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Student's Progressive Perception And Learning Experience: Efficiency Of Self-Examination Simulation Platform In English Learning (ELT) Ilfan Askul Pehala; Adzil Arsyi Sabana; Ahmad Ahmad
Eralingua: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Asing dan Sastra Vol 6, No 1 (2022): ERALINGUA
Publisher : Makassar State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/eralingua.v6i1.23058


Abstract. This article aims to analyze and describe students' progressivity in the English lecture. Progressivity is based on changes in perception variables and learning experiences based on the efficiency of using TOEFL AIO and CBT E-Learning. We followed descriptive qualitative design approach, using reflection sheet in questions to collect data who involved 77 students as participants through purposive sampling. Data was collected through the distribution of questions in reflection by using a combination of Open-ended and Close-ended Questions. The data were analyzed by coding to the variables and Spradley's ethnoscience analysis in describing the data by looking at the domain, taxonomy, and componential and expanding the interpretation by looking at the cultural themes of the existing data as main thematic analysis. The results show students believe that mental progressivity and student cognition that affect changes in student perceptions and learning experiences previously tended negative to progressive. Besides, they also believe the lecturers, as the main key role, determine whether there is progress or not and the application or platform will not play a role without the flexibility of the lecturer in the classroom. Then, the efficiency of the application and platform will impact students if the lecturer can make changes to student beliefs that have a domino effect on anxiety and internal motivation through a casual-contextual approach according to the perspective of the students themselves. As conclusion, this experience and progressivity were evaluated positively by them as long as ELT learning process activity puts students at the center and see how their perspectivesKeywords: Progressivity, Perception, Learning Experience, Platform And Application Efficiency
Exploring Family Communication and Behavior with The Sakinah Family During The Covid-19 Period Ahmad Fauzan; Muhammad Zakir Husein; Ahmad Ahmad; Eka Sufartianinsih Jafar
Al-'Adl Vol 15, No 1 (2022): Al-'Adl
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31332/aladl.v15i1.3577


Communication and behavior are the main components that still need to be considered to see the level of family harmony during Covid-19, most of which are designing the effects of the pandemic giving birth to domestic violence and divorce. The purpose of this study was to complement and review the existence of the family in aspects of communication and behavior in the family environment during the pandemic in realizing a sakinah family. The research design tends to be phenomenal with a social communication approach. Data collection was done by direct interview. The results of this study show, first, that interpersonal and multipersonal family communication and behavior are positive so that the pressure of the Covid-19 pandemic is not too significant on the level of violence and divorce. Second, the supporting factors in family communication and behavior are the existence of routine religious social activities, demographic conditions, and openness to the social and family environment, especially different religions, ethnicities and races.
Al-'Adl Vol 12, No 1 (2019): Al-'Adl
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (164.436 KB) | DOI: 10.31332/aladl.v12i1.1377


Tulisan ini menampilkan sejauh mana varian pandangan dapat dijadikan pembolehan “mencomot” setiap pilihan padangan yang ada yang tidak perna dikemukakan oleh ulama seperti wudhu versi Syafi’I, tapi batal mengikut Hanafi dengan memilih yang paling ringan yang dikenal dengan talfiq. Tulisan ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan holistic, yuridis nomatif. Tulisan ini menunjukkan adanya pebedaan hukum oleh ulama berkaitan dengan talfiq. Setidaknya ada tiga pandangan untuk itu, yaitu pertama, Haram mutlak bertalfiq, kedua, halal, dan ketiga, halal dengan bersyarat. Hasilnya perlu ada pemahaman yang baik mengenai varian pandangan ulama dengan memilih berdasar pada relevansi hukum sesuai realitasi keindonesiaan.
Ijtihad Tahqiq Al-Manat Implementation in The Fatwa of The Indonesian Ulama Assembly (MUI) in Southeast Sulawesi Ahmad Ahmad; Andi Andhys Chaniago
Al-'Adl Vol 15, No 2 (2022): Al-'Adl
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31332/aladl.v15i2.3722


The aims of the study are to examined the ijtihad method in the fatwa carried out by the Southeast Sulawesi MUI and to describe the Southeast Sulawesi MUI fatwa that uses the ijtihad tahqiq al-manat method. This qualitative investigation examines the text of the Southeast Sulawesi MUI fatwa. Various approaches are employed, including sociological, textual, and contextual approaches. The method of data collection employs a citation technique. This study's findings suggest that the Southeast Sulawesi MUI continues to implement a fatwa that will be strengthened in the community, a typical pattern in terms of both tausiyah and fatwas. Every fatwas During the Covid-19 period, which was continued by the Southeast Sulawesi MUI such as Tausiyah or Recommendations, it has accommodated the ijtihad tahqiq al-manat method. Tahqiq al-manat has become mandatory and must be performed by every fiqh expert as well as every individual, in every way, every place, and at every time. Theory ijtihad tahqiq al-manat must be a fundamental reference and one of the factors that scholars consider when determining the law to produce a more comprehensive fatwa in the real world (fiqh al-waqi').
Eksistensi Hukum Pogagaua dalam Menyelesaikan Sengketa Tanah Perspektif Maslahah Mursalah di Desa Lapandewa Kecamatan Lapandewa Kabupaten Buton Selatan Jumiati Jumiati; Kartini Kartini; Ahmad Ahmad
KALOSARA: Family Law Review Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Kalosara: Family Law Review
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (246.619 KB) | DOI: 10.31332/.v2i1.4223


