Reni Windiani
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Peran Pemerintah Kota Semarang dalam Memberikan Perlindungan dan Keadilan Untuk Korban KDRT Eka dita widyawati; Reni Windiani; Puji Astuti
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Volume 2 Nomor 3 Tahun 2013
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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ABSTRACTThe purpose this research is to find out how the role of Semarang City Goverment ingiving protection and justies for victims of Domestic Violence ( KDRT ), in which theimplementation of government policy through the Institute of Semarang SERUNI,which stands on the grounds the urgents need for the existence of an integrated servicesystem for women and children victims of gender based violence in the city ofSemarang.The methodology used in this reserch is a qualitative reserch method, because by usingthis method researchers can facus on the actual issues throughh data collection, datapreparation, description of data and data analysis.The results proved that the presence of the Mayor SK 463/A.023 No. Dated February 2,2009 on the establishment of the integrated service team handled in and completedmany benefits such as creating a litigious sosiety. However, there are also obstaacles inthe implementation of programs such as the lack integrated service team and the lack ofinformationin the community about the existence of the institute received SERUNI.Recommendations that writer provide : 1. The addition of integrated services team. 2.Resetting the mayor SK 463/A.023 number or make the decree as the law.Keywords: SERUNI institution role as implementer assigment mentoring and protectingvictim of KDRT in the city of semarangABSTRAKSITujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaiman Peran Pemerintah KotaSemarang dalam memberikan perlindungan dan keadilan untuk korban kekerasandalam rumah tangga ( KDRT )., dimana implementasi kebijakan pemerintah KotaSemarang tersebut melalui lembaga SERUNI, yang berdiri atas dasar kebutuhan yangsangat mendesak akan adanya sistem layanan terpadu bagi perempuan dan anak korbankekerasan berbasis gender di Kota Semarang.Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif,karena dengan menggunakan metode ini penelitian dapat memusatkan diri padapersoalan-persoalan aktual melalui pengumpulan data, penyusunan data, penjelasandata dan analisis data.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya SK WaliKota terpadu penanganankekerasan terhadap perempuan dan anak berbasis gender., hingga tahun 2012 programprogramLembaga SERUNI telah berjalan dengan baik, hal ini terbukti semakinbanyaknya kasus yang masuk dan selesai ditangani oleh lembaga SERUNI dari tahunke tahun. Program ini juga telah memberikan banyak manfaat antara lain menciptakanmasyarakat yang sadar hukum. Akan tetapi terdapat hambatan-hambatan dalampelaksanaan program tersebut seperti masih kurangnya anggota Tim Pelayanan Terpadudan masih kurangnya informasi yang diterima masyarakat tentang keberadaan LembagaSERUNI.Rekomendasi yang penulis berikan : 1. Penambahan anggota Tim Pelayanan Terpadu.2. Mengatur ulang SK Walikota Nomor 463/A.023 atau menjadikan SK tersebutsebagai Perda.Kata kunci : peran lembaga Seruni selaku pelaksana tugas pendampingan danperlindungan korban KDRT di Kota Semarang
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 3, NOMOR 3, TAHUN 2014
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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This research aims to gain an overview and explanation of how the implementation and the role of BKM Mandiri PNPM Urban in community empowerment in Sub Genuksari Genuk District of the city, as well as any factors that may affect the implementation of community empowerment through the PNPM Urban . This type of research is descriptive qualitative , which is a type of research that can provide a factual overview of the implementation of community development programs to activities that include social , environmental , and revolving funds . Data collection is done by means of interviews , documentation and observation .In the face of obstacles that exist in the implementation , and village governments are working to resolve the BKM Self as much as possible . Barriers such as lack of budget allocation to improve performance , the concept of development is slow , and the lack of human resources community . For the problem of budget allocation , manager of BKM Mandiri has worked hard to generate profits through the revolving loan funds that flow from the city government can also be optimized . In addition BKM Mandiri also trying to approach the private sector to invest in order to create a good relationship between the government and the private sector in order to achieve public goals through the Public Private Partnership good . As for the lack of information received by the public , BKM Mandiri seeks to conduct coaching and training more intensively in order to improve the quality of human resources KSM .In the management of PNPM MP assessed no political factors that affect the performance of BKM Mandiri itself. In the management of PNPM MP preferred aspect is the aspect of profit ( profit- oriented) to reduce poverty rather than political aspects .Keyword : Evaluation, Policy, PNPM MP
