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Keutamaan Makan Sahur dengan Tamar (Kurma) (Kajian Kontekstual Hadits Abu Dawud) Nurul Hidayah
DINAMIKA : Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol 1 No 1 (2016): Desember
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah Tambakberas Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (373.172 KB) | DOI: 10.32764/dinamika.v1i1.101


Pemahaman umat Islam dalam menafsirkan hadist terkadang masih secara tekstual, belumsecara kontekstual terutama pada hadist yang mengandung majaz. Sehingga mengamalkanperintah yang terkandung dalam hadist tersebut menjadi sebuah keutamaan. Artikel inimembahas mengenai keutamaan makan sahur dengan menggunakan tamar (Kurma). Tujuanyang hendak dicapai penulis yaitu untuk mengetahui makna secara kontekstual yangterkandung dalam hadist Abu Dawud. Metode yang digunakan penulis yaitu metodekuantitatif. Adapun langkah kajian yang ditempuh oleh peneliti untuk mencapai tujuantersebut yaitu kajian secara linguistik, tematis komprehensif, konfirmatif, realitas historis,generalisasi, dan praksis. Secara kontekstual, hasil yang diperoleh penelitiyaitu anjuranmakan sahur bukan hanya untuk mencegah haus dan lapar melainkan karena pada saatsahur Allah dan para malaikat bershalawat kepada orang-orang yang melaksanakan sahur,meskipun hanya dengan seteguk air. Rasulullah menganjurkan umatnya untuk bersahurdengan makan kurma atau makanan yang manis-manis bergizi yang dapat menjadi energiketika menjalankan ibadah puasa.Kata Kunci: Keutamaan, Sahur, Kurma, Kontekstual, Hadist.
DINAMIKA : Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol 6 No 1 (2021): Juni
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah Tambakberas Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32764/dinamika.v6i1.1591


Islamic learning materials are important as stimulation to students. Knowledge of the teachings has been systematically discussed in islamic sciences, each of which emphasizes certain aspects of the teaching. Islamic learning materials are very basic and important for the development of learners, because in fact educators not only transfer knowledge, but also the heirs of culture and values so as to make human character in accordance with the Qur'an and As-Sunnah. In this case, this study aims to explain the islamic material contained in the Hadith Tarbawy. This study uses descriptive qualitative research that explores as deeply as possible islamic learning materials from the study of Hadith Tarbawy, this type of research is a research library (library research). This research, collection techniques are done using documentation methods, namely by searching for data or information from books, books and other records. It is then analyzed using miles and hybermen models. The results of this study explain: (1). Aqidah material is a material that explains, that the place of asking and complaining only to Allah swt. (2). The material of the Qur'an is a material that explains, about the study of reading the Qur'an and tajwid, the nature and makhrajnya ma'na and its interpretation. (3). Fiqh material is a material that explains the rules of Islam and knows halal and haraam, the laws concerning worship and muamalah. So it can be concluded that the three materials can not be separated, because in fact matri Aqidah, Qur'an, Fiqh is very important in terms of daily life.
Analisis Struktural Prosa Abad 19 “Cerpen : Iblĺsu Yantashiru/Kemenangan Iblis”Karya Dr. Taufiq El-Hakim Nurul Hidayah; Nur Hanifatus Sholeha
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 2 No 1 (2019): (Februari 2019)
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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Story or fairy tale is one of the literary forms which is a human personal expression in the form of experiences, thoughts, feelings, enthusiasm, beliefs in concrete forms that evoke a beautiful charm with language tools. The theory used by researchers to analyze this research is intrinsic theory. The purpose of this study was to find out the elements contained in the short story "Iblisu Yantashiru" by taufiq El-Hakim. The results obtained by researchers are two elements, namely intrinsic and extrinsic elements. Keywords: structural, prosa, Taufiq El-Hakim
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 4 No 2 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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Education in Islam is very important, even in the Qur'an it has also been explained and strengthened again by the hadiths spoken by the Prophet. The whole world also views the importance of education, even in various countries creating laws to strengthen the position of education as a bulwark of the nation's intelligence. Various elements of society have also formed NGOs that uphold the existence of education among the community. Both the upper class society and the lower class society must be generalized. As prospective educators, it would be nice if we know what things need to be in every educator. And also as prospective educators we must master and understand the character and nature of students. The character and nature of these students is widely discussed in the ta'lim mutaalim book written by Shaykh Burhanudin Az-Zarmuji. In a literature review of several references, both hadith books and formal books, it is clear that the character and attitudes of these students must be properly understood by an educator and applied by students. Thus the world of education is realized in accordance with Islamic rules and in accordance with the law.
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 4 No 4 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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Analysis of Tarbawi Hadith on Learning Materials (study of Contemporary Hadith) in the world of education needs to be applied and accustomed in the school environment, as well as in the university, as well as in the community. The concept of character education in the Analysis of Hadith Tarbawi Hadith perspective is the transformation of values ​​from educators to learners directly or indirectly. In the science of Ushul al-Hadith, in terms of Hasbi al-siddieqy, the science of hadith as knowledge related to the hadith of the Prophet. As the hadith of the Prophet about the method of learning, the author uses the method of reading books about hadith and the classification of hadith. The method used by the author is qualitative. In this research method, the author found that in the book/book of tarbawi hadith written by Bukhari Umar, M.Ag, there are eight kinds of methods of learning Islam. In the method of learning Islamic education, it explains how the emotional differences need to be understood by the educator so that he is not reckless in responding to the actions of his learners, the educator should not overcome the emotional turmoil of the learners with emotional outbursts as well.
Analysis of Tarbawi Hadith about the Urgency of Science and Ulama Study of Contemporary Hadith Nurul Hidayah; Ayu Rohmani Atasari
SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education Vol 1 No 3 (2021): December
Publisher : LPPM Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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The importance of science in human life is unquestionable. In carrying out work from the smallest to the largest, humans need knowledge. In the Qur'an it can be seen that Allah declared Adam as vicegerent on earth, so he was prepared with knowledge. This was so that Adam was able to carry out his duties as caliph. The position of scholars and knowledge in Islam is really very high, this is clearly seen in the history of the Tarbawi Hadith which calls scholars as warasatul anbiya '(the heirs of the prophets). And among the most important for a scholar with his knowledge is sincere motivation (intention) in activities, in addition to sincere motivation, scholars are also humble, not arrogant to those who have contributed to him, must also be transparent in explaining knowledge. And what is meant by the author of this research gang is that it can be a means to find out the meaning of science and scholars in the perspective of contemporary tarbawi hadith studies. And knowing the affiliation (relationship) between science and scholars in the perspective of contemporary tarbawi hadith studies.
Jurnal Education and Development Vol 9 No 3 (2021): Vol.9.No.3.2021
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (676.459 KB) | DOI: 10.37081/ed.v9i3.2839


