Victorius Ganap
Jln. Teknika Utara, Pogung, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55281 Telp. 0274-544975

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Musik Gospel’ Sebagai Ekspresi Spiritual-Musikal Jemaat Gereja Kristen Kharismatik Wijayanto, Bayu; Simatupang, Lono L.; Ganap, Victorius
Journal of Urban Societys Arts Vol 13, No 2 (2013): Oktober 2013
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


‘Praise and worship’ (‘pujian dan penyembahan) adalah aktivitas ibadah olehkomunitas gereja aliran Kharismatik yang bertujuan untuk memuji danmenyembah Tuhan yang dilakukan melalui nyanyian dan penyajian musik. Bentukdan sifat musik gospel rohani ini cenderung menunjukkan ciri-ciri dan sifat musikmusik pop. Permasalahan utama dalam tulisan ini membahas bentuk, fungsi, danpandangan gereja terjadap musiknya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatandeskriptif kualitatif, yaitu mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis struktur musik danpenggunaannya dalam konteks aktivitas ibadah. Berdasarkan analisis musikal dankontekstual, nampak interelasi antara unsur-unsur yang menonjol, yaitu syair danmelodi lagu yang didukung rhythm musik yang memberikan stimulasi emosi atauperasaan dan suasana tertentu yang sesuai dengan konteks ibadah. Syair atau liriklagu terbingkai melodi lagu yang melodius repetitif (berulang-ulang) dan sekuen.Rythm musik dengan beat yang jelas menjadi dasar irama lagu yang kuat untukmenekankan keserempakan dan soliditas tempo lagu yang dinyanyian oleh jemaat.Keberadaan musik dalam ibadah memiliki fungsi antara lain (1) lirturgis, (2)komunikasi, (3) pengajaran (dokrin), (4) pewartaan Injil, dan (5) integrasi sosialjemaat. ‘Gospel Music’ as a Spiritual-Musical Expression of Charismatic ChristianChurch Community. ‘Praise and worship’, religious activity by a charismatic Christian churchcommunity aims to praise and worship the Lord, which is done by singing and playing music.The shape and nature of gospel music in church worship ishh likely to show characteristics andproperties of pop music. Problems in this study relate to the form and function of music as wellas the Church’s view of the music. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitativeapproach, to describe the analysis of the structure of music and use of music in the context ofchurch worship activity. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the apparent interrelationbetween the musical elements that stand out the lyric and melody backed music rhythm stimulatingemotions or feelings and a certain atmosphere appropriate to the context of worship. Poetry or songlyrics are framed melodious repetitive melody (repeatedly) and sequences. The rhythm of musicwith a clear beat to the rhythm of the song is a strong foundation to emphasize simultaneity andsolidity tempo of song sung by the congregation in worship. Music has several functions such as(1) liturgical, (2) communication, (3) teaching (doctrine), (4) preaching the gospel, and (5) socialintegration of church.
Integrating Parent’s Contribution into Music Class to Achieve Learning Purpose of Musical Expression Haryono, Slamet; Ganap, Victorius; Sumaryanto, Totok; Rohidi, Tjetjep Rohendi
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education Vol 18, No 1 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Department of Drama, Dance and Music, FBS, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v18i1.12288


Qualitative research has been carried out with the aim of exploring synergy between parents and school in elementary school music education in an urban area. The focus of the research is the synergy pattern of parents and school related to students’ music education. In order to derive the findings, one major attention of the research is parent’s contribution integrated into music class to gain a successful learning goal of musical expression. This paper discusses characteristic of the contribution processes in supporting the successful of music learning related to education components of learning material, facility and supporting the budget, with the topic of playing an ensemble of a particular music instrument. The school’s samples chosen were those which are located in a particular urban area in Central Java. The data were gathered using observation, interview and documentation methods and analyzed descriptively. Based on the data analysis, it was concluded that parent’s contribution is an important element for attaining a qualified students’ achievement of musical expression. It is integrated into learning sessions fulfilling the criteria stated in the used curriculum implemented by the teacher, by three major ways, those are communication, collaboration and cooperation. This becomes a significant reason for its integration into elementary school music instruction to achieve the expected students’ competence.