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Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Vol 24, No 1 Mar (2014)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

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AbstrakFlu, salesma atau batuk pilek adalah infeksi saluran pernapasan akut (ISPA) akibat virus, merupakan self-limiting disease dan hanya memerlukan pengobatan simtomatik. Obat-obat yang digunakan adalah obat bebas, umumnya dalam bentuk kombinasi tetap, dengan komposisi zat aktif bervariasi. Tulisan ini bertujuan mengkaji bahan aktif dalam preparat flu kombinasi tetap dan pemilihan obat flu yang rasional. Kajian dilakukan secara cross-sectional dengan sumber data berasal dari 56 referensi berupa buku, panduan, jurnal/artikel on-line maupun publikasi tercetak, menggunakan kata kunci ”common cold, cough, over-the-counter drugs, non-prescription, self-medication, analgetics, sympathomimetics, antihistamines, decongestant, antibiotics, immunomodulators, food supplement, flu, dan batuk-pilek”.Diperoleh sejumlah 191 preparat kombinasi tetap berbentuk tablet dan sirup yang diindikasikan untuk mengurangi gejala flu (common-cold), dengan komposisi zat aktif utama antihistamin dan dekongestan. Komponen tambahan lainnya adalah analgesik, antitusif, ekspektoran, stimulan. Kekuatan (strength) dosis tiap komponen masih sesuai dengan dosis yang direkomendasi, namun tercatat masih ada preparat dengan dosis dekongestan (fenilpropanolamin) yang lebih tinggi dari yang direkomendasi. Tidak ada preparat tunggal yang mampu mengatasi semua gejala flu sekaligus, sehingga preparat flu kombinasi menjadi pilihan utama. Dalam menggunakan preparat flu kombinasi perlu memilihproduk yang tepat dan rasional sesuai dengan gejala spesifik, karena kemungkinan tidak semua zat aktif dalam komposisi produk obat flu diperlukan oleh penderita.Kata kunci: flu, batuk-pilek, komposisi obat flu, simtomatik.AbstractFlu or common-cold is an acute upper respiratory tract infection mainly caused by virus, and a self-limiting disease which is requires only symptomatic treatments to alleviate the symptoms. Common-cold medication is usually an OTC drug and a fixed-dose combination of various active ingredients. The purpose of this paper is to review the active ingredients in cold medicines and how to select the medicines rationally. This review is conducted cross-sectional with data sources derived from 56 references in the form of books, guidelines, on-line journals/articles or printed publications, using the keywords: common cold, cough, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, non-prescription, self-medication, analgesics,sympathomimetics, antihistamines, decongestants, antibiotics, immunomodulators, food supplements, flu, and batukpilek.It is obtained about 191 fixed-dose combination of tablet and syrup which is indicated for reducing the symptoms of common-cold. The main active ingredients of the fixed-dose combination are antihistamines and decongestants. An additional component is an analgesic, antitussive, expectorant and stimulant. The doses strength of each component isin accordance with the recommended dose, but noted there is still a dose preparation with decongestants (phenylpropanolamine) higher than recommended. No single cold preparations were able to overcome all the symptoms of flu at once, so the flu combination product becomes the primary of choice. When using a common-cold combinationproduct, it is important to select a product most suited to the individual and specific symptoms, as possibly not all the active ingredients are necessary for the patient.Keywords: flu, common-cold, composition of common-cold product, symptomatic
Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Vol 21, No 3 Sept (2011)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22435/mpk.v21i3 Sept.92.