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan hukum Pogagaua, mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa tanah dan hukum Pogagaua perspektif maslahah mursalah dalam menyelesaikan sengketa tanah di Desa Lapandewa Kecamatan Lapandewa Kabupaten Buton Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian hukum empiris. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kasus (case approach). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dengan redukasi data dan pengecekan keabsahan temuan dengan tringulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Hukum Pogagaua dilaksanakan dalam menyelesaikan sengketa tanah yang terjadi di Desa Lapandewa. Dimana hukum Pogagaua memiliki 6 tahapan pelaksanaan. Selanjutnya, mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa tanah di Desa Lapandewa dilakukan dengan cara mediasi yang disebut dengan Pogagaua. Dimana Pogagaua memiliki tahapan-tahapan pelaksanaan. Hukum Pogagaua dalam menyelesaikan sengketa tanah di Desa Lapandewa jika ditinjau dari hukum Islam yaitu maslahah mursalah merupakan suatu hukum yang boleh dilakukan. Karena membawa maslahat dan tidak menimbulkan kemudharatan bagi kedua belah pihak yang bersengketa.Kata Kunci: Hukum Pogagaua, Sengketa Tanah, Perspektif Maslahah Mursalah
Penggunaan Media dalam Tradisi Tolak Bala Perspektif Hukum Islam di Desa Laea Kecamatan Poleang Selatan Wahyudi Wahyudi; Ahmad Ahmad; Ahmad Ridha
KALOSARA: Family Law Review Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Kalosara: Family Law Review
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (220.129 KB) | DOI: 10.31332/.v1i2.3334


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan media dalam Tradisi Tolak Bala Perspektif Hukum Islam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa media yang digunakan untuk Tolak Bala yaitu Garam, Benang, Kemiri, Air, dan Bella Pitunnupa (Bubur 7 macam). Berdasarkan  Tinjauan Hukum Islam, Tradisi Tolak Bala ini  dari segi kebiasaan bersifat khusus  (kebiasaan) karena dilakukan di daerah tertentu, dan tidak dapat dihukumi melanggar ketentuan hukum islam karena merupakan adat istiadat masyarakat di Desa  Laea kecamatan Poleang Selatan.Kata Kunci : Media, Tolak Bala, Hukum Islam.
KALOSARA: Family Law Review Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Kalosara: Family Law Review
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.897 KB) | DOI: 10.31332/.v1i1.2985


Penelitian ini berjudul Dampak Poligami Terhadap Kesejahteraan Istri dan Anak Perspetif Maqasid Al-Syari’ah (Studi di Kecamatan Mowila Kab. Konawe Selatan). Dengan Sub Pembahasan, Dampak Poligami, Faktor-Faktor Poligami, dan Bagaimana Tinjauan Maqasid Al-Syari’ah Terhadap Dampak Poligami Terhadap Kesejahteraan Istri dan Anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak apa saja yang terjadi setelah suami melakukan poligami terhadap ksejahteraan istri dan anak. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian yuridis empiris. Sebab dalam penelitian ini peneliti mencari data yang faktual dan akurat kemudian menyimpulkan demi menggambarkan secara sistematis suatu aktivitas tertentu yang peneliti dapatkan dilapangan kemudian peneliti padukan dengan undang-undang. Adapun sumber data yang digunakan yaitu sumber data primer dan data sekunder. Untuk teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu teknik display data, reduksi data, dan verifikasi data, adapun pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan metode tringulasi sumber, teknik, dan waktu. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dampak poligami terhadap kesejahteraan istri dan anak Kecamatan Mowila ada yang berdampak Positif dan ada yang berdampak Negatif. Factor yang menyebabkan melakukan poligami yaitu karena adanya kata mampu dan ingin medapat kasih saying lebih. Dan apabila di tinjau dari Maqasid Al-Syari’ah jika dilihat dari factor yang terjadinya poligami di Kecamatan Mowila dalam rangka memelihara keturunan maka hal ini menyebabkan istri pertama tertekan hal ini juga tidak sesuai dengan Maqasid Al-Syari’ah karena tidak dapat memelihara akal.
Pengaruh Reputasi Bank dan Etika karyawan Terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah Alwahidin Alwahidin; Abdul Wahid Mongkito; Ahmad Ahmad
MADINAH Vol 8 No 2 (2021): Madinah: Jurnal Studi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58518/madinah.v8i2.1347


