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Journal : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 3, NOMOR 1, TAHUN 2014
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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and government in Japan , especially after World War II . The designused in writing this paper is a qualitative descriptive method. The data used inthe writting of this paper sourced from written data and unritten data fromvarious data that in the form of secondary data.Yakuza is an organized crimegroup in Japan. Have the organizational structure and embracing family values .Its existence is a paradox because Japan is a country that is well established inthe economy and the level of security . In Japan, the yakuza have a position thatcan not be equated with ordinary criminal actors , such as thugs and so on ,because the yakuza able to form themselves by adopting the values of warrior (samurai ) , was also able to put themselves in the community . But on the otherhand , the yakuza conduct illegal activities such as smuggling unlawful , narcotics, gambling , prostitution , illegal weapons business , financial crime , extortion,money laundering and human trafficking . Legally, of course it is an offense . Butlegal sanctions for the yakuza is not capable enough to be " cleaner " over theexisting that situation.Another fact, yakuza
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 3, NOMOR 3, TAHUN 2014
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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AbstractRecently there have been many student actions that occured in Indonesia as student political attitude toward social and political condition as well as policies set by the government. One of the policies that was recently refused by the students was the policy to reduce fuel subdidy. It is interesting to know that students gave a lot of attention in this matter. Most students have tried to find out about this policy, followed the process of the production of the policy, and gave their opinion about the policy. This matter has drawn a lot of attention form students because fuel itself is one of society basic needs. Therefore, from this fact, the writer was interested to find out more about student perception towards the government policy to reduce the fuel subdidy in reality.Based on the result of the research, according to students from Faculty of Social and Politics majoring in govenrment, the government had done the right thing by cutting the budget for fuel subsidy through reducing fuel subsidy. They considered that fuel subsidy itself was not really gave the benefit for medium low class society and it was also not exactly benefited the medium low society instead it was the medium high class society who was benefited for this. However, still according to them, the government had also made mistake with this policy to reduce fuel subdidy because this policy was not followed by a good plan to overcome the impact that it had caused that finally ended up with bad impact for middle low society.Keywords: Policy to reduce fuel subsidy, Student Perception
Media Televisi Sebagai Basis Komunikasi Politik Partai Nasional Demokrat (Studi Penelitian Terhadap DPP Nasdem) Fajar Fahrian; Priyatno H; Nunik Retno H
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 6, No 03 (2017): Periode Wisuda Agustus 2017
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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ABSTRAKSebagai partai baru yang berhasil mendapatkan suara sebesar 6,72 % dalam Pemilu 2014, Partai Nasional Demokrat (Nasdem) cukup diperhitungkan dalam persaingan politik Indonesia. Tidak terlepas pula bagaimana strategi komunikasi dan kampanye politiknya untuk meraih perolehan suara tersebut.Salah satu strategi Partai Nasdem dalam kampanye Pemilu 2014 adalah dengan pemanfaatan media massa secara masif. Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa media televisi menjadi salah satu media kampanye terbesar yang mendorong elektabilitas partai Nasdem. Dengan hasil demikian, televisi diklaim efektif dalam memperkenalkan visi dan misi partai baru tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai strategi komunikasi Partai Nasional Demokrat (NasDem) melalui media televisi. Selain itu, latar belakang dan alasan penggunaan media elektronik televisi dalam media kampanye Nasdem dalam Pemilu 2014 juga menjadi fokus dalam penelitian.Dalam penelitian ini, metode kualitatif merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis fenomena yang ada. Metode kualitatif mampu membantu mendeskripsikan bagaimana startegi Partai Nasdem dalam menggunakan televisi sebagai media komunikasi politik. Teori-teori yang digunakan diantaranya teori partai politik, komunikasi politik dan media massa. Ketiga teori ini mampu membantu menganalisis fenomena strategi komunikasi Partai Nasdem dengan media televisi dalam Pemilu 2014. Penelitian ini pun dilakukan dalam lingkungan kantor dewan pimpinan pusat Partai Nasional Demokrat di jakarta lalu, melalui tiga narasumber yang berhubungan dengan bidang publikasi media. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam secara terstruktur terhadap narasumber, studi kepustakaan,dan dokumentasi mengumpulkan data yang relevan berupa arsip data, media cetak,dan media internet. Teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data,penyajian data, dan menarik kesimpulan saran.Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa media televisi merupakan salah satu sarana efektif yang digunakan Partai Nasdem dalam membangun image (citra) untuk mendongkrak elektabilitasnya dalam kancah perpolitikan nasional. Selain itu televisi juga lebih mudah menyampaikan visi misi dan program-program yang diusung oleh partai. Hasil lain yang ditemukan adalah alasan mengenai penggunaan media televisi dalam komunikasi dan kampanye politik yaitu mudahnya jangkauan masyarakat untuk mengakses media ini. Dengan demikian media televisi menjadi sarana efektif dalam menarik simpati calon pemilih. Hal ini pun menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi dan
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 3, NOMOR 3, TAHUN 2014