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Volume 2 Nomor 3 Tahun 2013
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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AbstractThis paper attempts to describe the dynamics of inter-ethnic relationships, theintegration of ethnic groups in Britain, and how the UK government react to it. Researchdesign that used in this paper is qualitative with descriptive method. The data used in thispaper in the form of secondary data obtained from various sources.Britain as a multicultural country is faced with the challenge of managing inter-ethnicrelations in order to maintain peaceful society. Inter-ethnic relations in the UK experiencingtension until now, mainly due to four things the racial riots, incidents involving the killing ofa particular ethnic, racial sentiments, and racism. Race riots broke out in the Britain a fewtimes which resulted in heated inter-ethnic relations. In addition, the murder incidentsinvolving a particular ethnic group often creates a bad atmosphere of inter-ethnic relationsin Britain. Racial sentiment and institutional racism that still exist in some institutions inBritain, helped trigger frictions between ethnic groups as well. In this case, the mass mediaalso plays a major role in triggering inter-ethnic friction that occurs. However, inter-ethnicrelations in the UK also has moments of harmony, especially when the Race Relations Act of1976 was passed and the anti-racism organization was formed.The dynamics of inter-ethnic relationships in Britain are caharacterized by a numberof incidents so that led to debate about the integration of immigrants and minority ethnicgroups with the British society. The integration can be viewed through four dimensions: thedimension of cultural, social, economic, and political. Research by public institutions andofficial statistics owned by UK government show that ethnic minorities in Britain have notbeen fully integrated with British society. This was demonstrated by the fact that someminority ethnic groups in Britain have little opportunity to access resources to meet theirneeds. The causes are varied, ranging from individual factors to environmental factors. Inresponse, the British government has issued a policy that aims to increase opportunities forthe integration of ethnic minorities. Nevertheless, it needs to be supported by efforts to createa broader public space so that each ethnic group get to know one another.Key words: the dynamics of relationships, ethnic group, UK, integration
STRATEGI PEMASARAN PARIWISATA KABUPATEN JEPARA Admesia Iyangjaya Peringatan; Reni Windiani; Sulistyowati .
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 2, NOMOR 4,TAHUN 2013
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Tourism is a service industry that is used as one of the drivers of the economy in theworld. Tourism is a rapidly growing industry in the world. In Indonesia, tourism is athird country foreign exchange earner after oil and textiles. Jepara regency has potentialhas yet to be optimized until now, the potential for tourism. Jepara regency is one of thefew areas that have become a tourist attraction and one of the tourist destinations inCentral Java Province. That intersect with the existence of Jepara Java Sea make thisdistrict has a natural charm beautiful beaches. In this regard it is necessary to know thestrategy of Tourism and Culture of Jepara in its efforts to develop the tourism sector ofthe region and know the obstacles of Tourism and Culture of Jepara in improving thetourism sector.Methods This study is a descriptive study with a qualitative design. This studydescribes the tourism marketing strategy in Jepara regency. Many existing attractions
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 5, No 02 (2016): Periode Wisuda April 2016
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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ABSTRACTION Warung Kamtibmas in response to the limited number of police personnel is considered to be solving the right problem, related to security and public order. But in reality the expectations of the formation Kamtibmas point different from the reality. Warung kamtibmas not working properly. Many cases Kamtibmas disorder that has been completed, but the results of the solution are not optimal and is not finished, giving rise to new problems again, like the case of brawl happened several times. Based on these problems it is necessary to evaluate the implementation of the program point Kamtibmas in Indramayu Police. The purpose of this research was to determine the implementation of the internal security point, the factors that affect the implementation of Warung Kamtibmas, and evaluation of the stalls kamtibmas in Indramayu in 2014. This research was conducted a qualitative approach, to make observations on the location of shops Kamtibmas, conducted interviews to Indramayu Police Bhabinkamtibmas personnel who perform the technical development of society in Warung Kamtibmas and to study the document to the data relating to program management Warung Kamtibmas in Indramayu. