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Analisis kelayakan usaha ayam pedaging pola kemitraan dan pola mandiri di Kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang (studi kasus di Desa Gang Siranputuk Desa Gading Kulon Dan Desa Tegal Weru Rosyida Fajri Rinanti; Ariani Trisna Murti; Maria Alfonsa Ngaku
Jurnal Sains Peternakan Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Sains Peternakan
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/jsp.v8i2.5201


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelayakan usaha ayam pedaging Pola Kemitraan dan Pola Mandiri (Studi Kasus di Desa Gang Siran putuk, Desa Gading Kulon, dan Desa Tegalweru Kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang). Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara pengamatan dan wawancara langsung bersama responden menggunakan kuisioner. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada usaha ayam pedaging pola kemitraan dan mandiri dengan delapan orang peternak memiliki populasi masing-masing sebanyak 4.000 ekor, 5000 ekor, dan 6000 ekor menunjukan bahwa usaha tersebut layak untuk dikembangkan. Dilihat dari nilai R/C ratio dengan nilai rata-rata >1, nilai B/C ratio kurang dari <1 atau tidak laying dikembangkan, nilai rata-rata BEP Unit maupun BEP Harga mengalami titik impas, yang artinya tidak mengalami untung ataupun mengalami kerugian, untuk NPV pada usaha ayam broiler ini layak untuk dikembangkan serta PP dengan tingkat pengembalian arus kas 0,1 yang artinya batas waktu yang telah ditentukan untuk pengembalian modal investasi. ABSTRACT This research was conducted to understand the feasibility of broiler chicken on both partnership and independent business model (case study in Gangsiran Putuk Village, Gading Kulon Village, and Tegalweru Village, Dau District, Malang). The data collected were primary and secondary data. Data collection was conducted by observation, direct interview with respondents, and collecting secondary data. The respondents are chosen by purposive sampling. The results showed that eight broiler farms with varied farming capacities (4000, 5000, and 6000 broilers) have the possibility to be developed. The average R/C ratio is >1 but B/C Ratio is <1 or not feasible. The average score of BEP for Unit and BEP for price are equal, which means not experiencing any profit or loss. NPV Score showed feasibility and worth to be developed, and PP Score is 0, 1.
Agros Journal of Agriculture Science Vol 25, No 4 (2023): edisi Oktober
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Janabadra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37159/jpa.v25i4.3556


Moringa plants are excellent because they have high nutritional content, and economic value and are resistant to drought. This study aims to map potential opportunities and directions for developing moringa product businesses to support food security. The method used is a literature study method by collecting material from previous research. The results of the study show that moringa business opportunities in East Nusa Tenggara Province are very wide open for anyone. The number of moringa companies in this area is relatively small. Developing the moringa business to support food security by establishing policy direction, namely encouraging people to utilize the potential of dry land and increasing training and assistance in diversifying processed moringa products such as nuggets, noodles, pudding, cakes, tea, and moringa sticks into superior products in overcoming the problem of stunting and improving community income. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that developing Moringa into a superior product can create high added value, thereby providing large profits for managers and creating large employment opportunities for the community.. Key-words: Development, Food security, Moringa INTISARITanaman kelor menjadi primadona karena memiliki kandungan gizi yang tinggi, bernilai ekonomis, dan tahan terhadap kekeringan. Hampir semua bagian dari tanaman kelor dapat  bermanfaat untuk kehidupan manusia. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan peluang potensi serta arah pengebangan usaha produk kelor dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode studi pustaka dengan mengumpulkan bahan hasil penelitian sebelumnya. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa peluang usaha kelor di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur sangat terbuka luas bagi siapapun. Jumlah perusahaan kelor di wilayah ini tergolong sedikit. Pengembangan usaha kelor dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan dengan menetapkan arah kebijakan yakni mendorong masyarakat memanfaatkan potensi lahan kering dan meningkatkan pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam  memversifikasi produk olahan kelor seperti nugget, mie, pudding, kue, teh, dan stik kelor menjadi produk unggulan dalam mengatasi persoalan stunting serta meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat. Berdasarkan hasil kajian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan kelor menjadi produk unggulan dapat mencipatkan nilai tambah yang tinggi sehingga memberikan keuntungan yang besar bagi pengelolah serta menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan yang luas bagi masyarakat.  Kata kunci: Kelor, Ketahanan pangan, Pengembangan
SANITASI DAN BIOSEKURITI YANG EFEKTIF PADA TERNAK Nicolaus Noywuli; Maria Alfonsa Ngaku; Maria Imelda Bii Bei; Louis M.D. Pati Nono; Maria.E. Pawe; Mario Alesandro Lay; Yoris Pitika Sua
Agros Journal of Agriculture Science Vol 26, No 2 (2024): Edisi Juli
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Janabadra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37159/jpa.v26i2.4691


Animal husbandry is an effort to cultivate livestock which is used to produce milk, meat and eggs. In animal husbandry, pest and disease control is required, so in animal husbandry we look for ways to ensure that livestock are free from disease outbreaks. The aim of this study is to find out how effective sanitation and biosecurity methods are used. is a literature study or literature study. The results of this paper show that sanitation is an action to kill bacteria, while biosecurity is all actions for the first defense in controlling an outbreak which is carried out by preventing all possibilities of transmission with infected livestock so that the chain of spread can be minimized. The three components of biosecurity measures are Isolation, traffic control, prusip sanitation, effective sanitation and biosecurity are preparation and prevention for early detection, identification of biological and chemical agents, bioterrorism response.
Agros Journal of Agriculture Science Vol 26, No 2 (2024): Edisi Juli
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Janabadra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37159/jpa.v26i2.4692


Water can be polluted by various contaminants, including suspended solids, oil, heavy metals, detergents, dissolved solids, and so on. Therefore, water must go through a processing stage first before being used for certain purposes. An ecosystem is a level of organisms that is higher than a community, or is the unity of a community and its environment where interrelationships occur. In this case it does not only include a series of plant and animal species, but also all kinds of forms of matter that carry out cycles in the system as well as the energy that is the source of power. To obtain the energy and materials needed for life, all communities depend on the abiotic environment. To achieve the desired goals in accordance with the conditions and capabilities of existing resources, a water control plan requires a series of criteria and alternatives. Apart from that, cooperation from all parties in this matter (general public, industry and government) is very important. Eco-enzyme is a remediation agent that utilizes active enzymes and microorganisms produced during the fermentation process to degrade pollutants that are harmful to the environment.