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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This research aims to gain an overview and explanation of how the implementation and the role of BKM Mandiri PNPM Urban in community empowerment in Sub Genuksari Genuk District of the city, as well as any factors that may affect the implementation of community empowerment through the PNPM Urban . This type of research is descriptive qualitative , which is a type of research that can provide a factual overview of the implementation of community development programs to activities that include social , environmental , and revolving funds . Data collection is done by means of interviews , documentation and observation .In the face of obstacles that exist in the implementation , and village governments are working to resolve the BKM Self as much as possible . Barriers such as lack of budget allocation to improve performance , the concept of development is slow , and the lack of human resources community . For the problem of budget allocation , manager of BKM Mandiri has worked hard to generate profits through the revolving loan funds that flow from the city government can also be optimized . In addition BKM Mandiri also trying to approach the private sector to invest in order to create a good relationship between the government and the private sector in order to achieve public goals through the Public Private Partnership good . As for the lack of information received by the public , BKM Mandiri seeks to conduct coaching and training more intensively in order to improve the quality of human resources KSM .In the management of PNPM MP assessed no political factors that affect the performance of BKM Mandiri itself. In the management of PNPM MP preferred aspect is the aspect of profit ( profit- oriented) to reduce poverty rather than political aspects .Keyword : Evaluation, Policy, PNPM MP
Dinasti Politik Dalam Pemerintahan Desa di Desa Kancilan Kecamatan Kembang Kabupaten Jepara Periode 1989-2017 (Analisis Implikasi Sosial dan Politik) Rajiv Windi Tristana; Fitriyah .; Priyatno H
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 6, No 03 (2017): Periode Wisuda Agustus 2017
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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ABSTRACT Political dynasties can be interpreted as a power practice where family members (family Araceae) given or fixed in the sruktur power of Government so that power is only distributed among relatives, the family of blood. The village which is the smallest Government Unit also did not escape from the existence of a political dynasty. Therefore this research was conducted aiming to know political dynasty in the reign of village in Kancilan Village Kembang Subdistrict of Jepara District. In addition to knowing political dynasty, the study also to know the social and political implications of the existence of a political dynasty. This research uses qualitative research methods, descriptive with documentation and interviewing as a technique of data collection. The subject in this study are purposif. The target in this research is the head of the village of Whistler that did political dynasty, privileged residents, community leaders, as well as communities in the Kancilan Village Kembang Subdistrict of Jepara District.The results of this research show that there's actually a political dynasty in Kancilan Village Kembang Subdistrict of Jepara District for 26 years. The relationship of ruler and privileged residents greatly influences the length of this dynasty existed. Reciprocal relationships between rulers (patron) and society (the client) mutual benefit make this dynasty still exists today. But not always the political dynasty that detriment, itlooks in the village of Kancilan Village that still today families with Officials before. So many positive things that looks first at the village development program because the program always running and gettingbetter. Society tends to receive not even questioned about the political dynasty. Though many felt positive political dynasty, nonetheless there is a negative side that always beware.Keywords: Political Dynasty, Patron-client, Implications.1. PENDAHULUAN
Persepsi Masyarakat Kabupaten Rokan Hilir Terhadap Akuntabilitas Kepemimpinan Annas Maamun dan Suyatno Masa Bakti 2006-2014 Mirzahan Pratama; Priyatno H; Lusia A
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 3, NOMOR 4, TAHUN 2014
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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ABSTRACT             The study is titled "Public Perception of Rokan Hilir Against Accountability Leadership Annas Maamun and Suyanto in period 2006-2014". This research is motivated by the problem of accountability and transparency is one of the problems in the implementation of local government, which until now kept under implementation by the government. To realize the government accountable to its citizens one way to use the principle of transparency (openness). Through the transparency of governance, public policy given the opportunity to know who will and have been taken by the government. (Quoted            Accountability according to Lawton and Rose: a process by which a person or group of persons required to make reports of their activities and the way they have or have not been known to carry out their work. Accountability as one of the good corporate governance principles related to leadership accountability for decisions and results achieved, in accordance with the delegated authority in the implementation of the responsibilities of managing the organization. (Quoted from Nico Andrianto, Transparency and Public Accountability through e-Government). Miftah Thoha (1990:4) gives the definition, perception of cognitive processes experienced by every person in understanding the information about its environment, either through sight, hearing, appreciation, feeling, smell. From the definition of Miftah Thoha seen that the human senses play an important role in the emergence of perception. The research method used is a survey research methods. Survey research by Singarimbun (1989:33), namely, the study took a sample of the population and the use of questionnaires as the main data collection tool.            Accountability the public perception of "Leadership Annas Maamun and Suyanto in the period served as Regent and Vice Regent of Rokan Hilir between 2009 s / d 2014". Based on the results of the study respondents, in terms of "Infrastructure (97%)", "Public Welfare (99%)", "Health (41%)", "Education (99%)", "Policy (96%)" the perception of the respondents stated that government accountability Rokan Hilir transparent. Keywords: Perception, Rokan Hilir, Accountability, Annas Maamun and Suyanto. 
