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Pengaruh Etanol dan Larutan Basa Terhadap Mutu Sabun Transparan Dari Bahan Baku Minyak Kelapa Murni (Virgin Coconut Oil) Sari Intan Kailaku; Andi Nur Alamsyah; nFN Risfaheri
Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian Vol 7, No 2 (2010): Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian
Publisher : Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jpasca.v7n2.2010.75-85


Minyak kelapa konvensional telah lama digunakan sebagai bahan sabun, sampo, krim dan produk perawatan tubuh lainnya. Karakteristik minyak kelapa murni memiliki kandungan asam lemak jenuh dan aroma yang lebih baik dibandingkan minyak kelapa konvensional sehingga memberikan keunggulan tersendiri dalarn pemanfaatan minyak kelapa murni untuk produk perawatan kulit dan kecantikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan minyak kelapa murni dalam pernbuatan sabun transparan sekaligus untuk mengetahui konsentrasi dan komposisi terbaik bahan-bahan lainnya. Rancangan percobaan yang diterapkan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial dengan 2 faktor perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah kemurnian etanol (70 dan 95%), sedangkan faktor kedua adalah jumlah larutan basa (15, 20 dan 25%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sifat fisikokimia terbaik didapatkan dengan penggunaan kemurnian etanol 95% dan jumlah basa 25%. Produk yang dihasilkan mempunyai karakteristik pH 10,26, kadar air 33,15%, kadar asam lemak bebas 0,3%, ketengikan 0,026 mg malondialdehida/kg minyak, bilangan penyabunan 43,59, nilai kekerasan 2,87 kg/cm2 dan nilai kejernihan 94,6%. Effect of Etanol Purity and Solution VCO Base on the Quality of Transparent SoapConventional coconut oil has been used as raw material for soap, shampoo, cream and other body care products. The characteristics of virgin coconut oil, which contains saturated fatty acid and better aroma compared to conventional coconut oil, give its own superiority in the utilization of virgin coconut oil for skin care and beauty products. This experiment was conducted to exploit the quality of virgin coconut oil in the making of transparent soap and also to determine the best concentration and composition of other ingredients. Experiment design used in this research was Completely Randomized Factorial Design with 2 treatment factors and 3 replicates. The first factor was the purity of ethanol (70 and 95%) and the second factor was the amount of lye (base solution) used (15, 20 and 25%). The result of experiment showed that the best physicochemical properties were gained by using of 95% ethanol purity and 25% base. The product characteristic was pH 10.26, moisture content 33.15%, free fatty acid content 0.3%, rancidity 0.026 mg malondialdehyde/kg oil, saponification value 43.59, hardness 2.87 kg/cm2 and transparency 94.6%.
Ekstraksi Hidrotermal Senyawa Paradol dari Jahe Priyono Kusumo; Mohammad Endy Yulianto; Andi Nur Alamsyah
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" 2017: PROSIDING SNTKK
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Ginger contains a variety of active constituents. The active constituents of ginger are very diverse and varied.The diversity of the active constituents of ginger can depend on the type of ginger, ginger planting locationand circumstances of ginger (fresh or dried). One of the ginger active constituents that reported having somepharmacological activities is paradol. Several extraction methods have been carried out to obtain the activecompound of ginger, paradol. Hydrothermal extraction has gaining many interests from the researches due tothe unique properties of subcritical water used in the hydrothermal process. This research objective was tostudy the effect of extraction parameter process i.e. reaction temperature (1300C and 1400C) and time (10-40minutes). Hydrothermal extraction process carried out at a fix pressure of 2 bar. The research showed that thehydrothermal extraction process carried out at a fix pressure of 2 bar, a temperature of 1300C and extractiontime of 20 minutes was able to produce extracts with paradol content of 19%. The hydrothermal extractionprocess carried out at a temperature of 1300C, a pressure of 2 bar for 10 minutes can produce extractscontaining paradol of 16%, while the hydrothermal extraction process carried out at a temperature of 1300C,a pressure of 2 bar for 30 minutes is only able to produce extracts containing paradol of 6%.