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Jurnal Sains & Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca Vol. 1 No. 1 (2000): June 2000
Publisher : BPPT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29122/jstmc.v1i1.2107


Paper ini membahas hasil-hasil dari percobaan menjalankan Regional Spectral Model(RSM) menggunakan data ECHAM. Percobaan menjalankan RSM dilakukan untuk simulasi kondisi cuaca tanggal 21 dan 22 Desember 1998 dan hasilnya dibandingkan dengan kondisi cuaca yang actual. Percobaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan interval 6 jam. RSM mampu membuat prediksi 1-3 bulan kedepan. Luaran dari model untuk area tertentu telah dianalisa dan dikalibrasi dengan menggunakan data satelit dan synop, sementara hubungan dari luaran telah dianalisa secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa prediksi seperti tutupan awan, curah hujan, gerakan ke atas dan surface lifted index sesuai dengan nilai aktual.This paper discusses about the results of experimental run of the Regional Spectral Model (RSM) using the ECHAM data. The run was made to simulate conditions of 21 and 22 December 1998 and the results were compared with the actual condition. The run was made by using 6-hour intervals. The RSM is capable to make 1 to 3-month forecasts. The output of this model for the selected area were analysed and calibrated using satellite and synoptic data, while the relationship of the output was qualitatively and quantitatively analized. The analyses revealed that the results of predictions such as cloud coverage, rainfall, upmotion and the surface lifted index were in accordance to the actual values.
Jurnal Sains & Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca Vol. 13 No. 1 (2012): June 2012
Publisher : BPPT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29122/jstmc.v13i1.2204


Cloud seeding operational has been conducted in Indonesia. In this study, the two cases operational were analysis, ie Larona (2005) and Citarum Catchment Area (2011). The coalescence activity during operational were analysed using archives of NOAAGFS model sounding and it also used to determined storm category and ICA. For this purpose, the number parameters for moderate threshold range on Raob-55 software were reduced and modified with more suitable range for Indonesia region. Result indicated that in Larona Catchment Area, the most of the storm having category weak to moderate with mean of storm category 67% and 21% respectively, the mean ICA value was -5.7. Relative larger weight of Weak and Medium category of storm were shown in Citarum ie 72% for weak and 18%, with the mean of ICA was -2.7%. As consequences, proportion of Medium together with Strong category for Larona is larger than Citarum,resulting larger amount mean catchment rainfall for Larona (17.1mm) compare to the Citarum (5.2 mm). The coalescence actifity in cloud during operation was effective for booth of two area, but varies due to the varies of cloud base height temperature and potential buoyancy (PB). The mean of CCL temperature in Larona was 20.30C since PB was 3.80C. This study also found that mean 500mb temperature (T) and mean rising parcel (TP) in Larona catchments was more warmer comparing to the Citarum is -4.00C and -0.150C for Larona , and -5.30C and -1.50C for Citarum. Base of the result it has been concluded that ICA has inverse correlation to the mean daily catchments rainfall, since together of Medium and Strong Storm Category has positive correlation.Modifikasi awan sudah operasional. Pada studi ini dilakukan analisis dua kasus operasional , yaitu operasional di DAS (Daerah Aliran Sungai) Larona (2005) dan DAS Citarum (2011). Aktifitas koalesensi selama operasional dianalisis menggunakan arsip data sounding NOAA-GFS yang digunakan untuk menentukan ICA (Index Coalescence Activity – indeks aktifitas koealesensi) dan Storm Category – kategori awan hujan). Bagi keperluan