Ika Roostika
Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi dan Sumberdaya Genetik Pertanian

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Kultur Embrio Pisang Liar Musa acuminata ssp. sumatrana yang Langka (Embryo Culture of Endangered Wild Banana Musa acuminata ssp. sumatrana) Ika Roostika; Agus Sutanto; nFN Edison; Nurwita Dewi
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 28, No 1 (2018): Juni 2018
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v28n1.2018.p25-32


Musa acuminata ssp. sumatrana adalah pisang liar yang langka dan perlu dilestarikan. Teknik kultur in vitro dapat diterapkan untuk melestarikannya. Penerapan teknik konservasi secara in vitro memerlukan penguasaan metode regenerasi, termasuk formulasi media tumbuh. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh BA, TDZ, dan PVP terhadap daya hidup dan regenerasi embrio M. acuminata ssp. sumatrana. Rancangan percobaan disusun secara faktorial dalam lingkungan rancangan acak lengkap dengan empat ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah BA (0, 1, 3, dan 5 mg/L), faktor kedua adalah TDZ (0 dan 0,1 mg/L) dan faktor ketiga adalah PVP (100 dan 300 mg/L). Peubah yang diamati adalah persentase daya hidup, persentase daya tumbuh, persentase pembentukan akar, jumlah tunas, jumlah akar, dan jumlah daun yang terbentuk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat interaksi yang nyata antara taraf BA, TDZ, dan PVP terhadap seluruh peubah yang diamati. Kombinasi perlakuan BA 5 mg/L dengan TDZ 0,1 mg/L dan PVP 300 mg/L menghasilkan persentase hidup, persentase tumbuh, jumlah tunas, dan jumlah daun yang paling tinggi, berturut-turut 100% daya hidup, 100% daya tumbuh, lima tunas/eksplan, dan 15 daun/tunas. Media tersebut dapat diterapkan untuk perbanyakan in vitro M. acuminata ssp. sumatrana dalam penyediaan materi untuk konservasi in vitro.KeywordsMusa acuminata ssp. sumatrana; Pisang liar langka; Regenerasi embrioAbstractMusa acuminata ssp. sumatrana is an endangered wild banana species that should be conserved. The in vitro culture can be applied for conserving wild banana accessions. The establishment of regeneration method, including the use of growth medium, is required in the application of in vitro conservation. The influence of BA, TDZ, and PVP to the survival and growth rate of embryos of M. acuminata ssp. sumatrana will be discussed in this study. The factorial in compeletely randomized design with four replications was used in this study. The first factor was BA (0, 1, 3, and 5 mg/L), the second factor was TDZ (0 and 0.1 mg/L), and the third factor was PVP (100 and 300 mg/L). Variables observed were the percentage of survival rate, the percentage of growth rate, the percentage of root formation, number of shoot, root, and leaf. The result a significant interaction between the concentration of BA, TDZ, and PVP to all observed variables. The combined treatment between 5 mg/L BA, 0.1 mg/L TDZ, and 300 mg/L PVP provided the highest survival rate (100%), growth rate (100%), shoot multiplication (five shoots/explant), and number of leaf (15 leaves/shoot). This medium can be applied for micropropagation of M. acuminata ssp. sumatrana in supplying plant materials for in vitro conservation.
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri Vol 26, No 1 (2020): June, 2020
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jlittri.v26n1.2020.49-57


In vitro technique is an effective method to produce high quality and uniform sugarcane seedlings. This study was aimed to determine genetic stability based on SSR marker analysis of six varieties of sugarcane subcultured in regeneration media. It was conducted at the ICABIOGRAD Molecular Biology Laboratory, Bogor, from May 2015 to October 2016. Six sugarcane varieties (PS 862, PS 865, PS 881, PSJK 922, TK 386, and GMP 3) derived from apical shoot explants were subcultured on MS regeneration media enriched with 0.3 mg/l BAP; 0.5 mg/l IBA; and 100 mg/l PVP, for 3, 6 and 9 times. Sugarcane DNA was extracted using the CTAB method; then, the genetic stability was analyzed using 20 pairs of SSR primers. Data were analyzed in groups using the UPGMA method in the SAHN subprogram available on NTSYS software. The results showed that five sugarcane varieties (PS 865, PS 881, PSJK 922, TK 386, and GMP 3) subcultured up to nine times on the regeneration media remained genetically stable with similarity coefficient to their mother plants value more than 0.94.  However, PS 862 variety had genetically unstable after the sixth and the ninth subcultures, the similarity coefficient value to its mother plant was only 0.64, indicated that it experienced somaclonal variations. The study concluded that the in vitro shoots of the other varieties were more genetically stable during subcultures compared to PS 862 sugarcane variety based on SSR marker analysis. Further study is needed to find out the cause of genetic changes in PS 862.Keywords: Saccharum officinarum, apical shoots, in vitro propagation.