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 4, NOMOR 2, TAHUN 2015
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Golkar domination in Tanah Datar regency is an interesting research, at the territory which has a very good of islamic law in its culture, golkar can beat all of islamic party in Tanah Datar. Golkar Party in Tanah datar show us that political grouping cant happen there as we see in the java, that is can wee se on the result of public election of a regent, golkar’s domination at parlemen, and also a massive  golkar’s networking until in the village level. On this study, researchers using a qualitative approach that will generate data through observation,in deeph interviews with a elected informantThe research show that the influence of Golkar and its networking in Tanah Datar Regency was until village level. A best figure at all of Tanah Datar regency is a golkar member. This networking is the key of Golkar victory in Tanah Datar Regency. This all figures make a patron klien relationship between a Golkar member and the society. That golkar member reputed can give a social assurance to the society so it make a society sympathy to this party.Keyword : Golkar Party, Patron Client
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Volume 5
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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This writing is due to explain about how politics analysis related to the proposition of the district expansion of Simalungun, North Sumatera and factors influenced the process of expanding the District. The Method of this research is Descriptive Qualitatif. Technique of collecting data is by using direct observation to the object observed, which the researcher will do an interview to the informan related to the research being observed. Population of the Research are the Manager of Expantion Preparation Agency to District Simalungun, Special Agency of House of Representatives in District Simalungun, Component Secretary of House of Represntative in District Simalungun and Jurnalism.The Result of the Research will show that the political Process about the expansion plan, consist of some steps, such as collecting and filtering people's aspiration, designing the Agency of Expansion's Plan, Align of Agreement to the related Agency (executive and judicative) regional and  central area. Furtherly, to the political dynamic and political negitiation in level of district, province and central which may effect to the delaying the District Expansion, North Sumatera. Key Word: District Expansion, Political Dynamic
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 3, NOMOR 1, TAHUN 2014
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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The recent flowering of internet has resulted in the emergence of many online siteswhich facilitates its users to seek for information and communicate on different space anddistance. The obvious evidence of this internet flowering is the emergence of many socialmedia sites such as facebook, twitter, blog, instagram, and path which attract the society tobe actively involved and use it on their everyday life. Basically, all social media have thesame function and purpose that is to be used to communicate with other people. In Indonesiaitself, the biggest social media user is ranged between age 18 until 24 and mostly iscollegian. Collegian use social media for various purposes, such as for communicationbetween friends, for consolation purpose, also for political interaction. The problem that isexamined in this research is about the involvement of the internal organization committeecollegian of FISIP Undip about the usage of social media for their political interaction.According to that, the writer aims to analyze of how collegian use social media for thepurpose of political interaction. The following result is used to answer the question about thebackground of the collegian to make political interaction in social media. Research resultshows that social media is used more to their general information exchange and as theirentertainment purpose. Social media has not yet to be the main means in conducting politicalinteraction, but rather mere to be complementary. Collegian is not yet depended on socialmedia in getting the following political action, even though it is considered quite effective onthe usage. By far, social media becomes a medium of political interaction itself. It is advisedthat collegian can be actively involved in online network and is recommended to get morebenefit from the usage of social media, so that collegian can be more serious in order toimprove the political interaction.Keywords: social media, political interaction
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 3, NOMOR 3, TAHUN 2014
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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AbstractRecently there have been many student actions that occured in Indonesia as student political attitude toward social and political condition as well as policies set by the government. One of the policies that was recently refused by the students was the policy to reduce fuel subdidy. It is interesting to know that students gave a lot of attention in this matter. Most students have tried to find out about this policy, followed the process of the production of the policy, and gave their opinion about the policy. This matter has drawn a lot of attention form students because fuel itself is one of society basic needs. Therefore, from this fact, the writer was interested to find out more about student perception towards the government policy to reduce the fuel subdidy in reality.Based on the result of the research, according to students from Faculty of Social and Politics majoring in govenrment, the government had done the right thing by cutting the budget for fuel subsidy through reducing fuel subsidy. They considered that fuel subsidy itself was not really gave the benefit for medium low class society and it was also not exactly benefited the medium low society instead it was the medium high class society who was benefited for this. However, still according to them, the government had also made mistake with this policy to reduce fuel subdidy because this policy was not followed by a good plan to overcome the impact that it had caused that finally ended up with bad impact for middle low society.Keywords: Policy to reduce fuel subsidy, Student Perception