This study aims to determine the effect of bank reputation and employee ethics on customer loyalty (a case study of BTN Syariah KCPS Kendari bank customers) partially and simultaneously. Source of data used in this study is the primary data questionnaire. This study uses a quantitative method because it aims to confirm the data obtained in the field with the existing theory. Samples were obtained by 97 customer respondents at BTN Syariah. Meanwhile, the data collection technique was carried out using the questionnaire method, and literature study. Data were processed using reliability, validity, classical assumptions, multiple linear regression tests, hypothesis testing and coefficient of determination tests using the IBM SPSS 26 for windows program. The results of the data processing indicate that the bank's reputation partially has a significant effect on the customer loyalty variable as indicated by the large t test value of 5.430 > 1.98552. Employee ethics partially has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty of 3.297 > 1.98552. The results of the t test show that the variables of bank reputation and employee ethics are variables that affect customer loyalty at Bank BTN Syariah. while for the f test the results of bank reputation variables and employee ethics have a joint effect on customer loyalty.
Problematika Penerapan Wasiat Wajibah Terhadap Anak Angkat Perspektif Maqashid Al Syariah (Studi Kasus di Kota Kendari) Indah Dwi Utami; Ipandang Ipandang; Ahmad Ahmad
KALOSARA: Family Law Review Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Kalosara: Family Law Review
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31332/kalosara.v2i2.4593


Penelitian ini adalah kasus mengenai pengangkatan anak di Kota Kendari dimana pasangan suami istri yang telah mengangkat seorang anak kemudian pasangan tersebut meninggal dunia dalam hal ini orang tua angkat, yang sebelumnya anak angkat tersebut terpelihara kehidupannya menjadi terlantar karena keluarga dari orang tua angkat tidak memberikan harta peninggalan orang tua angkatnya sehingga anak angkat tersebut menanggung biaya hidupnya sendiri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:‎ Untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan wasiat wajibah terhadap anak angkat di Kota Kendari,dan permasalahan dalam penerapan wasiat wajibah di Kota Kendari,dan langkah dan upaya dalam penerapan wasiat wajibah terhadap anak angkat menurut perspektif maqashid al syari’ah. Jenis Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif empiris. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan wasiat wajibah di Kota Kendari belum terlaksana karena beberapa problem, problemnya adalah bahwa anak angkat dan masyarakat tidak mengetahui hak anak angkat yang tercantum didalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam pasal 209, serta jarak tempuh yang tidak dapat dijangkau oleh masyarakat dibeberapa kecamatan, dan problem sosialnya bahwa keluarga dari orang tua angkat menguasai harta peninggalan orang tua angkatnya. Dalam perspektif Maqashid Syariah bahwa darhuriyat tidak terpenuhi dalam masalah wasiat wajibah terhadap anak angkat maka kehidupannya akan terancam sengsara dalam faktanya di Kota Kendari terdapat anak angkat yang menghidupi dirinya sendiri sehingga tidak terpenuhinya maqashid syariah dalam pemeliharaan 5 pokok darhuriyat.
Registration of Marriage Book Perspective of Needs Level Theory Abraham Maslow and Syatibi Harwis, Harwis; Ahmad, Ahmad
Al-'Adl Vol 17, No 1 (2024): Al-'Adl
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31332/aladl.v17i1.5837


The research aims to reveal the level of human need in the current era for the registration of marriage books. This research uses a document analysis approach and a literature study. Analysis of the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI), the Marriage Law, and other related documents. This research explores the phenomenon of unregistered marriages in Indonesia, and the legal consequences caused by unregistered marriages and then analyzes the need level of the Indonesian people for the importance of registering marriage books using Abraham Maslow's and Syatibi's need level theory. This study concludes that the registration of marriage books in the analysis of Maslow's theory of needs level can include five levels of needs. Maslow's version of the five levels of needs is relevant to Syatibi's theory of needs at the level of primary needs (daruriyat). Unregistered marriages will result in a loss of civil rights, which can be life-threatening, especially for children born from unregistered marriages. Therefore, the current and future contexts have become a necessity for the obligation to fulfill the marriage book. Unregistered marriages will cause successive losses and crimes. Therefore, marriages without registration in a marriage book must be expressly annulled by the government with strict laws accompanied by sanctions. This research is expected to be a stimulant for scholars, legislators, and the government to have the confidence and courage to prevent unregistered marriages by the state.