KARAKTERISASI BAKTERI ENDOFIT TANAMAN PURWOCENG SEBAGAI PENGHASIL SENYAWA STEROID DAN ANTIPATOGEN / Endophytic Bacteria From Purwoceng as Steroid and Antipatogenic Compounds Producers Dwi N. Susilowati; Hendra Ginanjar; Erny Yuniarti; Mamik Setyowati; Ika Roostika
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri Vol 24, No 1 (2018): Juni, 2018
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/littri.v24n1.2018.1-10


Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molk.) is a commercial medicinal plant from Indonesia that is useful as an aphrodisiac, diuretic, and tonic. Purwoceng are known to produce some secondary metabolite compounds of phytosterol (stigmasterol, sitosterol, bergapten, ergosterol, amirin, and vitamin E). The quantity of phytosterol compounds isolated from this plant is very small, but have many benefits. Bioactive compounds that are nutritious in a plant was also produced by endophytic microbes. It gives the opportunity to produce sterol compounds using endophytic microbial culture found in purwoceng. The objectives of this study were to screen and characterize endophytic bacteria from purwoceng that are antagonistic to a number of pathogenic microbes (Enteropatogenic Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas pseudomallei, and Candida albicans), and produce sterol compounds. The paper disc diffusion method is used for antipatogenic tests and Thin Layer Chromatography analysis for analysis of sterol compounds. Sterol compounds obtained from endophytic bacterial isolates Endo PWC I.GP-1. Some isolates were able to prevent the growth of pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, and Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), Endo PWC I.D2, Aktino PWC GP-4, Endo PWC GP-2, Endo PWC D-1, and Endo PWC I.GP-1. Endo PWC I.GP-1 endophytic isolate which capable of producing sterol compounds and such antibacterial metabolites is identified as Corynebacterium sp.Keywords: Purwoceng, endophytic bacteria, sterols, antipatogenic Abstrak Tanaman purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molk.) merupakan tanaman obat komersial asal Indonesia yang bermanfaat sebagai afrodisiak, diuretika, dan tonik. Tanaman purwoceng diketahui dapat memproduksi beberapa senyawa metabolit sekunder fitosterol (stigmasterol, sitosterol, bergapten, ergosterol, amirin, dan vitamin E). Konsentrasi senyawa fitosterol dalam tanaman ini sangat kecil, namun memiliki banyak manfaat. Senyawa bioaktif yang berkhasiat pada suatu tanaman ternyata juga ada yang dihasilkan oleh mikroba endofit. Hal ini dapat membuka peluang untuk memproduksi senyawa sterol menggunakan kultur mikroba endofit yang terdapat pada tanaman purwoceng. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menapis dan mengkarakterisasi bakteri endofit dari tanaman purwoceng yang bersifat antagonis terhadap sejumlah mikroba patogen (Enteropatogenik Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas pseudomallei, dan Candida albicans), dan menghasilkan senyawa sterol. Metode difusi kertas cakram digunakan untuk uji antipatogen dan analisis Kromatografi Lapis Tipis untuk analisis senyawa sterol. Senyawa sterol diperoleh dari tanaman purwoceng pada isolat Endo PWC I.GP-1. Beberapa isolat mampu mencegah pertumbuhan patogen ((Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, dan Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC)), yaitu Endo PWC I.D2, Aktino PWC GP-4, Endo PWC GP-2, Endo PWC D-1, dan Endo PWC I.GP-1. Isolat Endo PWC I.GP-1 yang mampu menghasilkan senyawa sterol dan metabolit antibakteri diidentifikasi sebagai Corynebacterium sp.Kata kunci: Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molk.), bakteri endofit, sterol, antipatogen
Uji Efikasi Teknik Kultur Meristem dan Kemoterapi untuk Eliminasi Sugarcane Streak Mosaic Virus (SCSMV) pada Tebu Ika Roostika; Sedyo Harsono; Darda Efendi; Deden Sukmadjaja; Cece Suhara
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri Vol 8, No 2 (2016): Oktober 2016
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/btsm.v8n2.2016.55-64


