Lucie Widowati
Pusat Teknologi Terapan dan Epidemiologi Klinik, Badan Litbang Kesehatan, Jl. Percetakan Negara 29 Jakarta

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Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Vol 24, No 2 Jun (2014)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

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AbstrakWHO merekomendasikan penggunaan obat tradisional untuk penyakit degeneratif. Tujuan studi adalah untuk mengevaluasi implementasi praktik dokter komplementer-alternatif menggunakan ramuan jamu untuk penyakit degeneratif di 12 provinsi. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara menggunakan kuesioner, secara purposive. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa, sebanyak 86% dari 145 responden melakukan praktik komplementer-alternatif, dengan penggunaan obat tradisional/jamu. Separuh dari jumlah dokter tersebut, 49 % berada di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, dan 50 % berpraktik sebagai dokter praktik mandiri. 91,2 % dokter melakukan praktik komplementeralternatif dengan alasan utama atas permintaan masyarakat. Menurut persepsi dan pendapat dokter, alasan terbesar dari pasien berobat ke dokter dan meminta pelayanan jamu, adalah karena percaya, mencapai angka 85,1%. Terdapat upaya untuk memisahkan catatan medik pasien (28,3%) dan meminta pasien untuk menanda tangani informed consent (43,4%). Penggunaan tanaman obat oleh dokter terbanyak berturut-turut adalah jahe (artritis), sambiloto (hiperglikemia), seledri ( hipertensi), jatibelanda (hiperlipidemia dan obesitas), serta sidaguri ( hiperurisemia). Menurut pendapat dokter urutan kecepatan kesembuhan pasien, berurutan mulai dari penyakit artritis, hiperglikemia, hipertensi, hiperlipidemia, hiperurisemia dan terakhir adalah obesitas. Pelayanan dengan jamu/obat tradisional oleh dokter di masyarakat sudah menjadi pilihan pasien. Menurut pendapat dokter obat tradisional/jamu ada manfaatnya.Kata Kunci : Praktik complementary aternative medicine, obat tradisional, penyakit degeneratif , dokterAbstractWHO has recommended the use of traditional medicine for degenerative diseases. The objective of this study is to evaluate the implementation of CAM doctors practice in using traditional medicine for degenerative diseases in 12 provinces. Data were collected through interviews using questionnaire to CAM doctors purposively. This study showed that 86 % of 145 the respondents did CAM practice by using traditional medicine. Almost half (49 %) of the doctors, were in Central Java Province and 50 % were independent doctors. There were 91.2 % doctors did CAM practice by demand from the society as main reason. Based on the doctor’s perception and opinion, the main reason for the patients seeing the doctors and asking for traditional medicine were trust (85.1 %). There were initiatives to differentiate CAM patient medical record from the common one (28.3 %) and ask patients to sign the informed consent (43.4 %). The most common medicinal plant utilized by doctors, consecutively were jahe (arthritis), sambiloto ( hyperglicaemia), seledri ( hypertension), jati belanda ( hyperlipidemia, and obesity), and also sidaguri ( hyperuricemia). Based on the doctors’ opinion, the most rapid disease to heal with traditional medicine consecutively were arthritis, hyperglycemia, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, and the last was obesity. Traditional medicine prescribed by the doctors in the community had already been the patient choice. The CAM doctors believed there were benefits from traditional medicine.Keywords : complementary-alternative medicine practice, traditional medicines, degenerative diseases, doctor
Model Analisis Terapi Jamu Sebagai Komplementer Terhadap Perbaikan Keluhan Pada Pasien Artritis Hasanah, Siti Nur; Widowati, Lucie
Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Vol 25, No 3 Sep (2015)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (148.226 KB)