Drug resistance is one of the global problems, particularly in communicable diseases control including Indonesian malaria elimination program. Since 2004, Artesunate-Amodiaquine (AS+AQ), an Artemisinin based Combination Therapy (ACT), has been used in Indonesia as recommended by the WHO for treatment of acute uncomplicated malaria, replacing of chloroquine resistant antimalarial. Since then, implementation of AS+AQ has never been evaluated. It was reported that AS+AQ coverage was 33,7% because the patients did not comply due to adverse events, and the combination therapy was not a single formulation (fixed-dose). Therefore, there is a need to assess and evaluate the compliance of AS+AQ on subjects malaria treated with AS+AQ at Health Center (Puskesmas) sentinel sites in Kalimantan and Sulawesi.  This was a cross-sectional and non intervention observational study. There were 99 malaria subjects participated in this study.  All subjects were treated with 3 days regimen AS+AQ as the national malaria treatment guideline, and they were followed-up on days 3, 7 and 28. Indepth interview was done in several subjects  as informants and staff of puskesmas for knowledge, attitude, practice (KAP) of AS+AQ used. Of the 99 malaria subjects evaluated, there were 34 P. falciparum, 36 P. vivax, and 29 mixed infection malaria subjects. Almost all the study subjects (92,9%)  completed the therapy. There were 2 subjects withdrawn due to serious adverse event (SAE), 4 subjects were withdrawn because of having severe untolerable adverse events and 1 subject because of lost to follow up. About 84% subjects experienced clinical complaints after AS+AQ administered. Most of the complaints were mild to moderate and tolerable. Overall, the compliance of the 3-day AS+AQ regimen was moderately satisfied. AbstrakResistensi obat merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan di dunia, khususnya  dalam pengendalian penyakit menular termasuk program pemberantasan malaria di Indonesia. Sejak tahun 2004, Program Pemberantasan Malaria menggunakan Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) yaitu kombinasi Artesunat dan Amodiakuin (AS+AQ) untuk pengobatan malaria falciparum dan vivax tanpa komplikasi sebagai pengganti obat malaria klorokuin yang telah resisten. Sejak itu implementasi AS+AQ belum pernah dievaluasi. Telah dilaporkan bahwa cakupan AS+AQ adalah 33,7% kemungkinan karena ketidakpatuhan pasien  akibat keluhan yang ditimbulkan dan formula obat yang tidak tunggal (fixed dose). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai dan mengevaluasi keluhan dan kepatuhan subyek yang mendapatkan pengobatan AS+AQ pada penderita malaria falciparum, vivax dan campuran falciparum-vivax di puskesmas sentinel di Kalimantan dan Sulawesi. Desain penelitian adalah potong lintang  melibatkan 99 subyek malaria dewasa (usia ?15 tahun) yang diobati dengan AS+AQ (Artesunat-Amodiakuin) selama 3 hari sesuai dengan pedoman. Upaya tindak lanjut (follow up) kepada subyek dilakukan pada hari ke 3 (H3), hari ke 7 (H7) dan hari ke 28 (H28) setelah minum AS+AQ. Di samping itu, dilakukan wawancara mendalam (kualitatif) pada sejumlah subyek dan tenaga kesehatan untuk menilai Pengetahuan Sikap dan Perilaku (PSP) terhadap kepatuhan pengobatan AS+AQ.Hasil penelitian : Sebagian besar subyek (92,9 %) menyelesaikan terapi dan 7,1% drop out dari penelitian;  dua subyek diantaranya mengalami Serious Adverse Events (SAE), empat subyek mengalami keluhan yang tidak dapat ditolerir dan dua subyek tidak datang pada kunjungan ulang yang telah ditetapkan jadwalnya. Meskipun 84,1% mengalami keluhan setelah minum AS+AQ, namun keluhan bersifat ringan-sedang, masih dapat ditolerir dan jauh berkurang setelah 1 minggu pengobatan. Kesimpulan : pengobatan AS+AQ selama 3 hari relatif masih dapat ditoleransi dan kepatuhan subyek minum obat  masih cukup baik.
Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Vol 21, No 3 Sept (2011)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22435/mpk.v21i3 Sept.94.


