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Tanaman-Tanaman yang Mempunyai aktivitas sebagai Anti Malaria Deka Aulia Septa Yofi Parmar; Moelyono Moektiwardoyo
Farmaka Vol 17, No 3 (2019): Farmaka (Desember)
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (254.627 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jf.v17i3.25905


AKTIVITAS ANTIDIABETES EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN ILER (Plectranthus scutellarioides (L.) R.Br.) PADA TIKUS PUTIH GALUR WISTAR DENGAN METODE INDUKSI ALOKSAN Yasmiwar Susilawati; Ahmad Muhtadi; Moelyono Moektiwardoyo; Putri Churnia Arifin
Farmaka Vol 14, No 2 (2016): Farmaka
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (633.987 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jf.v14i2.9296


Based on WHO data, in 2014  total of diabetic patient in Indonesia reach 9 million. In addition to synthetic drugs, traditional medicine widely used by diabetic patients. Research of several species from Plectranthus genus showed that Plectranthus amboinicus and P. esculentus have antidiabetic activity in rat. Therefore, it is necessary to do antidiabetic activity research and its effective dose of plants iler (Plectranthus scutellarioides (L.) R.Br) which derived from the same genus and has been used empirically as oral antidiabetic. Antidiabetic activity test conducted using white male Wistar rats which given diabetogen alloxan. Rat who had developed diabetes later given different dose of iler leaves ethanol extract and glibenclamide 0,5 mg/kgBB as a positive control. Blood glucose level was measured using amperometric method utilizing enzymatic reaction of glucose dehydrogenase which measured by glucometer. As a result, a dose of 200 mg / kg dose had the highest antidiabetic activity, followed by a dose of 300 mg / kg, the percentage decrease in relative blood glucose are 21,52% and 3,64% respectively, but a dose of 100 mg / kg didn’t have antidiabetic activity. Antidiabetic activity of 200 mg/kg dose of extract didn’t have any significant difference with glibenclamide, which has percentage decrease in relative blood glucose 21,35%.
Farmaka Vol 15, No 1 (2017): Farmaka (Maret)
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (272.491 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jf.v15i1.11487


Tumbuhan liar menyimpan potensi keragaman senyawa bioaktif. Penggunaan tumbuhan liar sebagai obat telah lama dilakukan oleh berbagai masyarakat etnis, termasuk masyarakat etnis Sunda yang tinggal di Kampung Adat Cikondang. Pendataan tumbuhan liar berpotensi obat dapat berkontribusi pada ditemukan berbagai obat baru. Telaah etnofarmasi dan bioprospeksi tumbuhan obat liar Kampung Adat Cikondang bertujuan untuk inventarisasi dan meninjau potensi penemuan obat baru. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui metode participant observation dan wawancara kepada masyarakat yang dilanjutkan dengan analisis kuantitatif dari tumbuhan tersebut menggunakan use value (UV), relative frequency of citation (RFC), dan relative importance (RI). Tumbuhan dengan nilai tertinggi ditelaah dengan tinjauan pustaka untuk dilihat potensinya sebagai kandidat obat baru. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat 35 jenis dalam 22 suku tumbuhan liar yang digunakan sebagai obat oleh masyarakat Kampung Adat Cikondang. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa Eupatorium inulifolium Kunth. (Asteraceae; ki rinyuh) adalah tumbuhan liar paling berpotensi dengan nilai UV, RFC, dan RI berturut-turut 0,5; 0,6; 0,33. Telaah pustaka menunjukkan bahwa E. inulifolium berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi obat baru seperti kandidat obat kanker. Perlu telaah lebih lanjut mengenai informasi keamaan (toksisitas) penggunaan E. inulifolium sebagai obat.
Farmaka Vol 17, No 3 (2019): Farmaka (Desember)
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2984.175 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jf.v17i3.22034


Produk repellent secara komersial telah tersedia dalam berbagai sediaan di pasaran. Repellent sendiri digunakan sebagai perlindungan diri dari gigitan nyamuk Aedes aigypti. Nyamuk tersebut merupakan penyebab dari penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD).  Penyakit ini merupakan penyakit endemik dan cukup banyak terjadi di Indonesia, oleh karena itu pencegahan dari penyakit DBD perlu dilakukan, salah satunya yaitu dengan menggunakan repellent. Zat aktif yang biasa digunakan dalam produk repellent adalah DEET (Diethyltoluamide), tetapi zat aktif tersebut dapat menyebabkan efek samping yang akan merugikan terhadap penggunanya. Dengan itu, perlu dilakukan pencarian terhadap repellent yang berasal dari tumbuhan diantaranya yaitu Tembakau, Serai Wangi, Pepaya, Duku, Kenikir, Bangle, Legundi dan Adas yang mempunyai daya proteksi terhadap nyamuk Aedes aegypti dan akan semakin meningkat daya proteksinya seiring bertambahnya konsentrasi dari bahan yang digunakan serta lamanya pemaparan ekstrak.
Anti-proliferative Activity of Crotalaria pallida Aiton on MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells Erladys M. Rumondor; Moelyono Moektiwardoyo; Melisa I. Barliana
Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy Research Vol 2, No 3
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (145.873 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/pcpr.v2i3.16218


