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Journal : Jurnal Kelautan : Indonesian Journal of Marine Science and Technology

Pemantauan Kondisi Lamun Di Taman Wisata Perairan (TWP) Laut Banda, Kecamatan Banda, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah, Provinsi Maluku Dwi Rosalina; Awaluddin Awaluddin; Waqiah Melani Putri
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 15, No 1: April (2022)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v15i1.13240


ABSTRACTSeagrasses are higher plants (Antophyta) that live and grow immersed in the marine environment. Seagrass is a flowering plant (angiosperms) that has one seed (monocot) and has roots, rhizomes, leaves, flowers, and fruit. The structure and function of seagrass is the same as grass that grows on land. This study aims to identify the species, cover, important value index and distribution pattern of seagrass in the marine tourism park (TWP) Banda Sea. The method used is a quadrant transect. The results showed that there were 7 types of target seagrasses, namely: Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule uninervis, Halophila ovalis, and Syringodium isoetifolium. Based on the observations, the seagrass cover is in a damaged condition with the category of less healthy/less rich. The highest important value index is Cymodocea rotundata, so Cymodocea rotundata has the biggest role. And the results of observations of the distribution pattern of all seagrass species are clustered.Keywords: seagrass, species, cover, importants value index, distribution patternABSTRAKLamun (Seagrass) adalah tumbuhan tingkat tinggi (Antophyta) yang hidup dan tumbuh terbenam di lingkungan laut. Lamun (seagrass) adalah tumbuhan berbunga (angiospermae) yang berbiji satu (monokotil) dan mempunyai akar rimpang, daun, bunga, dan buah. Struktur dan fungsi lamun sama dengan rumput yang tumbuh di daratan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk identifikasi jenis, tutupan, indeks nilai penting dan pola sebaran lamun di taman wisata perairan (TWP) laut Banda. Metode yang digunakan adalah transek kuadran. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan 7 jenis lamun target, yaitu: Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule uninervis, Halophila ovalis, dan Syringodium isoetifolium. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan tutupan lamun masuk dalam kondisi rusak dengan kategori kurang sehat/kurang kaya. Indeks nilai penting yang tertinggi adalah Cymodocea rotundata, maka Cymodocea rotundata memiliki peran yang paling besar. Dan hasil pengamatan pola sebaran seluruh spesies lamun adalah mengelompok.Kata kunci : lamun, jenis, tutupan, indeks nilai penting, pola sebaran
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 14, No 2: Agustus (2021)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v14i2.10670


ABSTRACTMangrove crab is one of typical species that live in mangrove areas. This species is fishery commodity that can be found entire coast of Indonesia. Pancur river, Jebus, West Bangka holds the potential resources of the mangrove crab. Rakkang is a the traditional type of fishing gear. This study aims to analyze effeective resr soaking duration of rakkang and to know effective time to catch the mangrove crab. This study use split plot design, then performed DUNCAN advance test using SAS V6. Data analysis by DUNCAN produce Fcount Ftable (5%), so that the catch result of mangrove crab were not significantly different. The precise time to catch the mangrove crab is in the morning or in the night with submersion duration. Effektive soaking time, of  Rakkang is 30 minutes.Keywords: mangrove crab,effective submersion duration, effective rakkang.ABSTRAKKepiting bakau adalah salah satu spesies khas yang hidup di kawasan bakau. Spesies ini merupakan komoditi perikanan yang dapat dijumpai di seluruh pantai Indonesia. Sungai Pancur, Kecamatan Jebus, Kabupaten Bangka Barat menyimpan potensi sumberdaya kepiting bakau yang besar. Alat tangkap rakkang ini merupakan jenis alat tangkap tradisional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis lama perendaman yang efektif pada alat tangkap rakkang dan untuk mengetahui waktu yang efektif untuk menangkap kepiting bakau. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode  Rancangan Petak Terbagi (MRPT) lalu dilakukan uji lanjut DUNCAN menggunakan SAS v6. Data analisis dengan DUNCAN menghasilkan Fhitung FTabel  (5%), sehingga hasil tangkapan kepiting bakau tidak berbeda nyata. Penangkapan kepiting bakau dapat dilakukan pagi hari atau malam hari dan lama perendaman. Berdasarkan lama perendaman alat tangkap rakkang yang efektif adalah 30 menit.Kata kunci: Kepiting bakau, waktu perendaman efektif, alat tangkap rakkang/pintur.
Sebaran Suhu Permukaan Laut Teluk Bone Pada Tahun 2021 Menggunakan Citra Satelit Terra Modis Dwi Rosalina; Yakub Suleman; Ainurridha Shaliha; Rezza Ruzuqi
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 16, No 2: Agustus (2023)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v16i2.18999