ini banyaknya parameter dan rentang kategori moderat pada perangkat lunak Raob -55 di dikurangi dan dimodifikasi dengan yang paling sesuai dengan kondisi daerah di Indonesia. Hasil analisis menunjukkan sebagian besar awan hujan yang ada memiliki kategori weak hingga moderat – yaitu 67% dan 21% di DAS Larona dengan rata-rata nilai ICA besarnya -5.7, sedangkan di DAS Citarum, nilai kategori ini lebih besar yaitu 72% dan 18% dengan nilai rata rata ICA adalah -2.7. Sebagai konsekuensinya adalah porsi awan hujan dengan kategori ini lebih banyak muncul di DAS Larona dibandingkan pada DAS Citarum dengan rata rata hujan masing masing 17.1mm di DAS Larona dan 5.2mm di DAS Citarum. Aktivitas koalesensi di kedua DAS ini sama-sama aktif, variasinya ditentukan oleh variasi ketinggian dasar awan konvektif (CCL) dan potensi daya apung awan (PB). Di DAS Larona CCL cukup hangat yaitu 20.30C , dengan nilai PB 3.80C. Pada sutudi ini juga di peroleh bahwa rata rata suhu dan suhu parsel paras 500mb pada DAS Larona lebih hangat (-4.00C dan -0.150C) dari pada di DAS Citarum (-5.30C dan -1.50C). Dari studi ini, disimpulkan bahwa ICA berkorelasi terbalik dengan curah hujan harian, dan berkorelasi positif dengan awan hujan berkategori “ sedang” dan “kuat” secara bersama-sama.
HASIL PENGUKURAN PARTIKEL ASAP GROUND PERTICLES GENERATOR (GPG) DI LAB TMC PUSPIPTEK SERPONG PADA 11 APRIL 2013 R. Djoko Goenawan; Untung Haryanto; Pitoyo Sarwono Sudibyo; Bambang Asmoro; Pamuji Pamuji
Jurnal Sains & Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca Vol. 14 No. 1 (2013): June 2013
Publisher : BPPT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29122/jstmc.v14i1.2683


ABSTRAK  Telah dilakukan pengukuran distribusi dan konsentrasi asap partikel dari hasil penyalaan GPG yang dilakukan di Lap TMC - Puspiptek Serpong. Alat yang digunakan dalam pengukuran baik besar, distribusi dan konsentrasi partikel adalah menggunakan LightHouse (LH) yang bisa menampilkan secara langsung dalam layar monitor alat tersebut. Yang secara langsung terbaca dalam monitoring LH adalah besar partikel dan jumlah partikel per satuan volume (m3). Kisaran alat pengukur partikel LH bisa mengukur terkecil 0.3 mikron hingga 5 mikron dengan rincian 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, dan 5 mikron. Light House (LH) adalah satu satunya alat yang biasa digunakan untuk pengukuran udara dan lingkungan dari Laboratorium Aerosol, PTKMR BATAN. Telah dilakukan pengukuran partikel dari asap GPG (Ground Particles Generator) sebanyak 21 kali sampling. Sekali pegambilan sampling asap diperlukan waktu sebanyak 5 menit dan pengukuran udara dalam wadah sampling tersebut juga diperlukan waktu sekitar 5 menit. Selain pengukuran dengan menggunakan LH, juga dilakukan pengukuran dengan menggunakan Impaktor Kaskade Type Anderson dengan 12 tingkat yang memungkinkan pengukuran dari 0.1 mikron hingga 9 mikron. Waktu yang diperlukan cukup lama, yaitu antara pukul 13.15 hingga 18.15 WIB yaitu 5 jam. Impaktor tidak bisa langsung terbaca hasil pengukuran partikelnya namun harus di proses kemudian di kondiskan serta dilakukan penimbangan partikel yang mengendap di setiap tingkatan, sehingga bisa diketahui distribusi partikel tersebut setiap tingkat dari 0.1 mikron hingga partikel terbesar yaitu 9 mikron. Hasil sementara dari pengukuran menggunakan LH dari sebanyak 21 sampel adalah untuk partikel 0.3 mikron memiliki jumlah partikel terbesar mencapai 495.466.815/m3 atau 495 partikel/cm3 asap dan terkecil sebanyak  51.767.763/m3 atau 52 partikel/cm3 asap. Sementara, untuk partikel yang terukur 0.5 mikron terbanyak mencapai 8.969.923/m3 atau 9 partikel/cm3 asap dan terkecil 84.755.200 partikel/cm3 atau 85 partikel/cm3. Sedangkan, partikel yang terukur 1.0, 2.5 dan 5.0 mikron di LH tidak terpantau atau tidak ada sama sekali alias Nol (skala 1 cm3). Tampak puncak distribusinya diperkirakan kurang dari 0.3 mikron (antara 0.1 – 0.05 mikron), sebagai “tail” kanan distribusi (jika dianggap normal) adalah 0.5 mikron. Perkiraan tersebut akan di buktikan dengan menggunakan Impaktor yang bisa mengukur partikel terkecil 0.1 mikron.    