'aruf. This research involved 62 persons as couples (M of age = 25.35 years old) in Jakarta as participants. The Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale (RDAS) and Relational Dimensions Instrument (RDI) were used to collect the data. The couple types were derived from K-Means cluster analysis on the RDI score which was further analyzed with one-way ANOVA to test for difference in marital satisfaction. The results show there is a significant difference in marital satisfaction among the couple types in the couples as general, and also particularly in men as husbands. However, marital satisfaction does not differ to the couple type among women as wives. Therefore, gender seems to influence this relationship since husbands and wives differ in their degree of marital satisfaction within the same couple types. The compatibility on the vision and marital scheme between the spouses may enforce to a high marital satisfaction.
Brief Acceptance and Commitment Group Therapy for Nursing Home Staff: Effects on Stress, Performance, and Quality of Life Annisa Rahmalia; Yudiana Ratnasari
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology Vol 10 No 3 September 2021
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/jehcp.v10i3.20600


Staff working in nursing homes holds important roles for caregiving older adults, yet they are prone to experiencing high stress due to high demands at work. Two core processes in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): personal values and committed action offers new strategies for nursing home staff to create a more positive attitude, thus potential in improving nursing home staff’s general mental health. This study explores the effects of brief-ACT on psychological flexibility, work stress, in-role performance, and quality of life among nursing home staff. Therapy was conducted in a group setting, emphasizing personal values and committed action core processes, with quantitative measurements administered in pretest-posttest design. Participants also answered open-ended questions for qualitative results regarding with effects of the group therapy. Results showed statistically significant effects of Brief-ACT for psychological flexibility, in-role performance, and quality of life, while the decrease in work stress was not statistically significant. In addition, qualitative themes coded from open-ended questions reported positive experiences related to the group therapy. This study provides initial findings regarding ACT feasibility among nursing home staff, particularly related to personal values and committed action core processes. Keywords: ACT, nursing home staff, values, committed action, work                         stress.
Brief Acceptance Commitment Therapy (B-ACT) Kelompok untuk Menurunkan Gejala Stres Kerja pada Pekerja Sosial Putri Ayu Widyautami; Yudiana Ratnasari
JIP (Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi) Vol. 13 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/intervensipsikologi.vol13.iss2.art8


There are several sources of stress that social workers probably have, which are heavy workload, conflict in superior-subordinate relationships and family problems. The main purpose of this study was to see the effect of group based brief acceptance commitment therapy (B-ACT) in reducing work stress. The design of study used a pretest-posttest one group design.  The subjects involved in this study were seven workers at a nursing home. The data were obtained through interviews, observation, and questionnaires. Statistical analysis using Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test indicated that B-ACT is not significantly effective in reducing work stress. However, a trend of positive improvement was observed, indicating the potential benefit of B-ACT for reducing work stress in social workers. Limitations of this study are explained in the discussion section.
Income Earner Status and Couple Type and Its Impact on Marital Satisfaction Ratnasari, Yudiana; Fatheya, Fath
Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia Vol. 26, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The rise of opportunities for females to work outside household settings in Indonesia has changed the division of traditional roles and responsibilities among married couples and thus may affect the quality of marital relationships. This study aims to observe how income earner status (single or dual earner) within families and couple type play roles in marital satisfaction. The participants comprised 224 spousal couples who are analyzed individually and together to categorize couple types measured using the Relational Dimension Instrument and Couple Satisfaction Index. Results indicate that for income earner status, no significant predominant effect on marital satisfaction was observed. The average marital satisfaction scores between couples with single- and dual-income statuses were insignificantly different, suggesting that dual- or single-income status does not have a direct effect on marital satisfaction. Based on couple type, traditional and separated types showed the highest marital satisfaction mean scores and lowest marital satisfaction scores among other types, respectively. These results reveal that interdependence and conflict resolution communication are important aspects in determining marital satisfaction levels among the Indonesian couples who participated in this study.
Efektivitas Pelatihan Kelompok Mindful Parenting Secara Daring Terhadap Parenting Stress Dan Parent Self-Efficacy Pada Ibu Rumah Tangga Dengan Anak Usia Dini Daryan Nur Rifat; Yudiana Ratnasari
Efektor Vol 10 No 1 (2023): Efektor Vol.10 No.1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29407/e.v10i1.19083


T This study aims to see how effective online Mindful parenting (MP) in reducing parenting stress and increasing parenting efficacy. In addition, it also discusses how MP can reduce parenting stress and increase parenting efficacy for housewives when caring for early childhood. This study uses a qualitative method. The research subjects consisted of seven housewives (non-working) aged 26-32 years, had at least one early childhood, lived in several different cities, and had moderate to severe levels of parenting stress. Research subjects were given a pre-post test using the Interpersonal Mindfulness in Parenting Scale (IM-P), Parenting Stress Scale (PSS), and Parenting Sense of Competence (PSOC) to see comparisons of parenting stress levels, parenting efficacy and parenting mindfulness before and after being given intervention. The results of this study indicate that decrease in parenting stress levels and an increase in parenting efficacy. The study subjects also said that they could control their emotions by pausing before reacting, so as not to perform automatic parenting reactions to their children.
Brief Acceptance Commitment Therapy (B-ACT) Kelompok untuk Menurunkan Gejala Stres Kerja pada Pekerja Sosial Putri Ayu Widyautami; Yudiana Ratnasari
JIP (Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi) Vol. 13 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/intervensipsikologi.vol13.iss2.art8


There are several sources of stress that social workers probably have, which are heavy workload, conflict in superior-subordinate relationships and family problems. The main purpose of this study was to see the effect of group based brief acceptance commitment therapy (B-ACT) in reducing work stress. The design of study used a pretest-posttest one group design.  The subjects involved in this study were seven workers at a nursing home. The data were obtained through interviews, observation, and questionnaires. Statistical analysis using Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test indicated that B-ACT is not significantly effective in reducing work stress. However, a trend of positive improvement was observed, indicating the potential benefit of B-ACT for reducing work stress in social workers. Limitations of this study are explained in the discussion section.