Penggunaan benih bebas virus merupakan salah satu cara pengendalian penyakit virus. Jaringan tanaman dapat dibebaskan dari virus melalui aplikasi teknik eliminasi virus, seperti termoterapi, kemoterapi, kultur meristem, dan krioterapi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji respon varietas tebu terhadap perlakuan teknik kultur meristem dan kemoterapi dengan bahan antiviral, serta untuk mengetahui efektivitasnya dalam mengeliminasi virus sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV) pada tebu. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada April−November 2015 di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan, Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi dan Sumberdaya Genetik Pertanian dan Laboratorium Virologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Penelitian terdiri atas tiga tahap, yaitu 1) Deteksi virus dari tanaman induk, 2) Aplikasi teknik kultur meristem dan kemoterapi, serta 3) Indeksing virus. Bahan tanaman yang digunakan adalah sebelas varietas tebu (GMP3, PS865, dan Kentung asal Bogor, PS862 dan Cening asal Cirebon, PS881 asal Jember, PSJK922 asal Malang, serta PS864, PS881, PSJK922, PSJT941 asal Pati). Deteksi virus dilakukan secara RT-PCR dengan primer universal MJ dan primer spesifik SCSMV. Bahan antiviral yang digunakan untuk kemoterapi adalah Ribavirin (0 dan 25 µg/l). Hasil uji RT-PCR menggunakan primer universal MJ menunjukkan bahwa empat varietas (GMP3 asal Bogor, PS864 dan PSJT941 asal Pati, serta Cening asal Cirebon) terinfeksi oleh Potyvirus. Empat varietas lainnya (PS862 asal Cirebon, PS881 asal Jember, PSJK922 asal Malang, dan Kentung asal Bogor) terbukti terserang virus SCSMV berdasarkan uji RT-PCR dengan primer spesifik. Seluruh meristem mampu beregenerasi membentuk tunas. Penggunaan Ribavirin 25 µg/l tidak menyebabkan penurunan daya tumbuh meristem (50−100%), bahkan seluruh varietas mampu bermultiplikasi tunasnya dibandingkan dengan kontrol yang hanya memiliki daya tumbuh 0−100%, dan tidak semua varietas mampu bermultiplikasi tunasnya. Secara tunggal, aplikasi teknik kultur meristem tidak mampu mengeliminasi virus SCSMV, namun jika dikombinasikan dengan perlakuan kemoterapi maka virus SCSMV dapat tereliminasi dengan efikasi sebesar 44,4%. The use of virus-free seedling is an option for controlling viral disease that can be obtained through the application of viral elimination method. Plant tissues can be eliminated from virus infection by applying virus thermotherapy, chemotherapy, meristem culture, and cryotherapy. The research objectives were to examine the response of sugarcane varieties to meristem culture treatments and antiviral agent and also to determine the efficacy rate of both techniques in eliminating SCSMV disease. The study was conducted atTissuseCulture Laboratory, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research andDevelpoment, and also at Virology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University.   This study consisted of three activities: 1) Virus detection of the mother plants, 2) Application of meristem culture and chemotherapy, and 3) Virus indexing. The plant material used was eleven varieties of sugarcane (GMP3, PS865, and Kentung from Bogor, PS862 and Cening from Cirebon, PS881 from Jember, Malang PSJK922 origin, as well as the PS864, PS881, PSJK922, PSJT941 from Pati). Virus detection was performed by RT-PCR assay with universal primer of MJ and specific primers of SCSMV. Antiviral used for chemotherapy was Ribavirin (0 and 25 µg/l). The result of RT-PCR using universal primers MJ showed that four varieties (GMP3 from Bogor, PS864 and PSJT941 from Pati, and Cening from Cirebon) were infected by Potyvirus. Based on RT-PCR assay with specific primer, four other varieties (PS862 from Cirebon, PS881 from Jember, PSJK922 from Malang, and Kentung from Bogor) were infected by SCSMV. All of meristems were able to regenerate to form shoots. The use of Ribavirin (25µg/l) did not decrease the growth rate of meristems and the shoots of all of the varieties could be multipied compared to control where the shoots could not be multiplied in all varietis. The application of meristem culture technique was not able to eliminate the SCSMV, but when it was combined with chemotherapy treatment, the SCSMV virus could be eliminated with the efficacy rate of 44.4%. 
