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Journal : Journal on Education

Journal on Education Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Journal On Education
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (349.928 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v1i2.71


This research is motivated by the still low level of mathematical critical thinking skills of State Middle School students in Cimahi City, so a learning approach is needed to overcome these problems. Alternative approaches are applied, namely the approach to Model-Eliciting Activities. This study aims to examine the mathematical critical thinking skills of State Middle School students in Cimahi City. The method used in this study is an experimental method with research in the form of a pretest-posttest Control Group Design. The population in this study were all public junior high schools in the city of Cimahi randomly selected and selected SMP Negeri 10 Cimahi representing the characteristics of the population. The sample was chosen by two classes in a random class, namely the experimental class and the control class. Data collection in this study used a descriptive test, then the score data of the students' mathematical critical thinking skills were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics using the two average difference test. Based on the results of the study, both from the results of data analysis and hypothesis testing, it can be concluded that the mathematical critical thinking skills of the State Middle School students in Cimahi City whose learning using the MEAs approach are better than those using conventional learning.
Analisis Motivasi Belajar Siswa Menggunakan Aplikasi Visual Basic Excel Pada Materi KPK dan FPB Melisari Melisari; Asri Septiahani; Siti Chotimah
Journal on Education Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Journal On Education, Volume 2 Nomor 1, 2019
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (182.464 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v2i1.275


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan motivasi belajar pada siswa MI Bani Abdul Malik Bandung Barat pada materi KPK dan FPB menggunakan apliksi visual basic excel. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian yaitu pada 24 siswa kelas IV MI Bani Abdul Malik. Instrumen penelitian yang diberikan yaitu berupa angket skala motivasi belajar siswa yang terdiri dari 20 pernyataan yang terdiri dari 12 pernyataan positif dan 8 pernyataan negatif dengan 4 pilihan jawaban yaitu Sangat Setuju (SS), Setuju (S), Tidak Setuju (TS), Sangat Tidak Setuju (STS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan siswa menjawab baik dan sangat baik pada pernyataan positif dengan rata-rata yaitu mencapai 86%. Sedangkan pada pernyataan negatif, presentare rata-rata menjawab tidak setuju dan sangat tidak setuju adalah mencapai lebih dari 90% sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan aplikasi visual basic excel meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa kelas VI MI Bani Abdul Malik pada materi FPB dan KPK.
Pengaruh Media ICT Berbasis For VBA Excel Terhadap Self Confidence Matematis Siswa SD Pada Materi Bangun Ruang Lysta Ambarwati Sholeha; Desi Novianti; Siti Chotimah
Journal on Education Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Journal On Education, Volume 2 Nomor 1, 2019
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (136.64 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v2i1.279


The purpose of this study is to describe the confidence of MI students by using ICT-based media for VBA excel on space building material. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. The research subjects were 23 students of MI Tazkya class VI. The instrument provided consisted of a student confidence scale questionnaire consisting of 25 definitions and 4 answer choices, namely 1. Strongly Agree (SS), 2. Agree (S), 3. Disagree (TS), 4. Very Disagree (STS ). The self-confidence questionnaire related to superior VBA-based ICT media consists of 5 indicators. The results of the study that showed the confidence of MI Tazkya students by using ICT-based media for superior VBA in the overall building material were classified as good and in accordance with 4 indicators that led to a good proposal for indicators Believe in support well, were they anxious (good), indicators and had drive for achievement (good); indicator Know your strengths and weaknesses (s good). There is one indicator that falls into the criteria, which is the indicator Feel free, and is responsible for its actions (enough). And it can be seen that on average all students are included in both criteria
Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis VBA For Excel Terhadap Motivasi Siswa SD Pada Materi Bangun Datar Vina Novianti; Nurul Sa'adah; Siti Chotimah
Journal on Education Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Journal On Education, Volume 2 Nomor 1, 2019
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (234.076 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v2i1.280


This study aims to describe the learning motivation of elementary students who use ICT VBA Excel learning media on flat material. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. This research was conducted with a sample of 22 elementary school students in West Bandung Regency. The instrument used was in the form of a student learning motivation scale questionnaire that contained 25 statements and 4 answer choices, namely 1. Very Agree (SS), 2. Agree (S), 3. Disagree (TS) and 4. Very Disagree (STS). The questionnaire used is related to Excel VBA learning media which have 6 indicators. The results showed that an elementary student learning process that uses the VBA Excel learning media on flat material overall is classified as good, there are 2 indicators that qualify very well, namely indicators of confidence in using mathematics (Very Good); Indicators can maintain opinions (very good). There is one indicator that includes good criteria, namely indicators Perseverance in doing mathematics (Good). There are 3 indicators that fall into sufficient criteria, namely Flexible indicators in doing mathematical work (Enough), indicators of Willingness to leave
Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Visual Basic Application (VBA) Microsoft Excel Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa SMP Kelas VII Pada Materi FPB dan KPK Siti Sarah Khodijah; Dara Kartika Dewi; Siti Chotimah
Journal on Education Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Journal On Education, Volume 2 Nomor 1, 2019
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (473.348 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v2i1.281