ABSTRACT  Measurement of Concentration Distribution and smoke particles from the ignition GPG conducted in TMC-Lab Puspiptek Serpong. Measurement tool used in both large, the distribution and concentration of particles is using Light-House (LH) which can display directly in the device monitor screen which is directly readable in monitoring large particles and LH is the number of particles per unit volume (m3). LH range of gauges can measure the smallest particles 0.3 microns to 5 microns with the details 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5 and 5 microns. Light House (LH) is the only tool used to measure air and environment of the Aerosol Laboratory, PTKMR BATAN in Jakarta. Have performed measurements of the smoke particles GPG (Ground Particles Generator) as much as 21 times the sampling. Once pegambilan sampling smoke take as many as 5 minutes and air measurements in the sampling container also takes about 5 minutes as well. In addition to measurements by using LH, also be measured by using the cascade Impaktor Type Anderson with 12 levels that allow measurement of 0.1 microns to 9 microns. It takes quite a long time, which is between 13:15 to 18:15 hrs ie 5 hour. Impaktor can not directly read the results of measurements of the particles but must be in process later in kondiskan and sediment particles weighing is done at every level, so they can know the distribution of particles of 0.1 microns each level until the largest particles is 9 microns. Interim results of measurements using as many as 21 samples of LH is for 0.3 micron particles have the greatest number of particles reaching 495 partikel/cm3 495.466.815/m3 or as much smoke and the smallest 52 partikel/cm3 51.767.763/m3 or smoke. While, for the measured particles 0.5 microns or 9 the highest reaches 8.969.923/m3 partikel/cm3 smoke and smallest partikel/m3 84,755,200 or 85 partikel/cm3. Whereas, particles measured 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 microns in LH is not monitored or none at all, aka Zero. Looks peak distribution estimated to be less than 0.1 microns, as the "tail" distribution right (if it is considered normal) is 0.5 microns. The estimate will be proved by using Impaktor that can measure the smallest particles of 0.1 microns.
Disaster Risk Mitigation for Forest and Land Fire Prevention in Sumatera Tukiyat Tukiyat; F. Heru Widodo; R. Djoko Goenawan
Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHEs): Conference Series Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHEs): Conference Series
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (663.216 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/shes.v3i1.44980


The phenomenon of forest and land fires (karhutla) in Sumatera always recurs every year. During the dry season, it is necessary to be aware of the emergence of hotspots and be addressed immediately before an actual fire occurs. This study aims to prevent the risk of forest and land fires by applying Weather Modification Technology (TMC). The application of TMC is intended to wet the land (rewetting) so that hotspots do not appear. The research was conducted in Riau, Jambi and South Sumatera Provinces. Research observations were carried out from May to June 2020. The results showed that TMC could increase the intensity of rainfall. The volume of rainwater produced for Riau is 44.1 million m3 and in Jambi and South Sumatera as much as 50.20 million m3. The rainfall that falls is expected to wet the peatlands and fill the peat domes so that TMAT (ground water level) is maintained and soil moisture is maintained. During the implementation of TMC, it was possible to keep the TMAT from dropping more than 40 cm, even for some locations where the TMAT peat measurement had increased.