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the stalls kamtibmas conducted through partners / co-operation with the community, perform troubleshooting and perform problem resolution activities in the community which is carried in the shop or in the police kamtibmas. Several factors are influential in the implementation of point Kamtibmas, among others, this constraint is derived minimal number of personnel, lack of socialization Bhabinkamtibmas to the public about kamtibmas stalls and the lack of means of communication. While supporting factors in the management of the shop kamtibmas, that good relations between citizens and Bhabinkamtibmas, resulting in problem solving will be quickly implemented. The results of the evaluation of the implementation of this kamtibmas stall stall kamtibmas known that the implementation of effective, visible from the indicators of success of the program which has fulfilled the function of explanation, compliance, audit and accounting function. Keywords: shop, kamtibmas, bhabinkamtibmas, disorder, society
Evaluasi Pelayanan Rehabilitasi Sosial Lanjut Usia Terlantar pada Unit Rehabilitasi Sosial Pucang Gading Semarang Taufiq R Ghazali; Reni Windiani; Wiwik Widayati
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 3, NOMOR 1, TAHUN 2014
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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This research was conducted to explain the results of an evaluation of the services provided by the Centerfor Social Rehabilitation Pucang Gading Semarang. Hall is structurally under Social Service of Central JavaProvince. Through this Center, patients with neglected elderly earn a decent living and get adequate treatment.In order to explain the evaluation of services that have been implemented Social Rehabilitation CenterPucang Gading semarang we used mixed methods (the methods of qualitative and quantitative methods). Subjectsin this study were Social Service of Central Java province, officials and staff of the Social Rehabilitation CenterPucang Gading Semarang, families of neglected elderlys and the public. The method of data collection was throughinterviews, observation, research documents .The results showed that the Social Rehabilitation Center Pucang Gading Semarang to perform itsobligations to provide services to people with neglected elderly, through several stages of raids stages, stages oftreatment and care, stages of return to the family. In the raid was quite intensive stages in the implementation andadministration of the districts of Central Java Province. At the stage of care and service is very good, the hallprovides the tools and infrastructure needed to support the mental development of the people and also always givemedical measures deemed necessary and providing drugs to support the health of the patient. At the stage of thereturn to the family is less effective because the general public still can not accept the presence of people withneglected elderly.
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 5, No 02 (2016): Periode Wisuda April 2016
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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ABSTRACTION Warung Kamtibmas in response to the limited number of police personnel is considered to be solving the right problem, related to security and public order. But in reality the expectations of the formation Kamtibmas point different from the reality. Warung kamtibmas not working properly. Many cases Kamtibmas disorder that has been completed, but the results of the solution are not optimal and is not finished, giving rise to new problems again, like the case of brawl happened several times. Based on these problems it is necessary to evaluate the implementation of the program point Kamtibmas in Indramayu Police. The purpose of this research was to determine the implementation of the internal security point, the factors that affect the implementation of Warung Kamtibmas, and evaluation of the stalls kamtibmas in Indramayu in 2014. This research was conducted a qualitative approach, to make observations on the location of shops Kamtibmas, conducted interviews to Indramayu Police Bhabinkamtibmas personnel who perform the technical development of society in Warung Kamtibmas and to study the document to the data relating to program management Warung Kamtibmas in Indramayu. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the stalls kamtibmas conducted through partners / co-operation with the community, perform troubleshooting and perform problem resolution activities in the community which is carried in the shop or in the police kamtibmas. Several factors are influential in the implementation of point Kamtibmas, among others, this constraint is derived minimal number of personnel, lack of socialization Bhabinkamtibmas to the public about kamtibmas stalls and the lack of means of communication. While supporting factors in the management of the shop kamtibmas, that good relations between citizens and Bhabinkamtibmas, resulting in problem solving will be quickly implemented. The results of the evaluation of the implementation of this kamtibmas stall stall kamtibmas known that the implementation of effective, visible from the indicators of success of the program which has fulfilled the function of explanation, compliance, audit and accounting function. Keywords: shop, kamtibmas, bhabinkamtibmas, disorder, society