Pengaruh PVP dan DIECA terhadap Regenerasi Meristem Tebu Ika Roostika; Rara Puspita Dewi Lima Wati; Deden Sukmadjaja
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri Vol 7, No 1 (2015): April 2015
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/bultas.v7n1.2015.9-14


Tebu (Saccharum officinarum L.) merupakan tanaman yang diperbanyak secara vegetatif sehingga berisiko besar akan terjadinya akumulasi virus di dalam jaringan tanaman. Kultur meristem merupakan salah satu teknik eliminasi virus yang umum digunakan, namun seringkali meristem memiliki daya hidup dan daya re-generasi yang rendah. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah karena akumulasi senyawa fenol. Akumulasi senyawa tersebut dapat direduksi melalui penggunaan senyawa adsorben dan antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan un-tuk mengetahui pengaruh polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) dan diethyldithiocarbamate sodium (DIECA) terhadap regenerasi meristem tebu. Bahan tanaman yang digunakan adalah tebu PS864. Eksplan yang digunakan adalah meristem dengan 1–2 primordia daun yang diisolasi di bawah mikroskop. Perlakuan meliputi PVP (100 dan 300 mg/l) dan DIECA (0 dan 20 mg/l) serta kombinasi antara kedua zat tersebut, dengan 3 ulang-an (botol) dan setiap botol terdiri atas 3 meristem. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kon-sentrasi PVP atau kombinasi perlakuan PVP dan DIECA dapat meningkatkan persentase eksplan hidup, daya regenerasi, dan jumlah tunas. Kombinasi perlakuan PVP 300 mg/l dan DIECA 20 mg/l merupakan perlakuan terbaik karena persentase hidup dan daya regenerasi eksplan yang paling tinggi (100%) dengan jumlah tu-nas 3,8 tunas/eksplan. Being vegetatively propagated, sugar cane faces a high risk of virus accumulation. Meristem culture is one method that usually applied for virus elimination. However, it often has low survival and regeneration rate due to an accumulation of phenolic compounds. Accumulation of those compounds can be reduced by apply adsorbent antioxidant. This research aimed at evaluating the effect of PVP and DIECA on the regeneration capacity of meristem. The plant material was sugar cane PS864. Meristems with 1─2 primoridial leaves were used as the explants and isolated under microscope. The PVP (100−300 mg/l) and DIECA (0− 20 mg/l), or combined treatment of both antioxidants were used as treatments. Each treatment was replicated 3 times (bottles), and each bottle contained 3 meristems. The result showed that the higher concentration of PVP or combined treatment of PVP and DIECA could increase the percentage of survival, regeneration rate, and number of shoot. The combined treatment of 300 mg/l PVP, and 20 mg/l DIECA produced the highest level of survival rate (100%) which yielded 3.8 shoots/explants.