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk kesalahan fonologi dalam keterampilan membaca teks bahasa arab (maharah qiro’ah) dan mengurangi kesalahan pada aspek pelafalan huruf-huruf arab (makhorijul huruf). Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis terhadap kesalahan membaca dan pelafalan huruf-huruf bahasa arab. Data penelitian ini di dapat dengan cara wawancara dan membaca teks arab. Wawancara ini dilibatkan pada siswa kelas VIII. Wawancara dilakukan kepada santri putri kelas VIII.Hasil observasi menunjukkan pula bahwa dalam praktik belajar keterampilan membaca teks Arab, kesalahan fonologi dalam bentuk huruf yang terjadi diantaranya kesalahan melafalkan huruf yang pelafalannya terdengar mirip seperti berikut ini : Huruf اmenjadi ع atau sebaliknya, Huruf كmenjadi قatau sebaliknya, huruf حmenjadi ھatau sebaliknya, huruf سmenjadi شatau sebaliknya, huruf صmenjadi سatau sebaliknya, huruf ذmenjadi ز atau sebaliknya, huruf ذmenjadi سatau sebaliknya, huruf جatau sebaliknya, huruf زmenjadi جatau sebaliknya, huruf ظmenjadiزatau sebaliknya, huruf طmenjadi تatau sebaliknya,huruf غmenjadi خatau sebaliknya, dan huruf غmenjadi عatau sebaliknya.
Sosialisai Edukasi Smartphone terhadap Anak “Dampak Positif dan Negatif Penggunaan Smartphone pada Anak” Nurul Hidayah; Afif Kholisun Nashoih; Taufiqur Rohman Asyari; Abdulloh Chumaidi
Jumat Pendidikan: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UNWAHA

