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Jurnal Sains & Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca Vol. 15 No. 1 (2014): June 2014
Publisher : BPPT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29122/jstmc.v15i1.2654


IntisariMasalah pangan bagi suatu negara adalah suatu hal yang sangat krusial mengingat pangan adalah kebutuhan dasar bagi kehidupan manusia. Iklim yang fluktuatif berpengaruh terhadap produksi beras. Saat terjadi anomali iklim di Indonesia yang berakibat pada kekeringan yang berkepanjangan, produksi beras nasional terganggu akibat kurangnya pasokan air irigasi. Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca (TMC) adalah suatu upaya manusia untuk memodifikasi cuaca dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan kondisi cuaca seperti yang diinginkan. Penerapan TMC di Indonesia yang sudah dilakukan sejak tahun 1977 memiliki berbagai tujuan, antara lain menambah curah hujan untuk mengatasi kekeringan, serta pengisian air waduk/danau untuk kebutuhan irigasi dan PLTA. TMC pernah diterapkan pada tahun 2007 untuk menambah cadangan air guna meningkatkan produksi beras di Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, dan Lampung terkait program pemerintah untuk meningkatkan produksi beras nasional sebanyak 2 juta ton. Pada saat itu, TMC berhasil menyumbang peningkatan sebesar 25 %. Berbekal pengalaman tersebut maka TMC diusulkan untuk dilaksanakan di 10 provinsi penghasil beras tertinggi nasional setiap tahun. Penerapan TMC ini diperkirakan dapat meningkatkan produksi beras nasional sehingga tidak diperlukan impor beras bahkan menjadikan Indonesia menjadi surplus beras.AbstractFood problem for a country is a very crucial thing because food is a basic necessity for human life. Climate variability affects rice production. When climate anomalies occurred in Indonesia that resulted in prolonged drought, national rice production disrupted due to the lack of irrigation water supply. Weather Modification Technology (TMC) is a human attempt to modify the weather in order to get the weather conditions as needed. TMC implementation in Indonesia, which has been conducted since 1977 has a variety of purposes, such as rainfall enhancement to overcome the drought, as well as replenishing water reservoirs/lakes for irrigation and hydropower. TMC had applied in 2007 to increase water reserves in order to increase rice production in West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Lampung related government programs to increase national rice production by 2 million tons. At that time, TMC successfully accounted for an increase of 25 %. Based on that experience, TMC is proposed to be implemented in 10 top rice-producing provinces every year. TMC is expected to increase national rice production so as not necessary to import rice even make Indonesia a rice surplus.
Jurnal Sains & Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca Vol. 14 No. 1 (2013): June 2013
Publisher : BPPT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29122/jstmc.v14i1.2676


Intisari  Pelaksanaan operasi TMC untuk redistribusi curah hujan di Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan sekitarnya dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua metode, yaitu metode mekanisme proses lompatan (jumping process mechanism) dan metode mekanisme persaingan (competition mechanism). Metode mekanisme proses lompatan (jumping process mechanism) dilakukan dengan proses penyemaian awan (cloud seeding) menggunakan bahan semai NaCl yang ditaburkan ke dalam awan menggunakan pesawat terbang. Tujuannya untuk mempercepat proses hujan pada awan-awan Cumulus yang berada di daerah upwind, yang dari radar terpantau bergerak masuk ke arah wilayah Jakarta. Sementara itu, metode mekanisme persaingan (competition mechanism) dilakukan dengan cara membakar bahan semai dalam flare menggunakan wahana penyemaian dari darat (GBG: Ground-Based Generator) yang terpasang di sejumlah lokasi di wilayah Jakarta, mulai dari hulu (daerah Puncak, Bogor) hingga hilir (sekitar Teluk Jakarta). Metode ini bertujuan untuk mengganggu mekanisme fisika awan-awan konvektif yang tumbuh di atas wilayah Jakarta dan berpotensi menjadi hujan. Secara umum, pelaksanaan TMC yang berlangsung selama 33 hari sejak tanggal 26 Januari sampai dengan 27 Februari 2013 berhasil mengurangi intensitas curah hujan dan resiko banjir di wilayah Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Selama berlangsungnya pelaksanaan TMC di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, total telah dilakukan 66 sorti penerbangan penyemaian dengan rincian 44 sorti menggunakan pesawat Hercules A-1323 dan 22 sorti menggunakan CASA 212-200 U-616. Total bahan semai NaCl powder yang ditaburkan sebanyak 201,8 ton, sementara dengan GBG telah melakukan pembakaran 486 batang flare di 14 lokasi, dan GBG sistem larutan di 9 lokasi masingmasing selama 158 jam. Berdasarkan data curah hujan historis dari TRMM, curah hujan aktual dari penakar dan TRMM, serta prediksi curah hujan dari GFS diperoleh hasil perhitungan pengurangan curah hujan selama operasional TMC sebesar 20-50%.  Abstract  Implementation of the TMC operations for the redistribution of rainfall in Jakarta and surrounding areas is done using two methods, namely the jumping process mechanism and the competition mechanism. The jumping process mechanism performed by seeding the clouds using NaCl using aircraft. The goal is to accelerate the process of rain on Cumulus clouds in upwind areas, which is observed (using radar) moving in the direction to Jakarta area. Meanwhile, the competition mechanism is done by burning the material seeding in form of flares using Ground-Based Generator installed in several locations in Jakarta, ranging from upstream (Puncak area, Bogor) to downstream (around the Bay of Jakarta). This method aims to disrupt the cloud physics mechanism for the existence of convective clouds that grow in the area of Jakarta and potential rain.In general, the implementation of the TMC which lasts for 33 days from January 26 until February 27, 2013 managed to reduce the intensity of rainfall and the risk of flooding in areas of Jakarta and its surroundings. During the implementation of the TMC in Jakarta, a total of 66 flight sorties have been carried out with 44 sorties using Hercules aircraft A-1323 and 22 sorties using CASA 212-200 U-616. Total seeding material NaCl powder was 201.8 tons, while the Ground-Base Generators have burned 486 flares in 14 locations, and GBG solution system has operated in 9 locations for 158 hours each. Based on historical rainfall data from TRMM, actual rainfall from raingauge and TRMM, and rainfall predictions obtained by the GFS, rainfall reduction during TMC operation was about 20-50%.
Disaster Risk Mitigation for Forest and Land Fire Prevention in Sumatera Tukiyat Tukiyat; F. Heru Widodo; R. Djoko Goenawan
Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHEs): Conference Series Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHEs): Conference Series
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (663.216 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/shes.v3i1.44980


The phenomenon of forest and land fires (karhutla) in Sumatera always recurs every year. During the dry season, it is necessary to be aware of the emergence of hotspots and be addressed immediately before an actual fire occurs. This study aims to prevent the risk of forest and land fires by applying Weather Modification Technology (TMC). The application of TMC is intended to wet the land (rewetting) so that hotspots do not appear. The research was conducted in Riau, Jambi and South Sumatera Provinces. Research observations were carried out from May to June 2020. The results showed that TMC could increase the intensity of rainfall. The volume of rainwater produced for Riau is 44.1 million m3 and in Jambi and South Sumatera as much as 50.20 million m3. The rainfall that falls is expected to wet the peatlands and fill the peat domes so that TMAT (ground water level) is maintained and soil moisture is maintained. During the implementation of TMC, it was possible to keep the TMAT from dropping more than 40 cm, even for some locations where the TMAT peat measurement had increased.