Background. Since 2004, Malaria Program in Indonesia has used Artemisinin Combination Therapy (ACT) to replace the chloroquine resistance. The recommended ACT is Artesunate dan Amodiaquine (AAQ) combination for uncomplicated falciparum malaria. To relieve side effects and clinical complaints of malaria , health workers usually gave  symptomatic and other drugs in addition to antimalarial drugs. Methods. The methodology implemented in this study was a cross-sectional study to evaluate symptomatic and other drugs given together with antimalarial (AAQ) to uncomplicated malaria subjects (patients) infected by falciparum, vivax and mixed (falciparum dan vivax) plasmodium. Data were collected from case report form in 6 months (July to December 2010) from 8 (eight) sentinels puskesmas (primary health centers) in North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, West Kalimantan and East Kalimantan. Results. Total number of cases (89,4%) were given symptomatic and other drugs in addition to antimalarial drugs. Symptomatic and other drugs that mostly given were antipyretic/analgesic (90.8%) and vitamin-mineral (70%). There seemed to be over-use of vitamin-minerals since the indication to giving those medications were not quite clear. Antibiotics were mostly given to subjects with gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The administration of antibiotic for non-bacterial infection were  irrational. Antihistamines were given to 94,3% subjects without cold and flu, and this cases also be defined as inappropriate use of medicine. In addition, antacids were also given to 12,5 %  subjects  without gastrointestinal complaints to anticipate side effects of antimalarial. AbstrakLatar belakang.Tahun 2004 Program Pemberantasan Malaria mulai menggunakan ACT menggantikan klorokuin yang telah resisten. ACT yang direkomendasikan adalah kombinasi Artesunat dan Amodiakuin (AAq), untuk malaria falsiparum tanpa komplikasi. Untuk mengatasi efek samping obat malaria dan untuk mengurangi gejala klinik akibat penyakit malaria serta gejala klinik penyakit penyerta, maka tenaga kesehatan (Nakes) akan memberikan obat simtomatik atau obat lain selain obat malaria. Pemberian obat kadang-kadang tidak hanya satu jenis tetapi berupa kombinasi dari beberapa jenis obat. Metode.Desain penelitian cross-sectional (potong lintang) dengan jenis penelitian observasional non intervensi, untuk mengetahui obat simtomatik atau obat lain yang diberikan tenaga kesehatan selain obat terapi malaria dengan Artesunat-Amodiakuin (AAq). Subyek penelitian adalah semua pasien yang didiagnosis malaria falsiparum, vivaks dan infeksi campuran (falsiparum dan vivaks) tanpa komplikasi Pelaksanaan pengumpulan data dimulai dari bulan Juli sampai dengan awal Desember 2010. Tempat penelitian dilakukan di empat provinsi yaitu provinsi Sulawesi Utara, Sulawesi Tenggara, Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Barat. Hasil.  Obat simtomatik paling banyak diberikan oleh Nakes adalah Antipiretik/analgesik sebesar 90,8% dan vitamin-mineral (70%). Vitamin-mineral diberikan tanpa indikasi jelas dan cenderung berlebihan.  Antibiotik  banyak diberikan pada subyek untuk indikasi gangguan saluran cerna (mual, muntah, nyeri abdomen) non-infeksi bakteri adalah cenderung tidak rasional. Antihistamin tercatat diberikan pada subyek tanpa keluhan batuk pilek dan ini termsuk pemberian obat yang tidak tepat. Ditemukan pemberian antasida dan antiemetik untuk subyek tanpa keluhan gangguan saluran cerna dalam upaya mengantisipasi efek samping obat malaria.
Kerasionalan Penggunaan Obat Diare yang Disimpan di Rumah Tangga di Indonesia Raini, Mariana; Gitawati, Retno; Rooslamiati, Indri
Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia VOLUME 5, NOMOR 1, FEBRUARI 2015
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22435/jki.v5i1.3473


Diarrhea is a major health problem in developing countries. WHO data showed diarrhea caused the death of 2.5 million people, 80% are children under five years old. Riskesdas 2013 stated the prevalence of diarrhea in Indonesia is 7%, whereas 12.2% of it are children under five years old. Self-medication is common and access for the medicine is easy. This analysis aims to assess the rational use of diarrhea medication stored in households. The rational drug used is associated with the mother's education level and household ownership quintile. This study design is cross sectional. The data was taken from Riskesdas 2013 namely type of medicines (data from block VI), mother’s education level data (from block IV) and economic status presented as household ownership quintile level (data from block IX). The result showed that the highest percentage of diarrhea drugs stored at household is adsorbents (40.4%), followed by antibiotic (22.4%) and traditional medicine (18.5%). Rationality of diarrhea medications stored in households is 74.7% and irrational (25.3)%). Wealthy people (quintiles 4 and 5) are 2.019 times more rational compared with the poor (quintiles 1, 2 and 3), while mothers with a good education (high school and above) are 1.944 times more rational in using medicine for diarrhea treatment compared with mothers with low education (below high school).