KARAKTERISASI BAKTERI ENDOFIT TANAMAN PURWOCENG SEBAGAI PENGHASIL SENYAWA STEROID DAN ANTIPATOGEN / Endophytic Bacteria From Purwoceng as Steroid and Antipatogenic Compounds Producers Dwi N. Susilowati; Hendra Ginanjar; Erny Yuniarti; Mamik Setyowati; Ika Roostika
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri Vol 24, No 1 (2018): Juni, 2018
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/littri.v24n1.2018.1-10


Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molk.) is a commercial medicinal plant from Indonesia that is useful as an aphrodisiac, diuretic, and tonic. Purwoceng are known to produce some secondary metabolite compounds of phytosterol (stigmasterol, sitosterol, bergapten, ergosterol, amirin, and vitamin E). The quantity of phytosterol compounds isolated from this plant is very small, but have many benefits. Bioactive compounds that are nutritious in a plant was also produced by endophytic microbes. It gives the opportunity to produce sterol compounds using endophytic microbial culture found in purwoceng. The objectives of this study were to screen and characterize endophytic bacteria from purwoceng that are antagonistic to a number of pathogenic microbes (Enteropatogenic Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas pseudomallei, and Candida albicans), and produce sterol compounds. The paper disc diffusion method is used for antipatogenic tests and Thin Layer Chromatography analysis for analysis of sterol compounds. Sterol compounds obtained from endophytic bacterial isolates Endo PWC I.GP-1. Some isolates were able to prevent the growth of pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, and Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), Endo PWC I.D2, Aktino PWC GP-4, Endo PWC GP-2, Endo PWC D-1, and Endo PWC I.GP-1. Endo PWC I.GP-1 endophytic isolate which capable of producing sterol compounds and such antibacterial metabolites is identified as Corynebacterium sp.Keywords: Purwoceng, endophytic bacteria, sterols, antipatogenic Abstrak Tanaman purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molk.) merupakan tanaman obat komersial asal Indonesia yang bermanfaat sebagai afrodisiak, diuretika, dan tonik. Tanaman purwoceng diketahui dapat memproduksi beberapa senyawa metabolit sekunder fitosterol (stigmasterol, sitosterol, bergapten, ergosterol, amirin, dan vitamin E). Konsentrasi senyawa fitosterol dalam tanaman ini sangat kecil, namun memiliki banyak manfaat. Senyawa bioaktif yang berkhasiat pada suatu tanaman ternyata juga ada yang dihasilkan oleh mikroba endofit. Hal ini dapat membuka peluang untuk memproduksi senyawa sterol menggunakan kultur mikroba endofit yang terdapat pada tanaman purwoceng. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menapis dan mengkarakterisasi bakteri endofit dari tanaman purwoceng yang bersifat antagonis terhadap sejumlah mikroba patogen (Enteropatogenik Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas pseudomallei, dan Candida albicans), dan menghasilkan senyawa sterol. Metode difusi kertas cakram digunakan untuk uji antipatogen dan analisis Kromatografi Lapis Tipis untuk analisis senyawa sterol. Senyawa sterol diperoleh dari tanaman purwoceng pada isolat Endo PWC I.GP-1. Beberapa isolat mampu mencegah pertumbuhan patogen ((Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, dan Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC)), yaitu Endo PWC I.D2, Aktino PWC GP-4, Endo PWC GP-2, Endo PWC D-1, dan Endo PWC I.GP-1. Isolat Endo PWC I.GP-1 yang mampu menghasilkan senyawa sterol dan metabolit antibakteri diidentifikasi sebagai Corynebacterium sp.Kata kunci: Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molk.), bakteri endofit, sterol, antipatogen
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri Vol 26, No 1 (2020): June, 2020
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jlittri.v26n1.2020.49-57


In vitro technique is an effective method to produce high quality and uniform sugarcane seedlings. This study was aimed to determine genetic stability based on SSR marker analysis of six varieties of sugarcane subcultured in regeneration media. It was conducted at the ICABIOGRAD Molecular Biology Laboratory, Bogor, from May 2015 to October 2016. Six sugarcane varieties (PS 862, PS 865, PS 881, PSJK 922, TK 386, and GMP 3) derived from apical shoot explants were subcultured on MS regeneration media enriched with 0.3 mg/l BAP; 0.5 mg/l IBA; and 100 mg/l PVP, for 3, 6 and 9 times. Sugarcane DNA was extracted using the CTAB method; then, the genetic stability was analyzed using 20 pairs of SSR primers. Data were analyzed in groups using the UPGMA method in the SAHN subprogram available on NTSYS software. The results showed that five sugarcane varieties (PS 865, PS 881, PSJK 922, TK 386, and GMP 3) subcultured up to nine times on the regeneration media remained genetically stable with similarity coefficient to their mother plants value more than 0.94.  However, PS 862 variety had genetically unstable after the sixth and the ninth subcultures, the similarity coefficient value to its mother plant was only 0.64, indicated that it experienced somaclonal variations. The study concluded that the in vitro shoots of the other varieties were more genetically stable during subcultures compared to PS 862 sugarcane variety based on SSR marker analysis. Further study is needed to find out the cause of genetic changes in PS 862.Keywords: Saccharum officinarum, apical shoots, in vitro propagation.