ABSTRAKSuhu permukaan laut merupakan salah satu parameter oseanografi yang sangat penting bagi kehidupan organisme di lautan. Sama seperti daratan, kehidupan laut juga memerlukan panas untuk dapat menjaga keberlangsungan hidup. Oleh karena pentingnya suhu permukaan laut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran suhu permukaan laut dengan menggunakan citra satelit Terra Modis pada perairan Teluk Bone secara spasial dan temporal. Data yang diolah merupakan data suhu permukaan laut tahun 2021 yang diperoleh dari sensor satelit Terra MODIS level-3 yang diunduh dari NASA (OCEAN COLOR atau link, kemudian pengolahan data citra dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak SeaDas dan ArGIS dengan tahap pengambilan data dengan studi kasus di Perairan Teluk Bone. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, sebaran suhu permukaan laut tertinggi berada pada November berkisar antara 29,36º-34,52ºC dengan nilai rata-rata 30,83ºC dan suhu terendah berada pada Agustus berkisar antara 26,64º-32,32ºC dengan rata-rata SPL 28,70ºC. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa sensor satelit Terra MODIS, telah memberikan hasil baik pada data suhu permukaan laut selama tahun 2021. Tiap bulan suhu permukaan laut mengalami kenaikan dan penurunan, hingga puncaknya masing-masing terjadi pada bulan November dan Agustus.Kata Kunci: sebaran suhu permukaan laut, suhu,Teluk Bone, Terra MODISABSTRACTSea surface temperature is one of the most important oceanographic parameters for the life of organisms in the oceans. Just like land, marine life also needs heat to be able to maintain its survival. Because of the importance of sea surface temperature, this study aims to determine the distribution of sea surface temperature using Terra Modis satellite imagery in the waters of Bone Bay spatially and temporally. The data processed is sea surface temperature data for 2021 obtained from the Terra MODIS level-3 satellite sensor downloaded from NASA (OCEAN COLOR or link, then image data processing is carried out using a SeaDas and ArGIS software with data collection stage with case studies in Bone Bay Waters. Based on the research results, the distribution of the highest sea surface temperature is in November ranging from 29.36º-34.52ºC with an average value of 30.83ºC and the lowest temperature is at August ranges from 26.64º-32.32ºC with an average SST of 28.70ºC. These results show that the Terra MODIS satellite sensor has provided good results on sea surface temperature data for 2021. Every month sea surface temperatures experience increases and decreases, until the peaks occur in November and August respectively.Keywords: sea surface temperature distribution, temperature Bone Bay, Terra MODIS
Abundace and Potential of Megabenthos in The Banda Sea Waters Tourism Park in Lonthoir Village, Banda Island, Central Maluku Dwi Rosalina; Anisa Aulia Sabilah; Yasser Arafat; Muchtar Amiluddin; A Sri Dewi Syamsul
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 16, No 3: Desember (2023)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v16i3.22140