Telah dilakukan sebuah penelitian observasi, purposif dan deskriptif terhadap dokter praktik jamusecara komplementer-alternatif dengan menggunakan jamu di 9 dari 12 provinsi wilayah SentraPengembangan, Penerapan dan Pengobatan Tradisional (SP3T) di Indonesia selama 6 bulan penelitian.Didapatkan 63 pasien artritis yang yang masuk ke dalam penelitian, menerima terapi konvensionaldan tradisional. Seluruh pasien berusia ≥16 tahun, dengan persentase terbanyak pada usia 51-70tahun (50,8%). Ditemukan 37% pasien memiliki riwayat penyakit hipertensi sebelumnya, dan 7%riwayat rematoid arthritis. Sebanyak 47% pasien dengan hipertensi pada keluarga dan 16% pasiendengan rematoid arthritis pada keluarganya. Terapi konvensional terbanyak yang digunakan dalamterapi pasien arthritis yaitu golongan NSAID (43%), disusul suplemen (22%), fiioterapi (12%), antipirai(10%), kortikosteroid (4%), lain-lain (4%), dan analgetik narkotik (3%). Komponen jamu yang seringdigunakan yaitu jamu osteoarthritis Tawangmangu (37,5%), sambiloto (11,3%), temulawak (11,2%),jahe (8,1%), habbatussauda/jinten hitam (8,1%), dan murat (4,8%). Adapun keterampilan dengan alatyang digunakan yaitu akupunktur (47%), akupresur (13%), stimulasi listrik (7%), akupunktur & stimulasilistrik (7%). Perubahan pasca terapi yang terjadi adalah perbaikan, berupa hilangnya gejala penyakit.Gejala klinis yang paling banyak menghilang saat follow up yaitu gejala sistem neurologis (33%), sistemmuskuloskeletal (31%), dan tak kalah pentingnya yaitu gejala umum (23%), karena 3 dari 4 gejala umum(tidak nafsu makan, letih, dan penurunan berat badan) merupakan gejala yang paling sering ditemuipada penderita rematoid artritis. Meskipun demikian perbaikan gejala klinis ini belum bisa dipastikansemata-mata karena efek terapi jamu saja, karena selain jamu digunakan pula terapi konvensionallainnya. Ditemukan pula peningkatan Quality of Life (QoL) derajat “baik” sebelum terapi (36%) danmenjadi 79% pada masa sesudah terapi.
KEAMANAN STEVIA HASIL BUDIDAYA B2P2TO2T DALAM ASPEK TERATOGENITAS Widowati, Lucie; Kusumadewi, Awal Prichatini; Murhandini, Sri
Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Vol 21, No 1 Mar (2011)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22435/mpk.v21i1 Mar.113.


Teratogenic test has been performed on sweet stevia as product of B2P2TO2T cultivation at  rats (Rattus novergicus) pregnant female  Wistar. Stevia sweet was administered orally at a dose of 360, 120 and 40 mg/kg bw, volume 1 ml/100g bw per day during organogenesis period, on the day of pregnancy to the 6th until 15th. During the test, test animals were observed two times daily with the distance of six hours against the toxicity symptoms such as changes in skin, hair, eyes and mucous membranes, bleeding. Animals that experienced abortion, premature birth or death during the trial period were sacrificed and observed immediately with microscopic technic. At 20th day of pregnancy all of the pregnant rat dissected, and put out the fetuses  from the mother's and observated the health conditions in general and  the whole of mothers reproductive systems of fetuses, the outer fetal malformation and soft tissue system of fetal. The conclusion were  sweet stevia  of B2P2TO2T  no worse effect on the mother rats, fetal body weight and morphology of mother rats and the fetus, does not affect the process of development of fetal soft tissue, and does not affect the development of fetal skeleton. Generally the B2P2TO2T stevia sweet substances safe for used, does not cause teratogenic effects.
Penggunaan Jamu pada Pasien Hiperlipidemia Berdasarkan Data Rekam Medik, di Beberapa Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan di Indonesia Gitawati, Retno; Widowati, Lucie
Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia VOLUME 5, NOMOR 1, FEBRUARI 2015
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22435/jki.v5i1.3474


Hyperlipidemias are disorders which are manifested by elevation of blood lipid, such as total cholesterol and/or triglyceride above the normal level. Hyperlipidemia management is done by lifestyle modification (high-fiber diet, exercises) as well as using antidyslipidemias. On the other hand, non-conventional or traditional treatment of hyperlipidemias using herbals (jamu) is becoming ubiquitous, performed by jamu practitioner clinician (dokter praktik jamu). This study is a part of a web-site Jamu Registry Study, which is intended to figure herbal (jamu) dispensed by jamu practitioner clinician for hyperlipidemic patients. A descriptive, cross-sectional design is applied, using medical record data of ‘jamu’ patients from some health facilities, in 7 provinces in Indonesia. Results showed, out of 97 hyperlipidemic patients were mostly female (60.8%), aged 48-58 years (46.4%); most of them (62.9%) were treated merely with jamu for 1 – 2 weeks, and the rests were treated with jamu in combination with conventional and/or other alternative medication. The most jamu used were branded herbal capsules (55.7%) containing of Guazumae folium and Murrayae folium. Adverse events were reported in four cases i.e. diarrhea and diuresis