Uji Efikasi Teknik Kultur Meristem dan Kemoterapi untuk Eliminasi Sugarcane Streak Mosaic Virus (SCSMV) pada Tebu Ika Roostika; Sedyo Harsono; Darda Efendi; Deden Sukmadjaja; Cece Suhara
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri Vol 8, No 2 (2016): Oktober 2016
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (346.938 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/btsm.v8n2.2016.55-64


Penggunaan benih bebas virus merupakan salah satu cara pengendalian penyakit virus. Jaringan tanaman dapat dibebaskan dari virus melalui aplikasi teknik eliminasi virus, seperti termoterapi, kemoterapi, kultur meristem, dan krioterapi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji respon varietas tebu terhadap perlakuan teknik kultur meristem dan kemoterapi dengan bahan antiviral, serta untuk mengetahui efektivitasnya dalam mengeliminasi virus sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV) pada tebu. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada April−November 2015 di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan, Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi dan Sumberdaya Genetik Pertanian dan Laboratorium Virologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Penelitian terdiri atas tiga tahap, yaitu 1) Deteksi virus dari tanaman induk, 2) Aplikasi teknik kultur meristem dan kemoterapi, serta 3) Indeksing virus. Bahan tanaman yang digunakan adalah sebelas varietas tebu (GMP3, PS865, dan Kentung asal Bogor, PS862 dan Cening asal Cirebon, PS881 asal Jember, PSJK922 asal Malang, serta PS864, PS881, PSJK922, PSJT941 asal Pati). Deteksi virus dilakukan secara RT-PCR dengan primer universal MJ dan primer spesifik SCSMV. Bahan antiviral yang digunakan untuk kemoterapi adalah Ribavirin (0 dan 25 µg/l). Hasil uji RT-PCR menggunakan primer universal MJ menunjukkan bahwa empat varietas (GMP3 asal Bogor, PS864 dan PSJT941 asal Pati, serta Cening asal Cirebon) terinfeksi oleh Potyvirus. Empat varietas lainnya (PS862 asal Cirebon, PS881 asal Jember, PSJK922 asal Malang, dan Kentung asal Bogor) terbukti terserang virus SCSMV berdasarkan uji RT-PCR dengan primer spesifik. Seluruh meristem mampu beregenerasi membentuk tunas. Penggunaan Ribavirin 25 µg/l tidak menyebabkan penurunan daya tumbuh meristem (50−100%), bahkan seluruh varietas mampu bermultiplikasi tunasnya dibandingkan dengan kontrol yang hanya memiliki daya tumbuh 0−100%, dan tidak semua varietas mampu bermultiplikasi tunasnya. Secara tunggal, aplikasi teknik kultur meristem tidak mampu mengeliminasi virus SCSMV, namun jika dikombinasikan dengan perlakuan kemoterapi maka virus SCSMV dapat tereliminasi dengan efikasi sebesar 44,4%. The use of virus-free seedling is an option for controlling viral disease that can be obtained through the application of viral elimination method. Plant tissues can be eliminated from virus infection by applying virus thermotherapy, chemotherapy, meristem culture, and cryotherapy. The research objectives were to examine the response of sugarcane varieties to meristem culture treatments and antiviral agent and also to determine the efficacy rate of both techniques in eliminating SCSMV disease. The study was conducted atTissuseCulture Laboratory, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research andDevelpoment, and also at Virology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University.   