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Journal : Applied Industrial Engineering Journal

Perancangan Alat Pemotong Kue Yangko dengan Metode Rasional M. Khoirul Anwar; Jazuli Jazuli; Ratih Setyaningrum
Applied Industrial Engineering Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.511 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/aiej.v1i1.1720


Yangko cake is a culinary area that is often used as souvenirs when visiting the city of Yogyakarta with a sticky texture, supple and soft. In yangko cake making, producers are faced with problems during the process of cutting the cake. It is necessary to have an effective cake cutter so that it can increase its productivity. From the results of research conducted by using rational methods, obtained the result that the cutting tool cake is designed by using sling cutting technology. The rational method consist of several stages: (1) clarifying objectives, (2) establish function, (3) setting requirement, (4) determining characteristic, (5) generating alternatives, (6) evaluating alternatives, dan (7) product improvements. From the results of experimental tools that have been done, obtained increased time efficiency and productivity cutting process as much as 60%. In addition, the cuts using this tool also have better quality than before and reducing the number of defective products. In terms of use, this tool has a good enough resistance and is designed with the concept of ergonomics so it can be used with comfort.
Penerapan Metode REBA dan EFD dalam Perancangan Stasiun Kerja Ergonomis pada Proses Pencetakan Produk Tahu Rinda Setyowati; Jazuli Jazuli; Ratih Setyaningrum
Applied Industrial Engineering Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (263.167 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/aiej.v1i1.1727


The design of an ergonomic working system in the company of either manufacturing or service requires ergonomic methods in its application to help people adjust the work system with psychological and physiological factors, the goal is to avoid illness or accidents due to work and can increase comfort and work productivity. SME Know Sendang is one of the small-scale manufacturing companies engaged in the production of tofu products that experienced problems in the production process associated with high rates of work-related pain, especially spinal complaints experienced by employees on the production floor. The study started by measuring the level of potential work-related illness using the Neat Entire Body Assesment (REBA) method and the result of 3 high-risk action actions of 94% of potential workers could experience back pain due to traditional and non-ergonomic work positions especially on the process move the know to the printout. Work station improvements are designed using the Ergonomic Function Deployment (EFD) method to obtain ergonomic and ergonomic seating designs using anthropometric measurements of human working positions. The anthropometry calculation results show that the height of the ergonomic seating height is 105 cm, the length of the printed table is 1500 cm, the height of the printed table is 53 cm using the high anthropometric dimension of the knee and the height of the 65 cm valve using the height of the sitting elbow. The calculation validation was performed by calculating the final REBA value and obtained the value of action 1 with the low potency level and the potential backbone pain decreased to 20%.
Analisis E-Commerce dengan Pembuatan Channel Youtube untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan di Bank Sampah Resik Becik Miftahuddin Miftahuddin; Ratih Setyaningrum
Applied Industrial Engineering Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2021): DESEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/aiej.v5i2.5807


Adanya wadah bagi masyarakat dalam mengelola sampah dalam hal ini yaitu Bank Sampah Resik Becik yang berada di Krobokan Semarang. Selain dapat mengurangi tingkat pembuangan sampah di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA), sampah-sampah tersebut juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pembuatan produk kreasi yang dapat dipasarkan. Adanya penurunan dalam penjualan produk di Bank sampah Resik becik di karenakan adanya pandemi dan masih menggunakan system yang tradisional. Di era seperti pemilik usaha sangat di haruskan kreatif dalam memanfaatkan kecanggihan teknologi dan informasi. Dari perspektif komunikasi Electronic Commerce (EC) merupakan pengiriman informasi produk/layanan, atau pembayaran melalui lini telepon, jaringan komputer atau sarana elektronik lainnya. Teknologi informasi   khususnya internet sangat mempengaruhi dunia marketing. Dengan adanya hal tersebut upaya peningkatan penjualan yang ada di Bank Sampah Resik Becik dengan mempromosikan penjualan melalui media sosial dengan menggunakan channel youtube melalui materi materi yang telah kami pelajari di mata kuliah strategi pemasaran. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan youtube memiliki jumlah persentase tertinggi diantara intragram dan tiktok.