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Selama masa pandemi pada aspek pembelajaran di desa brodot Jombang mengalami banyak kendala/hambatan dalam menerapkan pembelajaran online. Pembelajaran online dalam situasi ini sangat membingungkan orangtua yang mempunyai anak yang masih duduk di bangku MI, MTs, dan MA Sederajat. sesuai dengan anjuran pemerintah menuntut agar pembelajaran, dilakukan melalui metode online agar efektif dan aktif. Upaya mendukung pembelajaran sesuai anjuran pemerintah pembelajaran online telah banyak di praktekkan dari tingkat MI sampai perguruan tinggi. Pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan untuk MI disetiap mata pelajaran mengarah pada tema. Hal ini yang menjadi acuan bahwa untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajarannya sehingga keberadaan media belajar menjadi sangat urgent dan esensial. Metode kegiatan yang akan digunakan meliputi; persiapan, pelaksanaan kegiatan, evaluasi dan penyerahan laporan. penilaian terhadap 20 siswa-siswi MI Darul Ma’arif Desa Brodot dapat dideskripsikan bahwa kemampuan memahami tentang dampak positif dan negatif smartphone dimana sebelum adanya sosialisasi pengetahuan siswa-siswi tentang smartphone sangat minim dengan skor rata-rata 4,6 dan setelah melakukan sosialisasi siswa-siswi atau peserta dapat terlihat memiliki rata-rata sampai 8,6 dalam memahami dampak positif dan negatif penggunaan smartphone pada anak.
Pemberdayaan Santri Ponpes Sabilul Huda sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Keterampilan Penguasaan Ilmu Nahwu dan Shorof Melalui Metode Kitab Al Miftah Suci Prihatiningtyas; Nurul Hidayah; Asiyah Lu’lu ul Husna; Ubaidillah Ubaidillah; Muhammad Syafiullah; Ahmad Jainuri
Jumat Keagamaan: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : LPPM Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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Mitra pada kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat adalah pondok pesantren putri Sabilul Huda Tambakberas Jombang. Berdasarkan hasil analisis situasi, muncul permasalahan dari aspek pengetahuan yang paling pengetahuan tentang santri tentang ilmu alat nahwu dan shorof untuk dapat membaca kitab kuning di ponpes Sabilul huda, aspek pemahaman yang masih merupakan pemahaman santri dalam memahami kata bahasa arab yang ada di dalam kitab kuning di ponpes Sabilul Huda, aspek mutu pembelajaran yaitu adanya metode yang praktis dan mudah untuk meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran santri ponpes Sabilul Huda, dan aspek yang efektif yaitu kurang optimalnya pembelajaran santri karena kurang tenaga pendidik. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan melalui bimbingan cara mudah dan praktis belajar alat nahwu dan pantai di pondok pesantren Sabilul Huda yang terbagi dalam tahap observasi, sosialisasi, bimbingan dan evaluasi. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan ini adalah pengetahuan Santri ponpes Sabilul Huda putra Tambakberas Jombang tentang ilmu alat nahwu dan shorof sehingga bisa membaca kitab kuning, Santri ponpes Sabilul Huda putra Tambakberas Jombang sudah bisa menganalisa dan memahami kosa kata Bahasa arab yang ada di kitab kuning karena Sudah menguasai ilmu alat nahwu dan shorof, Terwujudnya peningkatan mutu pembelajaran yang ada di ponpes Sabilul Huda Tambakberas Jombang dengan metode yang praktis dan mudah bagi santri. Efektivitas pembelajaran di ponpes Sabilul Huda sudah optimal karena adanya pendidik yang mendidik santri.
Analisis Kemampuan Membaca Kitab Kuning di PP. At-Taufiq Jombang Siti Naimah; Nurul Hidayah; Lailatul Mathoriyah
Al-Lahjah Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Januari
Publisher : LPPM Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32764/al-lahjah.v5i1.1927


This paper discusses the ability of students of PP. At-Taufiq Jombang in reading bald books. This paperis motivated by the method used in Boarding Schools to overcome the difficulty of students in readingbald books. Bald book is a tradition learned in Pondok Pesantren and has become a label in education inPondok Pesantren. Sorogan method is one of the methods in learning to read bald books. In this case theauthor aims to conduct research on the ability of students in PP. At-Taufiq Jombang in reading the baldbook which in his learning using the sorogan method. The method used in this study is descriptivequalitative research using (Field Research). The types of data used in this study are primary andsecondary data taken from related sources. The discussion showed the analysis in PP. At-TaufiqJombang in reading the bald book using sorogan method has reached a satisfactory value. This can beseen from the value of the research results to some students in PP. At-Taufiq Jombang.