ABSTRACTMegabenthos are benthic biota with a size of more than 1 cm and are found living on the bottom of the water, either in coral reef or seagrass ecosystems. Megabenthos also provides benefits to the economy of the surrounding community. This research was conducted in the Banda Sea Tourism Park Area, Lonthoir Village, Banda Islands, Central Maluku, from February 11th to April 21st, 2022. This study aims to determine the type, abundance, and potential of megabenthos in the Banda Sea Waters Tourism Park. Data collection at the observation station is done using the quadratic linear transect method, which is drawn along 400 meters perpendicular to the sea and 300 meters parallel to the coastline with a quadrant size of 10 x 10 m2 with a distance of 10 m between quadrants and a distance of 30 m between transects. From the results of the research carried out, 6 classes of Megabenthos were found, namely Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Holothoroidea, Asteroidea, Echinoidea, and Malacostraca. The Gastropoda class is the megabenthos that is most commonly found in the Banda Sea Marine Tourism Park, namely 1118 individuals with an abundance value of 0.072 ind/m2 and a potential value of 8600 ind. while the lowest class is the Asteroidea class with 20 individuals with an abundance value of 0.011 ind/m2 and a potential of 1333 ind and Malacostraca with 9 individuals with an abundance value of 0.011 ind/m2 and a potential of 1350 ind. The high potential for megabenthos in the waters of the Banda Marine Tourism Park can be influenced by the high population of various marine biota.Keywords: Abundance, Banda Sea, Megabenthos, PotentialABSTRAKMegabentos merupakan biota bentik dengan ukuran lebih dari 1 cm dan ditemukan hidup di dasar perairan baik pada ekosistem terumbu karang atau padang lamun. Megabentos juga memberi manfaat terhadap ekonomi masyarakat sekitar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kawasan Taman Wisata Perairan Laut Banda, Desa Lonthoir, Kepulauan Banda Maluku Tengah pada 11 Februari sampai 21 April 2022. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis, kelimpahan, dan potensi megabentos di Taman Wisata Perairan Laut Banda. Pengambilan data pada stasiun pengamatan dengan menggunakan Metode Transek Linier Kuadrat yang ditarik sepanjang 400 meter tegak lurus ke arah laut dan 300 m sejajar garis pantai dengan ukuran kuadran 10 x 10 m2 dengan jarak 10 m antar kuadran, serta jarak antar transek 30 m. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, ditemukan 6 kelas Megabentos, yaitu Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Holothoroidea, asteroidea, Echinoidea, dan Malacostraca. Kelas Gastropoda merupakan megabenthos yang paling banyak ditemukan di Taman Wisata Bahari Laut Banda yaitu sebanyak 1118 individu dengan nilai kelimpahan 0,072 ind/m2 dan nilai potensi 8600 ind. sedangkan kelas terendah ialah Kelas Asteroidea sebanyak 20 individu dengan nilai kelimpahan 0,011 ind/m2 dan potensi 1333 ind dan Malacostraca sebanyak 9 individu dengan nilai kelimpahan 0,011 ind/m2 dan potensi 1350 ind. Tingginya Potensi megabentos diperairan Taman Wisata Laut Banda, dapat berpengaruh dengan tingginya populasi berbagai biota laut.Kata kunci: Kelimpahan, Megabenthos, Potensi, Laut Banda
Kepadatan dan Keanekaragaman Animal Fouling Pada Dermaga Beton di Pulau Harapan, Balai Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu Katarina Hesty Rombe; Dwi Rosalina; Jusliana Jusliana; Agus Surachmat; Yasser Arafat; Hawati Hawati; Moh. Roin Najih; Muchtar Amiluddin; Abdul Rahman; Roni Hermawan
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 16, No 3: Desember (2023)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v16i3.21201