This research aim to analyzing student’s motivation in learning mathematics in FPB and KPK material assisted by Microsoft Excel Visual Basic Application (VBA) learning media. In this study, the method used was a quasi experiment with percentage quantitative descriptive techniques. The population in this study were all junior high school students in West Bandung Regency with the sample used were 38 students of class VII-5 of SMPN 1 Sindangkerta. Research data collection uses a questionnaire on student motivation scale in mathematics learning aided by Microsoft Excel Visual Basic Application (VBA) which contains 20 statements each of 10 positive and negative statements. The results of the analysis in this study can be concluded that there is a positive impact on students' motivation to learn mathematics with the help of Microsoft Excel Visual Basic Application (VBA). This can be seen from the average percentage of answers of students who think strongly agree on a positive statement as much as 26.16%, then the response of agree produces an average of 63%, for the response of 7% disagree, while for a strongly disagree response of 3.83%.
Analisis Minat Belajar Siswa SMP Dengan Menggunakan VBA Excel Pada Materi KPK dan FPB Yeti Jumiati; Arpin Chronika Saida Manalu; Siti Chotimah
Journal on Education Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Journal On Education, Volume 2 Nomor 1, 2019
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.379 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v2i1.297


This study was conducted to analyze the learning interest of class VII Junior High School students in mathematics learning KPK and FPB byusing indicators of learning interest namely feeling happy, student interest, study involvement, diligent in learning and doing mathematical assignmens, diligent and learning discipline in learning. Research methods for analysis using descriptive qualitative methods, with the instrument used ini the form of quaestionnaires containing positive and negative statements to analyze student’s interest inlearning mathematics. Sampel subjects in the study were seventh grade SMP IT Daarul Fikri Bandung totaling 22 people. The result obtained from the study that the interest in learning mathematics assisted by VBA Excl on the material of KPK and FPB is good.
Analisis Minat Belajar Siswa Smp Terpadu Cokroaminoto dengan Menggunakan Media ICT Berbasis VBA Excel Pada Materi KPK DAN FPB Wina Nur Alifah Suherman; Susan Amelia; Siti Chotimah
Journal on Education Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Journal On Education, Volume 2 Nomor 1, 2019
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (124.337 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v2i1.299


This research has a purpose to analyze student interest in learning with the media ICT based VBA excel on theory KPK and FPB which is conducted method using method descriptive qualitative This research was conducted at Cokoaminoto Integrated Middle School in West Bandung Regency with a population of 20 students of class VII. The research instruments provided were Questionnaire interest in learning consists of 20 questions with 5 indicators related to ICT media -based Excel VBA and provided 4 student answer choices namely strongly agree (SS), agree (S), disagree (TS) and strongly disagree (STS. Based on the results of the analysis of the data obtained. namely, with indicators of feeling happy reaching 74.1%, indicators of student interest reaching 74.5%, indicators of student involvement reaching 72.8%, indicators of diligence in learning reaching 66.7%, indicators of perseverance and discipline reaching 73.7%. Then it can be concluded that by using ICT medi a -based Excel VBA can influence student learning interest in ongoing learning.
Analisis Minat Belajar Siswa Pada Materi KPK Dan FPB Menggunakan Pendekatan Saintifik Berbantuan Aplikasi Visual Basic Excel (VBE) Neng Cucu Nurmaenah; Selvi Agini; Yulianda Putri; Siti Chotimah
Journal on Education Vol 2 No 4 (2020): Journal on Education: Volume 2 Nomor 4 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v2i4.320


This study aims to analyze the learning interests of Class IV Elementary students in learning mathematics on the KPK and FPB material assisted by the VBA Excel application by using 20 indicators of learning interest. The research method for analysis uses descriptive qualitative method, with the instrument used in the form of giving questionnaires containing positive and negative statements to analyze students' interest in learning mathematics. The sample subject in the study was grade IV Cibungur State Primary School located in West Bandung with the number of students 29 people. The results obtained from research that students' interest in learning mathematics learning aided by VBA Excel in the KPK and FPB material is good. Keywords: Analysis of interest in learning, VBA Excel
Analisis Minat Belajar Siswa Kelas III Pada Materi Bangun Datar Berbantuan VBA Dzarroh Qolba Musoffa; Ani Nurhayati; Siti Chotimah
Journal on Education Vol 2 No 4 (2020): Journal on Education: Volume 2 Nomor 4 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v2i4.322


Interest in learning is one of the soft skills that are important for students to have. Because interest in learning will make it easier for students to achieve learning goals. While a lack of interest in learning can result in a lack of interest in a person in a particular field, it can even lead to rejection of the teacher. The focus of our research on the research sample is to determine the criteria for student interest in learning. This research is motivated by most elementary school (SD) students who do not like learning mathematics because mathematics is a subject that deals with numbers. This shows that students are less interested in learning mathematics. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a sample of 11 people. The results of this study indicate the criteria for student interest in learning with the help of VBA are in the high category because the average percentage accumulation is 85.34%. The VBA application is a learning medium that is arguably something new for elementary students in general. So that when the media is used in learning, it can attract students to pay attention and follow learning well.