This study consisted of three activities: 1) Virus detection of the mother plants, 2) Application of meristem culture and chemotherapy, and 3) Virus indexing. The plant material used was eleven varieties of sugarcane (GMP3, PS865, and Kentung from Bogor, PS862 and Cening from Cirebon, PS881 from Jember, Malang PSJK922 origin, as well as the PS864, PS881, PSJK922, PSJT941 from Pati). Virus detection was performed by RT-PCR assay with universal primer of MJ and specific primers of SCSMV. Antiviral used for chemotherapy was Ribavirin (0 and 25 µg/l). The result of RT-PCR using universal primers MJ showed that four varieties (GMP3 from Bogor, PS864 and PSJT941 from Pati, and Cening from Cirebon) were infected by Potyvirus. Based on RT-PCR assay with specific primer, four other varieties (PS862 from Cirebon, PS881 from Jember, PSJK922 from Malang, and Kentung from Bogor) were infected by SCSMV. All of meristems were able to regenerate to form shoots. The use of Ribavirin (25µg/l) did not decrease the growth rate of meristems and the shoots of all of the varieties could be multipied compared to control where the shoots could not be multiplied in all varietis. The application of meristem culture technique was not able to eliminate the SCSMV, but when it was combined with chemotherapy treatment, the SCSMV virus could be eliminated with the efficacy rate of 44.4%. 
Pengaruh PVP dan DIECA terhadap Regenerasi Meristem Tebu Ika Roostika; Rara Puspita Dewi Lima Wati; Deden Sukmadjaja
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri Vol 7, No 1 (2015): April 2015
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (426.84 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/bultas.v7n1.2015.9-14


Tebu (Saccharum officinarum L.) merupakan tanaman yang diperbanyak secara vegetatif sehingga berisiko besar akan terjadinya akumulasi virus di dalam jaringan tanaman. Kultur meristem merupakan salah satu teknik eliminasi virus yang umum digunakan, namun seringkali meristem memiliki daya hidup dan daya re-generasi yang rendah. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah karena akumulasi senyawa fenol. Akumulasi senyawa tersebut dapat direduksi melalui penggunaan senyawa adsorben dan antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan un-tuk mengetahui pengaruh polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) dan diethyldithiocarbamate sodium (DIECA) terhadap regenerasi meristem tebu. Bahan tanaman yang digunakan adalah tebu PS864. Eksplan yang digunakan adalah meristem dengan 1–2 primordia daun yang diisolasi di bawah mikroskop. Perlakuan meliputi PVP (100 dan 300 mg/l) dan DIECA (0 dan 20 mg/l) serta kombinasi antara kedua zat tersebut, dengan 3 ulang-an (botol) dan setiap botol terdiri atas 3 meristem. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kon-sentrasi PVP atau kombinasi perlakuan PVP dan DIECA dapat meningkatkan persentase eksplan hidup, daya regenerasi, dan jumlah tunas. Kombinasi perlakuan PVP 300 mg/l dan DIECA 20 mg/l merupakan perlakuan terbaik karena persentase hidup dan daya regenerasi eksplan yang paling tinggi (100%) dengan jumlah tu-nas 3,8 tunas/eksplan. Being vegetatively propagated, sugar cane faces a high risk of virus accumulation. Meristem culture is one method that usually applied for virus elimination. However, it often has low survival and regeneration rate due to an accumulation of phenolic compounds. Accumulation of those compounds can be reduced by apply adsorbent antioxidant. This research aimed at evaluating the effect of PVP and DIECA on the regeneration capacity of meristem. The plant material was sugar cane PS864. Meristems with 1─2 primoridial leaves were used as the explants and isolated under microscope. The PVP (100−300 mg/l) and DIECA (0− 20 mg/l), or combined treatment of both antioxidants were used as treatments. Each treatment was replicated 3 times (bottles), and each bottle contained 3 meristems. The result showed that the higher concentration of PVP or combined treatment of PVP and DIECA could increase the percentage of survival, regeneration rate, and number of shoot. The combined treatment of 300 mg/l PVP, and 20 mg/l DIECA produced the highest level of survival rate (100%) which yielded 3.8 shoots/explants.