ABSTRAKAnimal fouling merupakan organisme multisel besar dan berbeda yang terlihat oleh mata manusia seperti teritip, cacing tabung, atau daun alga dan sebagainya yang bersifat merusak. Animal fouling menjadi perhatian yang serius untuk struktur-struktur buatan yang berada di wilayah laut atau pantai dimana penempelan dari fouling pada permukaan struktur (substrat) dapat mempengaruhi berat mati struktur dan kecepatan laju hidrodinamik pada kapal laut, bahkan bisa berpengaruh pada bangunan seperti dermaga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung komposisi jenis, kepadatan, keanekaragaman dan mengukur parameter kualitas air di Pualu Harapan. Pengambilan data fouling dilakukan dengan menggunakan frame 20 x 54 cm. Pengamatan dilakukan sebanyak 2 stasiun, dimana setiap stasiun terdiri dari 20 substasiun. Dari hasil pengamatan didapatkan 3 kelas fouling, yaitu kelas bivalvia, thecostraca dan gastropda. Pada dermaga beton di kedua stasiun ditemukan 3 kelas fouling. Kelas bivalvia lebih mondominasi yaitu 99%, sementara kelas thecostraca ditemukan 0.38% dan kelas gastropoda 0.37%. Kerapatan dari kelas bivalvia ditemukan dengan rata-rata kepadatan 50173 ind/m², sementara kelas thecostraca 194 ind/m² dan kelas gastropoda 189 ind/m². Keanekaragaman pada stasiun 1 dan stasiun 2 menunjukkan nilai indeks keanekaragaman (H’) dengan nilai indeks 2,0, yang berarti tingkat keanekaragaman fouling pada masing-masing stasiun masuk kategori rendah. Hasil pengukuran kualitas air yang dilakukan di lokasi praktik ditemukan suhu  31.4 ⁰C - 31.8 ⁰C, salinitas 25 ⁰/ₒₒ -  30 ⁰/ₒₒ dan pH yang ditemukan yaitu 6. pH ini merupakan masih batas toleransi dari kehidupan fouling.Kata Kunci : Animal Fouling; Komposisi Jenis; Kepadatan; Keanekaragaman; Parameter Kualitas Air.ABSTRACTAnimal fouling is a large and different multicellular organism visible to the human eye such as barnacles, tube worms, or algae leaves and so on that are destructive. Animal fouling is a serious concern for artificial structures located in marine or coastal areas where the attachment of fouling to the surface of the structure (substrate) can affect the dead weight of the structure and the speed of hydrodynamic rates on ships, and can even affect buildings such as docks. This data collection aims to calculate the type composition, density, diversity and measure water quality parameters in Pualu Harapan. Fouling data collection is carried out using a 20 x 54 cm frame. Observations were made as many as 2 stations, where each station consisted of 20 substations. From the observations, 3 classes of fouling were obtained, namely the bivalve class, thecostraca and gastropda. On the concrete piers at both stations found 3 classes of fouling. The bivalve class is more dominant at 99%, while the thecostraca class is found to be 0.38% and the gastropod class is 0.37%. The density of the bivalve class was found with an average density of 50173 ind/m², while the thecostraca class was 194 ind/m² and the gastropod class was 189 ind/m². diversity at station 1 and station 2 shows a diversity index value (H') with an index value of 2.0, which means the level of fouling diversity at each station is in the low category. The results of water quality measurements carried out at the practice site found temperatures of 31.4 ⁰C - 31.8 ⁰C, salinity 25 ⁰ / ₒₒ - 30 ⁰ / ₒₒ and pH found to be 6. This pH is still the tolerance limit of fouling lifeKeywords : Animal Fouling; Density; Diversity; Type Composition; Water Quality Parameters.
Ecological Index and Distribution Patterns of Seagrass in Banda Sea Tourism Park (TWP) Dwi Rosalina; Awaluddin Awaluddin; Khairul Jamil; Agus Surachmat; Katarrina Hesty Rombe; Anisa Aulia Sabilah
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 16, No 3: Desember (2023)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v16i3.22119


ABSTRACTSeagrass beds have an important role as the main source of primary productivity or organic matter producers, habitat for various biota, nursery grounds, spawning grounds, food sources for rare biota, and support for the diversity of marine biota species, as well as the economic value of seagrass ecosystem services. This study aims to determine the ecological index and distribution pattern of seagrass in the Banda Sea Aquatic Tourism Park (TWP). The method used is a line transect with a quadrant size of 50 cm x 50 cm that is placed perpendicular to the shoreline. The results showed that the seagrass diversity index at the study site consisted of 7 types of seagrass, namely Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule uninervis, Halophila ovalis, and Syringodium isoetifilium. The diversity index is categorized as moderate with a value of H' = 0.01-0.05, and a uniformity value of 0.71 has a high uniformity, which means that the number of individual species from one species to another is not much different from a stable environmental condition. The distribution pattern of seagrass with Id 1 is a grouped category. The physicochemical parameters obtained were in accordance with the growth of seagrass life.Keywords: Banda sea, Distribution pattern, Diversity, Dominance, Seagrass, Uniformity