 Crotalaria pallida Aiton (C. pallida Aiton) is empirically used as dietary supplement to treat cancer by the people of North Sulawesi. However, its scientific pharmacology activity has not been explored yet. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate anti-proliferative activity of C. pallida Aiton on MCF-7 breast cancer cells. The extraction of leaves and seeds were performed using ethanol, ethyl acetate, n-hexane, and water. Phytochemical screening was then performed to identify secondary metabolites in this extract. Anti-proliferative activity was evaluated using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. The results indicated that ethyl acetate fraction of C. pallida Aiton has the lowest IC50 (29,67). In conclusion, ethyl acetate fraction of C. pallida Aiton is potential to be developed as anti cancer agent.Keywords: Crotalaria pallida Aiton, WST assay, MCF-7 cell line
Plectranthus scutellarioides (L.) Reduces the Rectal Temperature of Diphteria-Pertussis-Tetanus Vaccine-Induced Mice Yudha Prabowo; Nyi M. Saptarini; Sri A. Sumiwi; Jutti Levita; Imam A. Wicaksono; Moelyono Moektiwardoyo
Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy Research Vol 4, No 2
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (109.056 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/pcpr.v4i2.23690


The pharmacological activities of Plecranthus sp include anti-oxidant, antimicrobial, inhibition on cyclooxygenase (COX) and xanthine oxidase, and cytotoxic activity. The aim of this work was to study the antipyretic activity of P. scutellarioides (L.) extract on animal model. Twenty seven Swiss Webster male mice were divided into nine groups and were pyrexia-induced by using 0.1 ml of diphteria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT) vaccine. Their body temperature was measured every 60 minutes. After 4 hours of DPT vaccine injection, the mice were treated with (I) Arabic gum suspension (PGA) 2%; (II) paracetamol 16.25 mg/kg BW; (III) paracetamol 32.5 mg/kg BW; (IV) paracetamol 65 mg/kg BW; (V) paracetamol 130 mg/kg BW; (VI) P. scutellarioides extract 70 mg/kg BW; (VII) P. scutellarioides extract 140 mg/kg BW; (VIII) P. scutellarioides extract 280 mg/kg BW; (IX) P. scutellarioides extract 560 mg/kg BW. Data were analyzed using SPSS 21. Result showed that the body temperature of the mice started to rise at 2.5 hours and reached its peak at 4 hours after vaccine induction. The P. scutellarioides extract dose 280 mg/kg of BW indicated an 80.47% decrease (α= 0.05) compared to paracetamol dose 130 mg/kg of BW which decreases 85.43% of the animals’ fever. Interestingly, higher dose of the extract indicated a decrease in the antipyretic effect. We concluded that P. scutellarioides might possess antipyretic activity which started as early as 5 hours post vaccine-induced and was maintained for 3 hours. This plant needs further scientific exploration Keywords: Diphteria-pertusis-tetanus vaccine, anti-pyretic, rectal temperature, Webster mice  
Diabetes Patients Perceptions on Drugs Consultation Program by Pharmacists Budi Sumaryono; Moelyono Moektiwardoyo; Ari Yulianto
Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy Research Vol 1, No 3
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (373.005 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/pcpr.v1i3.15219


Drugs consultation by pharmacist is an important service to improve the quality of medication use in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Perception of patients regarding this service is very useful to boost pharmacists confidence to conduct such service. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview regarding interests and categories of drugs consultation needed by T2DM patients and to determine the effect of quality of drugs consultation on patients interest to participate in such program. Survey and interviews were conducted with T2DM patients in outpatient clinic, Dr. M. Salamun Air Force Hospital, Bandung during April-June 2013. One hundred patients were recruited for this study. Most of the patients consumed combination of oral antidiabetic and non-antidiabetic medication (71 %) and were given polypharmacy (45 %). The results showed that the information regarding drugs interactions, adverse drugs reaction (ADR), and drugs dosage were among the aspects that should be included in drugs consultation service by pharmacists. The quality of drug information service was associated with increased interest to participate in such program. These aspects should be considered in the implementation of drugs consultation program by pharmacists.Keywords: drugs consultation, T2DM, pharmacists