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Analisis Perbedaan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas XI IPA 1 dan XI IPA 2 di MAN 1 Merangin Sri Muslimatul Husna; Lodiana Siahaan; Ulfah Saniyyah; Aldi Muhamat Kurniawan
Publisher : LPPM STKIP Taman Siswa Bima

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37630/jpm.v11i2.418


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan hasil motivasi belajar siswa kelas XI IPA 1 dan kelas XI IPA 2 di MAN 1 Merangin pada mata pelajaran fisika. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara online mulai tanggal 4 Februari sampai dengan 31 Maret 2021 pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket tentang motivasi belajar fisika. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 27 siswa kelas XI IPA 1 dan 27 siswa kelas XI IPA 2 MAN 1 Merangin tahun pelajaran 2020/2021, sehingga total jumlah sampel sebanyak 54 responden, sedangkan populasinya adalah seluruh siswa MAN 1 Merangin. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian survei. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan peneliti adalah teknik purposive sampling. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan software IBM SPSS 23, dengan melakukan uji–f atau uji one way ANOVA. Dari hasil uji–f atau uji one way ANOVA, maka diperoleh yaitu F hitung sebesar 0,803 sedangkan F tabel sebesar 4,03 sehingga diketahui F hitung < F tabel atau 0,803 < 4,03 maka H0 diterima, artinya tidak ada perbedaan rata–rata hasil motivasi belajar fisika kelas XI IPA 1 dan kelas XI IPA 2. Adapun nilai probabilitas atau signifikansi sebesar 0,374 > 0,05. Dengan demikian hipotesis nol (H0) diterima. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan rata–rata hasil motivasi belajar fisika kelas XI IPA 1 dan kelas XI IPA 2.
Analisis Respon Guru terhadap Penggunaan Web-based Assessment untuk Menilai Sikap Siswa terhadap Mata Pelajaran IPA Astalini Astalini; Darmaji Darmaji; Dwi Agus Kurniawan; Hermon Jaya; Sri Muslimatul Husna
Integrated Science Education Journal Vol 3 No 3 (2022): September
Publisher : Cahaya Ilmu Cendekia Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37251/isej.v3i3.282


Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study was to determine the results of the teacher's response to the use of web-based assessment as a medium for assessing student attitudes towards science subjects. Methodology: This research uses quantitative descriptive research. The population in this study were all teachers of MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi and SMPN 30 Muaro Jambi. The sample of this study was taken using a total sampling technique of 38 people. The research instrument used was a non-test instrument in the form of a user response questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics. Main Findings: From the research that has been done, it is found that teachers at MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi have a very good response with a percentage of 68.18%, while users (teachers) at SMPN 30 Muaro Jambi have a good response to the use of web-based assessment used to assessing students' attitudes towards science subjects with a percentage of 68.75%. Novelty/Originality of this study: The novelty of this study is to analyze the teacher's response to the use of web-based assessments to assess students' attitudes towards science subjects. This is because the analysis of user responses with a sample of educators (teachers) especially in the use of web-based assessments used to assess students' attitudes towards science subjects has not been carried out. Therefore, this research will complement the previous research.
Analisis Penerapan dan Korelasi Model Pembelajaran Kolaboratif Tipe Pembunuhan Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa SMA Jambi Mahirullah; Sri Muslimatul Husna; Farida Adriani
Journal Evaluation in Education (JEE) Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Cahaya Ilmu Cendekia Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37251/jee.v4i1.293


Purpose of the study: This study aims to determine the applicability of the MURDER type collaborative learning model and the relationship between the implementation of this model on student learning outcomes. Methodology: The design used in this study is the Mix Method. Sampling was carried out by purposive sampling in senior high school 4 Jambi City. The instrument used is the observation sheet and questions. Before the test was carried out, the questions were tried to determine the validity, difficulty level, discriminating power, and reliability of the questions. The prerequisite test used normality and homogeneity tests, while the analysis used Bivariate and Pearson correlation. Main Findings: The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the model by teachers and students through qualitative results is exemplary, with an average quantitative result each for teachers is 78.125% and for students is 70.29%, followed by an average student learning outcomes that reach 75,26. The result of the correlation test is R = 0.717 with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05, which means that there is a significant correlation, while the contribution of the R Square value is 0.514, which means that the implementation of the MURDER type collaborative learning model, contributes to Learning Outcomes of 51.4 %. Novelty/Originality of this study: The novelty of this study is the focus on analyzing the application of the MURDER type collaborative learning model and determining its correlation to student learning outcomes at senior high school 4 Jambi City on the subject of reaction rates.
Kajian Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis, Keterampilan Proses Sains dan Literasi Digital: Ditinjau Berdasarkan Gender Dwi Agus Kurniawan; Darmaji Darmaji; Astalini Astalini; Sri Muslimatul Husna
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol 9 No 4 (2023): April
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i4.1644


The purpose of this study was to analyze and find out the effect of critical thinking skills and science skills on digital literacy of class VIII F and VIII G students of SMPN 7 Muaro Jambi in terms of gender. The research method used is a mixed method with an explanatory design. The sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling with a sample of 56 students. The instruments used were critical thinking skills essay tests, KPS observation sheets, digital literacy questionnaires, and interview sheets. The quantitative data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistics, while the qualitative data analysis technique used is the Miles and Huberman technique. The results of multiple linear regression tests show that there is an influence of critical thinking skills and science process skills on digital literacy. From the interview results it is known that critical thinking skills, science process skills, and digital literacy are classified as good. So, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between critical thinking skills and science process skills on students' digital literacy.