Penggunaan Jamu pada Pasien Hiperlipidemia Berdasarkan Data Rekam Medik, di Beberapa Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan di Indonesia Gitawati, Retno; Widowati, Lucie
Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia VOLUME 5, NOMOR 1, FEBRUARI 2015
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22435/jki.v5i1.3474


Hyperlipidemias are disorders which are manifested by elevation of blood lipid, such as total cholesterol and/or triglyceride above the normal level. Hyperlipidemia management is done by lifestyle modification (high-fiber diet, exercises) as well as using antidyslipidemias. On the other hand, non-conventional or traditional treatment of hyperlipidemias using herbals (jamu) is becoming ubiquitous, performed by jamu practitioner clinician (dokter praktik jamu). This study is a part of a web-site Jamu Registry Study, which is intended to figure herbal (jamu) dispensed by jamu practitioner clinician for hyperlipidemic patients. A descriptive, cross-sectional design is applied, using medical record data of ‘jamu’ patients from some health facilities, in 7 provinces in Indonesia. Results showed, out of 97 hyperlipidemic patients were mostly female (60.8%), aged 48-58 years (46.4%); most of them (62.9%) were treated merely with jamu for 1 – 2 weeks, and the rests were treated with jamu in combination with conventional and/or other alternative medication. The most jamu used were branded herbal capsules (55.7%) containing of Guazumae folium and Murrayae folium. Adverse events were reported in four cases i.e. diarrhea and diuresis
Eksplorasi Pelayanan Informasi Yang Dibutuhkan Konsumen Apotek Dan Kesiapan Apoteker Memberi Informasi Terutama Untuk Penyakit Kronik Dan Degeneratif Handayani, Rini Sasanti; Gitawati, Retno; Muktiningsih, S.R; Raharni, Raharni
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian Vol. 3, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Currently, the prevalence of degenerative diseases in Indonesia is increased. The degenerative and chronic diseases need life-long treatment as well as changes in life style. On the other hand, long-life treatment using drugs will develop risks of adverse drug reactions or the possibilities of drug-drug interactions. In these circumstances, the role of a pharmacist is important to providing drug information and counselling, and patient education. However, there is evidence that pharmaceutical care in almost all pharmacies (drug dispensaries) in Indonesia is still “drug-oriented”. Drug information is not adequate and is provided by pharmacy assistants (technicians). In order to implement pharmaceutical care practice that meets the “Standard Competence for Pharmacy Practice” as well as consumer’s expectation, we need to know what is the exactly consumer’s expect in pharmaceutical care, particularly in drug information, and how is the commitment of the pharmacists to provide drug information of degenerative and chronic diseases in pharmaceutical care. For those reasons, a field survey has been carried out in Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Makassar to explore the consumer/patient’s opinions and needs for pharmaceutical care. A focus group discussion has also been done to explore the pharmacist commitment to provide drug information in pharmaceutical care practice. As a result, there is an indication of a discrepancy between the consumer/patient’s need for drug information and the commitment of pharmacists to provide drug information. Consumers have need for more drug information for all aspects including adverse drug reactions, drug interaction, what to do if adverse reaction occurred, duration of any treatments etc., not only drug indication and administration. On the other hand, pharmacists still need more knowledge and continuing education, particularly in pharmacotherapy and pharmacology of drugs used for degenerative and chronic diseases.