IMPLEMENTASI PERATURAN DAERAH NOMOR 11 TAHUN TENTANG PENATAAN PEDAGANG KAKI LIMA DI KOTA SEMARANG (Studi Kasus Pedagang Kaki Lima oleh Pemerintah Kota Semarang) Rima Meka Virsaliana; Tri Cahyo Utomo; Reni Windiani
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 3, NOMOR 4, TAHUN 2014
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjelaskan mengenai implementasi Perda Nomor 11 Tahun 2000 tentang Penataan Pedagang Kaki Lima yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Semarang dan Dinas Pasar Kota Semarang. Tujuan dari Program ini adalah terwujudnya pasar yang aman, nyaman, tertib, bersih dan sehat dengan mewujudkan kondisi pasar/ PKL yang tertib, mewujudkan manajemen pasar/PKL yang baik, mewujudkan pertumbuhan perpasaran/PKL yang efisien dan produktif..Guna menjelaskan pertanggungjawaban implementasi Perda Nomor 11 Tahun 2000 Penataan Pedagang Kaki Lima di Kota Semarang, maka peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriftif, untuk melakukan eksplorasi terhadap implementasi Perda Nomor 11 Tahun 2000 tentang Pedagang Kaki Lima di Kota Semarang. Subyek penelitian ini adalah Dinas Pasar Kota Semarang serta penjual/pemilik lapak/kios di Pleburan, Mugassari dan Wonodri. Adapun metode pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi, meneliti dokumen, dan kuisioner dengan menggunakan sistem random.Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa , implementasi Perda Nomor 11 Tahun 2000 tentang penataan Pedagang Kaki Limadi Kota Semarang bersama Dinas Pasar Kota telah menegaskan adanya kepentingan-kepentingan yang membawa pengaruh terhadap proses pembuatan hingga pelaksanaan kebijakan tersebut. Sumber daya yang kurang memadai, baik sumber daya manusia maupun finansial mempengaruhi kinerja aparat pemerintah menjadi kurang maksimal sehingga tujuan kebijakan belum tercapai sepenuhnya. Adapun kesadaran PKL untuk mematuhi peraturan tersebut juga masih rendah. Perlu adanya penyadaran dan upaya sosialisasi program-program dan kebijakan turunan dari aparat pemerintah kepada para PKL sehingga dapat terjalin komunikasi dua arah yang diharapkan dapat menunjang keberhasilan kebijakan.Kata kunci: implementasi, kebijakan publik, pedagang kaki lima (PKL)
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 2, NOMOR 4,TAHUN 2013
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Poverty is a complex issue, requiring an integrated sustainable and management. Therefore, thegovernment of Semarang city innovated to handling poverty through programs called Gerakan TerpaduBidang Kesehatan, Ekonomi, Pendidikan, Infrastruktur, dan Lingkungan and also called GerduKempling. Poverty is a complex issue, requiring an integrated sustainable and management. Therefore,the government of Semarang city innovated to handling poverty through programs called GerakanTerpadu Bidang Kesehatan, Ekonomi, Pendidikan, Infrastruktur, dan Lingkungan and also called GerduKempling who invited many stakeholder. Every stakeholder who involved has their job each other. In thisresearch is discussing about implementation Gerdu Kempling program in sector economy on 2011 whichis focusing in Tanjung Mas village chief, Mangkang Kulon village chief and Teroboyo Kulon villagechief. The result show that realization Gerdu Kempling program in sector economy is different in eachregion and already going to good governance concept. Apart from that also found the hardest part orhindrance factor in process implementation program.
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 3, NOMOR 2, TAHUN 2014
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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ABSTRACTThis study was conducted to describe the evaluation of the effectiveness of the public service division of the District after the District of South Kaliwungu Kaliwungu. The purpose ofthis program is to increase the expansion of public services to the community as well as the close relationship between the people and the Government.In order to explain the evaluation of the effectiveness of the public service division of the District Subdistrict Kaliwungu after South Kaliwungu , then used a qualitative research method .Subjects in this study is the government represented by the Regional Secretariat of Governance Section , Southern District Government and society Kaliwungu Kaliwungu south. The datacollection method is through interview , observation , research and documents .Evaluation of the effectiveness of the District Kaliwungu expansion can be seen from several factors , namely the incumbent initiative kendal hendy boedoro to split the sub Kaliwungu which later became the Government's program to unzip the District Kendal Kaliwungu the District Kaliwungu and South Kaliwungu . District of expansion and aims to improve public services closer to the community . But the reality is happening in the field of infrastructure readiness office building becomes a major obstacle in the obstacle in providing public services to the community Kaliwungu south in particular.